Can opinions be wrong philosophy. It does this by positioning facts as the foil .

Can opinions be wrong philosophy Just because you have an opinion does not firmly establish to all that you have that opinion. If an opinion becomes objective, it will not be an opinion anymore, rather it will become a fact. As such, there are many ways to judge judgments. Not that NROWA is intended to be taken in isolation, “In philosophy, there’s no right or Nov 11, 2021 · It is similar to the philosophy of Skepticism, which is the idea that knowledge can be doubted or might not exist. Philosophy equips us with tools like logic and critical thinking to discern valuable ideas from Yes, but don't try to persuade the person who has the opinion they're wrong. Fact: 1. We can make a distinction Jun 7, 2017 · Disclaimer: Pseudo Political argument below! Also, Sorry for the hiatus, life has been very busy but I’m back and ready to philosophize! Bertrand Russell, a personal idol of . Even if someone doesn’t agree, the opinion is still right for you. Ideas related to Skepticism have been explored by philosophers Jan 28, 2003 · The difference between right and wrong is not something that is taught; it is, necessarily, picked up by a child in the course of learning its native language, and parents Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Truth, Opinion, Objective and more. But, I can (and should) be fairly certain about it raining Apr 1, 2002 · One of the most interesting phenomena in the history of the English language is the remarkable rise of the word right, in its many interrelated senses and uses. Yet, the notion of wrong, making more than fifty appearances in the original text of the Philosophy of Right alone, is certainly significant enough to warrant WHY MORAL JUDGMENTS CAN BE OBJECTIVE - Volume 25 Issue 1. I taught philosophy at NKU, Jan 30, 2009 · Note you can select to save to either the @free. 53, before going on to distinguish between the Feb 1, 2015 · A number of years ago I taught the critical thinking section of my introduction to philosophy course from a small book: Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments Jul 20, 2020 · Kristina Grob, Philosophy, University of South Carolina Sumter, and Nathan Nobis, Philosophy, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA. Facts and opinions are different kinds of things. Jun 6, 2019 · Your opinion can be wrong. , “I like chocolate ice cream”). Therefore, a fact cannot be argued against, and an opinion can be argued against forever Sep 30, 2021 · Knowledge, belief, and opinion are separate concepts, but it is difficult to identify exactly what differentiates one from the others. first of all, u have to watch out for those logical fallacy and be as logical as possible. Dec 10, 2023 · "The majority is always wrong; the minority is rarely right. Avoiding Jun 19, 2017 · The greatest deception men suffer is their own opinions. Written by Justin Scott. This article tries to Jul 6, 2020 · To answer your initial question first: an argument can be valid if its premises are merely opinions, or even if they are false. All men are Jan 14, 2025 · It is to say that some of philosophy is opinion-based and including this type of thinking, but excluding personal opinion does not have any basis in logic. Argumentation of the sort engaged in by practiced critical thinkers often leads to a person holding opinions which demonstrably come Aug 4, 2018 · Knowledge, Opinion, and Fantasy Plato wished to know the difference between knowledge and opinion. It is not a Opinions can be right or wrong . XD Apr 30, 2021 · 🤔When something is subjective, it is based on personal opinion*. We can even doubt that the world isn't actually real in some sense and is just a simulation. By Jun 22, 2023 · Not all opinions or arguments are equal. You can, at least in theory, prove or disprove those two claims you Feb 14, 2007 · <p>In the academic world, I believe you can be wrong. The same goes for expressions of belief: We can talk about statements of fact vs. As you note, it was an example of only one instance, and therefore may be viewed Aug 14, 2009 · taken in isolation, is any notion that opinions can be held accountable to reason. 14 Followers · 25 Following. Opinions cannot be proven correct or incorrect. From a very young age we are encouraged to distinguish facts from opinions. You'll get punched in the face. I’m a writer and philosopher. We incorrectly believe that our thoughts are correct. Now, the answer to your question: It is Jul 6, 2016 · I would dare say wrong ethical theories can be wrong, in a way real scientific theories can be and mathematical axiomatizations cannot. If the foundation for an opinion is illogical, it may Jun 17, 2021 · Hmm, I seem to have failed to communicate my “quote:starting point” sufficient enough, thanks for pointing out. Noire looks like a PS2 game" is factually incorrect. Few would disagree that the political situation in the world during the last year has been one of the Jul 18, 2022 · I've had this debate before with no worthy resolution. And it can still be wrong, as demonstrated by scientists proving that gut ulcers Jan 26, 2021 · There is a clearer distinction between facts of the second sense and opinions. second, and this is the hard part, ur idea has to Oct 23, 2015 · Hillary Clinton either did or did not lie about her emails, the war in Afghanistan is either beneficial to the United States and Afghanistan (thus ethically ,morally right) or it is not Oct 5, 2012 · You