Unraid spin down delay. This is in settings>disk settings for all drives.

Unraid spin down delay. Probably 90% of the time the system works as I expect.

  • Unraid spin down delay 0 = disable delay). i went ahead to enable the default spin down delay to 15minutes (array is very rarely used with only one client currently connected, so i suspect almost all drives to powerdown Sep 8, 2016 · Would I have any issues with setting a spin down delay for my cache drives? (I imagine that my 2 samsung 850 evo's would spin up near immediately when I want to start a vm or transfer files to unraid or whatever?) tdallen. But it still will not spin down itself. This morning, I tried a manual spin down, thinking that when the disks all spin down, the system was resetting for some reason - yes it did. Dec 29, 2013 · There is a (known) bug in unRAID where newly added drives won't spin down automatically. The (attached) screen shot shows one of my ZFS Pools that has both NVMe and SATA SSDs - the SATA SSDs "spin down" (enter low power mode) but none of the NVMe disks will spin down. To restore the original spindown delay value, omit the second parameter. I go in, change it to 15 minutes, hit save. 7 to 5. 3 and experience some strange disk spin down issue that i never observed before. All drives spun down as expected. Transitions are what you are trying to avoid, so try to keep from having too many events, spin up or spin down. My Setup: • Unraid 5. Despite this, it doesn't spin down either. the Spin Down Delay was set to "NEVER". Das Starten/Stoppen des ganzen Systems ist meiner Erfahrung nach eine erheblich größere Belastung als ein durchlaufender Server mit vielen Spin-Ups/-Downs. Aug 11, 2017 · My unRAID server is set to spin disks down, but I have a couple SSD drives looking to put in a third that are also spinning down. Feb 19, 2016 · Wiping out because of stupidity. I got 6. The message "S This plugin adds SAS drive spin down support to Unraid. and killed all the processes involving plex, but it still was spinning up the disk. ALL drives are set to never spin down. using hdparm -C /dev/sd? I get that all drives are in standby mode, when they are actually spun up and running (Mover is currently running and 2 out of 3 disks are active. Sep 30, 2020 · Unraid does a nice job of controlling HDD's energy consumption (and probably longevity) by spinning down (mechanical) hard drives when idle for a set period of time. Quote; onkelnatas. 3 series) seems to indicate (sec 6. When everything spins down after 1 hour, the cache drive doesn't. If I manually spin them down, they are up again in less then 5 minutes. With unraid you can differentiate the spin down per disk. Cookies; Powered by Invision Aug 30, 2019 · The drive was spun down! I tried to spin it up in the test menu, but it seemed to not want to spin up. Oct 14, 2012 · hello, i have set the Default spin down delay to 15 minutes, no spinup groups. Enable Spinup Groups is set to 'No' In system logs (from GUI) -- nothing Nov 22, 2011 · I searched and didn't see anything. 3, even with the timer. 2. Any help would be appreciated with this. Probably 90% of the time the system works as I expect. It might be a good idea to compile success Jan 24, 2019 · The difference in response time between spun up or not should only be a matter of 5 seconds or so, and then only when media is requested from a spun down drive. Counters in /PROC are not static in so far as they fluctuate even when nothing is happening but this fluctuation is a fractions of a percent. Is this a limitation of the DAS or have I misconfigured something? Unraid does not support spin down for SAS devices, try installing the SAS spin down plugin. By nsta January 17, 2009 in General Support (V5 and Older) Start new topic Oct 17, 2023 · i have 20+ disk in my server, want to balance the power bill and performance. sh below: Jan 17, 2009 · Sounds good. Nov 25, 2013 · There should be an automatic override which would fall back to the current spin down delay if the drives are in use during the spin down window. Thank you. I used to see most of them spun down when I checked but now they spinning all the time Aug 19, 2024 · I have left mine running all the time now because after an SSD cache drive failure they will always spin back up as soon as they spin down for some reason. In the Winter I set my default spin down delay to one hour and in the Summer I set it to 15 minutes. I have lost this function with the new ver. May 17, 2023 · All of my disks are SATA, I even hear (and wait) for them to spin up, but I have never seen a * for the temperature. Six of them (Parity plus five data) are in the Array, Three have Hot Spares which are installed, pre-cleared but not in the array, and three are empty. so i want to set up a schedulh like from 8 am to 9pm, the default spin down delay is one hours, after 9 pm to next day 8 am default spin down delay is 15min. x to 6. zip Jan 1, 2023 · Hallo Community Mein UnRAID System steht im Wohnzimmer und hat zwei HDDs (Array/Disk 1) und zwei SSDs (Cache). Feb 12, 2025 · Recently upgraded to version 7. Works fine until a reboot and gets reset back to never. However, under unassigned devices (extra disks attached- that is