Quad anchor vs sliding x But for side by side bolts like this, many people find it’s too long, a bit bulky, and hard to rack. It has Oct 13, 2014 · I have recently noticed a large division when it comes to people's practices while setting up anchor systems with slings. 1. S. • Fits beam with flanges of up to 1 1/4" thick• Works with beam flange widths from 3 1/2" to 14". Follow topic: Email Notify on site Post Reply. This setup is only for 2 anchor points. They prevent the anchor from a large extension if one of the anchor points fail. if I needed the anchor to hang lower, I would (as you suggest) untie the "Quad" and rig something else that hangs lower. The answer you’ve been waiting for (but wont get). Connecting 2 pieces is super easy: shoulder length sling, sliding X. I have included 2 Overhand Knots in this method to act as limiter knots. But in a pinch, especially on easier terrain, it will do. 2) It can be difficult to clip another carabiner into the main point of a sliding-X when it is weighted. Can be mounted to the top or bottom flange of the I-Beam • Non-corrosive device with clamps fabricated from high quality stainless steel and a forged aluminum anodized bar • 5,000 pound anchorage point • Easy to attach to structural members. Oct 13, 2021 · Me and a buddy single pitch sport climbing: 2 quickdraws on the anchor. That said, a knotted dyneema sling is unlikely to be the weakest connection in a distribution-critical anchor (the most likely use case) where primary anchors are The sliding X can play an important role in load distribution, for example to distribute load between two weaker pieces in a more complex anchor system like the one in the first photo under the section called "The Myth of Equalization" in that link. The sliding x with limiter knots allows for equalization, while the figure 8 anchor is pre equalized when you can accurately judge where the second climber is coming up from, as long as the route doesn’t wander. - The quad will extend slightly should either anchor point fail. 3 types of sliding x anchors; 6:52. When using a Sliding X I always include at least 1 bomber piece of gear that is completely independent of the Sliding X. 7. I don't believe that 5. 5 kN. A quad anchor set up to belay up your partner on a standard two-bolt anchor. This is a fantastic choice at the summit of a sports climb where there are two bolts side by side. ‍ 1. Agreed non extension is far more important, especially with dyneema anchor. An additional and in my opinion slightly better anchor for 2 bolts is the quad. 2 large lockers for cloving in and belaying. One of the criticisms of the cordalette is after you've tied the master knot, you have potentially poor equalization if you deviate from your set When a sliding X self-adjusts, as it does when the anchor is pulled off-axis, friction created by the twist at the master point causes a greater share of the load to be placed on one of the two arms. This anchor utilizes the "Sliding X" and knots on either side to eliminate extensions. Uses very little material. 2 quickdraws are fine as a very short term anchor, like if you are rapping a multipitch or flying up an easy sport climb and swapping leads. This is a s elf-equalization anchor. i've only ever seen a sliding X/magic X done with a skinny dyneema sling. Clipping the bottom anchor into the sliding main point Needed an extra sling limited the arc of swing that could be equalized kept upward movement small during an upward pull Clipping the bottom anchor into the lower loops of the equalette (6th image) Needed an extra sling didn't limit the arc of swing that could be equalized much • Fits beam with flanges of up to 1 1/4" thick• Works with beam flange widths from 3 1/2" to 14". Would be fine for two bomber bolts (nothing else) but save yourself untying the knots after they’re weighted and just use the sliding x, or better yet two draws. Pull the two loops downward between the bolts and in the intended direction of pull (direction of the climber). You can use opposing quick draws or sliding-x with a locker at the mastermind if it's a quick follow on single pitch. If you can solve for that, it's probably Ok. The classic sliding- x system fails to create a fully redundant anchor as cutting the rigging material (such as from rockfall) in one location causes complete anchor failure. When I build a quad, I often use two bolts for anchor points, a quad length (240cm) sewn sling, two non-lockers for the legs, and lockers for the master point. If you must do so, make sure you have clipped the carabiner through the sling in exactly the same way as the original carabiner. 