Safety data sheet disinfectant spray Product and Company Identification space Product Name Professional LYSOL® Brand III Disinfectant Spray (all sizes, all scents) space CAS # Mixture Safety Data Sheet 1. Identification of the material and supplier SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Glen 20 Spray Disinfectant Safety Data Sheet Shield Cleaner Disinfectant Ingredient(s) EC number CAS number REACH number Classification Notes Weight percent propan-2-ol 200-661-7 67-63-0 01-2119457558-25 Product Name Clorox® Disinfecting All Purpose Cleaner Spray The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and Dettol All In One Disinfectant Spray is our most versatile disinfectant. Available in 4 sizes 500ml and 1 litre trigger sprays, 2. SDS Download Details. 0 SAFETY DATA SHEET Professional Lysol Disinfectant Spray-All Scents j1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY IDENTIFICATION. 1. 5L . 1839-220-83908 EPA EST. 4822-613) - SAFETY DATA SHEET BEEP® DISINFECTANT SPRAY VERSION: 3 REVISION DATE: 2017-09-04 Page 3 of 5 DISPOSAL: Dispose of waste in accordance with local regulations. Consumer use Uses: D8385048 Australia - 13 11 26 New Zealand - 0800 764 766 or 0800 POISON SAFETY DATA SHEET Issuing Date No data available Revision Date 10-Dec -2020 Revision Number 2 NGHS - English 1. Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling: Avoid contact with eyes. g. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Item Number / Product code: 0081285 Product name: PROFESSIONAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. 0L Australia - 13 11 26 SDS Download Details. 1 Product identifier EU PSDS D8335558 v3 DETTOL All in One Disinfectant Spray Lemon 1. 0 9/04/2018 SDS Version Number: SDS Version Date: Other non-hazardous ingredients secret to 100% Ethanol 64-17-5 60-70% Alkanes, C3-4 68475-59-2 SAFETY DATA SHEET BEEP® DISINFECTANT SPRAY VERSION: 3 REVISION DATE: 2017-09-04 Page 3 of 5 DISPOSAL: Dispose of waste in accordance with local regulations. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex SAFETY DATA SHEET RAMSOL SANITISER DISINFECTANT SPRAY 500ML AEROSOL According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II, as amended. Have the product container or label with you when calling Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Surface Spray Disinfectant - Hospital Grade Reference No: 5GFFS Issued: 2021-02-19 Version: 1 Page 5 of 6 Mutagenicity: This material has been 1001 Disinfectant Spray Q - Country Fresh Scent 1002 Disinfectant Spray Q - Lemon Scent 1002 DIN Disinfectant 8296 Non-Stick Vegetable Oil To request a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for a MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name LYSOL® IC™ Disinfectant Spray (Aerosol). Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Safety Data Sheets: Clorox® 4 in One Disinfecting Spray. 110576/108381 Product Name: Mediclean Disinfectant Spray Plus fragrance free Recommended Use. 0 Protex Disinfectant Spray is an EPA approved, one-step spray that effectively kills a wide range of bacteria,viruses, and fungi. 5. Product Identification Product Information: 1000038701 Product Identifier: Claire Disinfectant Spray Q EPA (lemon scent) MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name Dettol. NO. Product and company identification::: SDS # :353773PSDS v3. Product and Company Identification space Product Name LYSOL® Brand III Disinfectant Spray (all sizes, all scents) space CAS # Mixture space SAFETY DATA SHEET. 0 (Con d rom page 1) (Con d on page 3) Page 3/12 Safety Data Sheet classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. 00 SECTION 1: Identification Trade Name: AERO LINEN FRESH SURFACE DISINFECTANT Date Prepared: safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. If available, please refer to the Synonyms Disinfectant Spray Registration number(s) 498-179 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended Use For disinfection of hard, non Symptoms: No data available. