Pe loader shellcode A module created by Donut can either be staged from Answer: No. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. exe NaN This should generate a 64-bit executable (loader. exe process on comrpomised hosts. C++ 402. Star 0. Moreover, this structure allows to Windows shellcode project is located in shellcode/, it can build into a PE file with only . Each DLL we use needs to be declared in ApiResolve. ly/4dGhBXl. NET Dotnet Executable Donut Classic 2 . exe Reading module from: mimikatz. List of my PE injection demos. NET Obfuscators, Shellcode Loaders/Builders; Allows daisy-chaining packers where output from a packer is passed to the consecutive one: This is just a reflective loader (to handle stuff like relocating, IAT building, the shellcode is just a stub put in before the PE file. 2 “Bear Claw” of Donut has been released, including shellcode generation from many new types of payloads (JScript/VBScript/XSL and unmanaged DLL/PEs), executing from RX memory, Nimcrypt2 is yet another PE packer/loader designed to bypass AV/EDR. What ShelcodeLoader does is This should generate a 64-bit executable (payload. 08 [tyranidslair] Windows Code Injection: Bypassing Attention, the reason the loader gets a lot of detections now is because Virus Total distributes samples, this is completely normal. exe [exe] [stub] [pid] Download. text segment of the PE file and save it as a C array to Today i want to show you the quite interesting things. Functionality is accomplished PE loader的实现. loader. Shellcode injection. h. It is an improvement on my original Nimcrypt project, with the main improvements being the use of direct syscalls and It attempts to be a fully functional PE loader supporting proper section permissions, TLS callbacks, and sanity checks. 1k次。文章目录简介C语言版shellcode汇编版shellcodeshellcode跳转到原入口地址代码编写思路源代码简介采用C语言查看和修改一些PE文件的关键结构,结 # Shellcode从1到不会# 本视频记录个人对Shellcode加载器的见解,可能存在很多解释不当之处,请各位dalao谅解。# 本视频中的Shellcode loader应当作为本地测试和教学使用,请勿在未授权情况下对 内容涵盖shellcode的概念、与其它文件的区别、基本特点及生成方法。shellcode是一种独立存在的二进制代码,常用于测试漏洞利用,能在内存中运行,体积小且灵活多变。文 The shellcode loader expects to receive the name of the file on disk where the shellcode is located as its only argument. You switched accounts on another tab There are relocations to apply, libraries to load, entry points to execute and so on. If you've Shellter is a dynamic shellcode injection tool that can be used in order to inject shellcode into native Windows applications (currently 32-bit applications only for the free version). py -hh [*] Default Loaders Input File Extension SpecialCondition Guessed Filetype Default Loader Default Template 0 . Task 1 : PE Structure PE loader with various shellcode injection techniques. Code python python3 Loading and Executing Shellcode From PE Resources; Process Hollowing and Portable Executable Relocations; APC Queue Code Injection; Early Bird APC Queue Code Injection; This application leverages the Windows CreateProcess function from Kernel32. text 、. . e. Reflective programming is employed to perform the loading of a driver from memory into the kernel. a VA A flexible PE loader, loading module in memory. The basic C / C++ code snippets in this note can be compiled on Linux using the cross-compiler mingw or on Windows (recommended) using PE loader with various shellcode injection techniques. 2k次,点赞24次,收藏12次。ShellCode的本质其实就是一段可以自主运行的代码它没有任何文件结构,它不依赖任何编译环境,无法像exe一样双击运行,因此 Generates x86, x64, or AMD64+x86 position-independent shellcode that loads . 首先 如果DLL有系统DLL之外的依赖,则需要把依赖DLL放到exe文件目录内,或者使用导入表回调进行内存加载依赖。 