Butte county zoning definitions Please use the table of contents pane to navigate to the ordinance you're looking for. Standards for the AG zone maintain the vitality of the agricultural sector by retaining parcel sizes necessary to sustain viable agricultural operations, protecting agricultural practices and activities by Butte County General Plan Butte County General Plan. applicable to the zones identified below. Title 25 - Limited Density Owner-Built Rural Dwellings. Glossary: Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Feedback Butte County Data Search. The Zoning Ordinance This article defines terms and phrases used in the Zoning Ordinance that are technical or specialized, or which may not reflect common usage. The Zoning Administrator may approve or deny projects. Tax Information. 14 Critical Airspace Protection Zone 1. This division oversees the formation of assessment districts and oversees/manages County Service Areas (CSAs) and Permanent Road Divisions (PRDs). horizontal and conical zones. Updated 2023. Note: If you experience issues with the GIS Map, you may have to clear the cache in your Internet browser. Our current zoning coverage of Yuba County is 3. Non-Discrimination Policy The purpose of the AG zone is to support, protect, and maintain a viable, long- term agricultural sector in Butte County. Interpretation of grammar. 0 PURPOSE 1 2. Definitions; Collapse Article IV. ZONING . an ordinance of the county of butte amending butte county code chapter 20 (subdivision ordinance), remove from definitions zero lot line subdivision (20-53. Code Enforcement also handles complaints for the Medical and Nonmedical Cannabis Ordinance(s), the Noise Control Ordinance, and the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program , as well Butte County Flood Ordinance. View General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; Check Parcel Zoning Information; View Planning Commission Agendas and Meeting Schedules SB 2 Grant Funding for Contracted Services. ZONING: Article II. Careers. 24-5 The Zoning Ordinance is adopted to implement the Butte County General Plan and to protect and promote the health, safety. The administrative permit an ordinance of the county of butte amending butte county code chapter 20 (subdivision ordinance), remove from definitions zero lot line subdivision (20-53. The proposed BUTTE COUNTY - CODE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Supplemental Use Regulations § 24-172. 1 PERTAINING TO SHORT-TERM RENTALS; AMENDING SECTION 24-172, B. Tentative Parcel Map (TPM21-0011) Zoning district boundaries are shown geographically on the land use maps linked below. Butte County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 24. 077. Accessory or auxiliary use or structure. If any of the definitions in this article conflict with others in the Butte County Code, these Welcome to the Butte County (unincorporated) web-portal that provides the public with an interactive way to use a variety of important resources concerning land use, zoning, and the County’s General Plan. These provisions are necessary to reduce impacts to surrounding properties so that special event facilities do not result in an incompatible land use. View General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; Check Parcel Zoning Information; View Planning Commission Agendas and Meeting Schedules The Butte County Development Services processes building permits including plan review, developmental applications including environmental reviews and code enforcement to ensure proper ordinance compliance. 20-61 Filing a tentative subdivision map. This will take you to the parcel in Sections of the County's Zoning Ordinance, primarily section 24-172 pertaining to second units and accessory dwelling units are being repealed and replaced to comply with State law. Serving as the review authority on permit and approval applications as shown in Table 24-189-1 (Review and Decision-Making Authority); Follow Butte County Association of Governments Facebook X Instagram Linkedin Youtube. - Definitions; Expand Chapter 24A The purpose of the TM zone is to preserve Butte County's valuable timber resources and to protect both the economic and environmental value of these lands. § 24-53. 4. 🔎︎ Climate Action Plan; 🔎︎ Upper Notes: [1] See Article 42 (Glossary) for definitions of listed land uses. Visit the Zoning Ordinance page for more information. 20-62 Requirements for filing applications. ZONING: Article III. A "base zone" is a county zone that specifies allowable uses for real property and land use requirements including minimum parcel size and development standards. 1 - Butte County short-term rental ordinance. "Zoning Ordinance" means the Butte County Zoning Ordinance set forth in Chapter 24. m. g. 2, to separately regulate second units within the County. B. All standards that apply to the AG zone in general also apply These facilities have been reviewed for compliance with the requirements of the Butte County Zoning Ordinance and found to meet the County's standards. ) modified; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. By selecting a municipality from the list below, you'll be redirected to a page where you can find links to the specific zoning maps and zoning codes for that 24-172. 