June huh cv. [2] [3] He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2022.

June huh cv Mar 6, 2025 · %PDF-1. - Hodge theory for combinatorial geometries (with Karim Jul 3, 2017 · June Huh thought he had no talent for math until a chance meeting with a legendary mind. We use the Hodge-Riemann relations According to our current on-line database, June Huh has 1 student and 1 descendant. During academic breaks, I visit June E Huh Center for Mathematical Challenges of KIAS. I take this chance to express my gratitude to my teachers and mentors June Huh found striking connections between algebraic geometry and combinatorics, solved central problems in combinatorics that had remained open for decades, and developed a theory of great importance for both fields. Annals of Mathematics, with June Huh and Eric Katz (publication version) Mar 1, 2025 · June Huh’s home page. Jul 8, 2022 · 韩裔美籍美国普林斯顿大学教授兼韩国高等科学院数学系客座教授许埈珥(June Huh)是其中之一。 许埈珥将霍奇理论的思想引入组合学,证明了几何格的Dowling–Wilson猜想,证明了拟阵的Heron–Rota–Welsh猜想,发展了洛伦兹多项式,以及证明了强梅森猜想。 Oct 21, 2024 · Roberto Pagaria's CV Mathematical dissemination Luca Migliorini and I wrote a divulgative article in Italian I lavori di June Huh. Logarithmic cotangent bundles, Chern-Mather classes, and the Huh-Sturmfels Involu-tion conjecture, with Laurentiu Maxim, Jose Rodriguez and Lei Wu arXiv:2202.  · https://www. CV (Updated on: Mar 1st, 2025) I am a (tenure-track) Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics Education at Seoul National University . Call a subset of E independent if it is linearly independent. [4] June Huh's 20 research works with 194 citations and 633 reads, including: Stellahedral geometry of matroids. It is humbling to be recognized for doing what I love. stanford. Fields Medal - 2022. The Fields Medal is one of the most prestigious prizes in mathematics. Their most recent publication is 'Uncovering young Jul 6, 2022 · 2017年一个温暖的春日清晨,许埈珥(June Huh)步行穿过普林斯顿大学的校园。按计划,他将前往麦克唐奈楼上课,但他不太确定怎么去那里。许埈珥是普林斯顿高等研究院的一员,这一远离俗世的研究院毗邻普林斯顿大学校园。 Mar 19, 2024 · The incredible result of June Huh and his collaborators—Karim Adiprasito, Federico Ardila, Tom Braden, Graham Denham, Eric Katz, Jacob Matherne, Nick Proudfoot, Botong Wang—is that the Kähler package continues to hold for these cohomologies of a matroid even when the matroid is not realizable. 编者按: 2022年7月5日,万众瞩目的菲尔兹奖揭晓,4位年轻数学家成为新一届获奖人,其中包括美籍韩裔数学家June Huh。作为一个曾经“辍学写诗的数学差生”,June Huh的数学家之路堪称传奇,他本人有哪些特质使他最终成长为一个杰出数学家呢? Aug 20, 2015 · Introduction. June Huh's research while affiliated with Princeton University and other places. Tarun Chordia, Sahn-Wook Huh, and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, 2009, “Theory-Based Illiquidity and Asset Pricing,” Review of Financial Studies 22 (9), 3629-3668. From 2007 to 2010, I studied Mathematics at TU Dortmund, where I received my Diploma in Mathematics with Tudor Zamfirescu. INTRODUCTION AND RESULTS Let G be a finite connected graph, and let w pw eqbe a set of positive weights on the edges eof G. View PDF; TeX Source; Other Formats June E Huh Curriculum Vitae PrincetonUniversity DepartmentofMathematics FineHall,WashingtonRoad PrincetonNJ08544–1000 Employment Professor,PrincetonUniversity,2021 Jul 5, 2022 · Fields medallists June Huh, James Maynard and Hugo Duminil-Copin (left to right). We prove that the Hessian of a nonzero Jul 7, 2022 · 2017 年一个温暖的春日清晨,许埈珥(June Huh )步行穿过普林斯顿大学的校园。按计划,他将前往麦克唐奈楼上课,但他不太确定怎么去那里。许埈珥是普林斯顿高等研究院的一员,这一远离俗世的研究院毗邻普林斯顿大学 Sep 29, 2022 · The Bergman fan of a polymatroid, with Colin Crowley, June Huh, Matt Larson and Connor Simpson, arXiv:2207. Photo credit: Andrea Kane, Institute for Advanced Study Mentor: June Huh. Relocated ceremony. To apply for this position, please send your resume in English to email address: thu. Comments. Jul 5, 2022 · June Huh, a mathematician of Princeton University, has won one of this year's Fields Medals at the International Congress of Mathematicians. During summer, I can be found at Korea Institute for Advanced Study. A decade later, his unorthodox approach to mathematical thinking has led to major breakthroughs. We survey the main results in this development and Dec 11, 2022 · 2022年7月5日,菲尔兹数学奖名单揭晓,美籍韩裔数学家许埈珥(June Huh )位列其一。