not attached to the array), I have to manually spin the disks down. One thing thats worth pondering is the ability for the daemon to detect that the cache is shrinking and drop the ls timings. This worked perfectly in 6. After three days of inactivity it is still spinning. View More. If the temperature difference between spun up and spun down is small, spin them down as soon as you can, assuming they won't get spun back up minutes later. Feb 14, 2014 · Is there any setting to have unRAID spin down all drives at the same time, but only if the most recently used drive has not been active for X amount of time? [SOLVED] Drive spin down question [SOLVED] Drive spin down question. Im using 1 ssd cache + 4 exos drives + 1 usb for backup. I see you have the global default spin down delay set to 30 minutes and your individual disks set to this default. Anybody knows why? Jun 18, 2018 · Changing the settings > disk settings > default spin delay value from value x to 15. If you Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. I have noticed a lot threads worrying about disks in the array spinning down. For versions up until v6. In fact since we now have per disk spin down settings I would go as far to say that it is an essential feature. if I spin down disks from web interface, there is brief moment when Disk3/sdd is in standby, but in second it switch to active/idle (checked by hdparm -C /dev/sdd). The SATA SSD should "spin down" if you click on the green ball, if Jan 28, 2017 · However, it sounds unraid rely on the command it sends to the disks to determine their status (no 'real-time' status) Edited September 8, 2020 by mika91. Feb 10, 2012 · Anyone know if i need to setup anything special in 5b12a to allow the cache drive to spin down? I just got a new unraid server and am having two issues. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Changing individual HDD to spin down from default value - again - HDD spin down then spin up some time later and don't spin down. jumperalex. Status on all drives still shows as "Active" after spin down, I'm guessing that's because of weird power management in usb drives? But there's another issue. (some events pasted below), then spin back down. 3之前的Unraid版本,它安 Nov 27, 2020 · SETTINGS->Disk Settings->Default spin down delay: 二:硬盘单独设置(此设置会覆盖全局设置) DASHBOARD->点击相应的Disk->Spin down delay 然后在这里修改休眠超时时间 Jul 1, 2017 · It may be 18 hours between any of the Data Drives spinning up. This way the delay when selecting the movie to play and initiating the read from unRaid is significantly shortened (almost 0 ms) and makes for an improved experience. 1, I noticed that unRAID is trying to spin it down every hour. It's got the same default spin down delay as the rest. I am trying to find a way to monitor how many times my disk spin up/down in a day, when they spin up/down, and which disk did spin up/down. Some older google results led me to setting the disk spin down delay to be longer than the poll time (1 hour delay and 3700 second poll time), but that hasn't helped. 1 Quote; Sivivatu. any suggestion for doing this? thanks for helping. 1. Squid. drives (or drive/controller combos) that misbehave, or otherwise known to either ignore the spin down command or create some sort of breakage upon receiving them. unassigned devices don't seem to have the option to over-ride the global spin-down delay. If it does go away then seek advice on how best to prevent it without completely disabling disk spin down. Quote; doron. 3 I found one of the disk and parity disk never spin down. Jan 22, 2025 · This was not an issue prior to upgrade to version 7; so with v6 I did not have this issue. 4 Feb 22, 2022 · I have a 30 8TB drive array, mostly storage, that's set to spin down after 4 hours. Posted February 19, 2016. e. Jan 21, 2024 · My unraid server serves as a small NAS / home server, running home assistant and jdownloader and sometimes a debian: Settings - Disk settings - Default spin down delay Quote; neuronflow. Apr 14, 2022 · Manually pressing spin down array button works fine and I did manage to get spindown delay to work by setting up "hdparm -S 244 -B 127 /dev/sdx" in go file. Nov 2, 2021 · Spindown Delay für alle Array Platten steht seit dem auf 15 Minuten. Regardless of being a member of a spin up group, a drive could still spin down due to no activity, and if it has to spin back up to serve another stream you might have buffering on the original stream. Mar 4, 2025 · Please add 2, 5 and 10 minutes to the spin down delay for disks. On their own, they will never spin down, but I can click the disk on the main page to spin them down. Community Developer Spin Down SAS Drives was installed via Community Apps on UnRAID 6. 5 years Drive in warranty: Yes Drive just dropped offline without signs and unable to redrive smart report then. 1) that an explicit NOTIFY needs to be sent to the device to recover from the spindown mode we're sending the device into (Standby_Z). Posted January 23, 2024. Oct 12, 2012 · With ver 4. Administrators; 29k 311 Posted May 9, 2022. I am able to manually do it, but wasn't sure if there was a way to get it to spin down after inactivity the way the array drives do. I was using a couple disks until 11:30PM, thus the 3:30am spin down (4 hour lag). System reset itself. before (only the parity disk spins down, disk slots 5, 7 and 9 is empty): after (all disks spin down, no empty slots): Oct 12, 2022 · Read Errors on all array drives after setting spin down delay Read Errors on all array drives after setting spin down delay. 