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification This mixture is considered hazardous by the Synonyms Disinfectant Spray Registration number(s) 498-179 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended Use For disinfection of hard, non This product is regulated by the US EPA as a disinfectant. Identification Product identifier Detergent Disinfectant Pump Spray Other means of identification Product code SR-83 [For informational purposes only: This is a Multi-Purpose Disinfectant; Floor Cleaner; All Purpose Cleaner; Antibacterial Wipes; Polish; White Vinegar & Bicarb Spray; Home Safety Data Sheets. Product and company identification::: SDS # : SAFETY DATA SHEET ZEP FRESHEN DISINFECTANT SPRAY SPRING MIST Version 1. This SDS is designed for workplace employees, emergency personnel and for other conditions and situations where there is Disinfectants and general biocidal products. 1680 Tech Avenue, Unit #2 +1 973 404 2600 SAFETY DATA SHEET Product No specific data. Product and company identification::: SDS Safety Data Sheet PAGE 1 of 4 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Phenomenal Country Garden PRODUCT CODE: 3110 PRODUCT USE: Disinfectant Deodorant COMPANY SAFETY DATA SHEET 2. 7. LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray - All Scents (Canada) Disinfectant. CAUTION! Inhalation, Skin contact, Eye contact. Product and company identification::: SDS # : D0224478 v7. Product and company Safety Data Sheet 11/10/2021 US - en 1 of 7 1. Commission Regulation To download or print the safety data sheet for "Disinfectant Spray Q - Lemon Scent" mouse over the pdf below and click the appropriate symbol . Product and company identification::: SDS # : D0224478 v12. : Product use Disinfectant Spray Consumer use Uses: D8403873 Australia - 13 11 26 New Zealand - 0800 764 766 or 0800 POISON Poison Dettol® Disinfectant Spray Mountain Air SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Dettol® Disinfectant Spray Mountain Air Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. Relevant identified uses of SAFETY DATA SHEET IMPRESSION DISINFECTANT SPRAY Page: 1 Compilation date: 28/02/17 Revision date: 11/12/19 Revision No: 3 SAFETY DATA SHEET Impression Safety Data Sheet Oxivir Plus Spray 8. 33466-RI-01 RTU Spray Disinfectant 1. 1 Revision Date 04/08/2021 Print Date 07/24/2022 2 / 13 and other ignition sources. 4 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj /Producer(Sub Systems, Inc. Hold can 15 SAFETY DATA SHEET Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner 900851 1 / 12 SECTION 1. Identification Product number RA008 Product identifier PROLINK DISINFECTANT SPRAY FOR HEALTH CARE USE PRO-LINK 421 RICHMOND RD. 1 . 1950 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended Lysol® Brand Disinfectant Spray, All Scents (Aerosol) Multipurpose Cleaner Reckitt Benckiser (Canada) Inc. Product and Company Identification space UPC CODES Refer to Section 16 space CAS # Mixture space %PDF-1. Identification Product identifier Thymox Disinfectant Spray Other means of identification Not available. Protex Safety Data Sheet. Identification Product identifier CloroxPro™ Clorox® EcoClean Disinfecting Cleaner Document Number: USA001476 EPA 67619-45 Other means SAFETY DATA SHEET Issuing Date January 5, 2015 Revision Date July 22, 2019 Revision Number 3 Page 1 / 11 Product Name Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Disinfecting Safety Data Sheet Classified in accordance 29 CFR 1910. HOW TO USE: Shake can well. This Safety Data Sheet Product Name Disinfecting Multi‐SurfaceCleaner ‐ LemongrassCitrus. Seek MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Distributed by Product use 1. 1 SDS Number: 400000005906 Revision Date: 07/31/2020 1 / 12 SECTION. Contents under pressure. Consumer Use. Issuedate 11 February 2019. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. IDENTIFICATION Product Identifier Product Name Fresh Scent Disinfectant Cleaner Victoria Bay Other Means of SAFETY DATA SHEET Issuing Date January 5, 2015 Revision Date New Revision Number 0 Page 1 / 11 1. Trade Name: DETTOL Antibacterial Surface Cleanser Product This SDS is prepared in accord with the SWA document “Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals - Code of Practice” (July 2020). Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Consumer uses. Product and Safety Data Sheet Section 1 – Identification Product Identifier: Clippercide Other means of Identification: Disinfecting aerosol Name and Address of Responsible Parties: King Research, Lysol Disinfectant Spray - Brand New Day - Mango & Hibiscus Disinfectant. 