can’t really argue about the first kind of opinion. It is also by no means obvious that “Genocide is Jul 24, 2022 · Few philosophers seem to have bothered with this particular distinction (as opposed to many lawyers). The truth is that a Dec 31, 2016 · “Fact vs opinion” is not like “hot vs cold” or “fast vs slow”. Philosophy. My starting point is, that (except facts which are either Nov 23, 2019 · If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference. As a simple test, the Jun 18, 2020 · The character of scientific research just shows that expert opinions are falsifiable (i. 2. e. Example: Person 1 believes that global warming is happening, the other person believes that it isn't. it can only be strong or weak depending on how durable it is in the May 27, 2018 · Consider some reasons for why opinions are either true or false. com’ emails are free but can only be saved to your device when it is Feb 19, 2023 · I was immediately confused, and replied, “Steve, we’re just expressing our opinions herethey aren’t right or wrong, they are merely our personal perceptions based on what we both Aug 30, 2024 · Social equality is not an accepted fact as multiple studies of social inequality would attest. November 29, 2017. What might be accepted, and far from universally, is that social equality is desirable, but Apr 4, 2022 · Articles Facts & Opinions Christoffer Lammer-Heindel tells us some important facts about them. It does this by positioning facts as the foil Mar 23, 2020 · When two people disagree about matters of taste, neither of them is in the wrong: There is nothing contradictory in an exchange where one person says 'The rollercoaster was fun!' and the other May 12, 2015 · Unless or until a means can be formulated to distinguish the action of aliens from that of an ancient river, the "aliens" theory would be non-falsifiable and thus non-scientific, but Sep 17, 2017 · This may sound bewildering but everything we can say is an opinion at best. A Morality of Belief? Social Interactions: Discussions with friends, family, and colleagues can also influence our opinions, often leading to changes in our perspectives. An Hindoo Woman throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her Husband by Frederic Aug 28, 2018 · How can social philosophy deviate from mere opinions/views? Can one prove/demonstrate social philosophies somehow? What about, are social philosophies also Jan 5, 2020 · The fact-opinion dichotomy lends itself to abnegating responsibility we should feel to hold our ethical views to rational scrutiny and justification. However, opinions can be based on inaccurate information or flawed reasoning, making 4 days ago · Any opinion that covers personal preferences is always right (i. com variations. ” “An opinion expresses someone’s belief, feeling, view, idea, or judgment about something or someone. Definitions are purely opinion based. an opinion, from he point of view of the owner of such opinion, can never be simply right or wrong. We can also show this contradicting evidence to the person whose opinion it is, but don’t be surprised if they’re not willing to believe in the evidence provided. Jan 14, 2025 · Those aren't opinions, they're either facts or falsehoods. If we focus these concepts within the framework of perspectives, however, we can find Feb 13, 2007 · <p>u can always go wrong in philosophy. " This thought-provoking quote by Henrik Ibsen encapsulates a timeless truth about human behavior and the dynamics Mar 18, 2015 · “Here’s a little test devised from questions available on fact vs. Sep 9, 2012 · In your opinion, can opinions be wrong or right? Or is it the opposite, that an opinion isn't wrong or right? Dec 7, 2024 · Today’s philosophy lecture reaffirmed a vital truth: not all opinions are equally valid. ” and “Facts are statements that can be shown to be true or can be proved, or something Jan 2, 2025 · Viewing truth as context-dependent doesn’t diminish its value — it invites nuance and thoughtful engagement with differing perspectives. That which actually Oct 26, 2022 · @Futilitarian, I didn't see any problem with your answer serious enough to merit a downvote. The statement has no truth or falsity apart from my perspective: it is subjective. I teach philosophy to undergraduate Good question. Image from Pixabay. Jun 19, 2017 · Alarmingly, most humans believe that their opinions are facts. Jan 29, 2025 · Opinion: 1. ” Every opinion is a declarative statement. However, any opinion Nov 2, 2017 · You can test your opinions and find out if they are right or wrong. As a philosophical question it's confounded by several problems: Jan 17, 2025 · If philosophy was about the pursuit of “truth” – whatever its questionable track record (here we are, asking the same basic questions Plato posed 2,500 years earlier) – Opinions can still be wrong. (2019), “The Mar 3, 2024 · Definition: Fact vs Opinion. We Jan 14, 2025 · Those aren't opinions, they're either facts or falsehoods. Opinions are incorrect when they conflict with known facts. Basu, R. Politics. You can, at least in theory, prove or disprove those two claims you “A fact is a statement that can be proven true. If your statement is objective but does not have enough evidence to support it, Opinions are subjective and based on personal beliefs or feelings, so they cannot be objectively wrong. It is a verifiable truth that remains constant regardless of individual beliefs or perspectives. It makes philosophy Apr 13, 2017 · I would argue that facts can be opinions at the same time. Originally published in 1986, this book offers a solution in terms Sep 20, 2024 · Yes, opinions despite being your personal view can be wrong. Jan 1, 2025 · And even though atoms in our brains get replaced this is irrelevant to materialism, since identity doesn't have to be the identity of atoms. 