- Definition verbal synonym Synonyms for BARB: insult, offence, sarcasm, outrage, dart, diss, indignity, epithet; Antonyms of BARB: compliment, praise, commendation, applause, acclaim, flattery Definition of hyperverbal in the Definitions. Synonyms for VERBAL in English: spoken, oral, word-of-mouth, unwritten, verbatim, literal, exact, close, strict, accurate, Synonyms for VERBAL: spoken, oral, unwritten, word-of-mouth, The meaning of VERBAL is of, relating to, or consisting of words. the communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions Synonyms for verbal ˈvɜr bəl ver·bal This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word verbal. Definition of verbal adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The dictionary is a valuable lexical resource for looking up definitions and word usage. What is verbal irony? Here’s a quick and simple definition: Verbal irony occurs when the literal meaning of what someone says is different from—and often opposite to—what they actually mean. Definition and Expanded Meaning of “Verbal Image” A verbal image is a descriptive expression crafted through words aimed at creating a mental picture in the mind of the listener or reader. Learn more. Verbal irony involves using language in an indirect, non-literal manner, with an intended meaning that is different from (and often opposite to) the literal meanings of the words. Synonyms for ORAL: spoken, verbal, vocal, Definition. word-of-mouth . antonyms. The proposal for the creation of a Portuguese-speaking division was supported by verbal contributions from the French-speaking Division, the Africa Something that's nonverbal doesn't use spoken words. Learn the definition of 'verbal direction'. verbal noun. verbal exam translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'verbally, verbatim, verbiage, verbosely', examples, definition, conjugation For someone so concerned with verbal expression, an appreciation of visual expression eluded him - to his, and our detriment. The lexical variations between British English and American English sometimes lead to confusion. hyperverbal. Devon Greene crawl off the canvas, fight promoter Sam LaRocca managed to lose his boxer and his ego in a round of verbal sparring with Coliseum employee Jackie Kallen. spoken rather than written. unwritten. vocal. 'verbal' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): Learn the definition of 'verbal attack'. relating to words: 3. Learn the definition of 'verbal encounter'. Explore the synonyms and antonyms of the French word "verbal", grouped by meaning: Definition of verbal, verbale, verbaux adjectif. very rude and offensive words spoken to another person: 2. Examples . sentences. Learn the definition of 'verbal sparring'. 2. see Learn the definition of 'verbal'. verbal form. Whether you're an employer looking to hire the right talent or an employee aiming to advance your career, understanding and developing these skills can lead to significant benefits. Understanding the significance of being verbal can enhance one’s communication skills and overall effectiveness in conveying ideas. I hope they will honor our verbal agreement. No direct definitions yet. Browse the use examples 'verbal direction' in the great English corpus. So it makes sense that the word's original definition described movement at a joint, synonyms: voice. Synonyms. Or, go to the definition of verbal. a general word for power, native or acquired, enabling one to do things well: an ability for math Not to be confused with: WordSense Dictionary: verbal - meaning, definition, synonyms, antonyms, translations, origin, hyphenation. 20th century Americanism. b. verbal expression - the communication of your beliefs or opinions; "expressions of good will"; Synonyms for OUTBURST: explosion, burst, eruption, flash, gust, blaze, paroxysm, flare; Antonyms of OUTBURST: calm, slump, doldrums, implosion Online English Thesaurus from Collins: More than 500,000 synonyms and antonyms - With definitions, meanings, phrases, and examples. Fasting serum lipids Verbal altercation definition based on common meanings and most popular ways to define words related to verbal altercation. not. What Is the Definition of Verbal Communication and Nonverbal Communication? verbal approval translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'verbally, verbatim, verbiage, verbosely', examples, definition, conjugation Synonyms for PROCÈS-VERBAL: minutes, documentation, memoir, log, journal, blog, diary, witness, deposition, annals Learn the definition of 'verbal'. verbal (Adjective) — Communicated in the form of words. relating to words: verbal ability; using words alone without action: verbal imagery; literal: a verbal translation Not to be confused with: oral – spoken Synonyms for DEFINITION: description, portrait, depiction, portrayal, picture, sketch, rendering, tale, delineation, account What's the definition of Verbal in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Verbal meaning and usage. 586 Synonyms ; 86 Antonyms ; more ; 4 Broader; 17 Narrower; 286 Related? List search. Synonyms for LEXICAL: linguistic, rhetoric, verbal, linguistical, communicative, rhetorical, vocabular, wordy; Antonyms of LEXICAL: nonverbal, nonlinguistic, nonlexical VERBAL PRAISE definition | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Synonyms for SNAPPED: barked, shouted, snarled, yelled, screamed, growled, shrieked, grumbled; Antonyms of SNAPPED: calmed (down), simmered down, stabilized, plateaued Learn the definition of 'verbal expression'. Verbal diarrhea synonyms, Verbal diarrhea pronunciation, Verbal diarrhea translation, English dictionary definition of Verbal diarrhea. botakandaa nam puccakaduvaa huura meeatto (Sir, I killed the elephant though) meeattanne kiriamilaatto kalaapojjen mangaccana kota eeattanne badapojje kakulek randaala Definition of VERBAL ABUSE. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. verbal communication. 4. In English, infinitives, participles and gerunds are verbals. spoken rather than written: 2. Verbal reasoning involves making meaning He suggests making a game out of challenges such as finding antonyms and synonyms, spotting the odd word in a list of related words and in a statement that represents something in words. Browse the use examples 'verbal attack' in the great English corpus. n. When there's a hurricane raging outside and someone remarks "what lovely weather we're having," this is an example of verbal irony. Wiktionary Rate these synonyms: 1. Definition of Verbal Communication Simply put, verbal communication consists of messages that are sent using words, both written and spoken. Learn the definition of 'pre-verbal'. Browse the use examples 'verbal' in the great Swahili corpus. ("All life is a blur of Republicans and meat!"), verbal free association, and the pursuit of popular culture ephemera. The term 'Verbal' in classic thesaurus. Students can use Definition of verbal adjective in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Learn the definition of 'verbal statement'. The book gives a good verbal picture of life in China. "a verbal protest" Learn all about the word "VERBAL COMMUNICATION" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource. Browse the use examples 'verbal' in the great Tagalog corpus. All students have to take a written and oral examination. Synonyms of 'verbal' • spoken, oral, word-of-mouth, unwritten • verbatim, literal. VERBALLING definition: of, relating to, or using words, esp as opposed to ideas, etc | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Verbal irony definition: irony in which a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning. noun. which sees his style change from "verbal opulence through a recognition of the self-ironising and self-negating potentiality of language to a linguistic domain where the conventionally held conceptual incompatibles A detailed examination of the term 'verbal,' including its definitions, etymological origins, nuances in usage, synonyms, antonyms, related terms, and notable literary references. in a way. VERBAL ABUSE Noun. How to use verbal in a sentence. verbal (a) archaic. Suggestions. Games; Word of the Day; Grammar; Wordplay; New Slang; Rhymes; Word Finder; Thesaurus; Join Synonyms of procès-verbal: an official Best synonyms for 'verbal' are 'oral', 'spoken' and 'orally'. A verbal noun or some other word, as an adjective, derived from a verb: in English, gerunds, infinitives, and participles are verbals. Verbal reasoning -- one of four basic cognitive reasoning skills it represents several distinct thought processes that defy a precise definition. 12 synonyms. VERBAL ABUSE meaning: 1. Synonyms . Try: nonverbally: Word Finder Points; Scrabble: 76: Words with Friends: 65: Lexulous: 81: WordFeud: 67: Text Twist: 1960: Boggle: 12 A synonym is a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in certain contexts. The Times Literary Supplement Images of brain activity recently revealed by modern scanning techniques seem to offer a story more real than any verbal description of the mind at work. 6 definitions. What's the definition of Verbal in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Verbal meaning and usage. Synonyms for ALTERCATION: dispute, quarrel, controversy, disagreement, fight, brawl, argument, bicker, misunderstanding, spat verbal adj 1: communicated in the form of words; "verbal imagery"; "a verbal protest" 2: of or relating to or formed from words in general; "verbal ability" 3: of or relating to or formed from a verb; "verbal adjectives like `running' in `hot and cold running water'" 4: relating to or having facility in the use of words; "a good poet is a verbal artist"; "a merely verbal writer who Verbal abuse definition: . Tone and intention must be clear in the words. 1 antonym. Top synonyms. NON-VERBAL definition: 1. Information and translations of Verbal in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Genitive (possessive) pronouns are used in their weak forms as pre-verbal clitics to express indirect objects (for example, του μίλησα, , 'I talked to him'), verbal cues translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'verbally, verbatim, verbiage, verbosely', examples, definition, conjugation Translation Context Spell check Synonyms Conjugation Definition of Verbal in the Definitions. See examples of VERBAL IRONY used in a sentence. Origin. Browse the use examples 'verbal expression' in the great English corpus. A strong or cutting verbal attack. com. meanings, etymology, pronunciation and more in the Oxford English Dictionary Define verbal diarrhoea. Noun. ; Condescension: While often disguised as humor, sarcastic comments that are intended to belittle and demean the other person can be a form of verbal abuse. Learn the definition of 'verbal contribution'. net dictionary. If you use the word discourse, you are describing a formal and intense discussion or debate. Whether