3, the plugin installs two components: One which is triggered via an rsyslog hook whenever Unraid decides to spin down a drive, and does "the right thing" for SAS. View More (Spin down delay). I would like them to sleep after 5 minutes. Apr 8, 2012 · The log from last night/this am, the disks were spinning down when out of use. Other disks stays in standby. Drives do not spin down on the 15min timeout set. Nach etwas Recherch Oct 27, 2012 · However the one that I have already pre-cleared doesn't seem to be spinning down automatically, despite having a 'Default spin down delay' set under 'Settings -> Disk Settings'. If you use 1 hour spin down delay try changing the Tunable (poll_attributes) setting to something above the hour (or above the spin down delay you have set). in dockers and at first glance all looks good. WD/HGST) that automatically spin up when sent to this state Dec 26, 2020 · I think I read someone somewhere saying that the SMART test was keeping the drives awake by resetting the spin down timer. 1 all of my HDD spin up for a SMART read every 15 min. 6 Checked manually paths etc. I spin it down and then a few mins later its back up I cant see mover or anything else running either. Theme . I'm learning a lot but have a long way to go. Jan 30, 2024 · Even if I try to spin it down manually, it goes up after some seconds. When I click on the individual drive Jan 17, 2009 · Its not unreasoble to request that unRAID logs spin spin down since it is the daemon doing so. What else should I change to get this disk to spin down? Jun 1, 2023 · Everytime after a spin down, they stay in spin down for 1 hour. Feb 24, 2017 · The disks are set for 30-minute spin-down and I do not use spin-up groups. 5 upgrade. I have not changed any system settings before, only when I tried to solve the problem (uninstalled plugins etc. Thanks! I always struggle when searching for topics on this drive, because some refer to it by its longer name. Maybe I need to add a short write sequence to my "wake up" script? Sep 27, 2014 · In my case, I have a movie share spanning 13 disks and the fanart, posters, . ,. Sep 30, 2020 · Oddly, I have never compiled a list of drives that do perform nicely with the spin down/up SCSI/SAS commands. The plugin is installed in two very differnt ways, depending on the Unraid OS version. 0及更高版本,它通过SAS支持增强了内置的sdspin脚本。 对于6. I have not touched this setting at all! does never mean, never spin disk down or 0 mins delay to spin down. . I'm going to throw down some keywords here to make it easier to stumble upon this thread: western digital red, wd red, spin down Jan 18, 2024 · Please can we have an option of 5 and 10 minutes in the drop down menu for disk spin down times? I have a bunch of very noisy spinners that only sleep at the minimum selectable time value (15 minutes). All disks belong to the same share and have the same settings: Spin down delay: use default Tools -> Disk Settings: Default spin down delay: 30 minutes. I have a general 30 minute spin-down delay in the Unraid settings as I have had for years. I left the SMB drive mappings to unRaid in place. I currently have a 11 disk array with a combination of SATA and SAS drives. I used file File activity plugin, but it's not showing much information. May 9, 2023 · Spin up / down is less of an issue than temperature shock. cache_dir version 1. Once I start watching a movie, the other 12 disks would spin down after the default delay. 5 Pro • Motherboard: BIOSTAR May 9, 2022 · How does spin down delay factor in then? Quote; Squid. This has worked quite well, the number of spin ups seems to have reduced, but I am noticing that 1 drive tends to stay spun up for no Jul 4, 2024 · Both of my disks have a spin down delay of 15 minutes set, but with all dockers off the disks will continue to spin throughout the night. exist2resist. 0 装机小记)与 Unraid 系统: 拒绝噪音: 机械硬盘无访问超时自动休眠(spin down delay)-> 解决炒豆子噪音问题 定期或根据自定义策略,深夜自动将 ssd 缓存池数据,写入 hdd 冷备(美妙的是 Jul 29, 2014 · I am having trouble getting any of my disks to spin down. Can this be accomplished easily? Archived. System default begins as 1 hour, a decent figure for most usage. 0rc back in January. I think this can make power saving easier for all array Jan 17, 2009 · Once you have upgraded to the latest versions of unRAID, you can set individual spin down controls on each drive. Quote; Join the conversation. Ebenfalls habe ich 15 Minuten bei den beiden SSDs eingestellt. thanks a lot onkel tower-diagnostics-20240320-0834. Aug 29, 2022 · I upgraded from 6. I then accessed one of the drives, and drilled down to a directory and now one of the drives has spun up. But should i change it to somethin else ? In what case it is useful do change the parameter ? Also i got the Aug 9, 2024 · I'm facing a problem where the Nextcloud container is preventing my HDD from spinning down. This is in settings>disk settings for all drives. 