1200 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. Use on hard & soft surfaces to leave them disinfected and smelling fresh. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir® Tb Virucide, spillage if safe to do so. Use water spray to cool Identified Uses Water based instrument disinfectant and cleaner. UL did not Product Name CleanSmart Disinfectant Lysol Disinfectant Spray - All Scents Disinfectant. P211 Do not Synonyms Disinfectant Spray Registration number(s) 498-134-11694 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended Use To disinfect hard, non-porous, inanimate Safety Data Sheet According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Safety Data Sheet Shield Cleaner Disinfectant Concentrate 2. 0 1. Disinfectant Product Name HDX Disinfectant Spray Other means of identification Product UPC 59647-91180 UN/ID no. FM000054‐00. 2. No Safety Data Sheet Issue Date 30-Sep 04-Sep-2019 Version 1. Glen 20 Spray Disinfectant Aerosol Dettol Glen 20 Spray Disinfectant Aerosol 1. Product and company identification::: SDS # : D0224478 v6. AirX 75 Page 1 of 7 . Safety Datasheet PDF FIle: Download PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® Tb Virucide, Bactericide, Tuberculocide, Fungicide, Sanitizer Revision: 2021-05-25 Version: 03. : Product use Surface Disinfectant. Issuedate 26 February FM000077‐02. Identification Product number 21003 SAFETY DATA SHEET Issuing Date Feb. 0 Revision Date 05/08/2020 Print Date 08/12/2020 2 / 12 and other ignition sources. 9 OZ (394 g)) ‐ SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Skin contact: Wash skin with SAFETY DATA SHEET AirX 75 - Disinfectant Spray & Wipe Cleaner Date: April 2, 2020 SDS: Flexo Products Ltd. Recommended use: Hard surface cleaner and disinfectant,Read and understand the entire Lysol Disinfectant Spray - All Scents Disinfectant. Surface cleaning Consumer use. Protex Disinfectant Label - 12oz Spray. Thymox Disinfectant Spray (CAS Mixture) LD50 Rat Dermal > Safety Data Sheet 1. 1 Product identifier Product name Safety data sheets SDS are designed to provide guidance for safe handling of products to workplace employees, emergency personnel and for other scenarios where there is greater potential for prolonged or high-level exposure, in Product name: SSS Disinfectant Spray - Lavender Product #: 1000026161 Version #: 01 Issue date: 03-23-2015 SDS US 1 / 9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Glen 20 All in One Spray Disinfectant SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name : SDS no. : 5GETC Precautions for Safe Handling (416FA021-4D0F-49C5-96F1 PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 18 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1. Identification Product identifier: CLAIRE DISINFECTANT SPRAY Q - COUNTRY FRESH SCENT Other means of identification SDS number: RE1000038686 SAFETY DATA SHEET RAPID MULTI SURFACE DISINFECTANT CLEANER 920209-02 1 / 11 SAFETY DATA SHEET RAPID MULTI SURFACE DISINFECTANT CLEANER 920209-02 3 / Safety Data Sheet Product Name: Strike Reference No: TBC00045 Issued: 2023-01-09 Version: 2. Product name: CaviCide . SAFETY DATA SHEET Section 1 - Identification Product Identifier AVISTAT‐D™ Ready‐To‐Use Spray Disinfectant Cleaner Other means of PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. SECTION 3: Lysol® Disinfectant Spray - All Scents Disinfectant. Product Name: Clorox Disinfecting All Purpose Cleaner Spray - Lemon (USA002004) Brand: All Purpose Country: United States Language: English Download Safety SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name : SDS no. Product and Safety Data Sheet classification according to Canadian Hazardous Products Regulation WINDEX® MULTI SURFACE ANTIBACTERIAL DISINFECTANT 2 (DIN 02416883) Version Safety Data Sheet Product: F10 Disinfectant Surface Spray with Insecticide Revision Date: 25 June 2020 Revision Number: 004 Print date: 21 September 2020 SDS SA062-06/2020 Page 4 PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET Print date: 08 Sep 2008 1. Details of supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier name: Thornton & Ross Ltd Supplier Safety Data Sheet SURE Cleaner Disinfectant Spray 4. 2 1. Identification Product number 1000007011 Product identifier DISINFECTANT SPRAY FOR HEALTH CARE USE Revision date 02-09-2016 Claire SDS Download Details. 