0 DEFINITIONS 1 3. Butte County Zoning Administrator Action Summary March 16, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Facilities – Class 1 Exemption), and approve Minor Use Permit MUP21- 0008 subject to the findings and conditions identified in staff report Exhibit A. Permit Portal. § 17. Standards for the TM zone are intended to support the growing and harvesting of timber, pulp woods, and "Advisory agency" means the Butte County Planning Commission charged with the duty of making investigations and reports on the design and improvement of proposed divisions of real property, the imposing of requirements or conditions thereon, or having the authority under this chapter to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove maps, including reversions to acreage by parcel BUTTE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION ZDN24-XXXX TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TPM24-0001 (Leo & Amber DePaola) The project proposes to divide a 3. Setback measurement. DISTRICTS, BOUNDARIES AND MAP: Chapter 17. 010. 21 - os-c conservation open space zoning district chapter 17. ) modified; Expand THE CHARTER* THE CHARTER* Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS* Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS* Expand Chapter 2 - View online interactive Geographic Information System (GIS) enabled maps, which contain data such as parcel information, County maintained roads, flood zones, benchmarks, and more. Promote economic growth and the creation of jobs for Butte County residents. 7. 24-100 Definitions. Bar or tavern. Daneluk, AICP, Director . (Ord. Butte County is regulated under the State's legislation 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF BUTTE ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO BUTTE 3 COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 24, ZONING, INCLUDING: ADOPTING NEW SECTION 24- 4 172. 7 County Center Drive T: 530. Butte County short-term rental ordinance. Details on all zoning requirements are described in Butte-Silver Bow Municipal Code, Title 17. 0 INSPECTION DURING CONSTRUSTION 11 Local Type L-I Local Streets in M-1 & M-2 Zones NCSP-6 Local Type L-II Local Streets in R-1, R-2 & R-3 Zones Butte County Department of Development Services April 7, 2021 Agenda Report – Troy Keenan TPM20-0001 Page 3 of 17 ANALYSIS: Zoning Consistency Butte County Code section 24-18 F. 1(d)(2)), amend Butte County General Plan Butte County General Plan. 24-173. 24-5 Applicability of zoning ordinance. Supplemental Use Regulations: Division 1. 19-7 - On-site wastewater system requirements. A single-family dwelling, or a portion of a single-family dwelling, that is rented to transient guest occupants If the property line is located along the centerline of an existing road easement, the building setback line shall be established as the distance equal to one-half (½) the distance of the ultimate right-of-way as designated in the most recently adopted County Improvement Standards, plus the building setback line required by the applicable zone. 🔎︎ Climate Action Plan; 🔎︎ Upper Expand Article VII. All standards that apply to the FR zone in an ordinance of the county of butte amending butte county code chapter 20 (subdivision ordinance), remove from definitions zero lot line subdivision (20-53. Other services include reviewing land development applications, lot line adjustments, and certificates Butte County General Plan Butte County General Plan. Division 7 of the Zoning Ordinance and Butte 24-2 Purpose of the zoning ordinance. 7785 . Agendas & Minutes. GENERAL PROVISIONS: Chapter 17. 1(d)(2)), amend The following list is an overview of the municipalities for which we currently provide zoning information in Butte County, California. Butte County Code Enforcement is concerned with complaints pertaining to Planning and Building codes and ordinances in the unincorporated areas of Butte County. 19-4 - Applicability. It's also a good idea to memorize other important zones Zoning (Chapter 24 of County Code) | Chapter 24 - Municode; Subdivisions (Chapter 20 of County Code) Surface Mining and Reclamation (Chapter 13, Article II, of Butte County Code) Land Conservation (Williamson) Act Rules; Adult Business Regulation (Chapter 15, Article IV, of Butte County Code) Butte County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan The words “Zoning Code” or “Code” shall mean the Zoning Code of Butte County including all zoning district maps. Contracts with Butte County (hereinafter referred to as "County") funded by an SB 2 Planning Grant with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (hereinafter referred to as "Department") underneath the Planning Grants Program (PGP) provisions of SB 2 (Chapter 364, Statutes of Butte County Zoning Administrator Action Summary January 19, 2022 Page 1 of 2 Department of Development Services Paula M. Please visit this link Butte County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 24. Butte County Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of the Agricultural Buffer, as stated in the Zoning Ordinance, is to conserve and stabilize agricultural land uses in order to . net) The Solar Guide Mapping Tool is also available to show you the best areas to develop solar facilities: Butte County GIS BUTTE COUNTY - CODE (This content was modified in this version of the code. 15 Density 1. Basement. Rural and Urban Zones. 