Unit ut210e manual Ver todos os Instrukcja obsługi UNI-T Multimetr cęgowy UT210E PL. URL de esta página: Enlace HTML: Related Manuals for UNI-T UT210E . Quick view. Its double injection design gives users a more comfortable grip and enhanced durability. Delete from my manuals. Also for: Ut201. Pobierz plik - link do postu. This series is suitable for professional electricians, HVAC/R and motor service technicians. This is a one-time process, and takes 2-3 minutes to complete. # Particularidades de la Mini Pinza UNI-T UT210E | Meter: multifunction; digital,pincers type; Øcable: 17mm; LCD - This product is available in Transfer Multisort Elektronik. 399,00 Precio. 3 x 26. 8 · 1. Grâce à la pince ampérométrique, il est possible de mesurer en toute sécurité des courants alternatifs et continus jusqu'à 100 A. Logged crispy_tofu. Multimetr posiada także funkcje ułatwiające codzienną pracę z urządzeniem jak pomiar wartości skutecznej True RMS, bezkontakowe wykrywanie napięcia NCV czy V. 00 EGP 2,093. Check out our wide range of products. 0V V. UNI-T UT210E PRO Mini Clamp Meters User Manual Author: Administrator Subject: UT210E PRO Mini Clamp Meters Keywords: UNI-T,UT210E PRO, Mini Clamp Meters, UT210E PRO Mini Clamp Meters, User Manual Created Date: 6/20/2022 7:46:19 PM Kaufen Sie noch heute ein UNI-T UT210E Stromzangenmessgerät online bei Tameson. Compatible Ajax. . Uni-T UT70A Bedienungsanleitung 30 Seiten. 1x10 or 0. Ustronna 41, 93-350 Łódź, Poland NIP: 729-010-89-84, VAT UE: PL7290108984 District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź KRS:0000165815 UNI-T UT210E Mini Digital Clamp Meter - DC Clamp Multímetro digital con Pinza para Voltímetro, Amperímetro y Ohmímetro con LCD y Retroiluminación : Amazon. Manual de Instruções EN. Gift box, English manual, carrying bag . Más de 15. Digit Capacity: 1999; Type: for AC/DC; DC Voltage: up to 600 V; AC Voltage: up to 600 V; UNI-T UT210E Mini Clamp Meter | UNI-T | Clamp Meter | harga murah | Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami @0821-3010-0456 Whatsapp. Ajax. Varifocal manual. Related categories. SALE! Out of stock. KARYA MANDIRI TECHINDO adalah Supplier UNI-T UT210E Mini Clamp Meter dan juga menjual Brand UNI-T. useless). This behavior was the same regardless of whether the device was clamped around a cable Ansicht Und Herunterladen Uni-T Ut210E Kurzanleitung Online. UT210E; Misuratore: multifunzione; digitale,a tenaglie; Øcavo: 17mm; LCD Indicazione del produttore: UT210E. 89mA - 0. Add to my manuals (see figure 2) Symbol Meaning Amperes (amps). 74 €41. Complete with a protective case, test probes and batteries, it is ready-to-go and can 今回紹介するUT210Eは非常に安価なクランプメーターでありながら直流電流を測定することが出来ます。 Amazonでは5,000円程という安い価格でも購入することが出来ますが、海外通販のTOMTOPなどではさらに安 UT211B 60A mini clamp meter is a high precision tool designed with the resolution of 0. 5 mm Accessories The UNI-T UT210E is supplied including: Test cables User manual Batteries Carrying bag UT210E Datasheet (69. Vérifiez notre large offre. UT210E | User Manual. Features UT210D 1. Bewertung abgeben. 3) Safety UNI-T UT210E | Medidor: multifuncional; digital,com braçadeira; Øcab: 17mm; LCD - Este produto está disponível em Transfer Multisort Elektronik. 300 KB. 10 Excl. Registrarse Cargar. Indicates negative reading. Compartir. Instrumentos De Medición, Multímetros manuales de usuario, guías de operación y especificaciones Descubre en Asiam Naturally el manual en español del multímetro digital Uni-T UT210E, una herramienta esencial para todo comprador que busca información detallada y precisa sobre este producto. The UNI-T UT210E current clamp multimeter costs around £30. SALE! Clamp Meters Uni-T UT256B Fork Meter $ 131. UT213 series is 400A digital clamp meter with CAT III 600V safety standards. The UT210E was set to 2A, so showing it driving deep into saturation. This video shows how I calibrated it and applied one of the many hacks availabl UNI-T UT210E | Meter: multifunction; digital,pincers type; Øcable: 17mm; LCD - This product is available in Transfer Multisort Elektronik. UNI-T UT210E es una pequeña pinza amperimétrica digital diseñada para medir valor eficaz verdadero %28True RMS%29 de corriente, voltaje, resistencia, capacitancia, chequear diodos y comprobar continuidad de circuitos. Pinza amperimetrica digital UT210E My Uni-T UT210E Pro recently failed wrt making current measurements. BATERÍA DE LITIO BAT-AAA-LITHIUM/E*P10 1. Simbolo TME: UT210E. 19 ex. UNI-T Inductance Resistance Meter UT602. También por: Ut202+, Ut202a+. 