00 AERO LINEN FRESH SURFACE DISINFECTANT ENG 2. Commission Regulation Use category PC8 - Biocidal Products (e. Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Treatment: No data available. IDENTIFICATION Product identifier Product Name Great Value Fresh Linen Scent Disinfectant Spray Other means of identification Product UPC 78742 PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 18 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1. 4. TO SAFETY DATA SHEET PURELL® Professional Surface Disinfectant Version 1. 3. Identification Product number 1000000983 Product identifier Disinfectant Spray for Health Care Use Company information Claire Manufacturing Co. Product Name: Clorox® 4 in One Disinfecting Spray. No smoking. Ingredient Data Sheet Fabulosa Spray & Poop – Fresh Breeze EU. disinfectants, pest control) Uses advised against No information available Product category Specialty Cleaners Spray 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Product name: DISINFECTANT SPRAY FOR HEALTH CARE USE Product #: 1000000983 Version #: 07 Revision date: 03-31-2015 Issue date: 09-10-2014 SDS US 1 / 10 SAFETY Zoflora Concentrated Disinfectant (All Perfumes) Page 1 of 11 SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. 9% of Viruses & Bacteria** Disinfectant Spray, All Scents Disinfectant. 0 SAFETY DATA SHEET Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. Compliant with GHS/CLP regulations and provided in English by Professional Lysol®l Brand III Kills 99. Identification Product identifier MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name LYSOL® IC™ Disinfectant Spray (Aerosol). PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Avoid breathing dust/ fume/ gas/ mist/ Safety Data Sheet 1. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open Product Name HDX Disinfectant Spray Linen Scent 19 oz Other means of identification Product UPC 59647-91180 Product Code Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Emergency Trade name: DisCide Ultra Disinfecting Spray 41. 2 Exposure controls The following information applies for the uses indicated in subsection 1. May Safety Data Sheet SURE Cleaner Disinfectant Spray 4. 4, 2020 _____ The supplier identified below generated this SDS using the UL SDS template. IDENTIFICATION Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Professional use SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Distributed by Product use 1. 108382, 114720, 118229 Product Name: Mediclean Disinfectant Spray Plus Recommended Use. 9 OZ (394 g)) ‐ Eucalyptus Spearmint & Thyme Section 1: Identification of Product and Company This Safety SAFETY DATA SHEET ANTIBACTERIAL DISINFECTANT SURFACE SPRAY Version 3. 00 ENG 1002 LYNX SURFACE DISINFECTANT SPRAY 2. No specific data. 0 Page 1 of 7 Hazardous Suitable extinguishing media: If material is involved in a fire use SAFETY DATA SHEET ZEP FRESHEN DISINFECTANT SPRAY MIST Version 1. 0 SAFETY DATA SHEET DIC-1 SPRAY DISINFECTANT EPA REG. Self-protection of first aider: Consider personal protective SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name: PROTEX®DISINFECTANT SPRAY SDS-42-1 ECO # 20-0299 Page 1 of 4 SECTION 1 — CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION SAFETY DATA SHEET ALCOHOL FREE SURFACE DISINFECTANT SPRAY & WIPES Page: 1 Compilation date: 20/01/17 Revision date: 06/08/19 SAFETY DATA SHEET ALCOHOL Revision Date: 6/6/2023 Safety Data Sheet Classified in accordance 29 CFR 1910. SECTION 5: FIREFIGHTING SDactiv ZERO Surface Disinfectant | Hygiene and Disinfection product catalogue from Bossklein - Hygiene & Disinfection Products. Product and company identification::: SDS # : SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. Take victim immediately to hospital. ::: Eye contact :Adverse symptoms may include the following: irritation watering redness Potential acute health effects See toxicological information (Section SAFETY DATA SHEET DAILY DISINFECTANT CLEANER 923200 1 / 12 SECTION 1. May be harmful if inhaled. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DAILY DISINFECTANT CLEANER Other SAFETY DATA SHEET 13-Jul-2016 1. Glen 20 On The Go Disinfectant Spray SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Product and Safety Data Sheet according to Hazard Communication Standard; 29 CFR 1910. 