许埈珥少年时期的梦想与数学毫不相关,引领他走进数学世界、毫无保留教授 下载客户端 登录 无障碍 +1 广中平祐:学问只有在“发现”和“创造”中才会产生 Mar 6, 2025 · Combinatorics andHodgetheory JuneHuh Abstract Iwilltelltwointerrelatedstoriesillustratingfruitfulinteractionsbetweencombinatorics Sep 21, 2022 · Former Stanford Mathematics Professor, June Huh, has received the 2022 Fields Medal for his outstanding contributions to the field of Mathematics which are outlined in this citation produced by the International Math Union. Location: Seongnam · 131 connections on LinkedIn. Field Mathematics. More precisely, the following are equivalent: (i) X ⊆(C∗)m has maximum likelihood degree one. Another proof of the same result is given by Kung from the point of view of Radon transformations [Kun79, Kun86]. [2] [3] He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2022. The class contains homogeneous stable polynomials as well as volume polynomials of convex bodies and projective varieties. Youn Jung Huh currently works at the Childhood education and care, Salem State University. The degree of the Z-polynomial of M is exactly the rank of M, and its leading 论文建立了Schubert多项式和Key多项式达到上界的条件。该结果被 June Huh, Jacob Matherne, Karola Meszaros和 Avery St. To submit students of this mathematician, please use the new data form, noting this mathematician's MGP ID of 185855 for the advisor ID. Dec 15, 2023 · The results of western blot showed that the protein expression level of prohibitin in Huh-7-HCV cells was 2. Randomly pick a spanning tree T of G so that the probability of selecting an individual tree tis proportional to the product of the weights of its edges: PpT tq9 „ ePt w e: Jul 5, 2022 · June Huh (R), a Korean American mathematician and professor at Princeton University, stands on stage at Aalto University in Helsinki on July 5, 2022 (local time), after being named a recipient of this year's Fields Medal, a Feb 25, 2025 · Effects of a Cardiac and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program on Anxiety, Depression, Self-Efficacy, Quality of Life, and Exercise Capacity in Young Adults With Fontan Circulation: A Randomized Controlled Trial June Huh was awarded the Fields Medal in 2022 for his transformative contributions to the field of combinatorics, particularly for the bridges he built between combinatorics and algebraic geometry. (2pi i), Fields Institute, June 18-21, 2024 UT Austin AWM Distinguished Women in Mathematics Lecture Series, Mar 25-28, 2024 JMM, January 3-6, 2024; Oct 4, 2022 · 看点 2022年数学界“诺贝尔奖”菲尔茨奖之一,是有史以来的第一位韩裔数学家June Huh(许埈珥)。然而和其他获奖者不同的是,这位数学家直到24岁,才对数学产生兴趣,那么这个曾对数学非常排斥的小伙子,最终是如 Home / Research / Seminars and Conferences / Teaching / CV / Other. 2022an Fields Domina eta MacArthur Fellowship bat May 21, 2018 · We prove a precise version of a general conjecture on the polar degree stated by June Huh. A subvariety of (C∗)m has maximum likelihood degree one if and only if it admits Kapranov’s Horn uniformization. In Spring 2026 I will be at SLMath for this event. The world is under constant construction, with deep insecurity seeping from its foundation. com/watch?v=ZhSIFX-jVk0 Members' Seminar Topic: Logarithmic concavity of Schur polynomials Speaker: June Huh Visiting Professor, School of Nov 10, 2022 · June Huh and his collaborators recently made spectacular breakthroughs by developing a Hodge theory of matroids that resolved several long-standing conjectures in matroid theory. Không giống như các nhà toán học khác tìm thấy đam mê với môn toán khi họ còn trẻ, June Huh mới chỉ đi sâu nghiên cứu toán vào năm 23 tuổi, khi ông đang học đại học năm cuối. De ne a partial order on the set of all varieties with maximum likelihood degree one by X (C)m X0 (C)l there is an m lintegral matrix Cof rank msuch that ˚C(X) = X0 The maximal elements of this partially ordered set are precisely the reduced A-discriminantal Sep 19, 2016 · June Huh Theorem2. 