12. I have configured the drives to spin down but they never do. But if I start the array, connect via my mac to one of the shares, disconnect from the share, then wait a couple of minutes, the drives wont spin down. that spins them up again no matter how you have them set to spin down so having them spun up all the time is much better IMHO and this is just my opinion. Moderators; 21. lowenas-diagnostics-20220613-1638. This provides a very interesting view of Unraid vs something like Synology/FreeNas where all drives will be read Jul 19, 2021 · 其实,Unraid 提供了系统镜像的离线下载,在官网下载页面可以下载到不同版本的系统镜像,只需在工具上选择 Local Zip,然后选择下载好的镜像文件再进行写入即可。 插入准备好的U盘,将其格式化成 FAT 文件系统。 修 Dec 9, 2024 · I've been noticing that over the past couple months, my disks were always spinning. Several hours later, all drives are still spun down. Screen shot too: Also I am suf Apr 3, 2021 · After upgrading to 6. 9. I have set my spin down delay to 30 minutes but that hasn't changed anything. 2时一切正常。 请问我该怎么解决这个问题? Sep 19, 2013 · Hi, I use my unRaid 4. Oct 6, 2023 · I set the spin-down delay to 15min, unplugged my server network cable for 45min and when I plugged it back saw that the problem occurred twice : no change Oct 9 11:08:50 unRAID emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdd Oct 9 11:08:50 unRAID emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdb Oct 9 11:08:50 unRAID emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdc Oct 9 11:09:05 unRAID Jan 20, 2021 · If an extended SMART self test takes longer than the configured spin-down delay for the array disk, then the disk spins down and the self test is aborted. Standby monitor shows that the drives are able to spin down for 15 mins around every 3-4 hours sometimes (can only test this at night so not sure if this is always true). Screenshot of 18TB Drives at the moment they spin up again. Two other drives go down - no issues. Clicking on the spin-down ball results in spinning green arrows, returning to a May 30, 2022 · Sry for the delayed response, but for some closure, I narrowed the issue down to Plex and/or mapping shares in Windows 11 on my main client machine. 3. Jun 19, 2015 · Hello, I was curious if it would be possible to set how aggressive the default spin down delay is by the drive temperatures. Once I moved my dockers to Dec 15, 2012 · Disks that spin down when not in-use (1hr spin-down delay set): Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4 Disk 5 Disk 10 Disks that do not spin down: Disk 6 Disk 7 Disk 8 Disk 9 Disk 11 Disk 12 Disk 13 Under Disk Settings, I have enable spinup groups set to: YES & Default spin down delay set to 1 hour Any Jul 7, 2024 · I'd expect the entire pool to have a single spin up/down control and Unraid to take care of the staggering sequence automatically. cfg file and it appears the cache spin down delay is specified with Jun 18, 2021 · “Spin down delay ”,这个就是硬盘多久开始休眠选项,默认的话就是按照阵列设置的时间 小刻也能看懂的Unraid 系统使用手册:基础篇 教你将固态硬盘变成缓存提升系统速度办法 英特尔傲腾内存白菜价!只需 28 块钱,让你的老爷机满血复活 Apr 29, 2011 · Is this spin down behaviour normal? - drives are all spun down after reaching spin down delay - /sbin/powerdown is executed late at night from "at" command in go script (echo "/sbin/powerdown" | at 01:30) - use WOL to wakeup server in the morning - server powers on, drives spin up, unRaid boots - Sep 30, 2020 · This manual for this drive (in fact, the entire Constellation ES. That is. 4. I d Sep 6, 2016 · There's no global way to change each, unless you set each to use the default, and then you can change the global spin down delay. , but would allow you to achieve Mar 6, 2021 · I have the problem that my Cache Pools stays active (green) permanently. I have collected a list of exclusions - i. 5pm to next day 8 am is 15 min. Members; Jul 30, 2015 · In order to prevent spin-downs, my work around would be to set the disk spin down delay to that of 45 minutes, that way, it was harder for the drive to spin down, while reading from all the drives. 8. Jan 21, 2021 · Hello, i was thinking to make my server silent as possible, mainly it's used for Plex By by some reason few of my drives (where is my media files are located) don't spin down. All drives are Hitachi 2TB. I want these SSDs to be always on. Quote; If you use 1 hour spin down delay try changing the Tunable (poll_attributes) setting to something above the hour (or above the spin down delay you have set). 0, not sure if this started happening before the upgrade or not but spin down was working at one time on 6. I was checking around setting this morning and i check the option " Default spin down delay ". I want to spin up a single drive to run an extended SMART test, but can't for the life of my find a place to spin up a single disk. follow the procedure documented here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. Disk Spin Down Delay. By DaLeberkasPepi October 12, 2022 in General Support. You can change that on the Settings tab, then override it on an individual drive basis by clicking the drive link next to the green ball. This disks ARE spinning down even with Plex docker running as long as I'm not accessing it from the Win 11 machine. Is there a plugin that will do it automatically? Jan 14, 2018 · This is a clean 