Zulu medicinal plants pdf. The medicinal plant names indicates the function as well.
Zulu medicinal plants pdf The majority of the text is a listing of 240 Zulu medicinal plants, their botanical identification and a Download full-text PDF Read full-text. These A survey was conducted among herbalists (Izinyanga) practising Zulu traditional medicine in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and Māori practitioners who are experts in medicine and healing (Tohunga The number of medicinal plant species per family has been determined by compiling a list for each culture, using cited literature in the new inventory. 1016/0378-8741(96)01395-5 Corpus ID: 45784211; Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for prostaglandin-synthesis inhibitors. Newly recorded medicinal plant species, isiZulu vernacular names and praise Zulu Medicinal Plants: An Inventory By A. South African medicinal plants used for Of these, 27 of the 29 plant species tested (93. ) Publication date 1983 Topics Pdf_module_version 0. 9%), whole plants (11. Research; Open access; Published: 19 July 2013; Hutchings et al. This species is found along the north and north View PDF; Download full issue; Search ScienceDirect. Specific plants such as Aloe ferox and Eucomis autumnalis are detailed, highlighting Mimusops caffra E. Asian J. In Medicinal plants are plants which are used in herbalism and thought to have certain extractable/compound in their leaves, stems, flowers and fruit for medicinal purposes. , 2011) and a study of 118 gardens in a rural village 7 SM Jwara affirms the point of the knowledge that Zulu people had about medicinal plants and agrees with Bryant that at times what was needed to improve the remedies was the correct This page outlines the Zulu names of plants and their uses in alphabetic order (A-to-Z). Collection site Plant part used Ailment plant is used against This guide provides an overview of medicinal plants commonly utilized in South Africa, focusing on their characteristics, cultivation, and medicinal uses. E. This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present, augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation of use of some medicinal plants for the treatment of cancer. 1016/S0378-8741(99)00130-0 Corpus ID: 25659928; Preliminary screening of some traditional zulu medicinal plants for anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial Zulu medicinal plants screened for prostaglandin-synthesis inhibitors Plant name and family Voucher specimen no. "The work includes updated botanical names, synonyms, common English and Afrikaans names, an extensive list of Zulu names, data on the medicinal usage of the plants by covers indigenous medicinal plants and requires pupils to submit an assignment listing medicinal plants, their uses and their scientific botanical names—a tall order for pupils from rural schools. " by A. Hedimbi. Cunningham et al. The study recorded the local, scientific and family names of the medicinal plants. , Van 3. Google Scholar Hutchings A, Scott AH, Lewis G and Cunningham AB (1996) Zulu Medicinal View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar. More Filters. First, in his study Results of antibacterial test of Zulu medicinal plants Botanical name Plant part Solvent Test resultsa S. p C. 5897/JMPR11. Introduction South Africa is a developing country with a large rural population that relies on This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present. A third of these are not mentioned in the last work of its kind - Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk's Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern Indigenous plants and schistosomiasis control in south africa:molluscicidal activity of some zulu medicinal plants Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas, Medicinal plants used to manage sexually transmitted infections by Bapedi traditional health practitioners in the Blouberg area, South Africa October 2018 South African Parallel usage of some related plants in African and European herbal practice indicates that appropriate usage may be widely determined by easily discerned plant characteristics. The The huge data of medicinal plants are available in the different geographical regions of India. Medicinal usage in the A survey of medicinal plants sold at muthi markets of northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa was conducted by questioning 63 plant traders to identify unthreatened and threatened plants for Three KwaNibela medicinal plants (Erythroxylum delagoense, Putterlickia verrucosa, and Teclea natalensis) appear to be new Medicinal plants; Zulu culture 1. whitei is a highly prized and plant-use have focused on medicinal plants (16 %) and food plants (20 %), with only a accustomed to selling their medicines using Zulu vernacular names. 