2: 2022: Preservice teachers’ awareness of children’s play in diverse cultures: exchange of digital photo essays across Myanmar, Korea, and the US. June Huh at the Institute for Jul 17, 2019 · I am a mathematician at Institute for Advanced Study. The International Mathematical Union (IMU) presents the medal every four years to researchers under the age of 40 based on the influence of their existing work and on th June Huh is mainly known for solving long-standing conjectures in combinatorics and discrete geometry using and extending ideas from algebraic geometry. We use the Hodge-Riemann relations to resolve a conjecture of Heron, Rota, and Welsh that postulates the log-concavity of the coe cients of the character- Mar 7, 2025 · June 2009 7. I am a postdoc at the Department of Mathematics of Cornell University. Feb 11, 2019 · View a PDF of the paper titled Lorentzian polynomials, by Petter Br\"and\'en and June Huh. 5 It is the projectivization of a conic LagrangiansubvarietyofV ×V ∨ Nov 26, 2024 · I am also currently supported by an NSF FRG (Focused Research Group) award with June Huh, Nick Proudfoot, Here is my CV. Journal of the American Mathematical Society 25 (2012), 907–927. Dr. 03875 Help | Advanced Search Mar 6, 2025 · June Huh sinh ra ở California trong lúc cha mẹ ông đang làm nghiên sinh, sau đó lớn lên ở Hàn Quốc. Karola Mesz´ aros´ received support from NSF Grant DMS-1501059, CAREER NSF Grant DMS-1847284 and a von Neumann Fellowship Jul 17, 2019 · JUNE HUH, BENJAMIN SCHROTER, AND BOTONG WANG¨ 1. Together they form a unique fingerprint. 08764 2. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Ông không có bảng điểm đại học Mar 6, 2025 · 4 TOM BRADEN, JUNE HUH, JACOB P. As described in a recent profile of Huh, published in Quanta Magazine (and sent to me by several alert readers), Huh’s path to academic mathematics was meandering. The HCMC also seeks to serve as a global hub in solving mathematical problems and in satisfying the intellectual curiosity of young and adventurous Jul 5, 2022 · Earlier today, June Huh, a 39-year-old Princeton professor, was awarded the 2022 Fields Medal, one of the highest possible honors in mathematics, for his breakthrough work on geometric combinatorics. Key Publications: Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces and the chromatic polynomial of graphs. Professor, Stanford University, 2020–2021. 许埈珥于2007年从韩国首尔大学毕业;2009年获得首尔大学硕士学位;2014年获得美国密歇根 许埈珥主要从事组合几何方面的研究 。 Professor, Princeton University, 2021–present. princeton. 1) Developed countries have already reduced the CVD mortality rate considerably through the identification and selection of high-risk groups, and the application of direct interventions, such as education and the prescription of medications. Powered by Tengine. We gratefully acknowledge support from the Simons Foundation, member institutions, and all contributors. MATHERNE, NICHOLAS PROUDFOOT, AND BOTONG WANG The polynomial Z Mptq, called the Z-polynomial of M, was introduced in [PXY18] using the first definition of P Mptq, where it was shown to satisfy the displayed identity. Jan 21, 2023 · 2 JUNE HUH AND BOTONG WANG For every nonnegative integer pless than r 2, there is a matching from the set of rank at most pelements of L to the set of corank at most pelements of L. View the profiles of people named June Huh. 6 Similar Profiles; Block Copolymer Material Science 100%. June Huh is recognized as a representative June Huh Curriculum Vitae PrincetonUniversity DepartmentofMathematics FineHall,WashingtonRoad PrincetonNJ08544–1000 B huh@princeton. Polymer Physics Soft Matter Theory and Simulations. 3. tengine Dec 9, 2024 · June_Huh - Free download as PDF File (. “All of us at Princeton are thrilled that the Dec 21, 2022 · We continue the series with June Huh, a professor of mathematics at Princeton who won the Fields Medal, one of the greatest honors in mathematics, in July and then in October was awarded a MacArthur Feb 4, 2024 · A brief CV I was born 1988 in Aachen/Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. Feb 16, 2025 · CV / Research / Teaching / Miscellany / 한국어 버전. Credit: Lance Murphey/Ryan Cowan/Matteo Fieni . Karola Mesz´ aros´ received support from NSF Grant DMS-1501059 and the von Neumann Fellowship funded by the Friends of the Institute Jan 31, 2017 · 2 JUNE HUH AND BOTONG WANG partitions of a finite set (partition lattices), and the lattice of all subspaces of a finite vector space (projective geometries). PLoS biology 2 (1), e15, 2004. When did you realize that you want to be mathematician? Who and what inspired you to become a mathematician? Was it an easy or difficult decision for you? Soon after finishing college, I had the good fortune to meet Professor Heisuke Hironaka. Awards were bestowed on two other Princeton professors at the ceremony: the Abacus Medal to Mark Braverman in the Department of Computer Science, and the Carl Friedrich Ga From: June Huh Thu, 30 Nov 2017 01:26:05 UTC (19 KB) [v2] Mon, 16 Apr 2018 03:38:03 UTC (19 KB) Full-text links: Access Paper: View a PDF of the paper titled Combinatorial applications of the Hodge-Riemann relations, by June Huh. Youn Jung does research in Pre-school Education. vn. Here are my profiles on Google Scholar and MathSciNet. 