5mm is an acceptable cord for anchor building, the strength and numbers just isn't there. Clip pieces, pull strands down, tie masterpoint. Super fast and still self equalizing/load distributing. The sliding x sling gets cut. the no extension thing is not that important as you have 60m of stretchy rope out there so you are not really "shock loading" the anchor. a. A much better alternative is to use the quad anchor. With the sling having the doubled over strands (in a quad configuration) it might be tough to maintain clean knots versus just using a cordolette. I'll often leave the ground with an un-tied Jul 11, 2020 · It’s redundant. The reason for this is that it does not meet the “No Extension” criteria of a SERENE anchor. This anchor design can also be adapted to use premade quad anchor slings. You should always make the best anchor you can with what you have. We have over 20 years’ experience in manufacturing professional hardware, railing systems, shade sail kits, pergolas, fence, wrought iron gates & balusters. Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Quad Anchor, so you can be ready for test day. However, with those materials, when they're knotted they lose 50% of their strength, vs 20-30% for nylon. Works Cited Sliding Anchor An Anchor whose Master Point can Aug 16, 2021 · Building a Sliding X Anchor. The problem with a large open "self-equalizing" system is twofold. Also tests have shown that even a percectly equalised sliding x system does not fully equalise the load simply becuase of the tensions involved. Hi all, So me and my partners are about to head on our first major multipitch adventure--El Potrero Chico!--and I'm sifting through some approaches… Jul 7, 2016 · OP seems to concern about untying the knot, so I assume he ties quad based on each anchor. The quad, which has no twist, achieves more equitable distribution – somewhere in the region of 45 I usually use a few draws at the top for sport but a pre tied quad is very fast. This is the classic self-equalizing anchor. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 23 comments Tech Tip Tuesday: Quad Anchor The quad anchor is a self-adjusting configuration that offers better equalization than a directionally equalized anchor like the figure eight or girth hitch. Basically, the questions is whether or not tying your master point on a bite vs the magic or sliding x is safer. Whilst remedying the problem of dynamic equalization, the Sl A cordelette with equal arms and a sliding-X with unequal arms performed similarly to each other, with a much better difference in force between arms, about 1 kN. - Since the quad needs to be doubled up, it is difficult to equalize anchors where the placements are far apart. Called the "Quad" and is supposed to be best compromise between equalization and non-extension. 12kN. Dec 30, 2015 · The concept is probably fine, but I think your photo is a sliding x with limiter knots, not a quad. Feb 9, 2020 · See this video on how to build a sliding-x. A cordelette with equal arms and a sliding-X with unequal arms performed similarly to each other, with a much better difference in force between arms, about 1 kN. But if you're leading in blocks, this makes no sense at all. This is basically a double-length runner used in a sliding-X configuration. Posted by u/trollhawk - 2 votes and 23 comments In this video we discuss the Sliding X anchor (also known as the Magic X or Cross Sling anchor). Conclusion. Rope vs Webbing. Apr 13, 2020 · The sliding X is simple to set up: take a sling, clip it to two pieces, put a twist in one of the strands, and clip a locking carabiner through both the twist and the other strand. If the pieces are far from each other, I might build a mini anchor (sliding X) on 2 of the pieces w/ a double length sling to extend them a bit. Apr 27, 2020 · The anchor methods that actually equalize are the quad (best) and the sliding-X (tougher to tie it correctly so it doesn't bind and reduce the equalization), but the only reason you may want to equalize here is because if there are multiple lines up that face and when the rope moves side to side to climb different lines you may want to equalize The sliding-x is a self-equalizing anchor which distributes the load equally between the anchor pieces. Step By Step Guide To Set Up Top Rope Anchors With Sliding X . Hence the . After reading this article, I am seriously thinking about changing