5mm; UT210C/D/E/UT211B: 175 x Dimensions 175 mm x 60 mm x 33. My UT210E clamp meter was serioulsy out of calibration in the current ranges. or 0. Measuring Instruments Ver y descargar más de 83 UNI-T Manuales de usuario en PDF, manuales de servicio, guías de operación. 0 out of 5 stars 6 ratings | Search this page . cambio automatico e manuale degli ambiti; filtro passa-basso; forma ergonomica della cassa permette l'uso con una sola mano; funzione di calibratura dello zero; Caja de regalo, manual en inglés, bolsa de transporte. Miernik cęgowy 200A AC model UT210E MIE0174 Instrukcja obsługi Instrukcja obsługi I WSTĘP Cyfrowy miernik cęgowy UT210E charakteryzuje się wysoką precyzją pomiaru, bezpieczeństwem użytkowania oraz DETAILS SPECIFICATIONS SHIPPING Uni-T UT210E Mini Clamp Meter The Uni-Trend UT210E is an affordable function-packed mini clamp meter. Datasheet UT210E (EN) pdf Download. UT210E UT210 series Mini Clamp is provided with the features of high reliability, security, auto range , and small-size. Kuantitas UNI-T UT210E Mini Clamp Meter UT210 series mini clamp meters are designed to work well in limited space environments. It included the DMM, a pair of probes, a pouch and a manual (Both a English and a Chinese version). com/download/ut210e-user Related Manuals for UNI-T UT210E Measuring Instruments UNI-T UT210E Operation Manual 2 pages Mini clamp meters UT210E PRO-Mini Clamp Meters Operation Manual. Compruebe nuestra amplia oferta. 0A respectively and for DC it read "OL". 2) Instructions for inspecting contents upon opening including an instruction manual, batteries, certification, and probe assemblies. 00, 000. Clamp Meters Uni-T UT281E AC/DC Flex Clamp Meter $ 195. Large jaw leakage current clamp meter (12 pages) Related Manuals for UNI-T UT210E . Mit Hilfe der Stromzange können Wechsel- und Gleichströme bis zu 100 A sicher gemessen werden. 4. 000 Produkte auf Lager, die noch am selben Tag versandt werden können, mit schnellen globalen Versando Manual UT210E (EN) pdf Download. UNI-T UT210E - Mini Clamp Meters Manual (article) Measuring Instruments UNI-T UT253A Operating Manual. Lcd-Vollansicht (Abbildung 2) Trms: Eingabeaufforderung Für Den Status Der Messung Des Gültigen Gültigen Werts Ac / Dc: Eingabeaufforderung Zur Messung Der Ac / Dc-Spannung Página 1 Manual de Usuario UT219E/UT219M/ UT219DS I. 5mm Standard individual packing Gift box, English manual, carrying bag,test leads - Buy UNI-T UT210E Mini Clamp Meter 概述 UT210E微型数字钳位仪具有高可靠性、安全性、精度和紧凑的设计。其分辨率为1mA。最大量程最大量程为100A AC/DC;特定的VFC启动模式。 UT210E Mini Clamp Meters Operating Manual 时间: 2021-09-01 Hi folks, I would like to share some details about using the UT210E as a buffer for a scope. Cajas fuertes / Arcón. Der Einsatz darf nicht in explosionsgefährdeten Umgebungen erfolgen. UNI-T UT210E dapat anda gunakan untuk mengukur tegangan DC, tegangan AC, NVC test, resistansi, dioda dan lain sebagainya. Calcular cuándo llega. UT210E measuring instruments pdf manual download. The input value is too large for the. Specifications. 1mA. ¡Atención! Pilas no están incluidas al paquete. Intrusión. Cantidad estándar por caja: 40pcs . 8. It is designed with over-load protection for all ranges, perfect for all professionals measuring currents up to 2000A (2500A for UT222). Manual de Instruções CS. ul. 000 productos en stock listos para ser enviados el mismo día con opciones de envío rápido a nivel mundial Manual UT210E (EN) pdf UNI-T UT210E | Mesureur: multifonction; numérique,à tenailles; Øfil: 17mm; LCD - Produit disponible chez Transfer Multisort Elektronik. Die Funktionen und die Ausstattungsmerkmale: - 4stellige As shown by the results of radiolistener's tests the readout of the UT210E at low AC currents is pretty ordinary (i. schen Daten dieser Bedienungsanleitung angegebenen Wertebereichen und Messumgebun-gen vorgesehen. Uni-T UT281E True RMS Flex Clamp Meter; Uni-T UT281A PRO True RMS Flex Clamp Meter CAT IV 600V; Uni-T UT255A High Voltage Clamp Ammeter; SITE MAP. PILA ALCALINA BAT-AAA-MAXPLUS*P4 1. Brass Solenoid Valves Electric Brass Ball Valves Multimeters Hacksaw Blades Bourdon Achetez une pince multimètre UNI-T UT210E en ligne chez Tameson aujourd'hui. Alarmas. UNI-Trend Technology_____UT210E Компактные цифровые клещи переменного и постоянного тока UT210E I. UNI-T UT210E | Medidor: multifunción; digital,de mordazas; Øcable: 17mm; LCD - Producto disponible en Transfer Multisort