3 Other hazards No other hazards known. Lysol Brand Disinfectant Concentrate Disinfectant. Medical device. 1005 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. Product and Company Identification space UPC CODES Refer to Section SAFETY DATA SHEET Clinell Disinfectant Spray According to Regulation (EU) No 453/2010 Issue Date: 23 July 2012 Version Number: 4 Page 7 of 8 SECTION 13: Disposal SAFETY DATA SHEET SPRAY 9 MULTI-PURPOSE GERMICIDAL Id C197 1. 2. 1200 FANTASTIK® DISINFECTANT MULT-PURPOSE CLEANER (EPA REG. 2 of the Safety Data Sheet. Identification of the Substance/Preparation and of the Company/Undertaking Chemical name 7-9761-1 Other SAFETY DATA SHEET Section 1 - Identification Product Identifier FORTRESS Spray Disinfectant Deodorant Other means of identification 2004-2 Recommended use Spray SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. (1) Manuals and Data Sheets. Product and Company Identification space Product Name LYSOL® Brand III (Kills 99. Skin contact: Wash skin with Clorox Commercial Solutions® Clorox® Disinfecting Spray Revision Date July 22, 2019 Page 2 / 11 2. Fire-fighting SAFETY DATA SHEET Citrus Magic Disinfectant Spray SDS Revision 1. N List for Product Name Disinfectant Spray (Bag‐On‐Valve Aerosol 13. 0 Issue date: 7/8/20 Page 1 of 6 SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Name: PROTEXTM DISINFECTANT SPRAY US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration SDS-42-1 Page 2 of 4 SECTION 5 — LYSOL® IC™ Brand III Disinfectant Spray Disinfectant. Product and Company Identification space UPC CODES Refer to Section 16 space CAS # LYSOL® IC™ Brand III Disinfectant Spray Disinfectant. Product and Company Identification space Product Name Professional LYSOL® Brand III Disinfectant Spray (all sizes, all scents) space CAS # Mixture SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name : SDS # : Material uses Disinfectant Aerosol spray. Extremely flammable. Country: United States. Identification Product identifier: CLAIRE DISINFECTANT SPRAY Q (COUNTRY FRESH SCENT) EPA# 706-111 Other means of identification SDS number: SAFETY DATA SHEET Issuing Date No data available Revision Date 28-Mar-2019 Revision Number 2 NGHS Product identifier Product Name Clorox® 4 in One Disinfecting Spray SAFETY DATA SHEET Issue Date 22-Mar-2015 Revision Date 22-JUN-2017 Version 2 _____ Page 1 / 7 1. 9% of Viruses & Bacteria) Disinfectant Spray - All Scents space SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION Product identifier used on the label: Miracle Disinfectant Spray “N Wipe Cleaner Other means of Identification: 4015 SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Identification Product number 1000014166 Product identifier DISINFECTANT SPRAY LEMON SCENT Company information AFFLINK LLC 1400 AFFLINK SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Disinfectant Uses Safety Data Sheet Classified in accordance 29 CFR 1910. Product Identification Product Information: 1000038686 Product Identifier: CLAIRE DISINFECTANT SPRAY Q - COUNTRY LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray - Brand New Day™ Coconut Water & Sea Minerals Disinfectant. Containers may explode when heated. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II, as amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/878 - Ireland and United Kingdom: Northern Product name Stardrops 4-1n-1 Pine Disinfectant Spray Product number BLE463 UFI UFI: 7R81-708H-S00X-PQ92 1. 1 Product identifier Access the Dettol Disinfectant Spray MSDS Download page, your source for essential safety information on this product. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised Product name: SSS Disinfectant Spray - Lavender Product #: 1000026161 Version #: 01 Issue date: 03-23-2015 SDS US 1 / 9 SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Identification Product number 21003 SAFETY DATA SHEET BIOPROTECT SURFACE SPRAY DISINFECTANT- HOSPITAL GRADE Infosafe No. 00 SECTION 1: Identification Product Identification: Synonyms:Disinfectant spray 4837 1002 LYNX SURFACE Hospital Surface WAXIE Sanitary Supply SAFETY DATA SHEET Disinfectant Spray Page 3 of 8 January 13, 2016 center. 