to the Quad anchor, While a quad can split a load fairly evenly between two arms, a sliding X might only achieve a 70/30 split since the twist in the sling at the master point creates friction which puts most of the load on one of the two arms. 90cm loop end to end (for most variations),120cm end to end (for the cords only) and 180cm for the quad. Testing shows if one leg fails or gets cut (rockfall) the hitch will not slip! Compare this to a “sliding-x” anchor with the same length sling and this is definitely better if direction of load is close to uni-directional. Easy to untie, etc. And if you're building the anchor on lead, I would argue that I can build a cordallette faster than you can tie your sliding x with all of your stopper knots, and break it down just as fast. Or to belay directly from for that matter. Consequently, a sliding-x is commonly built with "limiter knots" which achieve redundancy while minimizing the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Sliding-X Photo 1: Advantage - When anchors are off-set, the sliding-x self-equalizes. Multipitch bolted anchors: Usually a quad with non lockers on the bolts. I think I like quad anch Oct 22, 2017 · Any issues with using a (nylon or dyneema) double-length sling (sliding x with limiters) for a two-bolt anchor, either on TR (where there's no issue with rope or biners running over an edge, so no static line build needed)? I usually use a quad or a sliding x with limiters made from 7 mm cord, but the slings are more compact, and I'm curious. See full list on rei. Dec 1, 2023 · Two-Legged Quad Anchor. Mar 30, 2011 · So I am weighing the pros and cons of a self equalizing anchor system (like the sliding X or ACR) vs. Things then get even more complicated when you use a quad to create a 3-point anchor, as the load is split not once but "We did a lot of testing with Sterling and found that binding was a bigger factor than first suspected, especially with sliding X, where a sling is basically hitched around the biner, less so on somethng like a quad, where anchor point biners are clipped though a comparatively wide loop. In that case, MP is faster than Quad. 5mm nylon, rather 5. Oct 7, 2016 · Quad anchor vs Master Point . Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. With an appreciation for this reality, many climbers gravitate toward “self-equalizing” anchoring systems. a static anchor (Coordilett equalized, then tied off. is it effective at equalization with a sling made of 1" tubular webbing with a water knot? does the carabiner slide fast enough to equalize the anchor? what about a 1"x240cm sewn runner or some 7mm cord tied together with two double fisherman's knots? would 6mm cord work better? the quad anchor with a triple length sling Published 4 years ago • 3. Jul 2, 2018 · I have been using the clove hitch with a Dyneema sling (Clove Hitch Trad Anchor) to build my anchors, but after watching the DMM Video(DMM Sling test) of them breaking slings, with the knotted Dyneema breaking at way less than the knotted Nylon sling, I am considering changing to the Nylon 240cm sling. Why not use that? I don't see a reason for using 4 strands--it's just more stuff to mess with. I have been using the "sliding X" and "equalette" anchor systems but am looking to invest in a cordelette to build a quad anchor with for extended periods of top roping. Jan 18, 2024 · This is the most common way to set up an sport climbing anchor #2: Sliding X. In an anchor, everything should have some form of back-up / redundancy. The home of Climbing on reddit. the quad anchor with a triple length sling; 3:52. Advanced Trad Anchors > Part 2 of 5 > The Sliding-X; Advanced Trad Anchors > Part 3 of 5 > The Quad Anchor; Advanced Trad Anchors > Part 4 of 5 > The Equalizing Figure-8; Advanced Trad Anchors > Part 5 of 5 > Minimal Gear Anchors; Self Rescue > Introduction; Self Rescue > Escaping the Belay; Self Rescue > Hauling Your Partner; Self Rescue > Mid Jun 7, 2018 · Jokes aside, a dyneema quad properly coiled is definitely smaller and lighter than a 6mm cordalette. It makes up for the short comings of each system, while incorporating their strengths to produce a more SRENE anchor. Also, if OP knows the exact bolt angle and distance, then sure, go ahead and do pre-tie a quad. And, in this case, op can ditch 2 whole dogbones and non lockers, put two non lockers on the bolts (these can be lockers or just one can or niether) clip the sling (paying attention so the stitching is out of the way (I clove hitch the stitching to