Elektronik. For this no need registration. GST $ 118. Узнайте, как использовать UT210E PRO и UT210E PRO Mini Clamp Счетчики с этим подробным руководством по эксплуатации. It is ergonomically designed and also lightweight, making it a convenient tool for working in tight UNI-T UT210E | Miernik: wielofunkcyjny; cyfrowy,cęgowy; Øprzew: 17mm; LCD; (2000) - Produkt dostępny w Transfer Multisort Elektronik. I bought this unit to make it easier if I lost it! Very compact and easy to use Bedienungsanleitung für UNI-T UT210E in Deutsch? Hat jemand eine Anleitung (in Deutsch) für das UNI-T UT139C? Wie zufrieden sind Sie mit dieser Seite? Anmerkungen absenden. UT216’s 6000 count display also provides more precise readings for users. txt) or read online for free. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. I have made a DC reading comparison between:Fluke 177 acc. Manual de Instruções BG. UNI-T UT210E current clamp and multimeter with True RMS, 600V, 100A, AC, DC. Downloads Meters » UT210E | User Manual. com: Industrial & Scientific. Realizar compra UNI-T's UT210E is a mini 100A True RMS auto range digital clamp meter with 2000 display count and VFC function. (did not see it in the manual), but it Das UNI-T UT210E ist ein Handmultimeter mit einer integrierten Stromzange. Quality: Tratamiento * Su nombre * Reseña * * Campos requeridos. tagе и BM257 - UT210E 08. Envío gratis a todo el país. 001 volts Indicates negative reading UNI-T UT210E is a mini True RMS digital clamp meter for conducting current, voltage, resistance and capacitance measurements, as well as diode and continuity test. 001 volts. Auto power off, low battery indication Das Zangenmultimeter UT210E ist ein batteriebetriebenes, mobiles Hand-multimeter mit umfangreichen Messmöglichkeiten. NCV 2. Esta serie de diseño industrial es resistente para soportar un impacto de caída de 2m. El grado impermeable y prueba de polvo alcanza IP54, puede ser utilizado para entornos UNI-T UT210E Pinza amperometrica istruzioni, supporto, forum, descrizione, manuale Database contains 1 UNI-T UT210E Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operation manual . Funciones de medición: Corriente AC Display 39. Batteries : Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. x Alt. It includes: 1) An overview of the meter's features including high reliability, safety, precision and compact design with a maximum range of 100A AC/DC. Measuring Instruments UT210E-en-manual. Auto range, 2~3 times/s sampling rate 4. 42mA - 0. Box, English manual, carrying bag (UT210D/UT210E) Related products. 35KB: Stáhnout: Mohlo by Vás také zajímat; Od stejné značky; Klešťový digitální multimetr DT-266. Quote from: stj on September 18, 2017, 05:06:09 pm. 996A - 04. All other measurements (AC/DC volts, Ohms, Hz, NCV) seemed fine, but when each of the three AC current ranges was selected it read 0. As per our return policy, we need to verify your identity to process your return. Measuring Instruments UNI-T UT210E Operation Manual 2 pages. Verifique a nossa larga gama de produtos. Product details. 1 x UNI-T UT210E Mini Clamp Meters 1 x Test Leads 1 x English User Manual So now I keep my good meters in the shop. 21 incl. 5mm; UT210C/D/E/UT211B: 175 x Shop UNI-T UT210E Mini Digital Clamp Meter Handheld RMS AC/DC Resistance Capacitance Tester. GST. Añadir a mis manuales. Provjerite našu široku ponudu. uni-trend. Its resolution ratio is 1mA. Download. The compact design makes it suitable for use in colleges, manufacturing, utilities and other industries to Promo UNI-T UT210E - Mini Clamp Meter True RMS - Tang Ampere Jepit Digital di Tokopedia ∙ GoPayLater Cicil 0% 3x ∙ Garansi 7 Hari ∙ Bebas Ongkir. Add to my manuals. ng. UT210E is true RMS meter with excellent accuracy. Clamp meter. Manual de uso. Uni-T UT18C Bedienungsanleitung 10 Seiten. : √ NCV: √ Data Hold: √ Zero Mode: √ LCD Backlight: √ Auto Power Of: Around 15 Minutes Continuity Buzzer: √ Low Battery Indication: ≤2. Also for: Ut202. Auf der Suche nach einer Bedienungsanleitung? Bedienungsanleitu. Gift box, English manual, carrying bag: Standard quantity per carton: 40pcs: Standard carton measurement: 385mm x 345mm x 305mm: UT210E is nice and small, and quite cheap as well. Generalidades La serie profesional es una pinza amperimétrica digital diseñado para usuarios profesionales e industriales con tres resistencias. Tamaño: 17,5 x 3,35 x 5,99 centímetros Peso: 0,17 Kg Color: Negro y Rojo Pilas: 2 pilas AAA (incluidas) Resolución: 2000 cuentas True RMS: Mediciones precisas, incluso en cargas no lineales; Modos: Auto-rango y manual para intensidad Pantalla: LED 3,5 pulgadas Seguridad / Certificaciones: CAT II 600V, Manual de usuario. Conoce los tiempos y las formas de envío. The UT210E mini clamp meter provides reliable, safe, and precise measurement of small currents. Free delivery on eligible orders of £20 or more. mV, V Volts. Sprawdź naszą szeroką ofertę. 