Going flat after mastectomy Kim Bowles, founder of NPOAS, was left with extra pockets of skin after a mastectomy in 2017, despite explicitly asking for a flat chest both verbally and by sharing photos of her desired results. It involves careful removal of any excess tissue remaining after excision of the glandular tissue, and can After the mastectomy to remove the patient’s breast tissue, additional surgical work is often required to smooth out any lumps and bumps and trim any excess skin to restore an optimal chest wall contour with a clean symmetric incision Going flat means choosing not to have breast reconstruction after mastectomy. therapy were associated with a higher likelihood of going at (p < 0. Choosing to go flat or to have reconstruction is a very personal decision. Others who go flat may also prefer to wear breast prostheses, to restore the appearance of having breasts when clothed. An increasing number of women are choosing to “go flat” after a mastectomy rather than having their breast(s) reconstructed. People usually require 3-4 weeks to recuperate from a mastectomy and an aesthetic flat closure. If you opt for going flat, your breast surgeon can perform the mastectomy with a flat incision. Choose empowerment and health benefits with our expert support. This is a very well written article that accurately describes the novelty of the research as well as the limitations. " American Cancer Society. This full color, illustrated trifold brochure gives an overview of what aesthetic flat closure is and has a QR code which links to nonprofit educational and peer support resources for your patients. In our practice, we see an increasing number of patients who have undergone prior mastectomy and have chosen to forgo any breast reconstruction procedures. In writing “Flat and Happy,” I wanted to ensure that every patient undergoing a When the Choice of Going Flat After Mastectomy Is Ignored. "Breast cancer survivors make strides in showing the world that ‘going flat' after mastectomy is ‘both beautiful and valid’. Let’s look at the options after a mastectomy and what What is a “flat closure?” Flat closure (or “ aesthetic flat closure “) is reconstruction of a smooth chest wall contour post-mastectomy. 1245/s10434-020-09448-9 Cite This Page : Going Flat or Reconstruction after Mastectomy. To date, there is no plastic surgery literature on specific techniques to achieve an aesthetic flat closure after mastectomy. Yesterday, October 7th, for example, was Going Flat Day. org, helps women consider whether going flat after mastectomy is right for them. Women choose to go flat for a range of reasons, including: Wishing to avoid additional surgery after mastectomy The study, published in the Journal Annals of Surgical Oncology, surveyed 931 women who had a unilateral or bilateral mastectomy without current breast mound reconstruction to assess the motivating factors for forgoing the procedure and to measure whether surgeons provided adequate information and support for "going flat. Aesthetic flat closure — also called post-mastectomy chest wall reconstruction — is considered the gold standard for going flat. In the first 2 years after the “Going Flat” movement, the number of women going flat after mastec-tomy has stabilized in women < 70 for the rst time in over a decade. However, some people may require 6-8 weeks to recover. Conclusion. For some, the choice was driven by a quest for normalcy. For those who prefer minimal surgery, it can offer a “just right” option between going flat and more extensive reconstruction procedures; hence Breast cancer survivors have been working hard to create a movement that advocates for going flat, post-mastectomy, as a viable, embraceable option. org Amazons, uniboobers, unicorns no matter what label you use, going flat after unilateral mastectomy can present unique benefits along with unique challenges. " Yahoo ORIGINAL ARTICLE – GLOBAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH ‘‘Going Flat’’ After Mastectomy: Patient-Reported Outcomes by Online Survey Jennifer L. After going through the emotional and physical ordeal of breast cancer, additional, non-medically necessary surgery isn’t desirable for some women. It’s a highly individual choice based on your personal preferences. April 1, 2021 Personal Stories Share. Helps your patients understand that going flat – aesthetic flat closure – is a valid, healthy, and beautiful choice. Today opting for an aesthetic flat closure that rebuilds the chest wall shape after a single or double mastectomy has become Information on why go flat after breast cancer surgery. [1] [10] [11] Recent research has characterized the "going flat" movement and patient experience going flat [12] [13] [14] There are many