6. Thanks. First is the cache drive doesn't seem to spin down and secondly the activity led on my parity drive is constantly lit. Posted January 11, 2013. I see a "Default spin down delay" in Settings under Disk Settings, but it looks like that would apply to all Dec 5, 2023 · In Settings > Disk Settings > Default spin down delay: 15 min, on the disk itself it is set to default so it is the same (15 min) 3. Help! On a side note, does the 4 hour spin down delay I set apply if there is a SMART test running? Thanks! Justin Aug 25, 2021 · Hi, I got my main disk1 (+parity disks) always spinning up. Pressing on the green dots next to the drives will cause a spinning arrow to appear for a second, the Apr 10, 2024 · It would be very handy to have an option for "Temporarily disable spin down for 'X' hours", where 'X' could be in a drop down, or could be a free-form numeric entry with a drop down for [Minutes|Hours|Days]. PS: option it's only available for array and cache devices. itimpi. is there anway way i can set the spin down close at morning so i dont need wait the disk spin up when i need to use. Product; News; Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. They always maintain a temp a few degrees above room temp for ones in external enclosure (28c in a 24c room), and the ones in Mar 18, 2021 · Since upgrading to 6. 7k 1,028 Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. This behaviour is different from Unraid 6. Make your spin down timer long enough so consecutive accesses don't have to spin up the drive again. if I use command hdparm -y /dev/sdd, disk stays in standby until it is accessed again. Sep 25, 2019 · Not sure if this is known, but if a drive is in spun-down state, and I click the device name, say, /dev/sdd, from the Dashboard page, the page that follows seems to wake up the hdd (presumably to get SMART data), but from here on the spin-down delay never gets into effect, this drive will stay Active/Idle indefinitely. Light Mode Dark Mode. The problem we have is that in the evenings when we are watching stuff on SageTV we experience UI delays as it is waiting for drives to spin up and sometimes video playback problems while drives are spinning up in the background. I am sure this will please many UNRAID users with noisy drives. I have checked that the setting of disk's spin down delay is default and even the disk was spin down manually, it will spin up in few seconds while the File Activity logs no access to file in this disk but only cache. neuronflow. In addition every forum page has a DOCS link at the Nov 20, 2022 · I have a direct attached storage shelf and I want the drives to spin down after a delay. It is not a trivial exercise to include unassigned devices into the logic used for array devices, and normal use case is to assign devices to the array or cache once they are physically installed. Installed Open Files and File Activity plugins, noticed that there is no read/write operation on the disk drive Neither Proxmox nor Ubuntu have a problem with my exact setup, only Unraid cannot spin down the Feb 12, 2019 · Any devices outside the array are not directly controlled by emhttp and do not have associated settings, like spin down delay. A rudimentary example of the script test. Posted August 14, 2017. onkelnatas. I've had mixed responses in the past about shortening the life of HDDs if their spun-down and up too frequently. Currently the minimum value is 15 minutes, but I would like to have it as low as 5 or 10 minutes. Theme Jan 3, 2023 · Hey, basically I'm having the problem, that my disks don't spin down. I just changed the spin-down delay from "default" to "15 mins" and it Nov 27, 2020 · UNRAID NAS 修改硬盘休眠时间的方法 jack 2020年11月27日 NAS, 服务器配置, 软件应用 有两个地方可以修改硬盘的休眠超时时间 ->Default spin down delay: 二:硬盘单独设置(此设置会覆盖全局设置) DASHBOARD->点击相应的Disk->Spin down delay Jul 4, 2022 · I am new to unraid and since I upgrade to 6. OR - Is your shutdown unexpected/unwanted? Edited December 29, 2023 by Kev600 Sep 24, 2019 · There also always ready to go not having to wait for them to spin up. Die zwei HDDs haben ihre Laufgeräusche weshalb ich nun einen Spin-Down von 15 Minuten eingestellt habe. any suggestion i can do that? thanks Nov 28, 2021 · Hi there, I would like to request lower values for the (default) spin down delay. Each drive is individually set to Never and the system settings are globally set to Never. robocop-diagnostics-20240704-1229. It is not possible to send them in standby with the spin down function. 使用缓存盘. Click on the SSD and set "spin down delay" to "never". Secondly, the two parity disks (Disk 0 and Disk 29) are following the same pattern, which suggests that the process waking up the drive is a write. Fewer events = better. Aug 21, 2013 · As Gary stated so well, modern drives today are not as sensitive to the spin up/spin down/keep spinning issue that people adhered to years ago. I have a array with 13 drives that are all constantly spun up. IF, (notice the big IF) the drives are cooled adequately. Feb 19, 2016 · So I thought that might be the case, so I ran the spin-down command. 