in personal relationships, professional environments, or academic pursuits, being able to express oneself verbally is a valuable skill that contributes to successful interactions and effective communication. Search for Synonyms for hyperverbal; Search for Anagrams for hyperverbal; Verbal Irony Definition. spoken or verbal. What is Verbal Abuse. EurLex-2. n informal a tendency to speak at excessive length Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, Verbal engagement definition based on common meanings and most popular ways to define words related to verbal Meaning via related definitions. not using words, or not relating to the use of words: 2. Verbal Stimulus A physical energy change capable of affecting an organism's sensory receptors that has the Find 136 different ways to say VERBAL ABUSE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Désinences verbales. What Is Verbal Irony? | Definition & Examples. Nonverbal communication might consist of hand gestures or facial expressions. The meaning of PROCÈS-VERBAL is an official written record. a noun that is derived from a verb Learn the definition of 'verbal complaint'. Browse the use examples 'verbal' in the great English corpus. ChatGPT Rate this definition: 0. Verbal abuse is a form of emotional abuse. Verbal abuse definition: . Articulation is the act of expressing something in a coherent verbal form, or an aspect of pronunciation involving the articulatory organs. verbal expression synonyms, verbal expression pronunciation, verbal expression translation, English dictionary definition of verbal expression. Translator . an official written record See the full definition. See examples for synonyms. Classic Thesaurus. We gave only verbal instructions. partant). Meaning of Verbal. thesaurus. Verbal definition: . How to use altercation in a sentence. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. A violent physical attack, as with blows. A verbal stimulus is a physical energy change capable of affecting an organism’s sensory receptors that has a specific form or pattern which, as a unit, has controlling effectiveness and is the result of verbal behavior. It involves language that is intended to insult, belittle, intimidate, or manipulate, often resulting in emotional or psychological harm to the victim. Find more similar words at Meaning of verbal in the German dictionary with examples of use. Another way to say Verbal? Synonyms for Verbal (other words and phrases for Verbal). Someone can feel scared or powerless under a constant barrage of Verbally definition: . Revised on February 7, 2025. The meaning of ALTERCATION is a noisy, heated, angry dispute; also : noisy controversy. «Verbal abuse» Verbal abuse is described as a negative defining statement told to the victim or about the victim, or by withholding any response, Download the app educalingo. Browse the use examples 'verbal instruction' in the great English corpus. mff. C. VERBAL FLUENCY definition | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples verbal, adj. definitions. verbal (Adjective) archaic. See examples of VERBAL used in a sentence. All Free. Verbal assault synonyms, Verbal assault pronunciation, Verbal assault translation, English dictionary definition of Verbal assault. verbal evasion. DICTIONARY Verbal reasoning is a powerful skill set that influences every aspect of our professional and personal lives. Synonyms for definition include meaning, description, explanation, sense, clarification, delineation, denotation, designation, terminology and elucidation. A fact or assertion offered as Define verbal ability. the unwritten stories of his infancy and childhood . OpenSubtitles2018. en verbal abuse. a. Verbal definition: Of, relating to, or associated with words. Gennemse anvendelseseksemplerne 'verbal' i den store tekstsamling for dansk. They had a verbal exchange. This definition pinpoints the root problem: these attacks often occur in ways that stay hidden, which creates confusion and self-doubt in the recipient. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Synonyms for verbal. Verb. & n. How to use verbally in a sentence. non-verbal. verbal diarrhoea synonyms, verbal diarrhoea pronunciation, verbal diarrhoea translation, English dictionary definition of verbal diarrhoea. It functions by using vivid and illustrative language that appeals to the senses, enabling the audience to visualize scenes, characters, or objects as if they were physically present. . Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: verbal adj (spoken, oral) (accord, verbal adj (Scolaire : examen)oral adj: You have to take a verbal test and a written test in Spanish class. The synonym question type requires you to select the word that is closest in meaning and definition to the pairs of words already provided. ⓘ Cette phrase n'est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Trends . Published on May 26, 2024 by Magedah Shabo. 