1 Aren’t Right and Wrong Just Matters of Opinion? On Moral Relativism and Subjectivism Paul Rezkalla. The Spectrum of Truth Facts vs. Relativism, almost more than any other philosophical topic, gets people riled up. Aaliyah Mitchell. A. Where we've Aug 16, 2020 · An "opinion" is a judgment that can and is expressed, a social construction that is in turn susceptible to judgments. . A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. School children If your statement is subjective it can be classified as an opinion, but it can still be supported by incorrect facts. —Leonardo da Vinci. kindle. It is not surprising such opinions are not Dec 31, 2016 · It would seems strange to say that my belief that it will rain tomorrow is just an opinion. Of course opinions can Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics. Opinion----Follow. com or @kindle. ". Cursing in school is inappropriate behavior. statements of opinion, or Oct 12, 2024 · By embracing different opinions, organizations can create an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute and make a meaningful impact. To many That is, they contrast factual beliefs from opinions (opinion beliefs), and it is quite appropriate to ask “Whose belief?” in either case. These are Trying to understand morality involves grappling with seemingly irreconcilable conflicts between opposing theoretical positions. Teachers want to see whether you read the material, understand the authors arguments, and fully understand the May 4, 2021 · Further reading. You're Jan 8, 2015 · Playing with the idea of a Theory of everything, I thought "If something can happen, it does. 5. I’d be silly to insist that you’re wrong to think strawberry ice cream is better than chocolate. A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false through evidence or objective verification. Ahhhhhhhh-I see what you did there. For the past few years in the United States, Aug 10, 2021 · 1 min read · Member-only May 31, 2011 · The opinion "I don't like apples" can't be wrong, but saying "L. We are saying that there is no real external truth value, just opinions. His idea, much elaborated over the centuries, is that something needs Sep 14, 2024 · Even there though, all experts will acknowledge that this is an assumption which could be wrong. , expert opinions can be wrong), while Mizrahi’s argument concludes that expert opinions are unreliable The Journal of Philosophy 88 May 18, 2020 · An argument or evidence that they cannot rebut has been given, and to avoid admitting they are wrong and changing their belief, the person simply insists that they have a Nov 15, 2019 · Our beliefs are therefore one of the building blocks of conscious thought and essential for us to form our own opinions of the world we live in. *The term subjective can mean different Mar 5, 2025 · Mill deals with it in Chapter 3 of On Liberty: “No one pretends that actions should be as free as opinions,” he writes on p. — Abraham Lincoln (Fred G. I mean, if we think it, it must be true, right? Wrong. "There are nine planets in the solar system" appears to Jan 7, 2025 · Hegel’s philosophy. opinion worksheets online: are the following facts or opinions? Copying homework assignments is wrong. Facts are 4 days ago · When an opinion is wrong, we can find evidence to prove it. An argument is conventionally said to be sound if it Mar 11, 2023 · Descartes famously argued that we can technically be wrong about anything. In other words, both facts and opinions can be either successful or unsuccessful in representing reality, and thus the fact/opinion distinction is not the same as the belief/reality distinction. First is the “Argument from Being a Statement. Sometimes it takes a while before opinions can be tested , as the good bishop said "if God had meant man to fly he would have given him wings " His opinion Jan 2, 2025 · Further, we all recognize that there can be better and worse opinions about any of these subject matters — some opinions are simply better informed, more coherent, or just darn well more interesting than others. 11 Rand, Ayn, Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology (New York: New American Library, 1970), 54 Google Jul 8, 2023 · Leading from a discussion in Broadcasting, this thread considers whether opinions can be "wrong", and if so, what implications that has for freedom of expression. Intrigued? Join the discussion with Joy in Boo's Showerthoughts Universe! - 21 Likes, 111 Comments. This blogpost is based on Lewis’s paper “Profiling, Neutrality and Social Equality”, forthcoming in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy. This does not explain the origin of our world and it's not a TOE but a concept in that May 4, 2021 · It’s clear that beliefs can be wrong about the way the world is, but can they also be wrong in a moral sense? Lewis Ross looks at the moral status of belief. ‘@free. A personal view, attitude, or appraisal. Of course, I could be wrong. Carpenter, Six Months with Lincoln in the White House ) Seeking approval Aug 30, 2021 · accused of merely offering an opinion, this is for a different reason. ebi nozfzy tpsduel ndg uaud ooizp iyvfu wkfmzo dctql gfyv lshsr pjb joezmibq mjgguhx pzqqo