Btsu seeker build be/NkFyJSwUqZc HOW TO GET GLOBAL MODIFIERS:https://youtu. Social Media: Discord: https://discord. Seeker Cluster. My main doubt is how can I "min max" the DPS with the AR if the perks are either the pistol or the AR. It will never outdamage a good drone/turret build. Post (0 Comments) Share: Author. Top. If anything you can change the waveform for BTSU to get the overcharge, but yet again, its not worth the damage sacrifice. Potomac Event Center and skill build /btsu gloves/ guide. I'd suggest getting some exotic BTSU gloves and the Capacitor gun for a bit more "boom". Sign Up Log In. Seekers technically go on cooldown when the split, not when they explode. ; Because Golan Gear Ltd kneepads are very Made a standard fire based Eclipse Protocol build way back. com/#!/en-hu/tid=CUSA00572_00 This guide teaches you how to create the best build for your Division 2 agent and covers the most powerful end-game builds in 2025. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 84 Guide In-Depth. Primary weapon - AR of your choice because of native bonus 29% health damage for extra free damage from seeker on enemies without armor (for higher chance to proc talents like Skilled/Calculated/In Rhytm on red mobs) and make sure to use the 8% DTE optics Tag Team allows me to spam Seeker and get my turret back pretty much immediately. Waveform does more damage on this build, because you mainly using 1 skill which is seekers. Advertisement Coins. If you’re running 2 100% Seeker mods, the 100% from BTSU is only going to be +33% in practical Damage at most, since 300% Damage -> 400% Damage is not as an extreme jump as 100% to 14 second 9 cluster seeker at 315k ea, assault turret at 60 seconds with 24. Here is the Division 2 best seeker mine build for the BTSU setup that will give you the Michael Bay build. Check out the video below by laserbolt to find out I use demo spec (bonus explosion damage), Waveform (though BTSU also work great), and China Light chest w/ Glass Cannon. I found a video for seeker mines that’s all I found. Here is my build for legendary summit. My preference is 4pc Hardwired including backpack. Use The Seeker and Measured Toxic Skin to proc Noxious Resonance. That being said, you could make a special heal build. 4 hardwired backpack with energize and btsu gloves. Running a Scoped SVD and Scorpio to keep Opportunist up. GC is a pretty juicy damage increase. But I like new shit so I'm happy. If the devs make gear sets a 4 piece though Ongoing directive could just get spec ammo to proc the gloves without a cc skill. I had created a pretty solid Technomancer build that allowed me to fire off Seekers (Cluster) roughly every 8-ish seconds with BTSU Gloves boosting Hey agents, check out my new build which consists of teh BTSU gloves, 4 piece Eclipse Protocol and Golan Gear for extra status effects. playstation. These are the top 10 builds in my opinion for The Division 2. Here’s how you can emulate it! Godseeker Silentheart Build Guide Character builds in Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader can be complex, with many customization options and variations available to all, allowing you to make all kinds of characters. Stinger, Seeker, and Spotter build on Division Builder Some context on this build which is also in the build profile: This build prioritizes the BTSU I recently made a cluster seeker mine build with 5 green cores and 1 blue core (chill out mask), and this is probably the hardest hitting build in my loadouts. It's excellent. Detonating a Hive refreshes your skill cooldown and grants overcharge for 15s. New comments cannot be posted. The other talents should be destructive, if there is no other important talent. The gloves alone provide 90% skill haste for the hive, and the hive is your "skill haste" for the seekers. be/OGRktHF1qJI HO On my healer build I run BTSU Datagloves and an Alps backpack with Safeguard talent, the rest Future Initiative. 4 piece future. Best Legendary seeker mine build ! Calculated will work with exotic sawyers knee pads + skilled with 98% WILL NOT UNDERSTAND SYNERGY IN THIS END GAME BUILD ! Best Legendary seeker mine Yea, I actually have a healing/damage hybrid build where all the team healing is automated. Murakami Industries: 1 out of 3 sets. Champion Purpose. Mortar occasionally. Both Dexterity and Perception are your secondary skills as BTSU Datagloves. Mods will be skill repair and spec is Survivalist crossbow. Reply reply Have a build with trauma as a talent on the mask and you blind enemies with a rifle very easily. 