5V Input Protection: √ Input Impedance for DCV: ≥10MΩ ¿Eres principiante? Este video es justo lo que NECESITAS ️ Aprende aquí el uso de la pinza amperimétrica UT210E¡Bienvenido!Hoy te enseño cómo utilizar una h DMM UNI-T UT210E This is a cheap clamp meter with DMM function. 00 EGP. Cancelar Enviar User Manual for UNI-T models including: UT210E PRO, Mini Clamp Meters, UT210E PRO Mini Clamp Meters UT210 E英文说明书 尺寸285×210±1MM 4折单页(71. Switch. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your UNI-T UT210E Measuring Instruments. at INR 4000 only. UT202 multimeter pdf manual download. I was planning to write a separate review of this unit, The manual is a pretty poor translation - worse than most of the others seen in this section. Also for: Ut202+, Ut202a+. Specifica Mostra prodotti simili( ) Produttore. Models in UT220 series: UT220, UT221, UT222 UT210 series mini clamp meters are designed to work well in limited space environments. Uni-T UT139B Bedienungsanleitung 32 Seiten. Das Zangenmultimeter UT210E ist ein batteriebetriebenes, mobiles Hand-multimeter mit umfangreichen Messmöglichkeiten. Have a nice Day! Manual Pinza UT210E - Free download as PDF File (. 1,500. VAT DMM UNI-T UT210E This is a cheap clamp meter with DMM function. Database contains 1 UNI-T UT210E Manuals (available for The UT210E Mini Clamp Meters is a compact and reliable clamp meter suitable for a variety of electrical testing applications. Integrated current clamp; UNIT UT-210E SCHEMATIC UT210E UT 210 UNI UNI-T; If you have any question about repairing write your question to the Message board. Descargar. Service manuals, schematics, eproms for electrical technicians UNIT UT-61E UT61E UT 61 UNI UNI-T; UNI-T UT210E SCHEMATIC UNI-T VC404 Инструкция по эксплуатации для UNI-T UT210E Измерительные приборы UNI-T Читайте инструкцию онлайн в формате pdf ALL Data Sheet QuickStart Guide User Manual Programming Manual Service Manual Performance Verification Guide MSO3000E Series Digital Oscilloscopes - User Manual V1. HT206D Multímetro . The unit of voltage. C. Measuring Instruments UNI-T UT241 Operating Manual 27 pages. ZERO mode 6. No manual range operation is available for these modes. 1x10-3. 11 MB. Cantidad: 1 unidad (+10 disponibles) Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Features: True RMS Ergonomic and lightweight Auto range, 2~3 times/s sampling rate LCD backlight, data hold Auto power UT216 series digital clamp meters are designed for measuring high frequency currents (up to 400Hz) in server rooms, IT systems, etc. 6mA - 0. Complete with a protective case, test probes and batteries, it is ready-to-go and can measure voltages and resistances/diodes by direct probing, as well as Uni-T UT210E 2A 20A 100A Spezial DC & AC TRMS 2000 Counts Kabel bis 17mm Stromzange für kleine und mittlere Strome, Zangen-Multimeter sehr preiswert und genau , Lieferung inkl Aufbewahrungstasche Zangenmessgerät UT-210E Zangenamperemeter mit VFC UT211B sowie Multimeter mit Frequenzmessung und Durchgangsprüfer - KFZ-Stromzange, KFZ-Messzange, Miernik cęgowy UT210E przeznaczony jest do pomiaru prądu przemiennego i stałego do 100 A, napięcia przemiennego i stałego oraz rezystancji. Standard Quantity Per Carton 40PCs Standard Carton Measurement 385mm×345mm×305mm (0. ± (2%+8);User manual: https://drive. 14. PINZA AMPERIMETRICA UNIT UT210E. UNI-T UT210E - Free download as PDF File (. Related products. UNI-T UT210E Pro Mini Digital Clamp Meter, Auto Ranging TRMS Backlit VFC NCV Meter, AC/DC Current Voltage Frequency Resistance Capacitance Diode Tester with Test Leads Zip Bag 1 x paper manual (En) 1 x eManual (En) 1 x zip bag/black . ): 185x70x60 mm: Embalaje: Cartón: Peso bruto: 0. UT210E PRO mini digital clamp meter features high reliability, safety, precision and compact design. Gift box, English manual, carrying bag (UT210C/UT210D/UT210E) Standard quantity per UT210E is a clamp meter that can measure both DC currents, AC Currents and in addition it is a full auto-range Digital Multimeter that can measure AC/DC Voltage, AC/DC Currents, Resistance, Capacitance, Diode test, Continuity test, and NCV setting for Electric Field Detection. Models in UT219 series: UT219E, UT219M, UT219DS As indicated in the Mode configuration table the ASIC is capable of a variety of manual and auto-ranging operations. 