0 / 1 vote. verbal synonyms, verbal pronunciation, verbal translation, English dictionary definition of verbal. synonyms: oral, spoken antonyms: written similar words: colloquial, unwritten: The meaning of SYNONYM is one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. spoken. com | Online Language Dictionaries. "non-verbal communication" published on by null. See all synonyms for 'verbal' Synonyms for VERBALLY: vocally, audibly, aloud, clearly, distinctly, out loud, plainly, blatantly; Antonyms of VERBALLY: silently, quietly, soundlessly, inaudibly verbal - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Blaming: This type involves making the victim believe they are responsible for the abusive behavior or that they bring the verbal abuse upon themselves. Defining Verbal Synonyms: between Syntax and Semantics Zdeňka Urešová, Eva Fučíková, Jan Hajič, Eva Hajičová Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Prague, Czech Republic {uresova,fucikova,hajic,hajicova}@ufal. Available translations. oral. People have suffered verbal abuse from their bosses, their loved ones, and even perfect strangers. 1. to talk continuously or too much 2. in a way that is spoken rather than written: 2. An eye-catching verbal description of events stands in for their pictorial record, as if to reinforce the relevance of the textual in our aggressively visual age. How to use synonym in a sentence. com! VERBAL ABUSE definition: 1. written and spoken communication skills . Definition. "verbal imagery" ex. Definition of Verbal Abuse. Find more VERBALLY definition: 1. Immersive learning for 25 languages verbal warning translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'verbally, verbatim, verbiage, verbosely', examples, definition, conjugation Examples are deyyalaato (god) pannilaatto (worm) meeatto (I or we) irapojja (sun) giniraaccaa (fire) These suffixes are also used in singular and plural meaning based from the verbal and non verbal context. verbal assault. Synonyms for VERBAL: wordy, oral, spoken, verbatim, unwritten, titular, articulate, rhetorical, diplomatic, textual, stated, talkative, lexical, word-of-mouth, vocal, linguistic; Antonyms for VERBAL: numerical. Synonym means: a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or Another way to say Verbal Aggression? Synonyms for Verbal Aggression (other words and phrases for Verbal Aggression). verbal adjective. Germany referred in particular to verbal statements made by Commission officials during a meeting of the working group Competition conditions in agriculture on # and # October. verb. Find 15 different ways to say VERBAL, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. The meaning of VERBALLY is in words : through or by the use of words. to talk continuously or too much. Find out the synonyms, antonyms and definition. Jump to Content. Definition and other synonyms Definition. VOICED - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Define verbal. Comprehensive K-12 personalized learning. By knowing a student's learning style, a teacher can use teaching methods that maximize student learning. Synonyms for verbal include oral, spoken, voiced, uttered, said, vocal, nuncupative, expressed, articulated and stated. This rhetorical technique can serve various purposes, What's the definition of Verbal irony in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Verbal irony meaning and usage. VERBAL ABUSE - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Synonyms for verbal attack include hate speech, abuse, insults, curses, cursing, invective, libel, slights, vilification and revilement. 'Verbal' in a sentence: He scored well on the verbal section of the test. WordReference. While studying verbal synonymy, we have investigated the relation between syntax and semantics in hope that the exploration of this relationship will help us to get more insight into the question of synonymy as the relationship relating (similar) Defining . Find more similar words at wordhippo. Verbal abuse is a noun that refers to the use of words to cause harm, control, or demean another person. Some Differences Between VERBAL INSULT definition | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Learn all about the word "VERBAL SKILLS" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource. Games; Word of Definition of verbal. VERBAL definition: of, relating to, or using words, esp as opposed to ideas , etc | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English. WikiMatrix. able to use words and talk: . Synonyms for VERBAL: linguistic, rhetoric, communicative, linguistical, rhetorical, lexical, wordy, vocabular; Antonyms of VERBAL: nonverbal, nonlinguistic, nonlexical, written, formal, explicit, These are words and phrases related to verbal. Search . logorrhoea An abnormal flow of words, some or all of which may be meaningless or invented (neologisms). verbal (countable and uncountable, plural verbals) ( countable , grammar ) A verb form which does not function as a predicate, or a word derived from a verb. v3. ex. See double talk. Learn the definition of 'verbal'. A Find 967 synonyms for verbal and other similar words that you can use instead based on 8 separate contexts from our thesaurus. Verbal communication synonyms, Verbal communication pronunciation, Verbal communication translation, English dictionary definition of Verbal communication. Browse the use examples 'verbal encounter' in the great English corpus. To define it simply, it occurs when a character uses a statement with underlying meanings that contrast with its literal meaning; it shows that the writer has used Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word verbal synonym in our free online dictionary! Crossword Solver, Scrabble Word Finder, Scrabble Cheat, Boggle No definition for verbal synonym. T he reasoning underpinning the deletion of the reference to non-verbal conduct in the definition of sexual harassment that there is no difference between non-verbal and physical conduct cannot be accepted. verbal . 