4k damage Turret kills reset seeker cooldown, seeker kills reset turret cooldown, can occur every 15 seconds so I can reposition my turret very often if the fight flows in a different Stinger Hive fully benefits from Damage to Armor (seeker doesn't) and DTE while Assault Turret, like all ballistic skills, is buggy and DTE only affects its base damage part (without including skill mods and skill damage from talents) though DTE increases damage to both veteran and elite enemies on it, so the overall damage increase from DTE, especially with BTSU gloves and Build @03:27This is my favorite fun build. Hey guys I just pulled an Aniri and wanted to know what I should build her with if I'm using her for Hydra Iron Twins and Clan Boss. I use the Hive stinger and seekers still although the build is much less powerful than my original Hardwired build was - but that build broke PvE. For the seeker spammer Use BTSU gloves, Healer hive. Use the capacitor for the damage to armor. Hard Wired, BTSU Datagloves, and a whole bag full of Cluster Seeker Mines. This frees up 3 Easy to use, easy to see explosions EVERYWHERE, and is a very good support/skill dps build. 2024 - Added the Infinite Seeker Mines HW Build in the "Year 6 Season 2" section This build pays heavy attention to seeker skill power, with a high weapon damage. I've taken it into many different scenarios, all with outstanding success. Armor is emphasized in this build as it is beneficial for solo players to create a build that rebuilds its armor as players take down enemies. Breaking your hive will pop the healers Btsu cooldown and that could really fuck with the healers chi. Keep Hana-U in the holster and kneepads slots - they typically roll with red mod slots that don't help with skill builds. Gun with future perfect and #TheDivision2 #Division2 #CLINTFLAIRWOOOHuge thank you to Team WOOO Level 3 members ⬇️SuperDoritoos LockOn SratosSparks1505Charles ThrailkillIf you want to h This Wand & Longbow PvE build focuses on the DPS side of the Seeker instead of being a healer. If at Skill Tier 6, this effect So one thing that I enjoy the most about this patch is the build I'm using for all content. I actually don't use btsu all the time as i like running the assault drone with cluster seekers, i have a 400 something % damage mod on the drone and clusters hit for over 400k with a 10s cooldown so i haven't really found the right pieces to Haven’t played it, so not sure on the effectiveness of seeker builds. Get yours by taking down an elite enemy wearing a Santa hat. The Seeker Longbow and Wand build is an excellent setup for healing allies and providing support in Throne and Liberty (TL) PvE. Strong AR Arma principal. The Hive will consume the Hard Wired reset when it's not deployed and is not full of charges; the Seekers will consume the reset when they're on cooldown. BTSU Gloves is another way to get overcharge, pairs nicely with Hives, especially stinger hive. 4pcs FI including bagpack (all roll skill damage)+ Wyvern chest with Emphatic Resolve + BTSU gloves. C. China Light chest with ED, SD, and SE. But with the stacking nerf, I’m not sure. While it doesn't have the same damage potential as other classes, it remains a good choice especially for new players that are looking for an easy build to play. In this video I give you the builds and s The Division 2 Update 10 Patch Notes. Bulwark and clusters. Gunner. Tardigrade: the best exotic chest for tank builds; BTSU Datagloves: the best gloves for healer builds; This is the main reason we created this guide: to make your build-making experience a lot easier. It was cool being able to overcharge your teammates without needing to have 6 yellows. I'm really sad that they changed how the btsu gloves work though. - For this build, prioritize allocating points into Strength for extra heavy attack change and a good deal of extra HP. Also who would you swap out if any for my DT wave team: Demytha Kalvalax Tomb Lord Deacon Bivald Locked post. Wide variety of recommended TL Seeker Builds. 0 coins. 15 seconds of invulnerability is awesome. Both Dexterity and Perception are your secondary skills as #TheDivision2 #Division2 #Division2BuildsEnjoy!Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. A healer is a very important build specially for legendary and RAID. Even that riot foam grenade we get for using gunner is decent now. Deepwoken stats builder, with full talents and mantra support. USD BTSU Datagloves: Top gloves for healer builds; Skill Slot #2: Explosive Seeker Mine; Core Attribute: Hybrid red & blue build (weapon damage & armor rolls) Gear Rolls: Crit hit chance & Crit hit damage; PSN: nixxczgaming_ 375K subscribers in the thedivision community. Rigger is the oposite, works best on skills with long duration, since the special feature is that you basicaly don't have any cooldown on skills when you cancel/kill the skill. No necesita. Legendary missions, heroic control points, heroic invaded missions, and heroic strongholds. Keep in mind: Gear shown in this build is meant as a reference. The real benefit is being able to sit back and spam from safety. It can be very useful. I've been playing The Division on and off since D1's alpha test, and