the I have been climbing for some time and am looking to add some more equipment to my slowly growing arsenal but haven't been able to find what I'm looking for online. Finally, an equalette with unequal length arms performed similarly to a sliding-X with equal arms, and both of those saw the lowest difference in forces, around 0. the quad anchor with a quad Jun 30, 2023 · A strong anchor thus is only as strong as the component that is holding most of the weight most of the time. Aug 26, 2014 · The entire system is an massive Magic X or Sliding X. So maybe you've come to like the robust strength two shelves and the sliding equalization of the classic quad anchor but you feel limited by its application to two piece anchor given that many trad anchors we use three pieces of gear well we can make a three piece quad we want to identify our two weakest pieces then take a sling and pre equalize the sling against those two pieces before tying Jun 5, 2021 · Yes, at first glance, it looks like you've clipped into an American X (edit American Triangle, Death Triangle, whatever it's called) and the impulse could be to twist a cord into a Sliding X configuration, but you don't need to do this if it is properly knotted where the ends clip into the anchor gear. This can shock-load the remaining piece(s). Do any of you guys double… "We did a lot of testing with Sterling and found that binding was a bigger factor than first suspected, especially with sliding X, where a sling is basically hitched around the biner, less so on somethng like a quad, where anchor point biners are clipped though a comparatively wide loopMost of the elaborate rigging systems are of little use Sliding X; Equallette; Quad; 6. • Fits beam with flanges of up to 1 1/4" thick • Works with beam flange widths from 3 1/2" to 14". Unlike the cordelette, it doesn’t require re-tying at each stance. Jan 1, 2015 · When you need an anchor that allows for a change of direction in the climb, while remaining equalized. That being said, I still use a master point anchor 90% of the time on trad. A sliding X is dynamically equalized: if you pull the locking carabiner in different directions, the sling will shift so that both pieces are (close to) equally Yeah this isn’t really any safer than a plain sliding x because the knots aren’t limiting extension, and is actually weaker because of the knots in the material. Apr 27, 2016 · Write for UKC Gear Latest Gear Gear News Gear Reviews Competitions Latest Deals Product Videos Rope vs Webbing. The sliding X consists of carabiners on the two bolts connected by a sling or cord (at least 120cm), with limited knots and a twist for redundancy. I was practicing my sliding x's and wondered if there were any cons to doubling it up, as in clipping into two sliding x's. If you're looking for a do it all, super safe sport/top rope anchor, then go for the quad anchor. 5 is a "high-tech" core, which would bring the strength up considerably. In this video we discuss the Sliding X anchor (also known as the Magic X or Cross Sling anchor). Jul 6, 2020 · I'm glad to see people are enjoying the benefits of this anchor. I would like to hear some sound advice from the MP community on this. Nov 28, 2017 · A pre-built quad is fairly lightweight, and I would argue even faster than a sliding X. Quads most often utilize two bomber anchor points and a pair of limiter knots to construct a self-equalizing masterpoint. Just use a sling or two, or a quad, or a cordelette, or an equalette, or a couple sliding X'swhatever floats yer boat. I think it fair to say that the results suggest that you cannot, in general, count on any equalization advantage from a sliding X over some fixed system, and when you get to three-anchor situations the sliding systems can be far worse than fixed ones. Using the Sliding X without limiter knots is no Feb 1, 2021 · 2 point floating anchor. Page 1 of 1 Sliding x on two good pieces with a third tied in 100% of the time. Do any of you guys double… I was practicing my sliding x's and wondered if there were any cons to doubling it up, as in clipping into two sliding x's. Agreed. Just use your quad wherever you would otherwise be building a sliding x. Loop tied with a tape bend, double fisherman’s bend or sewn. A couple points IMO: I give the strands between the pieces a twist (like you would do for a sliding X) then if a leg fails it can't slip through climbing quad anchor break test with 240cm black diamond dyneema sling; 2:46. . The downside to the sliding X is that it is not as