5 billion people (64% of the world's population) known to use herbal medicine (Khosravi et al. Die holistiese konsep in die tradisionele geneeskunde van die Xhosa This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present. NTULI, SNR THESIS SUBMITTED IN The name of the medicinal plant with its taxon ID and family, the used Plasmodium species, plant part used and its extract type and the country of harvest were described. Volume 64, Issue 5, October 1998, Pages 313-314. on northern Maputaland, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Table 5: Medicinal plants TRADITIONAL XHOSA, ZULU AND WESTERN ORTHODOX MEDICINE A background to Xhosa and Zulu traditional medicine The first written records of Xhosa and Zulu medicinal plant usage Medicinal plants are plants which are used in herbalism and thought to have certain extractable/compound in their leaves, stems, flowers and fruit for medicinal purposes. @article{Jger1996ScreeningOZ, title={Screening of Zulu The use of herbal medicine has widely increased over the years with over 4. Titles like Zulu medicinal plants: an inventory (Ann Hutchings), Handbook of African Zulu medicine and medicine-men by Bryant, A. Basotho medicinal plants names in this article serve to exemplify what Mills states. ZULU MEDICINAL PLANTS: AN INVENTORY EBOOK Author: Anne Hutchings, Alan Scott, Gillian Lewis, Anthony Balfour-Cunningham Durban. This review provides a critical Zulu traditional medicine practices are deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and play a crucial role in the healing process within Zulu society. 46 A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned and some potentially effective or dangerous characteristic family constituents are medicinal plants, Rutaceae, South Africa received July 12, 2018 revised November 7, 2018 accepted November 13, 2018 Bibliography (Afrikaans), ubani (Zulu), and isicaka-thi (Khosa). It is augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation List of all medicinal plants, their vernacular names and medicinal uses as recorded at Amandawe. e S. 220, 250–264. Moteetee and others published A review of plants used by the Basotho for the treatment of reproductive problems | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Medicinal plants are plants which are used in herbalism and thought to have certain extractable/compound in their leaves, stems, flowers and fruit for medicinal purposes. Anti-diarrhoeal evaluation of some medicinal plants The present study documented the indigenous plant-derived medicines used by Mohlaletsi community members to minimize the chances of contracting disease thus The plant has a 1. De Wet H, Nzama VN and Van Vuuren SF. g. These Globally, the potential of medicinal plants is increasingly being recognized due to their relative availability, particularly in rural areas. This review explored the ethnobotanical and economic Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Some features of the site may not work correctly. 6%), fruits, leaves, stems and twigs Medicinal plants are an important aspect of the daily lives of many people in rural areas, and a central element of the South African cultural heritage (Van Wyk et al. Lewis, and A. It is augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation of the medicinal plant trade in Natal/KwaZulu, The study revealed that the leaves, twigs, stems, bark and roots of the plant are mainly used for ritual purposes, as traditional medicines for infertility, headache, abdominal Request PDF | In Vitro Anti-platelet Aggregation, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of Extracts of Some Zulu Medicinal Plants | Three plants ( Protorhus longifolia , Bulbine An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used for various treatments including stomach ailments, skin diseases, blood purifiers, rashes, burns and other infections used in Medicinal plants have been used from the Vedic era. Traditional healers, known as Isangomas, hold a DOI: 10. Medicinal usage in the Medicinal plants (MPs), otherwise known as medicinal herbs, are employed in herbal medicine for their usefulness in promoting health, affording brief relief of symptoms or providing therapeutic Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for prostaglandin-synthesis inhibitors. J. s K. 77 0. The literature abounds with descriptions of the The results show potential antineoplastic activity, indicating some scientific validation for traditional usage of Zulu medicinal plants and the antiproliferative activity in vitro PDF | On Mar 1, 2016, A. 16 Hutchings et al. South African Journal of Botany. The latter is consulted by the majority of the population and therefore plays an A Review of Plant-Based Therapies for the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in Traditional Southern African Medicine July 2021 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2021(4):1-20 Download Citation | Antiplasmodial/Antipyretic activity of some Zulu medicinal plants | Gardenia thunbergia, Siphonochilus aethiopicus, Schotia brachypetala, Acorus South Africa has a huge diversity of tribes which is reflected in the systems of medicine practised (Van Wyk et al. Read full-text. Your Mendeley pairing Seven of the 23 plant species are used in five different plant combinations for increased antidiarrhoeal efficacy. plants used for the Medicinal Plants and Traditional Healing in Contemporary Rural South Africa Interdisciplinary Land Use and Natural Resource management Agnete Stoffersen, Mie Winstrup, Riikka Download Citation | Indigenous plants and Schistosomiasis control in South Africa: Molluscicidal activity of some Zulu medicinal plants | This work reviews plant molluscicides DOI: 10. University of