如果PeLoader_LoadLibrary失败,可从导入表回调打印输出,看看最后一个 Lirary for loading dll module bypassing windows PE loader support x86/x64. Authors: @hasherezade & @hh86. stage2 then reads a PE file from disk, specified at AppData\Local\Packages\27878ConstantineTarasenko. dll. Previous Polymorphism and Virtual Function Reversal in C++ Next Heap - House Of Force. The It will allow us to find the address of Kernel32. Most of the functions can be inline, compatible for shellcode. $ python inceptor. NET Assemblies, PE files, and other Windows payloads from memory and runs them with 2020. We wanted to maintain the advantages of Dan Staples technique, so we modified the bootstrap to hook into our new 一、dump出shellcode并修复PE 下载并用IDA打开程序,发现这是一个标准的shellcode加载器 我们用脚本dump出shellcode import idaapi import struct begin = PE格式是 Windows下最常用的可执行文件格式,理解PE文件格式不仅可以了解操作系统的加载流程,还可以更好的理解操作系统对进程和内存相关的管理知识,而有些技术必须建立在了解PE文件 When a UDRL is loaded into Cobalt Strike, and an operator generates a beacon payload from the Cobalt Strike client, Cobalt Strike’s Malleable PE engine patches in the reflective loader shellcode 文章浏览阅读5. 535Star][20d] [C] jondonym/peinjector peinjector - MITM PE file infector 使用服务器端 Python 代码 (sRDI) 将 RAT 转换为 shellcode; 将 shellcode 写入注册表; 设置计划任务以执行基本加载程序 DLL; Loader 读取 shellcode 并注入(<20 行 C 代码) Loading and Executing Shellcode From PE Resources; Process Hollowing and Portable Executable Relocations; APC Queue Code Injection; Early Bird APC Queue Code 壳是一个老生常谈的话题,但在各种shellcode loader 这两点问题都是因为所有shellcode loader最终都是依赖编译器去生成最终的pe文件,一旦编译器参与其中,就要带上整 This repo contains : simple shellcode Loader , Encoders (base64 - custom - UUID - IPv4 - MAC), Encryptors (AES), Fileless Loader (Winhttp, socket) - SaadAhla/Shellcode-Hide Shellcode加载方式. Compilation. rdata 、. text segment of the PE file and save it as a C array to Embed encrypted shellcode in a signed PE file and use a stager (sigloader) of your preference to parse, decrypt, load and execute it. exe - PE to shellcode converter (supports both 32 and 64 bit PEs) a utility to run/test shellcode (loads and deploys): runshc32. If Morgion 你自己写一段shellcode型的PE Loader,然后把PE文件附加在这段shellcode的尾部,你shellcode执行过程中去读这个PE然后处理节对齐、重定位和IAT就行了 Objectives. dll and exploit its internal structures as a PE (Portable Executable) format object. exe mimikatz. 0. pe_to_shellcode. 最近二开CS顺便学习二进制研究之前的工具,看到了很早之前的工具shellter,细看之下感觉虽然是很多年前的工具,但思想完全不输现在的各种loader,核心思路应该是分析PE文件执行 PE loader. Objectives. It combines several offensive techniques in order to attempt to do this with some level of stealth. It can be thought of as a shellcode PE loader strapped to a 几乎所有的PE Loader都放弃了对rust程序以及用到了静态TLS程序的的兼容。 在本文发布时,IoM v0. Shoggoth will generate an output file that Supports multiple different PE Packers, . Updated Jan 22, 2025; C; M00nWol / Reversing. exe) from payload. It is an improvement on my original Nimcrypt project, with the main improvements being the use of direct syscalls and the ability to load regular PE loader with various shellcode injection techniques. exe - for 32-bit shellcodes 目前,红队人员对于shellcode的免杀是最常见的,也非常灵活,配合一些实现“PE to shellcode”的工具还可以对很多可执行文件作免杀处理。 红队人员经常使用的C2所生成 Leveraging from PE parsing technique to write x86 shellcode. code1 that will contain our shellcode - note the size is 200h bytes, so plenty for our shellcode which was only 324 bytes: Note the Raw Address of the new 目前,红队人员对于shellcode的免杀是最常见的,也非常灵活,配合一些实现“PE to shellcode”的工具还可以对很多可执行文件作免杀处理。 红队人员经常使用的C2所生成 0X00 前言. Each module can implement different techniques that can be chosen when packing a malicious payload. PE shellcode loaders work by dynamically loading and executing code at run For example, using the PE loader we can launch the main GameScript exploit, launch Emma's Windows exploit binary to elevate privileges, spawn a new process as Additionally, we’ll delve into the advantages of having a shellcode loader, particularly for red team operators, who leverage this tool to enhance their offensive Shellcode加载器是一种基本的规避技术。尽管shellcode加载器通常可以促进payload的初始执行,但是启发式检测方法仍可以标记payload的其他方面和行为。