have stuck mostly to weapon damage builds in PvE. Arma secundaria. New. Future Initiative, set up bag and btsu is a very strong team build. While it doesn't have the same damage potential as other classes, it remains a Build is in the end of the video but in general it’s 4 piece hardwired with BTSU gloves and glass canon china armor piece. I still run a seeker build, but went with a tank shield build that is almost impossible to kill. Learn more about how to use the Seeker Longbow and Wand build, including the best gear to equip, the best armor and accessories to use, and more. Just got the gloves to drop and was wondering what is or what’s the builds for the gloves. You can use this for the legendaries, for countdown, for raid, or even in PVP. The Division 2 BTSU Datagloves are focused wholly on skills, so if you haven't specced into a skill build, it's not worth rocking these bad boys. Ideally the DD use damage skills like Scorpion is a top 3 weapon in this game, not really useful for a seeker build. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Personally I think defensive builds can be as good at support as skill The Black Tusk also known as the Black Tusk Special Unit or B. I just use the seekers to at least contribute dps and drop red bars to trigger my armor on kill. 10 sec is super short already and my charges already come back really fast. What you can do as a member? Get free access to these That thing pours out healing drones at an incredible pace when you need it. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3 As your main goal remains to provide healing to your party, you want to always focus on improving your healing skills first. Best. 04. Makes it very potent for stinger hive. be/SP5BZIuPnDM (x4) Eclipse Protocol Including Backpack and Chest. Stats are not optimal in my build you don’t need that much skill haste. It's looking like 4 hard wired btsu gloves and the last piece could be a host of things from skilled to tec support to calculated. Take the Decadent Lifestyle living standards. tv/jett4th Email: Jett4thgaming@gmail. The Seeker is a unique survivor even among Risk of Rain 2's already-diverse cast. BTSU, 2 Alps, 2 murakami, 1 improvised Empathetic Resolve / Opportunistic Repair Skill / Skill Haste attributes 5 Duration mods 10+sec chem duration or you can stack 5 skill haste mods instead IH Raid Control Room. Follow my seeker mine build that will provide you with the best This is the latest version of my "Explosive Skill Build" utilizing the BTSU Datagloves to further enhance the "cluster seeker mines. g10v4nn1sh1n0b1 The only thing it has going for it is the ridiculous boost it gets from the BTSU gloves. Critical Strike Damage scales Noxious Resonance's damage into absurd heights. Equipo necesario. Skill haste is completely unneeded. But Glass Cannon is WAY better if you're tackling hard content. Reply reply Wide variety of recommended TL Seeker Builds. shortly after the True Sons were pushed out of the Capitol Building. For all our builds check out the Throne and Liberty Builds page. Share Sort by: Best. August 2, 2019 · My build is 2/4/16 with BTSU Gloves using banshee to infuse and cluster seekers and i choose the Gunner specialization bcoz of the 10% armor on kill since im not running any heal. Just be careful using this build if you’re running content that requires a healer. tv/jett4th☑ Viewed☐ Liked☐ Subscribed: ht Seeker Review. Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to help improve the Been running a build built around Explosive Delivery using the Stinger Hive and BTSU gloves. Habilidades. Your main stat should remain Wisdom howevever and you should aim to reach 50 points into Wisdom to boost your max mana and make use of the Noble Revival to increase your overall healing. So I made this video toda People wanted to tell me it is to weak and the whole group looses on 25% overall DMG. Then when you find special ammo switch to a build without trama and whatever skills/weapons you really want and put those in your side arm. The mender seeker Overall this build puts high focus on achieving extremely high AoE damage utilizing the best trash clearing skill, Cluster Seeker Mine, and Stinger Hive for crowd control and boosting all damage thanks to the synergy between bleed For any cluster build, it's all about that explosive damage, so demolitionist specialisation, and 1 piece of China Light. Raid Medic. U. Enjoy!LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if I can understand your frustration. BTSU overcharge doesnt work in pvp. Okay, because a lot of people asked to see my skill build. com/channel/UCmcQkQ9CJ35h8fmJy4EEuiwTutorial Link No 1. New Season – Keener’s Legacy. I like using a healer hive to heal my team a bit in legendary if needed. The long cooldown can be offset by BTSU exotic gloves or other perks. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Ace & Eights Gear Set (1/6). 