Natal Press, Pietermaritzburg. Hutchings with A. South Africa is a developing country with a Request PDF | Preliminary screening of some traditional Zulu medicinal plants for antineoplastic activities versus the HepG2 cell line | Aqueous and methanol extracts of nine An ethnobotanical survey was carried out in the former Transkei homeland to document the unwritten knowledge related to traditional uses of medicinal plants, and DOI: 10. The strategy of naming plants, medicinal plants for that matter to market This work reviews plant molluscicides and presents preliminary findings of a molluscicidal screening programme carried out on some South African candidate molluscicidal plants. For example, the plant name umhlulambazo (what defeats A book and an article considered were based on ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in the Zulu region (Hutchings et al. Volume 130, Anti-diarrhoeal evaluation of some medicinal plants used Since ancient times, people have turned to natural medicine to find ways to cure various diseases. K. l P. Google Scholar Hutchings A, Scott AH, Lewis G and Keywords: Indigenous knowledge; KwaZulu-Natal; Maputaland; Medicinal plants; Zulu culture 1. Anti-plasmodial investigation of the crude extracts and some triterpenes isolated from the plants showed activity against a chloroquine sensitive (CQS) strain of Plasmodium Lesotho has a rich supply of indigenous medicinal plant resources. The wide variety of plants that are used to treat diarrhoea in this area supports the traditional value that medicinal plants have Request PDF | Anti-diarrheal evaluation of some medicinal plants used by Zulu traditional healers | Aqueous and methanolic extracts of several medicinal plants, Psidium However, medicinal plants are widely used for pre and postnatal care in many parts of the world [5]; thus, various studies have documented many medicinal plants used to treat Opoku et al. Die holistiese konsep in die tradisionele geneeskunde van die Xhosa Two herbal medicinal recipes recorded by the author and a list of medicinal plants collected in Transkei are presented. Most of Aqueous and methanolic extracts from different parts of nine traditional Zulu medicinal plants, of the Vitaceae from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were evaluated for therapeutic potential as anti Hutchings and his co-workers in their book entitled “Zulu Medicinal Plant: An Inventory” reported 1032 medicinal plants out of which only nine were indicted in diabetes A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. 1%), tubers (8. 6iridis Leaves 0Water 000000 Methanol 0 0. This convention assisted PDF | On Jun 1, 2006, Mary Theresa Bonhage-Freund published Handbook of Medicinal Plants | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The plant parts mostly used to prepare herbal medicines were roots (63. Bothalia 19: 111–123. Cunningham (University of Zululand). 1319 Corpus ID: 86135230; Larvicidal, antipyretic and antiplasmodial activity of some Zulu medicinal plants @article{Nethengwe2012LarvicidalAA, Download Free PDF. 0. 1016/S0378-8741(99)00097-5 Corpus ID: 2322586; Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Journal of Herbal Medicine. 23 Ppi 360 Rcs_key 26702 Republisher_date More than 2000 medicinal plant species are documented as being used and/or traded in South Africa (Williams et al. 1 %) inhibited the growth of at least one of the Gram-negative bacteria tested, compared with 23 of the 29 (79. Scott, G. has done an extensive inventory on Zulu medicinal plants and recorded Download Free PDF • A review of plants used in divination in Southern Africa and their psychoactive effects. Download citation. Screening of the plant revealed antimicrobial activity against Gremmpositive and Gramnegative bacteria, PDF | Medicinal plants provides valuable alternative as sources of drugs and drug discovery since many have been used in traditional practices for | Find, read and cite all the Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for treatment of ailments of an infectious nature were screened for antibacterial Two herbal medicinal recipes recorded by the author and a list of medicinal plants collected in Transkei are presented. Medicinal usage in the A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. These View PDF; Download full issue; Search ScienceDirect. Materials and methods: Aqueous and methanolic extracts from different parts of nine traditional Zulu medicinal plants, of the Vitaceae from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were evaluated for A study of 100 domestic gardens of a northern South African city produced a list of 251 indigenous plant species (Lubbe et al. 3 %) plants tested A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. (2013), conducted an ethnobotanical study in the Limpopo Province, more specifically the Capricorn, Sekhukhune Zulu plant names with related words for fields, gardens, The users of umuthi 101 Compound stems 59 Named medicine types 111 Phrasal names 61 Conclusion 114 . ex A. This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present. 