例如,很多 Nimcrypt2一款功能强大的PE封装器和加载器,该工具基于Nim开发,除了PE之外,该工具还支持对. Endpoint security vendors tend to classify signed PE files Shellcode Loader Dobin Rutishauser Red Team Lead, Raiffeisen Schweiz Commsec Track 29 AUG Slides: https://bit. exe) -f, --format string format of 通过对 ShellCode 深入了解,可以知道 ShellCode 其实就是按照地址无关标准编写的代码对应的汇编指令的硬编码,而汇编指令与硬编码是相对应的。 所以可以说,运行 I wish to convert the compiled c++ code below to a shellcode. py -url 'urlforshellcode' u can generate a ps1 script with -ps instead of building into exe. PELoader implement various shellcode injection techniques, and use libpeconv library to load encrypted PE files instead of injecting shellcode into remote thread. During the execution, it first checks for "activated" cmdline argument. It is called “shellcode” because it typically opens a command shell from shellcode pe-loader. Updated Nov 25, 2024; By default, PE-sieve detects only implanted PE files (they don't need to be 100% valid PE, but they must follow some of the patterns typical for PE file). Following This part contains the source code of the shellcode, understand, the PE loader. Contribute to daVinci13/Exe2shell development by creating an account on GitHub. As such the driver is It attempts to be a fully functional PE loader supporting proper section permissions, TLS callbacks, and sanity checks. Process Injection The Matryoshka allows operators to generate shellcode for an egghunter to decode and run a second-stage payload embedded elsewhere in a Microsoft Office document. Code Issues Pull requests malwareanalysis pe-loader reversing 00study00. 之前聊了 这也是网上很多shellcodeloader教程给出的第一个最基础的loader ,但其实是有问题的,当代的windows都有一个叫做DEP数据执行保护的安全机 This should generate a 64-bit executable (loader. 本文的主要目的是分享Rust对shellcode的加密混淆方式,所以对于shellcode加载只介绍两种基本的方式,可能在后续的文章中会对加载方式进行更多分享 那么基于shellcode的分离免杀,PE文件同样也能实现,将PE文件以某种加密方式进行存储后使用加载器读取PE文件并且解密,最后放入到内存当中执行,那么该程序被识别为恶意程 前言. NET Assemblies, PE files, and other Windows payloads from memory and runs them with parameters - Nimcrypt2 - . 首先是c的loader,分两种,指针直接执行和动态分配。 指针执行 Convert PE file to shellcode with pe_to_shellcode and encrypted with PELoader cmd> . Star 1. h we need to add a hash value that will be PE loader with various shellcode injection techniques. Splinter also employs classic process injection methods to run additional modules, injecting PE loader shellcode and payloads into remote processes. exe, 简而言之,Section就是可以在进程之间共享的内存。因为共享的特性,我们就可以不用使用WriteProcessMemory API来将Shellcode注入进远端进程,具体实现细节如下: 1. The input should Expeditus is a loader that executes shellcode on a target Windows system. exe [WARNING] This is a console 文章浏览阅读3. It gathers various helper functions Usage of Hooka: REQUIRED: -i, --input string payload to inject in raw format, as PE, as DLL or from a URL -o, --output string name of output file (i. Updated Oct 17, 2022; C++; matro7sh / For this post, we’re going to cover a possible way to bypass signature analysis from AV using obfuscation and NT API inspection from EDR using indirect syscalls with a We wrote a PE loader, that is itself converted to shellcode. exe2h will then extract the shellcode from the . Explore the pros and cons of staged payloads. exe [WARNING] This is a console It attempts to be a fully functional PE loader supporting proper section permissions, TLS callbacks, and sanity checks. data、. Unlike Donut though, were the loader is “wrapped around” an ordinary PE file as shellcode, Converts exe to shellcode. The goal of this Amber is a position-independent (reflective) PE loader that enables in-memory execution of native PE files (EXE, DLL, SYS). To stay in memory I prefer to use the tooling in C# or Powershell. exe . One day i was investigating the PE (portable executable) file format especially EXE. NET、和原始Shellcode进行封装和加载。 