0 PLAN DETAILS 9 6. AB 2234 Post-Entitlement Permits. Daneluk, AICP , Director . 5, and are intended to direct the reader to a section that is related to the use. ZONING: Article IV. 3700 . 4092, § 1, 2-24-15 Find the zoning of any property in Oroville, California with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Butte County and each incorporated city maintain their own zoning ordinance, land use regulations, and general The Zoning Ordinance applies to all land, uses, and structures within unincorporated areas under Butte County jurisdiction. Supplemental Use Regulations Butte County has established individual evacuation zones throughout the County. Welcome to Butte County's Development Portal. DEFINITIONS: Chapter 17. Setback Requirements and Exceptions: Division 3. Zones and Zoning Map; Expand Article II. No. 24-2 Purpose of the zoning ordinance. Standards for the TM zone are intended to support the growing and harvesting of timber, pulp woods, and The Land Development Division of Public Works provides numerous services associated with land development and surveying. 20 - r-c rural center zone; expand chapter 17. Chapter 20 Subdivision; Chapter 24 Zoning; Butte County Planning Resources Butte County Planning Resources. 20-64 Reserved. Expand Division 2. [2] Standards in the Zoning Ordinance that apply to specific uses are identified under the column "Applicable Regulations," defined under Section 24-8G. Butte County Code Chapter 23-A authorizes the levy of a Transient Occupancy ii Butte County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (Adopted November 15, 2017) 1. Title: Butte County Regional Economic Development Strategy Butte County General Plan Butte County General Plan. 25 County Center Drive Oroville, CA 95965. General Regulations . . with addressing a Butte County code violation and a zoning code amendment to add Assessment Facility as a new land use Find the zoning of any property in Paradise, California with this latest zoning map and zoning code. R1-S ONE-FAMILY SUBURBAN RESIDENCE ZONE: Chapter 17. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Zoning Administrator find the proposed project to be categorically exempt Butte County Zoning Administrator Agenda January 22, 2025 Page 1 of 2 Department of Development Services Paula M. 08. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Zoning Administrator find the proposed project to be categorically exempt Butte County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 24. 1(d)(2)), amend Expand Article VII. Appeal Period: 10 calendar days . Zoning Districts, Land Uses, and Development Standards: Division 1. Our current zoning coverage of Butte County is 6. Allowed projections. 🔎︎ Climate Action Plan; 🔎︎ Upper The Zoning Ordinance is adopted to implement the Butte County General Plan and to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of Butte County residents. Big Hole River. 06. General Plan 2040; General Plan Action Plan; Butte County Land Use Butte County Land Use. 22 - os-d developable open space zoning district chapter 17. 19-6 - Site evaluation requirements. 0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2 4. DEFINITIONS § 17. This link provides the County's Zoning Ordinance. ) The Butte County Development Services processes building permits including plan review, developmental applications including environmental reviews and code enforcement to ensure proper ordinance compliance. Special Event. The Zoning Board of Adjustment governs variances and special use permits. Expand Article VII. 2. Climate Action Plan; Upper Ridge Community Plan; North Chico Specific Plan; Airport Land Use The Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map include the overlay zones shown in Table 24-11-2 (Overlay Zones). Check our Links page to access other GIS related agency websites. 078. - Definitions; Expand Chapter 24A long-term agricultural sector in Butte County. Butte County shall not be responsible for monitoring or enforcing private agreements. Butte County is divided into zones Learn about Butte County Ordinances and Resolutions that the Department of Development Services is charged with administering. 24-4 Responsibility for administration. Zoning Districts, Land Uses, and Development Standards: Division 3. 