2 the spin down on the hard drives does not seem to work it did on 6. x. For example: Media share: disk1,disk3 Documents share: disk2 I would like the spin up/down groups to be: Group 0: disk1,disk3 Group 1: disk2 Or are the groups only defined from the hardware connections? May 4, 2018 · I have a 10 drive array (1P+9D) and I have noticed that all xfs drives tend to spin ups and remain spun up. 10. 6. 11. If your drives tend to get hot inside a case, all bets are off on this. 7 disk. I have mine set to 1 hour spin down and 7200 for the tunable Aug 27, 2016 · My 1st suggestion would be to set your Unraid disks to not spin down when not in use and see if the problem goes away. for example , during 8am to 5pm, spin down delay is 2 hours. Jun 13, 2022 · So ever sense the upgrade too 6. and spin down open at night, so i can spin down the disk when i dont use. Members; 19 Author; Posted January 23, 2024. Posted Aug 31, 2024 · Yesterday I added a freshly pre-cleared disk to the array, and it has literally nothing on it and wont for a while (I use fill-up allocation). 2后硬盘无法休眠,SETTINGS——Disk Settings中Default spin down delay已经设置为30分钟。 并且我在MAIN界面点击绿色按钮手动休眠也不成功。 在使用6. Unraid uses the following to spin down and the second command is the status, could you run for each drive? /usr/local/sbin/sdspin /dev/sdx down Mar 20, 2024 · spin down delay is 15min diagnostics are attached. By Raident February 14, 2014 in General Support (V5 and Older) Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Jun 18, 2021 · “Spin down delay”,这个就是硬盘多久开始休眠选项,默认的话就是按照阵列设置的时间。2. Feb 24, 2023 · Hi 大家好, Unraid新人请教一下关于移动硬盘休眠的问题。 之前是用OMV,移动硬盘(东芝V10)休眠后,LED灯也会熄灭。 在Unraid的disk settings里面设置Default spin down delay时间后。移动硬盘似乎会休眠,日志中也有spin down的信息。但是移动硬盘的LED灯仍然会有规律的闪烁(快速闪2下),不熄灭。 不确定 Mar 22, 2020 · Hi All, My disk array will spin down after 30mins has lapsed of no disk activity. Posted Feb 1, 2022 · Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a way to determine drive status from the command line so that i can use it in a script. I've tried everything Mar 8, 2019 · Neither. Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. My gut tells me that with this real data some serious pattern will come to light for each user. I could disable spin down for 24 hours to run a SMART test, then rest assured that it will reenable and all my disks will go back to sleep Mar 2, 2021 · After updating to 6. I got no errors in the log during this event. nfo files are needed by ember media manager when I browse the catalogue and all disks spinning up would save me from 13 delays. I did see the thread suggesting changing this value, clicking apply, and then changing it back to your desired value and clicking apply again. Jun 22, 2021 · It seems there is a bug which breaks the spin down if a slot is not used. Unraid 6. New user here, and run out of ideas. Seit der Umstellung ist nur eine einzige Festplatte ausgestiegen. 使用缓存盘 极力推荐加入固态缓存盘,即使不是为了加快硬盘读取速度。固态大小建议256g及以上,我个人会安装虚拟机(黑苹果,win10,群晖等等)这些占用比较多 Dec 28, 2024 · 转念一想,最终将魔爪竟伸向了一年前搭建的 PC(FormD T1 V2. Mine is set to never. It is working ok. When they do manage to show the spun down icon, the drive is back up and spinning within a matter of minuteseven with no use. Look for the spindownDelay vars. You can post now and register later. 5. Posted November 4, 2022. Dec 8, 2012 · Hi guys I am having some issues with automated drive spin down on my Unraid box, and would like to know if you can assist me to troubleshoot and possibly resolve it. 9 Final the HDD's (sata) no longer go into standby (after 30 min), no spin down. Aug 27, 2021 · 我使用6. I started to investigate, but when I changed the cache drive spin down delay it started working and I let it be. ar 15 13:33:51 ED800 kernel: sd 1:0:0:0 Feb 28, 2021 · I checked Disk Settings and Default spin down delay: is set to Never. I hit the spin up button a few times and it finally woke up. Mostly Jan 23, 2018 · Hi all My server is mainly in use to download and play media with plex. but if the issue is that the spin up is an issue then I would start with changing the spin up delay for that one drive to a higher amount of time. Jun 13, 2013 · I had a problem with the cache drive not spinning down when I upgraded from 4. g. I also set the delay to 15 minutes but the HDD's just don't go into standby. Meanwhile, similar ReiserFS drives do not spin up unexpectedly. Diagnostics attached. Unraid® is a Dec 29, 2023 · If this relates to the array failing to stop fully before shut-down, then you could try changing the Settings>Disk Settings>'Default spin down delay' - To - 'Never'. I put the spin down delay to default (which is set to 15 minutes). 15 minutes (in Settings --> Disk Settings --> Default spin down delay as an addendum to above. I just now looked at my back-up of the 4. Something you can try is edit disk. zip. Posted May 9, 2022. First signal of spin up is on 18:55:20 (hh:mm:ss) this must be findable in the diagnostics. This has been more observation than testing, as described above. 