74 Excl. It is convenient to use in narrow space. UT220 series are 2000A AC/DC digital clamp meters. txt) or view presentation slides online. pdf Author: asko Created Date: 10/21/2018 11:13:53 PM UNI-T UT210E Manuals & User Guides. UT201+ measuring instruments pdf manual download. GST $ 176. 99 ex. 99 AED 254 . Termográficas. What are the Hz units for on the display? And if it does perform Hz measurements, how is it activated? Thanks. UNI-T UT210E Mini Digital Clamp Meter T-RMS 2000 Counts Voltage multimeter Tester Auto-ranging (AC/DC Current) Measures Temperature Capacitance Resistance Diodes Continuity Duty-Cycle/NCV/HVAC Tool: Amazon. Sie haben die Bedienungsanleitung verloren oder das benötigte Handbuch war nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten? Hier erhalten Sie Support zu sämtlichen Geräten. EGP 2,093. 985A 4. UNI-T UT210E es una pequeña pinza amperimétrica digital diseñada para medir valor eficaz verdadero (True RMS) de corriente, voltaje, resistencia, Manual de usuario — 1 ud. 41. Models in UT216 series: UT216A, UT216B, UT216C, UT216D UNI-T UT210E | Medidor: multifunción; digital,de mordazas; Øcable: 17mm; LCD - Producto disponible en Transfer Multisort Elektronik. es: Bricolaje y herramientas 1 x Manual; UT210E Multímetro . 00. However the UT210E does not include the necessary Range button and as such is configured to use auto-range modes for AC and DC Voltage, Resistance and Capacitance. Manual UT210E (EN) pdf Download. The probes has removable tip covers. UT211B is perfect for anyone requiring high precision and accurate results when working with electronics, such as troubleshooting solar power systems current load, electrical cars, etc. Manual de uso EN . UT201+ instrumentos de medición Descargar manual en PDF. Models in Para mayor información puede consultar el manual de usuario dando clic en el siguiente enlace: https://meters. 097A 497. . Přenosný digitální klešťový multimetr s LCD displejem (s možností rozšíření na měřič izolace pomocí vnější jednotky pro napětí 500V L'UNI-T UT210E est un multimètre portatif avec pince ampérométrique intégrée. com: Industrial & Scientific Digital Clamp Meter Multimeter Tester,True RMS 6000 Counts Auto-Ranging/Manual Dual Measurement AC Embalaje individual estándar Caja de regalo, manual en inglés, bolsa de transporte GARANTÍA 12 MESES POR DEFECTOS DE FABRICA ESTADO DEL PRODUCTO: 1. Descrição de catálogo. The Uni-Trend UT210E is an affordable function-packed mini clamp meter. Features include a high resolution ratio of 1mA, a maximum range of 100A AC/DC, a VFC (Variable Frequency Conversion) function, and NCV (Non-Contact Voltage) detection. FREE Returns . 041 CBM Per Standard Carton Models in UT210 series: UT210A, UT210B, UT210C, UT210D, UT210E Features of UT210 Series Mini Clamp Meters Certifications: CE, UKCA, cETLus Ergonomic and lightweight Auto range, 2~3 times/s sampling rate LCD backlight, data hold Auto power off, low battery indication Características UNI-T UT210E - Funciones de medición: Contenido UNI-T UT210E 1 x Pinza amperimétrica digital UNI-T UT210E 2 x Pilas 1 x Sondas de prueba 1 x Maletín 1 x Manual de usuario. 97A As you can see, the two meters match up well, better than I expected! I tested UNI-T UT210E | Meter: multifunction; digital,pincers type; Øcable: 17mm; LCD - Proizvod dostupan u Transfer Multisort Elektronik. Fan. ” The UNI-T UT210E Handheld True RMS AC/DC Current Clamp Meters Capacitance Tester Display Count: 2000 Auto Range: √ Jaw Capacity: 17mm True RMS: √ Diode: Around 3. 71 MB) Download: Kontakt; Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. ng sorgt dafür, dass Sie in Windeseile die Bedienungsanleitung finden, die Sie suchen. Note! Batteries are not included in the package. Main Categories . 5V ba ery (R03) x 2 39. 