1(d)(2)), amend Butte County GIS is also an active participant in regional GIS groups with other agencies to coordinate and share information. R-1 ONE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ZONE: Expand Article VII. 7785 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR HEARING AGENDA The Zoning Administrator serves as the hearing authority for project applications such as Minor Use Permits, Minor Variances, Parcel Maps, and other activities and functions. Butte County is interested in working with current and past residents, property owners, business owners, and other interested parties to develop the Upper Ridge Community Plan. 552. Please see our tutorials below. The C-M zone is intended primarily to provide a district to accommodate selected commercial retail sales and service facilities and to accommodate a variety of light manufacturing activities including warehousing, storage, distributing, wholesale activities, research laboratories, and similar uses which include development standards so as to be suitable for location within General Plan and therefore the loss of this residential zoning will not affect the County’s ability to provide for regional affordable housing needs. By using a permitted facility, you can be assured your event will be held in a location approved by Butte County and conducted consistent with County requirements. 93± acre property (one parcel) into three parcels (of 1. Definitions). Location and Permit Process, Solar and Wind Energy Systems. 22 - os-d developable open space zoning district 19-3 - Definitions. Standards for the TM zone are intended to support the growing and harvesting of timber, pulp woods, and Article II. Division 7 of the Zoning Ordinance and Butte In addition to the standards contained in this article, all applicable development in Butte County shall also comply with the Model Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance prepared by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), when required by the California Water Conservation in Landscaping Act (Government Code Section 65591 et seq. 070. 1(c)) and mergers (20-180. SUMMARY: APPROVED . 22 Land Use Action Butte County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 24. Butte County Department of Development Services April 19 2, 02 3 Miller DET23-0001 Page 1of 8 BUTTE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA REPORT – April 19, 2023 . 2 - Heavy equipment storage in the RCR (rural country residential) and FCR (foothill country residential) zones. us Physical Address Butte County Butte-Silver Bow County: Code of Ordinances Chapter 17. Division 1. Agriculture Sub-Zones. Climate Action Plan; Upper Ridge Community Plan; North Chico Specific Plan; Airport Land Use The Butte County Development Services processes building permits including plan review, developmental applications including environmental reviews and code enforcement to ensure proper ordinance compliance. Allow for residential, commercial, and industrial growth in a manner consistent with Butte County's A. 24-103 Prohibited signs. As discussed above, the Specific Plan area falls within the AG-80 and 24-172. Local Appeals Board. The AG zone is divided into five (5) sub-zones, each with its own minimum parcel size. Short-term rentals are subject to an administrative permit, pursuant to Butte County Code Chapter 24, Article 29, and shall be allowed as provided by the applicable zone (refer to the Use Regulation Tables for each zone to determine if short-term rentals are allowed), subject to the requirements of this section. Butte County Zoning Administrator Agenda April 6, 2022 Page 1 of 4 Department of Development Services Paula M. 552. County Code provides that the Development Services Director, or designee, shall serve as the Zoning Administrator. By selecting a municipality from the list below, you'll be redirected to a page where you can find links to the specific zoning maps and zoning codes for that Parcel Look-Up Tool. - Definitions Article VII. Setback Requirements and Exceptions Division 2. Butte County and each incorporated city maintain their own zoning ordinance, land use regulations, and general Butte County General Plan Butte County General Plan. Definitions. You can see a complete list of Zoning District Descriptions here. Each map is a collection of layers specific to the nature of the business it serves. "Advisory agency" means the Butte County Planning Commission charged with the duty of making investigations and reports on the design and improvement of proposed divisions of real property, the imposing of requirements or conditions thereon, or having the authority under this chapter to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove maps, including reversions to acreage by parcel Definitions, Solar Energy Systems. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR HEARING AGENDA . Standards for the AG zone maintain the vitality of the agricultural sector by retaining parcel sizes necessary to sustain viable agricultural operations, protecting agricultural practices and activities by minimizing land If you've identified whether you're in a Flood zone, related information is available directly on the map. expand chapter 17. 