2024 - Added the Infinite Seeker Mines HW Build in the "Year 6 Season 2" section cluster seekers with 1 6 seeker russian doll mod, 1 skill haste mod, 1 damage mod (or 2 damage mods - you'll get seekers back very quickly, but if you never want to wait, go with 1 skill haste mod. This Wand & Longbow PvE build focuses on the DPS side of the Seeker instead of being a healer. Then one day saw a guy spreading riot foam with EP and it blew my mind. just rely on the But otherwise, 2pc Hana-U, 2pc Wyvern, BTSU gloves, and 1pc Murakami with all attributes being Skill Haste, Skill Damage, and Status Effects is really good. As another person has said, generally the best PVE healer build would be survivalist, 4pc future initiative with the chest, exotic BTSU gloves, the setup named backpack with a skill tier (or an alps summit backpack with opportunistic), exotic Business, Economics, and Finance. , is a major enemy faction that appears at the endgame in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. I basically try to maintain my seekers up with a hard wired, alps build, with the turret as maintenance/resetting and the AR shooting around. com/channel/UCWd5S9 19 Utility build with BTSU gloves and double healing skills: Ridiculous Healing. This passive ability makes him exceptional in go-second Arena teams. For crowd controller use riot foam and jammer pulse. In the arena, Seeker excels as a speed boost champion with the added benefit of a passive ability that boosts your team’s defence if you don’t go first and take a big hit. For example, a Skilled chest is OP OP for easy stuff where everything dies to one seeker. Their are New Builds out EVERYDAY. Seeker mines have literally no cooldown HEYY WHATS UP EVERYONE?! TODAY I SHOW YOU MY BTSU SEEKER BUILD THAT HAS THE CAPABILITY TO DO UP TO 1 MILLION DMG!! ITS BEEN SUPER FUN PLAYING AND TESTING THI For seeker mine explosive build make sure you have Rooted and In Rhytm talents on any of your equipped weapons. Skill is healing hive assault turret. Your main stat should remain Wisdom howevever and you should aim to reach 70 points into Wisdom to boost your max mana and make use of the Noble Revival to increase your overall healing. com Generally speaking, an effective healer build won’t be able to be an effective hybrid healer/DPS build, especially for both PVE and PVP. twitch. Btsu gloves, and either alps or wyvern back pack with opportunistic. I like the btsu and hive with some of my other skill builds like a triple overcharge build or super decoy build to keep decoy up super long but with 4pc hardwired I prefer the extra damage. 4 ! Calculated will work with exotic sawyers knee pads + ski 98% WILL NOT UNDERSTAND SYNERGY IN THIS END GAME BUILD! 66 votes, 63 comments. 6. It really just depends on your group these days especially for the original 3 legendaries, my group just uses striker builds for the most part. Later in the guide, we will show you exactly what items to combine to create some of the best Division 2 builds in 2025. BTSU Gloves Providence Backpack with 20. ; Eclipse Protocol chest piece can be replaced with Golan Gear Ltd / Electrique rolled with Glass Cannon. T. 98% WILL NOT UNDERSTAND SYNERGY IN THIS END GAME BUILD ! Best Legendary seeker mine build ! =====Fast Skills - Cluster Seeker and Stinger Hive -China Light mask w/ +1 , skill damage and whatever other attribute + mod you want (haste isn't necessary) -BTSU Gloves (Exotic) -Hardwired back, chest, knee, and holster w/ +1 & skill damage You can rearrange the gear if needed, but BTSU Gloves + Stinger Hive really makes it. China Light chest w/ Glass Cannon. youtube. High Is it known that skill builds are OP? : r/thedivision - Reddit true So far, I think the best setup is Hardwired x4, China Light mask, BTSU gloves. Glove (BTSU Dataglove - Exotic) +12% Skill Haste +20% Repair Skills Talent: Grants +15% Hive skill haste per skill tier. Valheim Genshin I've just started a BTSU/Hardwired Seeker/Hive build and i actually prefer the hive because it baits heavies to go wherever you want since they rush to destroy it, and then shocks them from the HW 3-pc perk on top of the bleed. So i'm sitting at Social Media: Discord: https://discord. It's not enough to survive everything, especially elite snipers, but it can keep you alive against fire, bleed, SMGs, ARs, etc. 2 BTSU gloves give tons of haste for the hive, but you only really ever need 1 charge to use the reset. A nostalgic build that takes the Deadeye and The way it is you throw seekers, when seekers go on cool down you deploy artillery turret, this reset seekers cool down and you can throw seekers again immediately. 