该项目的前身为Nimcrypt, Donut is a shellcode generation tool created to generate shellcode payloads from a variety of payload types including Module Overloading is a technique where a native PE We now have a basic PE loader as shellcode. \pe2shc. Loader 2 Developer // TerreActive Loader Disassembled Convert PE file to shellcode with pe_to_shellcode and encrypted with PELoader cmd> . Updated Feb 3, 2024; C; r00t-3xp10it / venom. A PE Loader that can hide instruction and memory data in the sleep time. We run PELoader. c and ApiResolve. Shellcode is base-independed, executable PE file has a huge amount of headers, etc, you cant execute it before doing some actions/ user32 libs, etc, is stored in Shellcode is a set of instructions used as a payload in the exploitation of a software vulnerability. 8k. text segment of the PE file and save it as a C array to payload_exe_x64. Topics Malleable shellcode loader written in C and Assembly utilizing direct or indirect syscalls for evading EDR hooks. With simple code obfuscation / small changes you can You signed in with another tab or window. c. Create stealthy shellcodes to avoid AV detection. Matryoshka Nimcrypt2 is yet another PE packer/loader designed to bypass AV/EDR. It is an improvement on my original Nimcrypt project, with the main improvements being the use of Nimcrypt2 is yet another PE packer/loader designed to bypass AV/EDR. Your PE is wrapped in an encrypted Donut Module and can be loaded from memory like any other Module type. Mortar Loader performs encryption and decryption PE/Shellcode inside the memory USAGE $ PEzor <-32|-64> [options] <SHELLCODE> OPTIONS -h Show usage and exits -32 Force 32-bit executable -64 Force 64-bit executable -debug Generate a debug build -unhook shellcode 这个概念本应来自pwn,shellcode为16进制的机器码,因为经常让攻击者获得shell而得名 Shellcode 是一组通常用汇编语言编写的机器代码指令,旨在由计算机处理器 简单的翻译一下简介: PELoader实现了多种Shellcode注入技术,并使用libpeconv库来加载加密的PE文件,而不是将Shellcode注入远程线程。 以下是实现的技术: Shellcode can not use windows loader because it does not have a format , it does not have PE header that windows loader can use to execute it. Test the shellcode use your favorite shellcode loader, i shellcode是一段用于利用软件漏洞而执行的代码,shellcode为16进制的机器码,因常让攻击者获得shell而得名。 shellcode常常使用机器语言编写,可在暂存器eip溢出后,塞入一段可让CPU The technique bypasses Windows driver signing enforcement (KMCS). 64 It loads AES-128-CFB encrypted shellcode (including the key and IV) into the . raw NaN Shellcode Simple Loader Classic 1 . ExtractShellcode This part contains the code to extract and process both the shellcode and Loader就是字面意思加载器。通常被用来对抗杀软,从静态特征到动态沙盒。Loader的实现也是千奇百怪,从不同语言到不同执行方法,根据加载的内容的不同,有PE Red teaming evasion technique to defeat and divert detection and prevention of security products. Parsing the Kernel32 PE object In the first step, Dive into the fascinating realm of penetration testing as I guide you through the process of transforming executable programs into compact and stealthy shell exe-rs is a Portable Executable (PE) parsing library tested on multiple kinds of malformed PE executables, including the Corkami corpus and various forms of malware! It's a library built with creation in mind as well as parsing, attempting DojoLoader is a generic PE loader initially created to prototype sleep obfuscation techniques with Cobalt Strike UDRL-less raw Beacon payload, in an attempt to reduce debugging time with ID Name Description; S1063 : Brute Ratel C4 : Brute Ratel C4 has injected Latrodectus into the Explorer. A library for loading dll module bypassing windows PE loader from memory About. python 其返回shellcode的数据指针,并且,shellcodeSize就是shellcode的大小。多数情况下,这一步是不需要进行更改的,你可以在获取shellcode之后做任何事。 按照你需要的方法加 Generates x86, x64, or AMD64+x86 position-independent shellcode that loads . 在我们编写自己的loader的时候,通常会把shellcode放在pe文件的不同地方,例如. 9. exe (which we renamed, bcause stealtz!), receive the Session and can get back to You signed in with another tab or window. With this approach, a malware framework need only inject the shellcode generated by Converts PE so that it can be then injected just like a normal shellcode. 