🔎︎ Climate Action Plan; 🔎︎ Upper The Zoning Administrator serves as the hearing authority for project applications such as Minor Use Permits, Minor Variances, Parcel Maps, and other activities and functions. Health & Human Services. Emergency Preparedness. 21 Intensity 1. 3700 Oroville, California 95965 F: 530. Daneluk, AICP, Director Curtis Johnson, Assistant Director 7 County Center Drive T: 530. Height Measurement and Exceptions: Division 2. § 24-54. Definitions Article VII. City areas are referred to as "incorporated", while areas not under city jurisdiction are referred to as being located in the "unincorporated" area of Butte County. 24-104 General standards. 0 STANDARD SHEETS AND SCALES 8 5. 1. Butte County Code Chapter 23-A authorizes the levy of a Transient Occupancy "Advisory agency" means the Butte County Planning Commission charged with the duty of making investigations and reports on the design and improvement of proposed divisions of real property, the imposing of requirements or conditions thereon, or having the authority under this chapter to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove maps, including reversions to acreage by parcel Expand Article VII. 🔎︎ Climate Action Plan; 🔎︎ Upper See Article 42 (Glossary) for definitions of listed land uses. How can I find the zoning for a specific property? To find the zoning of a specific property, go to our Parcel Look-Up Tool, and at the bottom of the page, type in the property's APN. These combining districts regulate various factors The role of the Planning Commission in the administration of the Zoning Ordinance shall be as specified in Section 2-74 (Powers and Duties; General Plan), and includes the following: . ) modified; Expand THE CHARTER* THE CHARTER* Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS* Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS* Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION* Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION* Expand Chapter 3 - FEES Chapter 3 - The web page text provides definitions for various zoning districts in Placer County, along with their corresponding category of permitted uses and section references. Agriculture Zones Latest version. 24-101 Signs allowed without permits. 1 - Heavy equipment storage in the VLDR (very low density residential) zone. 5 Filing a tentative subdivision map for conversion of mobile home park. - Definitions; Expand Chapter 24A 2008 (Butte County Resolution #08-166 and as amended) shall be utilized as a guide in evaluating the proper agricultural buffer and in rendering determinations on Butte-Silver Bow County: Code of Ordinances: Title 17. We want your event to be These are County-initiated amendments to the Butte County Zoning Ordinance (Butte County Code Chapter 24) intended to codify County processes, update definitions, and address discrepancies within a variety of sections related to Development Standards and Land Use Regulations. 20 Infill 1. Interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance; Expand Division 3. A single-family dwelling, or a portion of a single-family dwelling, that is These are County-initiated amendments to the Butte County Zoning Ordinance (Butte County Code Chapter 24) intended to codify County processes, update definitions, and address discrepancies within a variety of sections related to Development Standards and Land Use Regulations. The Upper Ridge Community Council has identified many aspects of this community that would benefit from a community plan, especially in the area of fire safety Ordinances for Butte County, CA Code of Ordinances. The administrative permit Sacramento County RHNA Rezone Project Draft SEIR: 30441: 4/5/2024 8:12:48 PM: 4/5/2024 8:12:48 PM: Frost 5th District: Pat Hume COUNTY EXECUTIVE David Villanueva, County Executive PREPARED BY County of Sacramento Department of Community 15B Sacramento County General Plan : STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary See Article 42 (Glossary) for definitions of listed land uses. Expand Article I. The definition of a word or phrase applies to any of that word's or phrase's variants: or that is not located in a zone that allows agricultural processing as defined by the Butte County Zoning Ordinance. - Purpose and Effect of the Zoning Ordinance. in unique Rural Residential, Foothill Residential and Agricultural Unless the provision or context otherwise requires, the definitions contained in this section shall govern the construction of this article. 04. A new section is being added, Section 24-172. It is important to memorize the last three numbers of the zone you live in. 1(d)(2)), amend The Zoning Ordinance lists allowed uses and development standards for properties in each zone in the County. Short-Term Rental. General Regulations: Division 2. Interpretation of The Butte County Zoning Ordinance was adopted in November 2012 to implement the General Plan 2030. Begin your parcel lookup by accessing the Butte County GIS Portal. The amendments will add a definition of parcel frontage, clarify Short-term rentals are subject to an administrative permit, pursuant to Butte County Code Chapter 24, Article 29, and shall be allowed as provided by the applicable zone (refer to the Use Regulation Tables for each zone to determine if short-term rentals are allowed), subject to the requirements of this section. 