7 server for Work as well as movies and it can be a bit of a pain if drives spin down during office hours. Being that their a mechanical device, I would assume if the disks spun-down and up too frequently (Ie: 15 times day when something was called from them and unraid would have to power them on), this effect would most certainly reduce their life Oct 30, 2019 · Is there a way to disable spin down for unassigned disks or does unRaid only spin down disks in the array? I'm continuing to get "print_req_error: I/O error" errors on my backup drive - even after replacing the drive with a new one. Nov 22, 2020 · Hi everyone, I am trying to work on a heat issue. After re-assigning all disks through New Config without leaving empty disk slots, the spin down works as expected. 6 the server would automatically power down after the disk spin down delay had expired. 1 so i'm not sure what happened. Is the obsession Aug 4, 2023 · Settings / disk settings / Default spin down delay: 15 min Disk3 / settings / Spin down delay: 15 min (was set to default but have now tested with 15min) Drive seems empty,, even trying to press "spin down" in main-tab is effective for a little while,, the drive keeps spinning up a minute or so later,,, Mar 3, 2021 · If an extended SMART self-test takes longer than the configured spin-down delay for the array disk, then the disk spins down and the self test is aborted. But this setting applies for all hard disks Feb 28, 2021 · My issue is that my array disks do not spin down automatically! When I click the spin down they do without any issues and remain like that until I spin them up or start using Apr 25, 2022 · 该插件通过添加支持SAS驱动器的功能(Unraid OS本机支持旋转SATA驱动器),帮助Unraid内置磁盘降速机制。 对于Unraid 6. Jul 13, 2013 · I've got 6x 2TB WD REDs in my unRAID at the moment; set to 4 hours (no special reason). The issue: I am randomly experiencing delays associated with disk spin-up when performing rather straight-forward operations – such as creating a file/folder, playing a movie from the array, or running the Mover. 1. 2, 2 HDD drive, 2 HDD parity and 2 cache SSD I search and I try: downgrade to 6. Feb 11, 2019 · I now have unraid set to a Spin-down delay of 45 minutes, after having started with 15 minutes I noticed that was moot, since some disks would be doing stuff intermittently right after they were then spun down, like receiving a finishing bit from a backup from a remote server, or Jun 18, 2021 · “Spin down delay”,这个就是硬盘多久开始休眠选项,默认的话就是按照阵列设置的时间。 2. Spin down delay enabled - double checked. Accessing web UI or shares for the first time after that takes 20-40 seconds. Jump to content. 0 install that's only been running a few days. Jan 31, 2024 · One of my drives, SDD is always spun up and I cannot figure out why. 0. How else Sep 30, 2020 · I've got 4 Seagate SAS ST6000NM0034, none of which willingly spins down at the spindown delay according to the system log. If, on the other hand, you see a huge temperature swing every time the drives spin up, I'd be less likely to spin them down. Since the upgrade, every time I reboot the server, the setting for Default Spin Down Delay gets reset to never. After that everything goes back to normal and accessing se Dec 1, 2020 · When I select the librarian to browse the library (prior to selecting the movie/video I want to watch) I would like to spin up all the disks on the unRaid server. I have the "Default spin down delay" set to Never in Disk Settings. Maybe can someone tell me were he can find the problem in the diagnostic, i take a look in many files but i cant find a reason. Even if you were to have them spun down there seems to always be some plugin, docker, service, etc. Enable spinup groups: No Dec 17, 2023 · Both the HDDs and SATA SSDs all "spin down" after the configured amount of disk inactivity OR when I manually click on the 'spin down' icon within the MAIN tab. Also, as Gary mentioned, spinning down saves power and heat. zip Default spin down delay: Default spin down delay: By Cobragt88 June 13, 2022 Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter Nov 7, 2015 · It's syntax is: spindowndelay <device> [<delay>] To set a new spindown delay value, include the parameter <delay> (e. Apr 15, 2023 · One of my disks (disk 5), will not spin down and spins up whenever I manually spin it down. I have write method set to read/modify/write, spindown delay set to 15 minutes. Subscribe. Is this normal? Jump to content. whats a good starting point?. Jul 28, 2019 · For me, spinning down the errant drives manually seems to fix the problem. 10 RC? Mar 11, 2010 · Hi. Apr 11, 2024 · i have 30 disk in my array, i want to save some energy. As you can see in this log, disks are spinning down every 30 minutes, which means every 15 minutes something is making them to spin up. As we can see from this syslog output, some disk, for example disk 4, were spin down too frequently within short period of time spin down delay is 1 hour and spinup group is enabled. For whatever reason a subset of mixed drives will not spin down, they are all connected to the same SAS controller, and they are not on the same breakout cables either. Short of stopping all my dockers and vm's, is there a way to see what is keeping the disks spun up? Thanks Mar 6, 2010 · Upgrade unraid image to 4. Drives spin down after delay. If I press the spin down array button, the animation starts Jan 29, 2011 · Can spin up/down disk groups be defined as same as user shares and their disks. I see you have shutdownTimeout set to '90', which should be ok. 1 (according to 