breast reconstruction options to choose from today. ) (No plastic surgeon is involved #FeatureFriday Within Breast Cancer Awareness Month throughout October, there are several specific awareness days. Katrin van Dam. Annals of Surgical Oncology , 2021; DOI: 10. Flat closure after mastectomy. And some women who choose to go flat after mastectomy end up considering reconstruction later on – this is still possible after flat closure, without needing to leave extra skin. Aesthetic Flat Closure (AFC) or "going flat" is a type of reconstructive surgery done to rebuild the chest wall shape after a mastectomy for breast cancer or to prevent breast cancer. This section covers Aesthetic flat closure is the surgical work required to produce a smooth flat chest wall contour after the removal of one or both breasts, including obliteration of the inframammary fold and Many people choose to go flat or live flat after mastectomy to remove one or both breasts rather than have surgery with tissue flaps or implants. Nearly 75% of women surveyed who opted for mastectomy without reconstruction were satisfied with the results. The only source was the senior author. Background The Going Flat movement aims to increase awareness and acceptance of mastectomy alone as a viable option for patients. Breast reconstruction is still an option for most people who go flat after a mastectomy, even months or years down the road. Learn about the benefits and challenges of choosing not to have breast reconstruction after having one or both breasts removed. Skip to content (855) 687-6227. “Going flat” after mastectomy: patient-reported outcomes by online survey However, in 2016, an article published in The New York Times entitled “‘Going Flat’ after mastectomy” 7 alerted the lay and medical community to another form of inequity going on: denied access to flat mastectomy. The remaining healthy breast can serve for breastfeeding and sexual pleasure, whereas a bilateral procedure largely if not entirely removes those possibilities. Results: 650,983 patients met the inclusion criteria: 244,201 (37. Perhaps their most eye-opening finding was that, while only 64% of Many people choose to go flat or live flat after mastectomy to remove one or both breasts rather than have surgery with tissue flaps or implants. Methods An online survey was administered to 931 women who had a history of uni- or bilateral mastectomy for treatment of breast cancer Then Brown discovered Flat & Fabulous, a Facebook page where women who'd had a mastectomy posted pictures of their unreconstructed chests along with stories about how, after just a few weeks of discomfort, they were back to jogging, biking, and playing with their kids. Breast cancer survivor Kim Bowles founded an organization called Not Putting on a Shirt after her experience with breast surgery didn’t go as planned. Pankaj Tiwari, MD | January 30, 2019 May 7, 2024 | Breast Reconstruction | Emily Hopper’s gallery photo from Flat Closure Now. "That's a lot of women," Guthrie says, choosing flat I’m just now starting my research into if I’ll choose tissue reconstruction or if I’ll opt for going flat after my bilateral mastectomy coming up in a couple more months. Brown noted that instead of comparing notes about pain control and follow-up Choosing to have a mastectomy is a big decision. The article described stories of patients who felt pressured into a decision for breast mound reconstruction by their We advocate for optimal surgical outcomes for women who choose to go flat after mastectomy. There may be several reasons why women choose to “go flat”, including personal preferences, health issues which prevent further surgeries and concerns about costs. Baker, MD1, Don S Currently, there is an increasing trend in women seeking aesthetic flat closure after mastectomy. Unfortunately, these patients Despite What Doctors Told Me, I’ve Never Regretted My Decision to Go Flat After a Double Mastectomy. Not Putting on a Shirt: Supporting your choice to go flat after mastectomy with aesthetic flat closure information, photos, tools & resources. Find out how to make an informed decision and what to expect from recovery, sex and tattoos. 'Going Flat' After Mastectomy: Patient-Reported Outcomes by Online Survey. 1080 Beecher Crossing N, Suite A “Living flat” is the choice of many women (myself included!) following a bi-lateral mastectomy without reconstruction. (No plastic surgeon is involved since there is no reconstruction. Kim Trends in going flat after mastectomy were examined and stratified by age (< 50, 50-69, ≥ 70). 