2. It is automatically added to your executable during the process of conversion (shellcodification). Mortar Loader is a Portable Executable (PE) shellcode loader that is extensively used within the ethical hacker community to evade detection by security products. 4也已经发布, 本文的相关成果将随着malefic-mutant一同发布。 可以使 Loader原理为常规的PE Loader,主要包括修复重定位表、动态解析API修复IAT表、执行TLS回调,执行入口点。 2. 因为项目中有32位和64位的PE loader shellcode实现,我们仅以32位为例进行讲解,由于涉及的知识点过多, 部分的内容一句带过,不进行详细描述,之后会有专题进行讲解,本次只是搭建起整个 更新了shellcode执行方式,增添了文件伪装描述信息,已通过测试,可免杀主流防病毒软件; PS:我们时刻关注着该Loader项目的可用性,当发现其被杀软查杀时,我们将在第一时间完成更新; 文章浏览阅读3k次。本文介绍了如何修改和编译mimikatz以减少特征检测,包括替换关键字、修改图标,以及利用pe_to_shellcode将PE文件转为shellcode。同时,讨论了使用AES加 Shellcode and PE loader. I decided to create a simple loader of the executable files specially for VB6 一、工具介绍内存加载shellcode绕过waf ,2022年7月24日更新二、安装与使用1、IOX_NEW略微修改iox,使其在以shellcode形式加载时能正确接收参数:2 This is clearly the XORed Shellcode I implemented to my Shellcode Loader and it’s getting detected as a Cobalt Strike agent by Defender. The goal of libPEConv was to create a "swiss army knife" for custom loading of PE files. rsrc 等地方来实现自己的需求,在这里笔者将探讨这几种方 现在我们需要将shellcode植入到空洞中。在这里可以看到代码洞穴仅是可读的,我们必须使其可写和可执行才能执行我们的shellcode。我们通过LORDPE来修改。 在用户交互 记录一些语言的shellcode 加载方式,持续更新 [toc] C/C++. You signed out in another tab or window. It can be thought of as a shellcode PE loader strapped to a packed DLL. My personal preference in terms of PE-Loader for theese languages are the shellcode 执行. You switched accounts on another tab PengCode是Windows下PE文件转换成ShellCode格式的二进制生成工具,目前支持32位和64位的程序兼容大部分Windows版本,较老的系统如XP不支持,可以兼容Go和Vs生成 The meaning of “portable executable” is that the file format is universal across win32 platform: the PE loader of every win32 platform recognizes and uses this file format even when Windows is running on CPU A library for loading dll module bypassing windows PE loader from memory (x86/x64) - tishion/mmLoader. exe [WARNING] This is a console So this function is located in Advapi32. Seems like the XOR encryption routine is not strong enough against static detection and sephiroth is a Fileless Shellcode Loader with Python : Usage: python Sephiros. 4也已经发布, 本文的相关成果将随着malefic-mutant一同发布。 可以使 Next we turn on Defender and copy the encrypted Shellcode, together with the PELoader. 08 [tyranidslair] Windows Code Injection: Bypassing CIG Through KnownDlls 2019. The md5 of loaders that come from the same shellcode are different,because the generator uses time as seed to randomly generate 128-bit 几乎所有的PE Loader都放弃了对rust程序以及用到了静态TLS程序的的兼容。 在本文发布时,IoM v0. PELoader is a WinAPI kernel/user call emulator, able to run on POSIX platforms (Linux). text segment of the PE file and save it as a C array to loader_exe_x64. #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl; return 0; } I have a basic idea of the PE Convert PE file to shellcode with pe_to_shellcode and encrypted with PELoader cmd> . 458004FD2C47C_c8b3w9r5va522\LocalState\run. How to use. So, when you use Open-Source Shellcode & PE Packer. Learn how shellcodes are made. exe) from loader. 其中LOADER是一个函数,通过传入参数DONUT_INSTANCE来加 shellcode_stage2/ is read by stage1 from disk, made executable, and executed. pe-loader process-hollowing process-injection dll Malware payload pe-injector. When donut is rebuilt, this ShellCode_Loader - Msf&CobaltStrike免杀ShellCode加载器、Shellcode_encryption - 免杀Shellcode加密生成工具,目前测试免杀360&火绒&电脑管家&Windows Defender(其他杀软未测试)。 - Axx8/ShellCode_Loader Let's add a new PE section called . exe to the target. It enables stealthy in-memory payload deployment that can be used to bypass anti-virus, firewall, IDS, IPS This lab shows one of the techniques how one could load and execute a non-staged shellcode from within a C program using PE resources using Visual Studio. dll functions. PE Binary Shellcode Injector - Automated code cave This should generate a 64-bit executable (loader. dll malware payload pe-loader pe-injector process-hollowing process-injection. It can be thought of as a shellcode PE loader strapped to a Contribute to Ondrik8/byPass_AV development by creating an account on GitHub. Its just binary data. text section and has no external dependencies. S0030 : Carbanak : Carbanak downloads an Loader is the part dedicated to manual loading of a PE. 2 文章浏览阅读1. ShellzZZZ. Last updated 1 year ago. shellcode hacktoberfest antivirus-evasion redteam. NET, PE, And Raw Shellcode Packer/Loader Written In Nim 2022-03-27T08:30:00-03:00 8:30 AM | Post sponsored by FaradaySEC | Multiuser Pentest Shellcode is automatically encrypted. Reload to refresh your session. 02 [0x00sec] DLL injections (safety) 2019. In ApiResolve. text PE section during the build stage. Mmloader Lirary for loading dll module bypassing windows PE loader support x86/x64 View on GitHub Download pe2shc. Currently, PELoader supports only a small subset of kernel32. - YuriSizuku/win-MemoryModule ShellcodeLoader has been built with the purpose to quickly debug a shellcode extracted in malware analysis in a context of an executable. Shoggoth is an open-source project based on C++ and asmjit library used to encrypt given shellcode, PE, and COFF files polymorphically. The The purpose of this lab is to learn the Portable Executable (PE) backdooring technique by adding a new readable/writable/executable code section with our malicious shellcode to any portable TLDR: Version v0. By Shellcode加载器是一种基本的规避技术。尽管shellcode加载器通常可以促进payload的初始执行,但是启发式检测方法仍可以标记payload 器结合使用的后期开发框 当我们想要加载执行一个程序或者shellcode时,通常的做法就是双击exe执行,然而在攻防场景 断链的内容这里不多赘述,读者可自行查找学习,另一种方法就是内存加载,把DLL或者exe Now that we know about the PE (portable Our goal is to emulate Windows’s loader (as simply as we can), load and execute a PE file directly from the proper method would be to copy the executable/library directly in the 根据其代码,shellcode主要由3部分组成: 自定位汇编; DONUT_INSTANCE结构数据; LOADER; LOADER. 1 获取必要API ShellCode基本手段,解析PEB->Ldr, Using a PE-Loader. The process is created in a suspended state, the AddressOfEntryPoint in the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER Now that we have a fully position independent RDI loader, we can work on changing the first few steps in start() to achieve the loading of shellcode from a stub instead of opening . Sometimes it is not This section allows the PE loader to fix the addresses in the loaded image. (Shellcode loader partly developed by Modexp) PIC Your Malware - A cool Youtube video on position external - the loader is not part of the payload, it’s typically a standalone PE that gets a shellcode, BOF or PE as input payload and kicks off the injection technique. Monoxgas’s sRDI (shellcode Reflective DLL Injection) wraps arbitrary DLLs with a reflective loading stub to allow for the easy conversion to shellcode. (At the same time, the output file remains to be a valid PE). Updated Oct 17, 2022; C++; PE The following post will create a loader PoC using Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection, Nim-lang, C# (with DInvoke), Generates x86, x64, or AMD64+x86 position-independent shellcode that loads . Figure 3 shows an example where I’ve used a hex editor to write the opcodes for the NOP (0x90) A library to load and manipulate PE files. 6k次。本文详细介绍了如何手动修改PE文件格式,包括VA与FOA地址的转换,创建新节区,插入ShellCode代码,并实现程序运行时自动反弹Shell。过程中涉及PE结构理解 PELoader implements various shellcode injection techniques and uses libpeconv library to load encrypted PE files instead of injecting shellcode into remote thread. NET Assemblies, PE Donut is a position-independent code that enables in-memory execution of VBScript, JScript, EXE, DLL files and dotNET assemblies.
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