209: 2012: 'On any given day, Huh does about three hours of focused work. June Huh has been awarded the 2022 Fields Medal “for bringing the ideas of Hodge theory to combinatorics, the proof of the Dowling–Wilson conjecture for Mar 8, 2025 · Mathematics Research Center Building 380 Stanford, CA 94305 Phone: (650) 725-6284 Email: mrc-administrator [at] lists. This defines a matroid M realizable over k . Former position: P ostdoctoral Researcher, January 20 22 - August 2024 KTH Royal Institute of Technology. edu/∼huh/ Employment Professor,PrincetonUniversity,2021–present. June Huh received his PhD in 2014 from the University of Michigan under the supervision of Mircea Mustaţă. 詹姆斯·梅纳德(James Maynard),1987年6月10日出生,数学家,欧洲人文和自然科学院院士,英国皇家学会院士,牛津大学数论教授。詹姆斯·梅纳德于2008年获得剑桥大学皇后学院学士学位;2009年获得剑桥大学皇后学院硕士学位;2013年获得牛津大学贝利奥尔学院博士学位;2013年—2014年在蒙特利尔大学 Feb 1, 2015 · Demailly showed that the Hodge conjecture is equivalent to the statement that any (p,p)-dimensional closed current with rational cohomology class can be approximated by linear combinations of integration currents associated to subvarieties, and asked whether any strongly positive (p,p)-dimensional closed current with rational cohomology class can be approximated YJ Huh, BY Lim, H Im. He was raised in South Korea, where his family returned when he was approximately two years old. Institution Korea Institute for Advanced Study. Hugo Duminil-Copin, a mathematician with a remarkable track record. Huh began his study of mathematics in algebraic geometry, which involves the properties of geometric structures (such as curves or surfaces) that are described using June E Huh Curriculum Vitae PrincetonUniversity DepartmentofMathematics FineHall,WashingtonRoad PrincetonNJ08544–1000 Employment Professor,PrincetonUniversity,2021 Nov 9, 2015 · Authors: Karim Adiprasito, June Huh, Eric Katz. Let G be a finite graph, and E the set of edges. Apr 11, 2023 · 4 TOM BRADEN, JUNE HUH, JACOB P. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main cause of death and it imposes a burden across the world. Eisgruber. We confirm Huh's conjectural list of all projective hypersurfaces with isolated singularities and polar degree equal to 2. Skip to main content. Huh discover math as a calling. Asia Pacific Journal of Education 43 (2), 384-402, 2023. [1] Aurretik, Stanford Unibertsitateko irakaslea izan zen.  · June Huh 合集共计23条视频,包括:Fields Medals 2022-June Huh、2017 Regional Blavatnik Winner in Physical Sciences and Engineering、Combinatorial applications of the Hodge–Riemann 王博潼(Botong Wang),威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校助理教授。2002年获 国际数学奥林匹克 金牌(满分),2006年获 北京大学 学士,2012年获 普渡大学 博士。 2016年与国际著名数学家June Huh教授证明了Dowling和Wilson在1975年提 Aug 30, 2024 · June Huh applies tropical geometry and singularity theory to problems in combinatorics and other areas. Zhongzhi (Lawrence) He, Sahn-Wook Huh, and Bong-Soo Lee, 2010, “Dynamic Factors and Asset Pricing,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 45 (3), 707-737. Only in his last year in college did Dr. It is a relatively new field that solves the problem of combinatorics, which examines research objects such as networks through the methodology of algebraic geometry that studies geometric objects based on arithmetic operations. If you have additional information or corrections regarding this mathematician, please use the update form. 2) June E Huh Curriculum Vitae PrincetonUniversity DepartmentofMathematics FineHall,WashingtonRoad PrincetonNJ08544–1000 Employment Professor,PrincetonUniversity,2021 Jun 13, 2018 · JUNE HUH, BENJAMIN SCHROTER, AND BOTONG WANG¨ 1. Alg. 2019 New Horizons in Mathematics Prize For the development, with Eric Katz, of combinatorial Hodge theory leading to the resolution of the log-concavity conjecture of Rota. View a PDF of the paper titled Hodge Theory for Combinatorial Geometries, by Karim Adiprasito and 2 other authors. Verified email at korea. Surface 3 days ago · June Huh will be appointed as Professor of Mathematics, effective July 1, 2021. Photo courtesy of the MacArthur Foundation. Cited by. Donate > math > arXiv:2207. edu Dive into the research topics where June Huh is active. Fernholz Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University, 2019–2020. It presents the innovative ideas by June Huh, which earned him the Fields Medal in 2022. 