5%) underwent PMBR and 406,782 (62. Aesthetic flat closure after mastectomy is contouring of the chest wall after mastectomy without traditional breast reconstruction. I’m not alone — according to our pilot studies, one in twenty women going flat is intentionally denied a flat Flat Closure Now is a group of badass advocates who came together to shine a spotlight on aesthetic flat closure. Curious to hear others experiences with going flat In the Goldilocks procedure, the surgeon or plastic surgeon uses the tissue left behind after a mastectomy to either construct a flat chest wall with no concavity or create a small breast mound. October 27, 2021. It often lacks a nipple, since the nipple is usually removed in a mastectomy. These trends suggest that Kat underwent a double mastectomy with flat closure after being diagnosed with bilateral invasive breast cancer in 2019. 001). Immediate complications from reconstruction may include bleeding, infection, fluid under the wound or flap or nipple necrosis, in which the nipple or flap of tissue used to make the new breast dies. CURE: Many women are satisfied after 'going flat' post-mastectomy, study finds Rating: 4. Find out how to talk wit What to Know About Reconstruction After Going Flat. But going flat is a completely valid choice, regardless of the reason. Overall, going flat after mastectomy typically has a quicker recovery period, less discomfort, and a decreased chance of problems when compared to breast reconstruction. Baker JL, Dizon DS, Wenziger CM, et al. flatclosurenow. And, removal of just one A Patient Education Resource for Clinics. Women are sometimes offered a number of choices regarding breast surgery: breast conserving surgery (removal of the tumour), mastectomy with no reconstruction, mastectomy with reconstruction of the breast, or “going flat”. " Introduction The “Going Flat” movement became widely publicized in 2016 and provides information and support to women who choose to forego post-mastectomy breast reconstruction (PMBR). Donate About 25 percent of double mastectomy patients choose to stay flat after the surgery, and 50 percent of single mastectomy patients do, as well. . Background: The Going Flat movement aims to increase awareness and acceptance of mastectomy alone as a viable option for patients. Learn about aesthetic flat closure, a procedure that removes extra skin and tissue after mastectomy to create a smooth chest wall. BARBARA KRISS'S website, breastfree. This day arose to recognize the choice to go flat (as opposed to having reconstructive breast surgery) following a mastectomy as a valid option for those diagnosed with breast cancer. Written by Risa Kerslake — Updated on June 4, 2020. Among women < 70, rates of going Recovering After Going Flat. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with going flat. I’ve talked with the plastic surgeon about tissue reconstruction, but my initial gut reaction is to go flat. Learn more at: www. For others, it was a way to regain Discover the power of flat closure after mastectomy. 5%) went flat. Methods: An online survey was administered to 931 women who had a history of uni- or bilateral mastectomy for treatment of A high level of flat denial was the strongest predictor of lower patient satisfaction scores following the decision to go flat. The decision to have reconstruction or go flat is very personal, there is no right or wrong choice that fits everyone. The objectives of this study were to evaluate temporal trends in PMBR to ascertain the potential impact of this movement and assess which factors are associated with There are many reasons why people decide to go flat after a mastectomy. ³ . Our goal is to support fellow flat closure patients before, during and after their surgery. 5 Stars. Once you have taken this step, you and your breast cancer surgeon will discuss the options for reconstruction. After looking at photos of reconstructed breasts, “I was slightly horrified,” said Charlie Scheel, 48, of Brooklyn Breast Reconstruction and Going Flat. However, she clearly discusses why this study was important. Going flat means choosing a chest wall reconstruction that results in a smooth, flat chest rather than restoring the appearance of a breast. "Mastectomy. In fact, a 2023 study showed that about 62% of women chose to go flat rather than have breast reconstruction. Start your journey today. Following a mastectomy, women may choose an aesthetic flat closure, which is sometimes referred to as “going flat” or “living flat”. Little is known about motivations and satisfaction with surgical outcomes in this population. Your medical team can talk through your Going Flat After Mastectomy. - PHOTO BY LEISE JONES. After mastectomy, people have the option of leaving the chest flat or having reconstruction surgery to replace the shape and form of breasts. cbhpo mld pcnj nirvm mqzt iopue qkoc oamzjrzm twe fbvvv qhjzdn dezzj iwarqah jaazf zmqf