21 - os-c conservation open space zoning district; expand chapter 17. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION SUMMARY A. Each zone has a different number. Setback Requirements and Exceptions § 24-52. . 17 Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77 (FAR 77) 1. This powerful tool will allow you to answer the following land-related matters: BUTTE COUNTY - CODE (This content was modified in this version of the code. 24-102 Permit requirements. Zoning Districts, Land Uses, and Development Standards; Expand Article This is a County-initiated amendment to the Butte County Zoning Ordinance (Butte County Code Chapter 24) for the land use category: Residential Care Home, Large within the residential zones and 24- 304 Definitions and find the project exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15268( a). With some information e. 🔎︎ Climate Action Plan; 🔎︎ Upper Ridge Community Plan; Archives. 075. Explanations of the purpose of each zoning designation, allowed uses Article II. Staff recommends the inclusion of new language, as directed by the Planning Commission, regarding the reduction or extinguishing of the agricultural setback at the time of redesignation to a non-Agriculture The Butte County Zoning Ordinance sets forth the regulation of Agricultural Buffers in Agricultural zones, as directed by the General Plan, under Article 17. Examples of non-approved fencing materials are, but are not limited to: Sheet metal; Vehicles and / or parts; Garage doors; Aluminum; Siding; Corrugated tin; Plywood; OSB Unless the provision or context otherwise requires, the definitions contained in this section shall govern the construction of this chapter. If any of the definitions in this article conflict with others in the Butte County Code, these definitions shall control only for the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. These zones will be used during fires or other emergencies requiring evacuations in our County. 1. Welcome to the Butte County (unincorporated) web-portal that provides the public with an interactive way to use a variety of important resources concerning land use, zoning, and the Vacation home rentals are not permitted in Butte County except in zones that permit a hotel and motel use as defined under Butte County Code Section 24-304, consistent with how hotels and motels may be permitted under the Use Regulation Tables under Part 2 of Chapter 24 (Zoning Districts, Land Uses, and Development Standards) for each zone. 24-3 Relationship to the general plan. Walls and Fences: Division 4. 005. 00± acre, and ±1. 24-2 - Butte County Zoning Ordinance. The zones are shown in Table 24-11-1 (Base Zones). Big Hole River Butte County Oak Woodland Mitigation Ordinance XX‐6 Definitions XX‐7 Exemptions XX‐8 Approval Required Prior to Removal XX‐9 Oak Woodland Evaluation Plan XX‐10 Impacts XX‐11 Oak Woodland Replacement the removal of oak trees or oak woodlands including disturbance to the Critical Root Zone (CRZ). The following list is an overview of the municipalities for which we currently provide zoning information in Yuba County, California. The Upper Ridge Community Plan will set a vision and provide policy guidance for the areas within the unincorporated portion of Butte County north of the Find the zoning of any property in Chico, California with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Examples of approved fencing materials are wood and vinyl. Standards for the TM zone are intended to support the growing and harvesting of timber, pulp woods, and an ordinance of the county of butte amending butte county code chapter 20 (subdivision ordinance), remove from definitions zero lot line subdivision (20-53. The grading activity involved the leveling of the entire site, which included tailing piles and depressions. 4243. 19-5 - On-site wastewater manual. The Department of Public Works is primarily responsible for the issuance of three different types of permits. The amendments will add a definition of parcel frontage, clarify Butte County Department of Development Services August 16, 2023 KELLY DET23-0003 Page 1 of 7 BUTTE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA REPORT – August 16, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Zoning Administrator find the proposed project to be categorically exempt Butte County Zoning Administrator Action Summary April 6, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Department of Development Services Paula M. 20-61. Outdoor Lighting an ordinance of the county of butte amending butte county code chapter 24 (zoning), articles ii and vii, adding the “assessment facility” use to zoning districts, land uses and development standards and “assessment facility” to the land use definitions. - Zoning Districts, Land Uses, and Development Standards; Division 3. 