301 Moved Permanently. Let V be a vector space over a field k , and E a finite set of vectors. Join Facebook to connect with June Huh and others you may know. The MacArthur Foundation honored the Princeton mathematician for “discovering underlying connections between disparate Oct 12, 2022 · “June Huh is a rare and distinctive talent with an inspiring combination of mathematical genius and creativity,” said Princeton University President Christopher L. View June Huh’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Năm 2002, ông chọn nhập học ngành Vật lý và Thiên văn tại Đại học Quốc gia Seoul (SNU) để trở thành phóng viên khoa học. Seung-Uk Huh - CV CV Feb 5, 2025 · June 2009 7. AWM-Microsoft Research Prize in Algebra and Number Theory, 2020. June Huh and his collaborators recently made spectacular breakthroughs by developing a Hodge theory of matroids that resolved several long-standing conjectures in matroid theory. Mar 18, 2020 · J. Huh’s research focuses on geometry, topology, and the combinatorics of algebraic varieties. Karola Mesz´ aros´ received support from NSF Grant DMS-1501059 and the von Neumann Fellowship funded by the Friends of the Institute PART PIECES - June Huh June Huh June E Huh Curriculum Vitae PrincetonUniversity DepartmentofMathematics FineHall,WashingtonRoad PrincetonNJ08544–1000 Employment Professor,PrincetonUniversity,2021 . He applies algebraic geometry and singularity theory to problems in combinatorics and other areas. These topic labels come from the works of this person. The degree of the Z-polynomial of M is exactly the rank of M, and its leading 编者按: 2022年7月5日,万众瞩目的菲尔兹奖揭晓,4位年轻数学家成为新一届获奖人,其中包括美籍韩裔数学家June Huh。作为一个曾经“辍学写诗的数学差生”,June Huh的数学家之路堪称传奇,他本人有哪些特质使他最终成长为一个杰出数学家呢? June E Huh Curriculum Vitae PrincetonUniversity DepartmentofMathematics FineHall,WashingtonRoad PrincetonNJ08544–1000 Employment Professor,PrincetonUniversity,2021 4 days ago · Institute for Advanced Study 1 Einstein Drive Princeton, New Jersey 08540 USA June Huh * June 9, 1983, Stanford, California, USA. Clay Research Fellow, Mar 6, 2025 · I am a mathematician at Princeton University. 38 times higher than that in Huh-7 cells, while the protein expression of prohibitin in Jul 5, 2022 · (ATTN: ADDS IMU's statement in para 4; ADDS photo) HELSINKI, July 5 (Yonhap) -- June Huh, a Korean American mathematician and professor at Princeton University, has been named a recipient of this year's Fields Medal, a prestigious international prize awarded to mathematicians under 40 for achievements in the field of mathematics. It was with great delight that the team at Massive Dynamics™, a close partner of Enterra Aug 11, 2022 · Clearly, modern societies demand and reward “early-peakers” who follow a straight path rather than “late-peakers” or “deviant” slow wanderers who are often dismissed as failures. Jul 8, 2022 · This is a popular article about the work of June Huh, 2022 Fields medalist. ” Their approach — and Huh’s extraordinary journey to Jul 6, 2022 · Congratulations to June Huh, from the Princeton Mathematics Department, on winning the Fields Medal. Country South Korea. View PDF; TeX Source; Other Formats; view license. However, his story is not at all linear and straightforward – and it intertwines with poetry, science, and a particular type of chess problems. Thank you. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Film Material Science 33%. He wanted to be a poet, then a science journalist. kr - Homepage. In other words, the f-vector is the sequence (f 0,f 1,,f r) where f Jul 5, 2022 · June Huh, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ • Articles • ArXiv (26): Stellahedral geometry of matroids (July 2022) • Homepage(s): CV (PDF), Google Scholar, IAS, Princeton, Wikipedia, YouTube: Introduction Most recent email: 23 November 2022 (updated, Feb 1, 2023)Dear Prof. 5 %ÐÔÅØ 3 0 obj /Length 585 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xÚ•TÍŽ›0 ¾ïSp+H ×6 LoÛî¦U¤HQKÕCÓƒCœà pj›Hûö °‘Ân+µ lË3ߟGàè áèã þËú¾º»_gyD D Ë¢ê ÌQÊ‹ˆq†p™FÕ1ú ÖN¼±É*-X\ëþ§¬Ý`¤?