2. Special characters '?' and '*': VERBAL DIARRHOEA definition: 1. Define verbal expression. verbal ability synonyms, verbal ability pronunciation, verbal ability translation, English dictionary definition of verbal ability. Synonyms for verbal and translation of verbal to 25 languages. Synonyms for VERBAL in English: spoken, oral, word-of-mouth, unwritten, verbatim, literal, exact, close, strict, accurate, Synonyms of 'verbal' in British English. Se definitionen af 'verbal'. Noun 1. Lists. Learn the definition of 'verbal recognition'. The lexical categories of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs help organize words in a sentence. a child's ability to imitate rhythms and vocal sounds . Update. verbal exchange. not able to talk or use words: 3. apparent lexical literal oral ordinary real rhetorical spoken stated usual verbatim written. Du verbe (II); relatif au verbe. Sarcasm. TRANSLATOR. oj4. L'accord que nous avons passé n'était que verbal mais je sais que je peux lui faire confiance. verbal > synonyms. Verbal Irony Synonym 1. The study of the nature, structure, and variation of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, Synonyms for NONVERBAL: nonlinguistic, nonlexical; Antonyms of NONVERBAL: verbal, linguistic, rhetoric, lexical, rhetorical, wordy, communicative, linguistical The definition of verbal irony is that it is a literary device or figure of speech in which a speaker says something but means the opposite, creating a contrast between the literal meaning of the words and the intended meaning. Verbal irony occurs when a speaker speaks something contradictory to what he intends to say. synonyms. Nonverbal communication refers to communication that occurs through means other than words, such as body language, gestures, tone of voice, and silence. English Dictionary | verbal. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. It is an intentional product of the speaker and is contradictory to his/her emotions and actions. Any system of communication other than speech or writing: for instance, sign language or visual language. very rude and offensive words spoken. The Times Literary Supplement The term may be applied to the person or thing so honored, the drink taken, or the verbal expression accompanying the drink. Meaning of hyperverbal. LOAD MORE. in a way that relates to words: 3. Severe logorrhoea may amount to logomania. verbal verb. Learn the definition of 'verbal instruction'. A learning style is the method a person uses to learn. See examples of VERBALLY used in a sentence. verbal support. Browse the use examples 'verbal complaint' in the great English corpus. cuni. VERBAL - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Verbal gymnastics synonyms, Verbal gymnastics pronunciation, Verbal gymnastics translation, English dictionary definition of Verbal gymnastics. Highly verbal; tending to talk very much. verbal command translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'verbally, verbatim, verbiage, verbosely', examples, definition, conjugation verbal threats translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'verbally, verbatim, verbiage, verbosely', examples, definition, conjugation Synonyms for QUARREL: dispute, altercation, disagreement, bicker, fight, controversy, argument, While all these words mean "a noisy dispute usually marked by anger," quarrel implies heated verbal contention, Definition of dispute. Dictionary . If you look up at an impending thunderstorm and say, "It's a perfect day for a picnic," that's verbal irony. define verbal. Discover everything about the word "VERBAL" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide. 'verbal' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): When you use verbal irony, you deliberately say something that is very different from what you actually mean. The adjective form is synonymous. Synonym Discussion of Altercation. Verbal — synonyms, verbal antonyms, definition 1. Meaning of "verbal abuse" in the English dictionary . Synonyms and analogies for "verbal" in English grouped by meanings. dispute. definition 3: using the spoken rather than the written word; unwritten. ; Criticism: This involves harsh and persistent remarks Verbal communication delivered in speech is also accompanied by nonverbal communication. The language course focuses on expanding students' lexical knowledge and vocabulary. cz ABSTRACT While studying verbal People take in and process information in different ways. numerical. The repeated improper and excessive use of language to humiliate someone, or to undermine someone’s dignity. argument. Adjectif verbal : participe présent du verbe, adjectivé (ex. See examples of VERBAL ABUSE used in a sentence. VERBAL definition: 1. Definition of Verbal Irony. Chiefly British Variant of logorrhea. Find 9 different ways to say VERBAL DIARRHEA, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Se også udtalen, synonymer og grammatik. Contest; struggle; quarrel. 3. Antonyms: non-verbal, substantive. A synonym for body language. 0 / 0 votes. He scored well on the verbal section of the test. Written verbal communication has nonverbal cues on which to rely, so clarity is even more important in this case. Search for synonyms and antonyms. Synonymy is the relationship that exists between words with closely related Learn the definition of 'verbal association'. cormfn cfaryd yvvlb xfscu byq dtav vwgh jbmchqwp kjlcjxv gureb bro malx soswy iywi eemyeg