10. Download the FIRM Panels Effective January 6, 2011 (ZIP) file to your computer (it is a large file and can take some time) Use a tool like Winzip or Windows to uncompress/unpackage the files to a local folder "Advisory agency" means the Butte County Planning Commission charged with the duty of making investigations and reports on the design and improvement of proposed divisions of real property, the imposing of requirements or conditions thereon, or having the authority under this chapter to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove maps, including reversions to acreage by parcel Definitions, Solar Energy Systems. Skip to Main Content. 20 - r-c rural center zone chapter 17. Purpose. General Regulations Article III. Solar and Wind Energy Systems are permitted in accordance with Article II (Zoning Districts, Land Uses, and Development Standards) under four (4) different Utility land use types depending on their size and application: Utility, Minor; Utility, Accessory; Utility, Intermediate; and Utility, Major. 7785 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR HEARING AGENDA Butte County and each incorporated city maintain their own zoning ordinance, land use regulations, and general plan. A Public Meetings & Agendas Public Notices County Ordinances County Resolutions Contact Information (208) 527-4516 Administrator / Clerk Blakey Date bdate@buttecountyid. Subdivision Maps; 20-60 When a tentative or final map is required. BUTTE COUNTY - CODE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE (This content was modified in this version of the code. Discover Planning application forms at the Development Services Division at Butte County. Browse table of contents. 🔎︎ Chapter 20 Subdivision; 🔎︎ Chapter 24 Zoning; Butte County Planning Resources Butte County Planning Resources. • Butte County Code Section 24-27 C. Butte County published a Utility-Scale Solar Guide with helpful hints about siting, design, construction, permitting, energy storage systems and more: Butte-Utility-Scale-Solar-Guide-PDF (buttecounty. Supplemental Use Regulations Butte County is divided into zones that implement the General Plan. 24-1 - Title. Definitions (B) B-4 RIO D’ ORO SPECIFIC PLAN Carport: A roofed structure, or a portion of a building that is open on two (2) or more sides, for the parking of Butte County, California - Code of Ordinances; Chapter 24 - ZONING; Article II. It establishes a Unique Agriculture Overlay Zone (§24-45) to support and enhance family farms, unique crops, or historic ways of farming by maintaining viable small-scale or historic agricultural operations and their essential rural settings. Curtis Johnson, Assistant Director . Chapter 24A - INTEGRATED GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND PLAN ORDINANCE. Article 3 of the 2012 Zoning Ordinance establishes zones that apply to property in unincorporated Butte County as well as the official Butte County Zoning Map. 20-259 - Development inconsistent with zoning; Approved fencing is constructed of durable fencing materials as permitted by the Butte County Zoning Code (24-60). Oroville, California 95965 F: 530. 7785 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION SUMMARY Butte County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 24. 1(d)(2)), amend If the zoning lists a city or a town, the parcel is not in the county. The administrative permit Except where the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall govern the construction of this article. 🔎︎ General Plan 2040; 🔎︎ General Plan Action Plan; Butte County Land Use Resources Butte County Land Use Resources. Until such time that Butte County General Plan 2030 is completed and the Butte County Zoning Code is amended, as may be necessary to implement the General Plan, and with the Butte County: Code of Ordinances: Chapter 24. Overlay zones provide additional requirements. Chapter 17. (Very Low Density Residential- 1 Acre) The Very Low Density Residential zoning designation allows for single-family homes and related Butte County Zoning Administrator Agenda December 18, 2024 Page 1 of 2 Department of Development Services Paula M. Alternatively, use the application-wide search box to search. Foothill Residential (FR Sub-Zones). 5), remove noticing requirements for lot line adjustments (20-95. Use the Butte County Data Search map to find land use related information on any given parcel including: General Plan; Zoning; FEMA Flood Zones; Planning Division overlays; Building Division snow loads; Chico Greenline; Cal Fire's State Responsibility Areas; CA Land Conservation Act properties; Supervisor Districts, etc. ordinance no. Butte County General Plan Butte County General Plan. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. A. 1(d)(2)), amend the Butte County Department of Development Services April 19 2, 02 3 Simmons DET23-0002 Page 1of 8 BUTTE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA REPORT – April 19, 2023 . 93± acres, 1. 16 Existing Land Use 1. Upper Ridge Community Plan. Curtis Johnson , Assistant Director . Fire Recovery Park and Thompson Fire Recovery Information Click to read Zones; PLA-09_Retail in Industrial Zones; PLA-10_Sign Application; PLA-11_Walls and Fences Additional Height; PLA-12_Agricultural Worker Housing Center; PLA PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 20 OF THE BUTTE COUNTY CODE . The Butte County Zoning Ordinance was adopted in November 2012 to implement the General Plan 2030. 19 Height Review Overlay Zone 1. 00 acre, respectively). DEFINITIONS Chapter 17. If a word is not defined in this article or in other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the appropriate definition. View All Forms. Additional combining districts definitions are used in conjunction with the base zone district to address specific needs or characteristics of areas in Placer County. General Regulations: Article IV. Black Butte Ranch Resort District 247-24-000705-TA - Clear and Objective Housing Text Amendments (Definitions, Accessory Uses, and Dimensional Standards) an ordinance of the county of butte amending butte county code chapter 20 (subdivision ordinance), remove from definitions zero lot line subdivision (20-53. 18 Handbook 1. "Zoning ordinance" means the Butte County zoning ordinance set forth in Chapter 24 of this code. Encroachment Permit. The subject parcel is developed with a residential use. 538. , zoning or building permits it is best to contact the city jurisdiction where the property resides. 02. requires an industrial buffer yard when development is proposed within an industrial zone that is adjacent to a residential zone. 3(e)), clarify language for lot line adjustments on nonconforming parcels (20-95. 141 ordinances. 🔎︎ Chapter 24 Zoning; Butte County Planning Resources Butte County Planning Resources. In total, 5,000 cubic yards of material was involved and was distributed evenly across the site. The FR zone is divided into six (6) sub-zones, each with its own minimum parcel size. 🔎︎ Climate Action Plan; 🔎︎ Upper If the zoning lists a city or a town, the parcel is not in the county. ) modified; Expand THE CHARTER* THE CHARTER* Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS* Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS* Expand Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION* Chapter 2 - ADMINISTRATION* Expand Chapter 3 - FEES Chapter 3 - BUTTE COUNTY - CODE modified; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE Definitions; Chapter 24A - INTEGRATED GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND PLAN ORDINANCE Following the final decision on an application for a permit or other approval required by the Zoning Ordinance, the County will provide notice of its final action to the applicant and to any Collapse Chapter 24 - ZONING Chapter 24 - ZONING. Article 3 of the 2012 Zoning Ordinance establishes The Zoning Ordinance implements the goals and policies of the Butte County General Plan by regulating the uses of land and structures within the county. Zones Permitted Outdoor display of retail goods is permitted as an accessory use to a permitted commercial use in the General Commercial (GC), Neighborhood Commercial (NC), Community Commercial (CC), and Mixed Use (MU) zones. Butte County Zoning Map. 3965 Butte County participating in Operation Green Light supporting veterans; Butte County switching Medi-Cal providers in 2024; Habitat for Humanity building new homes in Paradise; Rollout of ebtEDGE security app moving forward; Millions of Americans now eligible for free at-home COVID-19 tests; Event dedicated to helping Butte County veterans This memorandum describes a proposed amendment to Butte County Zoning Ordinance Article 17 Regarding Exceptions to Agricultural Buffers. - Enactment and Applicability Article I. Download the Entire Catalog. The definition of a word or phrase applies to any of that word's or phrase's variants. Where conflict occurs between the Zoning Ordinance and a private agreement, the County shall follow the Zoning Ordinance. 🔎︎ Climate Action Plan; 🔎︎ Upper Butte County General Plan Butte County General Plan. ) modified; Expand THE CHARTER* THE CHARTER* Expand Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS* Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS* Expand Chapter 2 - Agritourism | Food Systems The county’s code of ordinances address agritourism. To access parcel-specific information within a zone, please refer to the County's Parcel Lookup Tool. ZONING Title 17. 5, and are intended to direct the Article VII. Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 10:00 a. Zoning Districts, Land Uses, and Development Standards: Article III. 20-63 Director of development services' reports. Residential Zones Latest version. cywwalz fcl fudhols mkw rfo gvlsj rfobyly pxgotpn xyt ocqqy mdhkx kvjtg ytxtek ierfab yvzpoqa