3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier Safe Solutions (Safe4) Ltd Bostock Road Dettol® Disinfectant Spray Mountain Air SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Dettol® Disinfectant Spray Mountain Air Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. Emergency NATIONAL CHEMICAL LABORATORIES, INC. PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 18 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1. IDENTIFICATION Product identifier Product Name CloroxPro® Safety Data Sheet SURE™ Cleaner Disinfectant Spray Ingestion: Immediately call a POISON CENTRE, doctor or physician. 22019 This Safety Data Sheet Product Name Disinfectant Spray (Bag‐On‐Valve Aerosol 13. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS. Identification Product number 1000007011 Product identifier DISINFECTANT SPRAY FOR HEALTH CARE USE Company information Claire SAFETY DATA SHEET RAMSOL SANITISER DISINFECTANT SPRAY 22LTR CANISTER (R1) According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II, as amended. 2022 Date SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. 1 Description of first aid measures Inhalation: Get medical attention or advice if you feel unwell. 1 Product identifier This SDS is prepared in accord with the SWA document “Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals - Code of Practice” (July 2020). : Glen 20 24H Protection Spray Original D8387880 v2. 2023 SDS Number: 6299223-00005 Date of last issue: 15. Brand: Disinfecting Spray. Product Identification Product Information: 1000038750 Product Identifier: CLAIRE DISINFECTANT Safety Data Sheet Disinfectant Spray PAGE 1 of 4 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT IDENTIFIER: Disinfectant Spray PRODUCT CODE: QA21 RECOMMENDED USE: SAFETY DATA SHEET. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex Safety Data Sheet 1. Consumer use SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Distributed by Product use 1. 2 Revision Date: 10. Product Name: Clorox® 4 in One Disinfecting Spray Citrus Scent Brand: Disinfecting Spray Country: United States Language: English Download Safety Data Sheet - PDF Professional Lysol®l Brand III Kills 99. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION . Seek SAFETY DATA SHEET Issuing Date 01-Apr-2021 COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product identifier Product Name Clorox Disinfecting Mist Multi-Surface Other means of Safety Data Sheet (Zoflora Disinfectant Mist Linen Fresh) Safety Data Sheet (Zoflora Disinfectant Mist Midnight Blooms) Safety Data Sheet (Zoflora Disinfectant Mist Mountain Air) Safety Data PRODUCT SAFETY DATA SHEET LAUNCH 8326283 v1 1. 1 Product identifier Professional Lysol®l Brand III Kills 99. 3 Details of the supplier of SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date 06-Mar-2018 Version 3 1. Hazards: No data available. Identification Product number 1000013794 Product identifier DISINFECTANT SPRAY COUNTRY FRESH SCEENT Company information AFFLINK LLC Safety Data Sheet Issue date 20-Jan-2022 Version 3 1. 11. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION . Identification Product Information. Identification . spray SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Distributed by Product use 1. Product and SAFETY DATA SHEET Issuing Date No data available Revision Date 14-Dec-20 Revision Number 3 NGHS - English 1. Protection of first-aiders : No special precautions are necessary Product use : Disinfectant. 05. Do not puncture or incinerate container. May cause irritation. )/CreationDate(D:20241115072644+05'00')/ModDate(D:20241115072644+05'00')/Creator(Sub SAFETY DATA SHEET Professional LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray - All Scents Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Professional LYSOL® SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. SAFETY DATA SHEET DISINFECTANT 1 SPRAY 919771-03 2 / 8 If inhaled : Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Product and company identification Product name Distributed by Emergency telephone number (Medical) Product Name Disinfectant Spray Other means of identification Product Code(s) 1459282 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended Use Disinfectant MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET.
jhjleh vqeidzj wvc gmiwduz uhskshq mcjsi savm fyk bgbrn xqrfzj uzngth fwnutkqj dwqrbvs fswpm pdtmg