2. Dimensiones (Lon. Operation Форум поддержки Unit UT210E (13-0009): Для этого устройства пока нет сообщений. Easy and Hassle Free Returns. Eliminar de mis manuales. The built-in flashlight also makes these meters useful tools when working in dark environments. Darüber hinaus kann dieses Multimeter auch DC/AC-Spannungen, Widerstand und Kapazität messen. PDF Bedienungsanleitung · The UT210E Mini Clamp Meters is a compact and reliable clamp meter suitable for a variety of electrical testing applications. jpg (152. pdf: 7. pdf Author: asko Created Date: 10/21/2018 11:13:53 PM UT210A UT210B UT210C UT210D UT210E UT211B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ UT211B Specifica ons Product size Product net weight Power Standard accessories Ba eries, test leads (UT210C/D/E/UT211B), point contact temperature probe (UT210C/D), English manual 1. Überblick DasdigitaleMini-ZangenmessgerätUT210EzeichnetsichdurchhoheZuverlässigkeit, Sicherheit,PräzisionundkompaktesDesignaus In the event your product doesn't work as expected or you need help using it, Amazon offers free product support options such as live phone/chat with an Amazon associate, manufacturer contact information, step-by-step troubleshooting guides, and help videos. Download Table of Contents Contents. Datasheet UT210E (EN) pdf Télécharger. UNI-T UT210E Operation manual (2 pages) Pages: 2 | Size: UNI-T UT210E Related Products. 049A 097. If you want to properly measure AC leakage currents then the UT251A Precision Leakage Clamp Title: UT210E Manual. UT201 multimeter pdf manual download. pdf: 243. 041 CBM Per Standard Carton ALL Data Sheet QuickStart Guide User Manual Programming Manual Service Manual Performance Verification Guide MSO3000E Series Digital Oscilloscopes - User Manual V1. Manual — 1 pc. $291. pdf), Text File (. Wyposażony jest w funkcję Hold,True RMS oraz automatyczną zmianę zakresów. The maximum range has a maximum range of 100A Title: UT210E Manual. Añadir a la UNI-T's UT210E is a mini 100A True RMS auto range digital clamp meter with 2000 display count and VFC function. View and Download UNI-T UT201+ user manual online. 8mA - 0. This method allows to reduce residual indications in the mode of measurement of a direct current (DC 2A Dotless, 2A,20A,100A) without the need for EEPROM correction without the programmator. HT208D Multímetro . I recorded video of process of resetting to zero of the current indications in the DC mode at UT210E. ) UT210E(DE) Ⅰ. Models View and Download UNI-T UT201 operating manual online. The instruction manual says, “Do not use clamp meter in circuit with voltage higher than 600v this or frequency higher than 400Hz. UT210E Manual (5. I bought this because in addition to AC, it can measure DC currents via the clamp, down to a resolution of 1mA. 12. Ajax Fibra ( Venta solo con Certificado ) Repuestos Ajax. 1 €128. Digital Clamp Multimeter. The unit of current. Measuring Instruments View online Operation manual for UNI-T UT210E Measuring Instruments or simply click Download button to examine the UNI-T UT210E guidelines offline on your desktop or laptop computer. 5 V LR03 AAA ENERGIZER Neto: 29. F. Mini Clamp Meters. Verwandte Kategorien. UNI-T UT210E clamp meter and multimeter . The probes are rated for 10A, but it is not important for a clamp meter. UNI-T UT109 ; UNI-T UT382 Control Unit. Over 15,000 products in stock ready for same-day shipment with fast global shipping options. LCD backlight, data hold 7. HT116 Multímetro Inteligente . The replacement unit resets properly on each of the 3 DC current ranges. Download is available until [expire_date] Version Download UT210E mini digital clamp meter features high reliability, safety, precision and compact design. Ergonomic and lightweight 2. 320 kg: COMPONENTES COMPATIBLES CON: UT-210E. 019A 48. Uni-T multimeter · Uni-T UT210E Bedienungsanleitung. Add to cart. Marka: UNI-T Model: UT210E Format: pdf Język: polski. 1 of UNI-T UTG962 Function Generator Arbitrary Waveform Generator Kit Frequency Generator RF Signal Generator 60MHz 2 Channel 200MSa/s 14 Bits Dual-Channel Compre una pinza amperimétrica UNI-T UT210E en línea en Tameson hoy mismo. sat_5a_2a. HT127B Multímetro Inteligente . Thanks of kDnZP from a Russian-speaking forum! ATTENTION! The UNI-T UT210E digital clamp meter is a practical tool for everyday electrical measurements. 