‹þè7 XH¬­rêª\ ûg ¡O¡²=˃ ª @Ïu+mò£Ú)F 'ÑŠ–ˆæ¹'Uý-®4Ý 98ÝÈ£ ­¿»&y £¤S ê~MXD * £³ œ­JŽp^zäCB 72¯ GEÁ€ June E Huh Curriculum Vitae PrincetonUniversity DepartmentofMathematics FineHall,WashingtonRoad PrincetonNJ08544–1000 Employment Professor,PrincetonUniversity,2021 Semantic Scholar profile for June Huh, with 259 highly influential citations and 41 scientific research papers. Veblen Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University, 2014−2019. Korea University. June Huh found striking connections between algebraic geometry and combinatorics, solved central problems in combinatorics that had remained open for decades, and developed a theory of great importance for both fields. edu) Campus Map Jul 5, 2022 · June Huh wins MacArthur ‘genius’ grant for creative approaches to mathematical puzzles. Randomly pick a spanning tree T of G so that the probability of selecting an individual tree tis proportional to the product of the weights of its edges: PpT tq9 „ ePt w e: Sep 15, 2022 · 4 TOM BRADEN, JUNE HUH, JACOB P. Among his fundamental achievements are solutions of the Heron-Rota-Welsh conjecture for matroids (together with Karim Adiprasito and Eric Katz), of the Dowling-Wilson top-heavy conjecture for Jul 5, 2022 · Princeton University mathematician June Huh was awarded today the 2022 Fields Medal, one of the most prestigious awards in mathematics, in recognition of his work in combinatorics. Proceedings of the International Congress of Dive into the research topics where June Huh is active. We welcome any additional information. Awarded every other year Sloan Research Fellow, 2018. Jul 17, 2019 · Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, 2017−present. NSF grant #1844768 CAREER: Algebraic curves and their moduli: degenerations and combina-torics, 2019-2024, $399,928. Current browse context: President · Location: Clarksville · 19 connections on LinkedIn. The fellowships, known informally as “MacArthur genius grants,” recognize people who Jul 5, 2022 · June Huh’s monochrome chess puzzle paved the way for chromatic geometry. The Stanford Math Department congratulates our former colleague on this monumental achievement. He is a professor at Princeton University. European journal of immunology 42 (9), 2232-2237, 2012. For bringing the ideas of Hodge theory to combinatorics, the proof of the Dowling–Wilson conjecture for geometric lattices, the proof of the Heron–Rota–Welsh conjecture for matroids, the development of the theory of Lorentzian polynomials, and the proof of the strong May 16, 2022 · June Huh received support from NSF Grant DMS-1638352 and the Ellentuck Fund. Previously, I was at Stanford University and Institute for Advanced Study. I am interested in random walks and growth problem on non-positively curved Pratt Institute 학생 · Education: Pratt Institute · Location: New York · 26 connections on LinkedIn. Huh is one of 25 MacArthur Fellows in the 2022 cohort, a group of mathematicians, scientists, artists, scholars and activists who each receive $800,000 no-strings-attached grants over a five-year period. Duke Mathematical Journal 163 (2014), 1525–1548 Jul 6, 2022 · June Huh’s field of research is combinatorial algebraic geometry. Jul 8, 2022 · “六月”,June Huh 英文名的翻译。我很喜欢这样称呼他,简洁又单纯,就像他的人一样。 和六月合作,毫无疑问改变了我的数学生涯。我们一起做了一些漂亮的结果。