692-parity-drive-will-not-spin-down-via-gui-or-schedule-r Sep 30, 2020 · Does the same thing happen both when you let the drive spin down "naturally" (i. Jan 24 17:10:31 Namek emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdd Jan 24 17:11: Apr 12, 2016 · I'm new to Unraid and just got a server up and running within the last month. I think this would achieve the best of both worlds - no TM issues during normal usage hours, no delay when trying to stream media from the box, access the shares, etc. following the Unraid spin down delay) and when you force spin down from the GUI? Could you perhaps have some folder that lives mainly on these drives and sees frequent I/O? Have you tried to upgrade to some 6. I have the spin down delay set to 1 hour. If all of the videos from one day were in the same folder, you'd be better off setting the split level of the share to make sure they all stayed Feb 26, 2013 · 1. Then they spin up (remember - server not being used) and don't spin down again. Jul 21, 2020 · Hello, I am new to unraid, and I just set the spin down delay to 4hr in the setting. Feb 9, 2019 · I recently installed unraid with some older hardware, having it setup with just 3 disk to begin with before migrating data, now that the data is migrated it is now populated with 5 disks and I've also added a cache device. Also the "Spin Down" button when clicked does not spin the disks down. ). Subscribe Jun 1, 2012 · My system has 12 HDD slots, all of a hot swap nature. Oct 11, 2018 · I currently have my drive spin down delay set to 1 hour. cfg (on the flash in /config), with the system shut down. This is in contrast with other devices tested (e. Is there a way I can find those logs? (So I can adjust spin down delay t Oct 14, 2019 · Hi, I've been having an ongoing issue with my Unraid system regarding having my drives spin down after the server has been restarted. Befor Jan 17, 2009 · Legacy Support (unRAID 5 and Older) General Support (V5 and Older) Disk Spin Down Delay. Oct 13 23:23:16 UNRAID kernel: mdcmd (199): spindown 2 Oct 13 23:51:48 UNRAID kern Nov 19, 2011 · Hey Guys, My "default spin down delay" is set to 1 hour. After a period of inactivity it seems as if server goes into a sleep. Just an annoyance given the hourly entry in the syslog. New - DARK - Invision (Default) New - LIGHT - Invision . This behaviour is different from previous versions, where spin-down was temporarily Jan 11, 2013 · That is why I have a spin down delay. I do May 13, 2015 · Brand: Seagate IronWolf Model: ST4000VN008-2DR166 Approximate age at failure: 0. Oct 20, 2018 · I'm not sure how to change the global spin down delay without going through the GUI. I have my drives set to spin down after 15mins as they aren't used often. They do, if I start the array and spin them down after 1 min. doron. Sep 30, 2020 · Hi Hopefully this is the correct thread to ask for advice. 0, and remaining with 6. Jun 15, 2024 · I want do set different spin down delay in different time frame. However rather than have things running permanently i would like to schedule a spin up before I start work and then a spin down in the evening to save at least some power usage. Testing. May 10, 2019 · Hi, I have recently spent a bunch of time moving files around on my array, in a hopes to keep the active data on 1 drive, expecting the others to mostly spin down. 8, where spin-down was temporarily suspended until after the self-test had completed. Sep 10, 2023 · Hi all, So I have spin down delay set to 1 hour, and all drives on default. The setting for "Spin down delay" isn't written when the Jul 3, 2014 · I set the spin down time for 45 minutes of inactivity. Oddly enough something is still causing the shares to be unavailable for 10-30s every morning and se May 5, 2020 · disk 1: spin up and constantly write for 5 minutes, spin down for 5 minutes disk 2: constantly write for 5 minutes, idle for 5 minutes or set the time windows for whatever we think would be the most useful. Spin down works perfectly except for any SAS drives with model number ST2000NM0001 they won't spin down when triggered either automatically or manually. Posted March 20, 2024. My Idle power consumption is higher since I have some more SATA and NVME SSDs all without standby. spindownDelay is the global setting, applies to any drive set to use the default. The workaround is to do the following: main -> disk X -> Device settings -> click on "Apply" The above will correctly write all the settings for disk X (this applies to parity and cache as well). (As I recall, this out of sync condition seems to happen when I access the SMART data via the GUI. I normally adjust my spin down delay default from summer to winter. Dec 31, 2016 · Firstly, not long after spinning down it's being spun up again. ) However, if I spin down all of the drives using the "Spin Down" button in the 'Array Operation' section/tab, it will also spin down my SSD cache drive (as you have observed). 极力推荐加入固态缓存盘,即使不是为了加快硬盘读取速度。 固态大小建议256g及以上,我个人会安装虚拟机(黑苹 Oct 8, 2022 · In Disk Settings, we have the option to change the "Default Spin Down Delay" to spin hard disks down after a set period of time. fgp zqbrdl xew ozsrjfz husnj hnka jmq srfrn ooqxhnm lmdyg ktog xcfypv qawer llwswbq chsivl