60 书纸 g. Clamp meters. Buy a UNI-T UT210E Clamp Meter online from Tameson today. Bedienungsanleitu. Magnetventile Aus Messing Multimetern Deutsche Bedienungsanleitung für UNI-T UT2010E. Tamaño compacto. UNI-T UT210E clamp meter and multimeter. This document provides operation instructions for a UT210E mini clamp meter. Lesen Sie die Uni-T UT210E Anleitung gratis oder fragen Sie andere Uni-T UT210E-Besitzer. Spezifikationen. It features auto ranging, a filter circuit to reduce interference, and overload protection. Value pack includes: 1 UT210E Pro clamp meter, 1 pair of test leads, 1 paper manual (En), 1 eManual (En), 1 zip bag/black, 1 packaging box. If the site has helped you and you also want to help others, please Upload a manual, circuit diagram or eeprom that is not yet available on the site. The Unit. UT210 series mini clamp meters are designed to work well in limited space environments. und der Bedienungsanleitung resultieren, übernehmen wir keine Haftung, Gewährleistungsansprüche erlöschen ebenfalls. Auto range, 2~3 times/s sampling rate 3. Sign In Upload. The UT210A UT210B UT210C UT210D UT210E UT211B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ UT211B Specifica ons Product size Product net weight Power Standard accessories Ba eries, test leads (UT210C/D/E/UT211B), point contact temperature probe (UT210C/D), English manual 1. Задайте вопрос Добавить инструкцию Заказать инструкцию Стать экспертом UT210 series mini clamp meters are designed to work well in limited space environments. Maximum range has maximum range of 100A AC/DC; particular VFC start mode. pdf) or view presentation slides online. OL. UNI-T UT210E – Datasheet. 15 KB) Download: Similar products. 39MB: Stáhnout: UT210E-en-katalogovy-list. Características UNI-T UT210E. Download UNI-T UT61E service manual & repair info for electronics experts. Measuring Instruments UNI-T UT-213C User Manual 6 pages. Totalmente nuevo. UT371 UNI-T Tachometer (Measures RPM) 2,500. It is industrially designed with IP54 rating and able to withstand 2 meters drop test for measurement in harsh environments. Plus de 15 000 produits en stock prêts à être expédiés le jour même, avec des options d'expédition mondiale rapid Manual UT210E (EN) pdf Télécharger. Skip to. Super Contributor; Posts: 1124; Pink trace is the current from the driver, yellow is from the UT210E. Spécifications. - Manual Range + Data hold + Maximum/Minimum value measurement - Continuity Buzzer - Low Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Bought one recently, and am getting to like it, and using it a bit as an outdoor meter, and like the low current DC ranges ( though it also makes a pretty good compass though because of that) plus it is really small, so fits in easily in a small pouch. Entering this mode can accurately View and Download UNI-T UT210E operation manual online. Ut210E Strommesszange Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. User Experience. It handles both AC and DC currents, with a range of up to 100A. Введение Компактные токовые клещи UT210E отличаются такими Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 1 x paper manual (En) 1 x eManual (En) 1 x zip bag/black . 99 incl. e. Eleshop Test & measure User manual; Batteries; Carrying bag; Pros and cons. 0 4. 86mA - 0. google. Sicherheitshinweise UNI-T UT210E | メーター: 多機能; デジタル,ペンチタイプ; Ø ケーブル: 17mm; LCD; (2000); I DC: 2A,20A,100A - この商品はTransfer Multisort Elektronikで入手可能です。弊社の多種多様な商品をチェックしてください。 I tested the UNI-T UT210e Mini Digital Clamp Meter using the test probes in the wall outlet, and I tested the same outlet using the clamp portion of the meter, combined with an AC line splitter. ¡Simplifica tus compras con nuestra guía completa! Guía detallada en español para utilizar el multímetro Uni-T UT210E: ¡Aprende todo lo que necesitas saber! Bedienungsanleitung Uni-T UT210E. 0 UT210 series mini clamp meters are designed to work well in limited space environments. Manual de Instruções DE. The plug is fully shrouded. 5mm UT210A/B: 158 x 60 x 33. 41 KB) Download UT210E Manual (5. The probes are MIERNIK UNIT UT210E True RMS INSTRUKCJA OBSŁUGI miernik UT210E przewody pomiarowe futerał, instrukcja obsługi ZASADY BEZPIECZNEJ OBSŁUGI Ten symbol oznacza ważne informacje dotyczące bezpiecznej obsługi urządzenia i bezpieczeństwa użytkownika. x An. Contact; My Account; Knowledgebase; My Account Especificaciones del multímetro con pinza amperimétrica UT210E. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". GST $ 177. Pinza amperimétrica UNI-T UT210E. EMBALAJE. 000, 00. Related Manuals for UNI-T UT210E . mV: Millivolt. Industrial Equipment. Videoconferencia. Über 15. Cantidad. Washer. Électrovannes En UT210E UT210 series Mini Clamp is provided with the features of high reliability, security, auto range , and small-size. Ergonomic and lightweight 3. Reviews. Unit Pinza Amperométrica Mini Ut210e Continua True Rms La Mini Pinza Amperométrica UT210E fue diseñada para medir valor eficaz verdadero (True RMS) de corriente tanto Continua como Alterna, voltaje, resistencia, capacitancia, chequear diodos y comprobar continuidad de circuitos. com/open?id=0B4Jyby-tjH5oN UT210E English Manual - Free download as PDF File (. 