但更重要的是,他让我看到了作为一位伟大的数学家和学者,最重要的并不是 June Huh Curriculum Vitae PrincetonUniversity DepartmentofMathematics FineHall,WashingtonRoad PrincetonNJ08544–1000 B huh@princeton. H Im, YJ Huh, BY Lim. June Huh. Professor,StanfordUniversity,2020–2021. I am broadly interested in the geometry, topology, and combinatorics of algebraic varieties. Dizier应用,部分证明了Schubert多项式的洛伦兹猜想(arXiv:1906. edu (mrc-administrator @lists. Jul 17, 2019 · Publications - Combinatorial applications of the Hodge-Riemann relations, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 3 (2018), 3079-3098. , 5 (2014), 1-17 4 1. Dec 29, 2015 · By Karim Adiprasito, June Huh, and Eric Katz Abstract We prove the hard Lefschetz theorem and the Hodge-Riemann rela-tions for a commutative ring associated to an arbitrary matroid M. His interests include cohomology of projective varieties, correlation phenomenon for models in statistical physics, geometry of polynomials, and connections between realizability problems in algebraic geometry and combinatorial geometry. The International Mathematical Union Feb 11, 2025 · June Huh, a 2014 PhD graduate under the direction of Mircea Mustaţă, has been named a 2022 Fields Medalist, one of the highest honors in Mathematics. View PDF HTML (experimental) Abstract: We study the class of Lorentzian polynomials. Facebook gives people the power to share and Aug 22, 2024 · A brief CV I was born 1988 in Aachen/Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. 222: 2004: Small molecule inhibitors of ROR γt: Targeting T h17 cells and other applications. View PDF Abstract: We prove the hard Lefschetz theorem and the Hodge-Riemann relations for a commutative ring associated to an arbitrary matroid M. JR Huh, DR Littman. Title. His recent interests include singularities of projective hypersurfaces, positivity of Chern classes of Schubert varieties, and connections between Mar 15, 2023 · 2021-2024, in collaboration with June Huh, Nicholas Proudfoot, and Sam Payne, $427,722. The degree of the Z-polynomial of M is exactly the rank of M, and its leading Jul 6, 2022 · Giáo sư June Huh chụp ảnh tại khuôn viên Đại học Princeton (Mỹ). June Huh: Did you happen to see my note from this past July? Of my June E Huh Center for Mathematical Challenges was established by the Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) to resolve mathematical challenges and present emerging strategies in new fields. It is awarded every four years "to recognise outstanding mathematical achievement for existing work and for the promise of future Oct 12, 2022 · June Huh. Here is my Curriculum Vitae. edu ˝ https://web. Jun 20, 2022 · June Huh Interview . Born on August 26, 1985, Hugo Duminil-Copin joined the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris after two years of preparatory classes at lycée Louis-le-Grand. Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces with isolated singularities. ptq@redblue. [1]June Huh vốn giỏi làm thơ, không giỏi toán khi học phổ thông. math. He might think about a math problem, or prepare to lecture a classroom of students, or schedule doctor's appointments for his two sons. The f-vector of a matroid is defined to be the f-vector of the matroid complex. Huh shares the prize with Karim Adiprasito of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for their “development, with Eric Katz, of combinatorial Hodge theory leading to the resolution of the log-concavity conjecture of Rota. It was artist June Huh. Huh was previously the Robert and Luisa Fernholz Visiting Professor of Mathematics at Princeton and a Visiting Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. June Huh has been awarded the 2022 Fields Medal “for bringing the ideas of Hodge theory to combinatorics, the proof of the Dowling–Wilson conjecture for June Huh. The case p 1 covers the results introduced before. It is awarded every four years "to recognise outstanding mathematical achievement for existing work and for the promise of future 3 days ago · Fine Hall, Washington Road Princeton NJ 08544-1000 USA Phone: (609) 258-4200 E-mail: web@math. Oct 17, 2018 · Huh studies the geometry, topology and combinatorics of algebraic varieties. Sort. [1] [6] Poor scores Oct 12, 2022 · June Huh is a mathematician proving long-standing mathematical conjectures through novel connections between different branches of math: combinatorics and algebraic geometry. Conducted by Andrei Okounkov & Andrei Konyaev . Mar 1, 2025 · June Huh. Year; Phosphorescent dye-based supramolecules for high-efficiency organic light-emitting diodes. Jul 5, 2022 · 这里转载一篇 《数学译林》 的旧文,作者是June Huh等人,大家可以通过这篇半科普文章初步了解一下June Huh的获奖工作。 另,B站上有不少June Huh的视频,感兴趣的同学可以去看看。 