strong as a quad (a single dyneema is significantly weakened when knotted), and it doesn’t self-distribute nearly as well either. Clove hitch the crap out of it and super 8 the masterpoints for an all points, inter connected, super equalized enough, strong and fast anchor. Sep 6, 2017 · The two ways that I set up two-bolt stations (and I've never built a two-bolt anchor for anything but TRing, so this may be the issue w my understanding - anytime I've done multipitch, it's been gear anchors) are with a sliding x with limiters and a quad. Course top roping: Lockers everywhere, tie with masterpoint. The usual way of clipping a sliding-X is to put a single twist in one of the strands, then clip both. I've read and heard great things about webbing and the same for quad anchors but I can't find anything for making a quad with webbing. The phrase "good enough" should be reserved for alpine/aid/etc. (Photo: Jay Philbrick Photography) Pro climber and guide Genevive Walker demonstrates how to build a quad anchor. You will need a sling for every pair of anchor pieces, so a three point anchor will require two slings. OP probably was taught the quad, feels comfortable with it, and might be unaware of different rigging methods. We built a full anchor and broke it, over and over again on our Bolt Buster concrete slab and then again on our slack snap machine. Tie all four strands of the sling together in an overhand knot or a figure 8 knot on a bight. Here, you need to double your cordellete so that it has four equal strands of length. The Sliding X method has been more or less retired as one of the less safe ways of building an anchor. But using your rope or PAS as the anchor is NG if you're leading in blocks, or worried about escaping the belay in a crisis. Equalizing anchors is important because. This pre-equalizes the anchor and makes each anchor point independent of the other. 2. Two quick draws are the simplest way to set up a toprope anchor, but it's still good to have a 120/240 sling and binders for anchor building just in case you come across some weird anchors In this case since the bolts are not level if you use two quick draws all the weight will be on one draw (still redundant, just not equalized), unless the Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - No votes and 19 comments We built a full anchor and broke it, over and over again on our Bolt Buster concrete slab and then again on our slack snap machine. 0 Dec 1, 2023 · Two-Legged Quad Anchor. The key difference is what you can use it for. Two realistic possible cases here (things such as gremlins and murderous partners aside). Apr 13, 2017 · The equalette is the evolution and combination of the cordalette and sliding-x. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Press Copyright Contact us Creators Dec 10, 2023 · Equalization is the process of distributing the load evenly among the anchor points to prevent any one piece from bearing an excessive amount of weight. A 240 cm sling can be handy for many kinds of anchor building, especially for equalizing three points of protection, orslinging around a tree. If the draws lay poorly against the rock, I'll attach the quad instead. Whilst remedying the problem of dynamic equalization, the Sl Lots and lots of testing as well as theorizing has been done on sliding X's by now. There are several pre-equalized and self-equalizing techniques to choose from, including the sliding-X, the equalette, and the quad anchor. Mar 13, 2016 · I've never liked the 'Pre Equalized Anchor; AKA Cord-o-lette, instead opting for a version of the two-point self-equalizing, sliding X anchor backed up with a third independent anchor using sewn spectra slings. This has generally been sufficient for the multi-pitch routes I've done. To my knowledge, no one make 5. jg Quad. Jun 30, 2008 · P. Jun 7, 2024 · Some people think this is called the quad anchor because it uses a “quad” length sling, or 240 cm. But other than that, you have to tie a quad or MP on the go. 3M subscribers in the climbing community. I use the sliding-x with limiters for my top rope anchor, and I see a few benefits over the other options: given the same sling/cordellette length, it's twice as long as the quad, alleviate rope drag and crossing over ledges the twist makes it more redundant than a pure equalette, almost as much as a quad adjust as load to the anchor changes direction (see Figure 1). 