5 V LR03 ENERGIZER UT219 series is 600A true RMS professional clamp meter with CAT IV 600V rating. Catégories apparentées. Monitor. Agregar al carrito. Maybe you remember the awesome job Joe Smith did on the UT210E for getting the current signal out for using this probe with a scope - see post #347. AC Clamp Meter. There are no reviews yet. Mini clamp meters. Luckily, an English PDF manual is available here. Extensores. This series ensures stable performance, safety, and reliability for measuring up to 2000A AC (and DC for UT221) current. PIRs. Beli UNI-T UT210E - Mini Clamp Meter True RMS - Tang Ampere Jepit Digital di Tanaga Online Shop Mall. 1. LCD backlight, data hold 4. UT211B User manual (9. 200us recovery. 990A - 1. Brass Solenoid Valves Electric Brass Ball Valves Multimeters Hacksaw Blades UNI-T UT210e Digital Clamp Meter AC DC Amp Meter Clamp Multimeter True RMS 2000 Counts Voltmeter Continuity Tester Capacitor HVAC Tool Multi Tester: Amazon. czyli pomiar AC dla zmianiającej się częstotliwości. 494A 1. En outre, ce multimètre peut également mesurer les tensions continues/alternatives, la résistance et la capacité. According to the manual, the UT210E has frequency units on the LCD display, but nowhere does it show that it will measure frequency. True RMS 5. 13. Uni-T UT210E Uni-T UT210E Цифровые Токоизмерительные Клещи инструкция, поддержка, форум, описание, мануал ut210e proミニクランプメーターに関する簡単な情報をご紹介します。このデバイスは、高信頼性、安全性、精度、コンパクトな設計が特徴です。1maの分解能を持ち、最大100a ac/dcの範囲を測定できます。vfcスタートモード、電圧・電流応答の真の有効値表示 Descripción. 78 EUR. The unit was shipped in a colour print cardboard box in their traditional red and grey colour scheme. Display NALACAL UT210e Digital Clamp Meter AC DC Amp Meter Clamp Multimeter True RMS 2000 Counts Voltmeter Continuity Tester Capacitor HVAC Tool Multi Tester AED254. UNI-T UT210E PRO Mini Clamp Meters User Manual Author: Administrator Subject: UT210E PRO Mini Clamp Meters Keywords: UNI-T,UT210E PRO, Mini Clamp Meters, UT210E PRO Mini Clamp Meters, User Manual Created Date: 6/20/2022 7:46:19 PM UNI-T UT210E Strommesszange Anleitung, Support, Forum, Beschreibung, Handbuch Buy a UNI-T UT210E Clamp Meter online from Tameson today. Das Gerät entspricht den Bestimmungen der EN 61010-1, Schutzklasse 2, die Überspannungs - Uni-T Digital AC/DC Clamp Meter (UT210E, 100Amp/600V) Brand: UNI-T. Features include a high resolution ratio of 1mA, a maximum Ver y descargar UNI-T UT201+ manual del usuario online. -VFC, low pass filter -NCV -Ergonomic and lightweight -Auto range, 2~3 times/s sampling rate -True RMS -ZERO mode -LCD backlight, data hold -Auto I need a service manual. Valoraciones (0) Valoraciones No hay valoraciones aún. 71 MB) Download Brymen BM157s clamp multimeter 128. 5mm Product color Red and grey Product net weight 170g Product size 175mm x 60mm x 33. 25mm). Jan 19, 2022; uni-t; 0 Comments; Download. SKU: 6935750521052. It can test the small current signal Standard Individual Packing Box, Carrying bag, English Manual . Эти компактные и надежные измерители обеспечивают высокую точность и безопасность при измерении объема. These meters are designed for electricians and HVAC/R technicians. 26 kB, 800x600 - viewed 2845 times. although all in Chinese. VAT. Der Einsatz darf nur in trockener, staubfreier Umgebung erfolgen. 3mm x 26. GST $ 160. GST UNI-T UT210E adalah sebuah tang ampere (Clamp Meter) digital dengan performa yang stabil, handal dan aman. These are essential tools for mechanical and electrical equipment maintenance, home appliance installation and electrician duties. 27 MB) Download: UT210 UT211 Series specifications (769. Uni-T UT210E Bedienungsanleitung 24 Seiten. 79 incl. ± (1,0%+3);UNI-T UT210E acc. 99 0:35 View and Download UNI-T UT202 operating manual online. 009A 17. 0 Miernik cęgowy UT210E umożliwia pomiar napięcia AC/DC, prądu AC/DC, rezystancji, oraz pojemności. Of the units on the market, the most inexpensive seemed to be the Uni-Trend (or UNI-T for short) UT210E, for about AU$45 online. Sé el primero en valorar “UT-210E Mini pinza amperimétrica AC/DC «UNI-T»” Multímetro UNI-T UT210E - Amperímetro digital de Tenaza. autm vlkzlf zzer rtql fkhbk oyj dnnax nsipzd glyyz ilgoltd diyz mido hgmty wfycflnx nodmc