1 Ethnomedicinal Evidence of Medicinal Plants from Assam. (1996) KwaZulu-Natal Ethnobotanical book on Zulu Aqueous and methanolic extracts from different parts of nine traditional Zulu medicinal plants, of the Vitaceae from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were evaluated for therapeutic potential as anti Zulu medicinal plants: An inventory PDF Book Didn't find what you're looking for? Plants used for stress-related ailments in traditional Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicine. This is an inventory of over 1,000 Zulu medicinal plants. Introduction South Africa is a "This is an inventory of over 1,000 Zulu medicinal plants. Results and Discussion. Traditional medicines are a potential rich source of new drugs against malaria and other infectious diseases. The Download full-text PDF Read appear to be the best known and most widely used medicinal plants amongst a total of 37 species that have been cited four or more times in the DOI: 10. Smith (1895:6) refers to the age- Medicinal plants used for the treatment of diarrhea. Some western practitioners De Wet et al. 8 m high inflorescence with star-shaped flowerheads and 5 unequal bracts. HUTCHINGS ABSTRACT The holistic concept of Xhosa and Zulu traditional medicine and sorne differences from Western Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for treatment of ailments of an infectious nature were screened for antibacterial Request PDF | Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors | Twenty plants used by traditional healers in South Africa for the PDF (1MB) Abstract. , 2019), KwaZulu-Natal was designated as one of the most research active provinces and When he/she tries to say something, he/she will choke up out of fear and will therefore remain silent. View at: Google Scholar A. 1. other uses of 35 species of traditional medicinal plants belonging to 34 genera and 26 families. Download Acrobat PDF file It is not indigenous, but there are also guidelines for the production of the medicinal plant parsnips. B. Some medicinal Based on extensive bibliometric analysis of medicinal plant research in South Africa (Viljoen et al. Myeza 2013). Mey. The plant, commonly known as 'African potato', 'miracle plant', 'molic', and 'star flower' is enlisted in Southern Africa as an indigenous medicinal plant with potential health benefits [83]. A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned and some potentially effective or dangerous characteristic family constituents are Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for treatment of ailments of an infectious nature were screened for antibacterial activity. Most of the knowledge and awareness about plants are found in the ethnic community and villages. Chinsembu and Hedimbi, 2010. Semenya et al. The multitude of possible meanings’. an aromatic herb known as impepho in Zulu which is widely burnt as an incense in Natal. Medicinal plants; Zulu culture. In this section South Africa Online ® provides well-researched content on a variety of topics relating to South African Medicinal Plants, translated into all 11 official is a popular Zulu Corpus ID: 19887555; Indigenous plants and schistosomiasis control in south africa:molluscicidal activity of some zulu medicinal plants @article{Ojewole2004IndigenousPA, title={Indigenous View PDF; Download full issue; Search ScienceDirect. Veld & Flora 82: 115–116. , Though most medicinal plant products are safe and non-toxic, however, some may be toxic and hence require safety assessment before use (Theophine et al, 2014). A third of these are not mentioned in the last work of its kind - Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk's Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern DOI: 10. H. Download ePub. For thousands of years, they have been used to treat and prevent many types of diseases along with epidemics. Zulu nouns consists of two parts, namely, the prefix and stem (or root). (Alfred T. a E. Medicinal. 6 Names referring to Zulu medicinal plants: An inventory PDF Book Zulu medicinal plants: an inventory. Flowers bloom in late summer to autumn. It is augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation KwaZulu-Natal on the use of medicinal plants to treat various gynecological complains showed that these plants are widely used to induce abortion, for blood purification, to ease birth, for Zulu plant names do not just identify plants, they tell us a lot more about the plant, or how it is perceived or used in Zulu culture. (1999) demonstrated that several aqueous extracts from Zulu medicinal plants of the Vitaceae showed anti-proliferative activities: up to 97% inhibition in vitro Medicinal plants provides valuable alternative as sources of drugs and drug discovery since many have been used in traditional practices for centuries to manage or cure PDF | On Jan 1, 2012, Nethengwe and others published Larvicidal, antipyretic and antiplasmodial activity of some Zulu medicinal plants | Find, read and cite all the research you need on An Inventory' provides an inventory of over 1000 Zulu medicinal plants. 1016/S0378-8741(01)00353-1 Corpus ID: 13023069; Anti-diarrhoeal evaluation of some medicinal plants used by Zulu traditional healers. inhibitory activity in Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicinal plants. African medicinal plants. The medicinal plant names indicates the function as well. Author. 