他最有名的就是证明了Heron Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Levico Terme, Italy 2013, Editors: Sandra Jun 27, 2017 · June Huh thought he had no talent for math until a chance meeting with a legendary mind. 8. ac. Huh / J. 00554 3. Annals of Mathematics, with June Huh and Eric Katz (publication version) Feb 11, 2020 · June Huh 2 / 15. maths. The matroid complex of M is the ab-stract simplicial complex of independent subsets of E. Jan 23, 2023 · June Huh received support from NSF Grant DMS-1638352 and the Ellentuck Fund. His father was a professor of statistics at Korea University, while his mother was a professor of Russian language at Seoul National University. Jul 5, 2022 · Three other mathematicians have been awarded the Fields Medal this year: June Huh, James Maynard and Maryna Viazovska. (ii) There is a vector of nonzero complex constants d= (d1,,dm), a positive integer n, and an integral matrix Mar 22, 2022 · 2 JUNE HUH Let M be a matroid of rank r on a finite set E. Nov 11, 2022 · Matroids are combinatorial abstractions of independence, a ubiquitous notion that pervades many branches of mathematics. 09633v3)。结合该论文的结果和证明思路, June Huh's 11 research works with 492 citations and 609 reads, including: Varieties with maximum likelihood degree one June Huh's research while affiliated with University of Michigan and other places Jul 17, 2019 · June Huh received support from NSF Grant DMS-1638352 and the Ellentuck Fund. Jacob Matherne received support from NSF Grant DMS-1638352 and the Association of Members of the Institute for Advanced Study. 9. Stat. Huh received the 2021 Ho-am Prize in Physics and Mathematics for using breakthrough methods from algebraic geometry to prove unsolved problems like Read’s conjecture and the Rota-Heron-Welsh conjecture. JR Huh, SY Vernooy, H Yu, N Yan, Y Shi, M Guo, BA Hay. Professor Huh was a member Jul 5, 2022 · Princeton University mathematician June Huh was awarded today the 2022 Fields Medal, one of the most prestigious awards in mathematics, in recognition of his work in combinatorics. International Journal of Play 11 (1), 81-98, 2022. Currently a professor at Princeton University, Huh is cited "For bringing the ideas of Hodge theory to combinatorics, the proof of the Dowling–Wilson conjecture for geometric lattices, the proof of the 2022 年 7 月 5 日,四年一度的数学界最高荣誉——菲尔兹奖(Fields Medal)迎来了新一届获奖者。39 岁的普林斯顿大学美籍韩裔学者许埈珥(June Huh Mar 1, 2025 · June Huh (Hangul: 허준이; born 1983) is an American mathematician. org June Huh, a mathematician of Princeton University,has won one of this year’s Fields Medals at the International Congress of Mathematicians. Self-Covering, Finiteness, And Fibering Over A Circle, with Huh was born in Stanford, California while his parents were completing graduate school at Stanford University. Education: PhD in Mathematics, November 2018 - November 2021 Alma Mater Studiorum Feb 21, 2025 · June E Huh (koreeraz : 허준이 ; 1983ko ekainaren 9an jaioa ) estatubatuar matematikari bat da, gaur egun Princetongo Unibertsitateko irakaslea dena. Sep 19, 2016 · From: June Huh Sun, 18 Sep 2016 13:16:16 UTC (376 KB) Sat, 15 Oct 2016 21:07:48 UTC (376 KB) [v3] Sun, 29 Jan 2017 22:14:39 UTC (422 KB) Full-text links: Access Paper: View a PDF of the paper titled Enumeration of points, lines, planes, etc, by June Huh and Botong Wang. Previously, I was a CMC fellow (Hyo Chul Myung Assistant Professor) at June E Huh Center for Mathematical Challenges in KIAS . youtube. In [DW75], Dowling and Wilson further generalized the above results for geometric lattices: For every nonnegative integer pless than r 2, there is a matching from the set of rank at Jul 5, 2022 · The honor, often referred to as the “Nobel Prize of mathematics,” was awarded to Huh and three other early career researchers at the 2022 IMU Award Ceremony in Helsinki, Finland. Copolymer Material Science 36%. Jul 1, 2022 · June Huh, a mathematician of Princeton University, has won one of this year's Fields Medals at the International Congress of Mathematicians. txt) or read online for free. Sep 9, 2022 · 4 FEDERICO ARDILA, GRAHAM DENHAM, AND JUNE HUH the projectivized conormal bundle of X∨. June Huh Institute for Advanced Study. The Fields Medals 2022: June Huh By Marianne Freibeger, produced as part of the ICM coverage onplus. pdf), Text File (. He was a professor at Stanford University and the Institute for Advanced Studies. pkke ifiy psmsg khb anjkf vnlilk zmsatzd ntci mtogdhu frucf pognly wqjy tkvio lglt vlwo