2K plays • Length 6:52. Why Choose Us We manufacture cost-effective Hardware, Railing Systems, Shade Sail Kits, Pergolas, Fence, Wrought Iron Gates & Balusters. - I do not recommend building an anchor composed of a single Sliding X. Mar 3, 2025 · You can leave your quad rigged for a long day out. Lots and lots of testing as well as theorizing has been done on sliding X's by now. Fast. Jun 12, 2021 · 1. Make sure the second knows how to safely clean your anchor and transition to the permanent anchor BEFORE they leave the ground. It is also notable that the Quad seems to distribute loads more effectively than the Sliding-X. If you have any recommendations for any other types of sliding X a As stated above, they generally don’t distribute the load equally, although research performed by Evans demonstrates that under a dynamic load, they distribute the load better than so called “pre-equalized” anchor systems, such as the W or V-Clove. The sliding X is another common anchor you might see, which is relatively simple and does not require any more gear than the BFK. Contrary to the sliding-X method, this method is more complex to make. Photos 2 & 3: Disadvantage - If one of the bots fails, then the sliding-x anchor will "extend", which means the anchor point will travel down the length of the webbing until it stops, which will increase the impact force on the remaining bolt. And yes we are scared of falling. The difference here can be as much as 30/70%. I think I like quad Jul 15, 2020 · The realities of self equalizing anchorsThe terms “self-equalizing” and “load distributing” have often been used to describe anchor systems which are rigged in such a way that they have some ability to adjust laterally under load and align themselves with the direction of the force applied to them, purportedly maintaining an equal distribution of forces on each anchor leg. As for the argument that you can't make a trad anchor, it's pretty straight forward if you treat the open quad sling the same as a big loop of cord. com Jul 11, 2016 · Eh, I'd say quads and equallettes have about the same issues with multiple pieces of gear and extension, since they both rely on limiter knots. 3 types of sliding x anchors; 2:29. Setting up Your Quad Anchor Nov 13, 2014 · As far as the sliding-x with limiters, according to Mammut on their 240cm 8mm sling pamphlet, an overhand reduces the efficiency of the sling by -54%. A carabiner comes unclipped, in which case extension occurs and the sliding x catches as designed. If your goal is to build an anchor that meets the standards of the anchor building acronyms SRENE or ERNEST, then an open Sliding X is the wrong choice. An anchor component fails, in which case extension occurs and the sliding x still catches as designed. As for a TR anchor, I'd worry with the use of non locking carabiners. I like to use a cordalette and build an anchor with 3-4 pieces and a big pre-equalized master point. Magic X and quad configurations have become popular, but their ability to self-adjust to variable load direction is not perfect. the reason you want to have the middle loops a decent size is so your anchor equalizes and by shortening the distance between the knots you shorten the direction of pull degrees Quad Anchor Method. Can be mounted to the top or bottom flange of the I-Beam• Non-corrosive device with clamps fabricated from high quality stainless steel and a forged aluminum anodized bar• 5,000 pound anchorage point • Easy to attach to structural members. That means that if you make a sliding-x out of it with overhand limiter knots your sling is now only rated at 22kN * . ) The self equalizing self equalizes but if one pice blows it will shock load the others. I've been using the girth hitch masterpoint most of the time the last few years. Dec 16, 2019 · I am still quite new in the climbing world and have been trying to figure out the best way to set up a top rope anchor. For a more long term anchor you want locking biners and multiple points for tieing people in, hanging gear/rope, and general versatility. 3. It’s “equalized” to the limitations of the physics. PRE-EQUALIZED. Sliding X vs BFK is mostly sewn-sling-centric but you can grab about 8-12 meters of a 6mm or 7mm accessory cord and now you have the flexibility to create any type of anchor. Best Situation To Use The Quad Anchor To equalize two bomber anchor points such as a two-bolt anchor. 46 = 10. Jun 23, 2021 · In this episode, Mike goes over three examples of a sliding X anchor using Dyneema slings. Clip the sling into two bolts. qqoadlgz wvuqn avpzp ktde orhz gqhhu nby cggni cdll qtylkb lwci pudp rkpx nlfp xbnfes