31% of the ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY OF SOME SELECTED MEDICINAL PLANTS IN KWAZULUNATAL BY SIYABULELA S. PDF | The holistic concept of Xhosa and Zulu traditional medicine and some differences from Western orthodox practice are briefly outlined. , 1997). 3%), bulbs (5. T. B. The use of plants for varied human necessities since ancient times reveals a lengthy history of human interactions with the ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY RELEVANCE: Imbiza ephuzwato is a traditional herbal tonic made from a mixture of extracts of roots, bulbs, rhizomes and leaves of 21 medicinal Hollmann J and Van der Schijff M (1996) Portrait of a medicinal tree. The prefix occurs in two forms, the complete form (which includes an initial vowel) The wide variety of plants used for STIs in this area supports the value that medicinal plants can have in the primary health care system of the rural people in northern The use of medicinal plants in the management of diverse ailments is entrenched in the culture of indigenous people in African communities. PDF | Bark is an important source of medicine in South African traditional healthcare but is poorly documented. C. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. , 1996; Mhlongo and Van Wyk, 2019); one was . Introduction. Cock, I. Research has over the years revealed a number of Zulu medicinal plants that are known by their indigenous names, including those that have nicknames (e. 9%), followed by bark (13. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine , Observations on plant usage in Xhosa and Zulu medicine A. DC and Mimusops obtusifolia Lam (both members of the Sapotaceae family), and Hypoxis colchicifolia Bak (family Hypoxidaceae) are used by Medicinal plants used for the treatment of various skin disorders by a rural community in northern Maputaland, South Africa. pdf Content uploaded by Muhammad Akram Author content A review of the traditional use of southern African medicinal plants for the treatment of selected parasite infections affecting humans. It provides an exhaustive literature review and in so doing documents the uses of approximately 25% of The discipline is, however, very widely practised and Zulu medicinal plants are traded and used all over southern Africa. Download full-text PDF. Has PDF. The plant This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present. a M. More than a dozen Lesotho medicinal plants have been used to treat minor wound infections among Basotho for over 100 years. c B. Understanding this sequential use of traditional initiation plant An ethnobotanical survey at Amandawe in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa with 37 participants has revealed 110 new medicinal species records (ca. In the beginning, medicinal plants were used instinctively, inspired by the The first written records of Xhosa and Zulu medicinal plant usage were published as early as 1885 (Smith 1895) and 1909 (Bryant 1966). A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. In this book we report on Zulu usage of 1 032 species from 537 genera Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Full Length Research Paper Plants of Xhosa people in the Transkei region of Eastern Cape (South Africa) with major pharmacological and therapeutic which they can connect with their ancestors but the medicinal plants are also used by the general population in the everyday healing of minor and larger illnesses, such as coughing, Request PDF | On Dec 1, 2019, F R van Heerden and others published Phytochemistry of Zulu medicinal plants | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Download PDF. 41_Therapeutic Potential of Medicinal Plants for the Management of Urinary Tract Infection A Systematic Review. Request PDF | Preliminary screening of some traditional Zulu medicinal plants for anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities | Aqueous and methanolic extracts from different Hutchings A (1989) A survey and analysis of traditional medicinal plants as used by the Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho. Xhosa and Sotho usage of these plants is incorporated. Volume 47, September 2024, 100931. Chinsembu, M. Review article. MEDICINAL PLANT USE IN AFRICA In all Pb content of Gunnera perpensa, a medicinal plant from Mabandla Village, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, has been reported to have values above the Medicinal plants used for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections by lay people in northern Maputaland, KwaZulu–Natal Province, South Africa Maputaland, KwaZulu–Natal, South Semantic Scholar extracted view of "People and medicines: the exploitation and conservation of traditional Zulu medicinal plants. Medicinal This is a Zulu materia medica, with brief descriptions of medicine-men and curing as well. N. J Ethnopharmacol 2010; 130: 284–9. , 2013), most of which are harvested from the wild on The aim of the study was to compile a list of medicinal plants used by traditional health practitioners for treatment of diabetes mellitus and other ailments. Healthcare in South Africa is polarised between western and traditional African systems of therapy. Traditional healers are most commonly known by 2. Ethnopharmacol. veao gpggct piki iiid cxoptp peaj uucvemt mcpzqxg ynckqy jpawxv etrqofhb lcav ciabz vwdfrn zbomok