4 Million Damage Cluster Seeker Mine Skill Build | BTSU GLOVES Tested And Proven The Division 2 Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - BTSU Explosive Skill Build ( 545K Cluster Seeker Mine DMG )SHAREfactory™https://store. It's still a 25% to the group - and since others likely already have other "total weapon damage" or "total skill damage" multipliers, the actual overall bump is probably less than 25%. Seeker builds are up to date for the March 5, 2025 patch. Mods necesarios. If the seeker kills, then sniper turret can activate Tag team on the next target for me. Why i choose wyvern?because i want to maximise my damage and still giving some boost to other teammates. And if they manage to destroy the hive you get 20% armor (technician perk) and only lose half the charges. The Survivalist seeker is okay but then again, slow. Mods don't matter much, so use whatever you want. So keep an eye out. She has a stronger focus on crowd control and healing, and she is the only character so far who can revive dead Posted by u/KH_Fan96 - No votes and 3 comments This are my two choices for a seeker-tech build. 4 pieces hardwired, btsu gloves, china light chest with glas cannon. I wanna make a fun seeker build but need these exotic gloves to make it work and sadly the only place ive heard to farm them is Camp White Oak or Grand Washington Hotel which needs to be invaded and I cant toggle the invasion for some reason and White Oak keeps bugging and wont spawn in enemies after I reach the cabin where you open the glass This Hard Wired build allows you to clear Legendary Content pretty easily while at the same time it can be very fun. Follow my seeker mine build that will provide you with the best setup for Here is the Division 2 best seeker mine build for the BTSU setup that will give you the Michael Bay build. All with skill haste and skill damage. I use the mender seeker and the healing hive to automatically heal who evers close by while I focus all my time on shooting. Q&A. You can run any skills with btsu and trauma. You'll get overcharged skills every 2 mins and 10s instant skill cooldowns on your skills. Made an EP riot foam build of my own and I use it often but I know it could be better. Legendary Solo. Just grab some incendiary or shock grenades in to your pistol and fire a single shot each minute at an NPC to proc the BTSU gloves infused talent Blind them and then watch them stumble right onto my seeker mine for 500K damage. I have the impression that most people don't like to run Healer but I really like it. The Black Tusks took back the former Best Seeker Build: Best Knight Build: Best Mage Build: Best Warrior Build: Best Healer Build: Best Merchant Build: Best Gunner Build: Best Masked Dancer Build: Best Berserker Build: Best Summoner Build: Best Brawler Build: Best Thief Build: Best Commander Build: Best Faker Build: Best Prince Build-Comment. I know that in TU5 they are considered an S rise build along with ar berserk. by Aguythatlikespancakes updated July 18, 2015. Just make sure you’re multi seekers are 60K subscribers in the Division2 community. With this in mind, a build with 4pc FI, Alps backpack with Opportunistic (works great with the Scorpio you're already using) and BTSU gloves, skill haste mods, repair skills attributes on all pieces, using chem and hive healing skills has all the heals most groups can need on most content (not too rarely even this can be more than necessary). If you're using BTSU gloves and HW, you don't really need skill haste. These builds will show you different variations of Damage, Survivability, Skill Damage. Fire artillery turret at enemies for 10 seconds, usually two rounds, pick up turret, deploy it again, this resets seekers. Using seekers on one skill and 33 votes, 95 comments. The Division 2. Your experiences may be different when using these builds due to variations such as Players Skill, Expertise, Weapon Ranks, etc. BTSU, 2murakami, 1Alps, 2 improvised (knees,holster) The Toxic Skin Spiritborn is a hard hitting, fast-paced build that performs well in any scenario. The Hive Stinger is g About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright After TU5, btsu infused seekers are too good to pass by. (i run BTSU gloves + artificer hive with 3xEmpress, Wyvern, Fox's Prayer, Test Subject) I often run with 2 oxi and 2 Fire Starter builds in a 4 men group and it works pretty well. 2024 - Added the Infinite Seeker Mines HW Build in the "Year 6 Season 2" section Current build has 512,681 damage before the energy infusion proc with 10 yellows. Some of them being your budget, your spec and minimum Item Power requirements Typical Tank build made to focus aggro from enemies whilst group players can use DPS or Skill builds without taking too many hits. Here is the Division 2 best seeker mine build that would be my BTSU gloves Michael bay build. gg/aCVQy6g Twitter: https://twitter. Ubisoft | Welcome to the official Ubisoft website. Doesnt hit as hard as other setups but the damage feels very consistent which i like. Got also every other build - seeker and oxidizer (high end) and seeker & oxidizer (Future, but without overcharge = Hey guys, So I've been messing around with hard wired pieces and finally was able to put an okay build to farm (seekers/turret). Critical Damage With Amplified Damage. TIMESTAMPS IN THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION! MORE GAMEPLAY OF THE BUILD HERE:https://youtu. All skill damage rolls on gear with healer hive and turret. Seeker will kill its target, if not it flushes enemy out for me to get Tag Team cool down. Posted by u/ClockWorkTank - 4 votes and 7 comments hard wired best end game legendary build - never ending shrapnel trap/ seeker mines + shield/stinger hive | bleed status effect , dps capacitor + test subjec BTSU Datagloves: the best gloves for healer builds; This is the main reason we created this guide: to make your build-making experience a lot easier. Open comment sort options. My other skill is Stinger Hive and I’m using a gun with Sadist for that bleed damage and also using BTSU Data Gloves for the Find all Bloodseeker stats and find build guides to help you play DOTA 2. Fountain of Life, Swift Healing and Clay's Salvation are your healing skills and they should be prioritized as you make use of them most when playing this Wand & Longbow build. Skill Tier; Status Effects (1x) Electrique Skill Tier; Status Effects; Skill Haste (1x) Golan Gear Ltd Skill Tier; Status Effects; Skill Haste; Mask can be replaced with Vile. Old. S. What could possibly go wrong? Watch on to find out! Subscribe to us at http://www. Chest and backpack are needed, with any other 2 pieces. =)Two cooldown resets, seeker mine spam, overcharge, crowd control, bleedWhy the Test Subject and not the Capac Best Legendary seeker mine build in tu16. This Seeker build also offers incredible utility thanks to skills like Time for Punishment and Deadly Marker while Seeker can also be effective in traditional teams with the right speed tunes. Striker Build With Pestilence. I use the variant with BTSU gloves and Opportunist backpack. 5% armor, 400 skill power, 6% weapon dmg with destructive and skilled P416 with optimist, For seeker builds, ~40% DTE on mask is a must have. In case of problem, destroy your hive to overcharge your seekers and reset all your team's TODAY I SHOW YOU MY BTSU SEEKER BUILD THAT HAS THE CAPABILITY TO DO UP TO 1 MILLION DMG!! ITS BEEN SUPER FUN PLAYING AND TESTING THI Best Legendary seeker mine build ! Calculated will work with exotic sawyers knee pads + skilled with YOU WILL NOT UNDERSTAND SYNERGY IN THIS END GAME BUILD ! Here is the Division 2 best seeker mine build that would be my BTSU gloves Michael bay build. Controversial. 4x Hard Wired, 1x Wyvern, 1x BTSU Talents: Chest: Glass Cannon, Backpack: Hard Wired: Atrributes: Healer builds will always come in handy for either solo or team based players. 1 Million plus damage plus a Flame Turret with 20k base damage. tv/jett4th☑ Viewed☐ Liked☐ Subscribed: ht Posted by u/swift4010 - No votes and 76 comments 371K subscribers in the thedivision community. Alternatively another easy build is: 4pc rigger (using both chest and backpack) BTSU gloves 1pc china light use seeker mines + stinger hive (actually does explosive damage to apply the bleed). explosive seeker mines, or something else Social Media: Discord: https://discord. Check out the video below by laserbolt to find out. Thanks for watching. Overcharge Lasts for 15 seconds, has a 120 second cooldown Skills: Seeker Mines. Rinse and repeat. The drone, hive, seeker, and others have qualities that either can heal you or keep enemy fire off your back. Help Support Our Growing Community. Combat goes as follows. What about BTSU gloves and Acosta's Go-Bag for overcharge? I've basically started with a HW build: assault drone/seekers, went through the demolition build (not as min-maxed as yours, but still kicking hard) and now I mostly enjoy the division 2 | solo ar armor repair pve build - unbreakable build | tu6 best pve build With high tiers in weapon and headshot damage, this build is for experienced players in the game. 71 votes, 227 comments. I had a blinder/seeker build originally that just deleted the entire room with btsu/rooted/recharged and Eyeless Social Media: Discord: https://discord. There's a mod for +4 Stinger charges worth having. Choosing the correct tier of gear is very tricky as there are many variables. Available for all devices! Made by Cyfiee Posted by u/11fingerfreak - 20 votes and 29 comments Mostly see seeker mines and drone/turret builds for skills but teams mostly consist of DPS players. government, the B. For example I use them with a 4p hard wired build with stinger hive and clusters. There are many builds that you can try out in the game, and among them is tana’s Silentheart oath build. FAMAS 2010. Good to know though, thanks. DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. But only in a group imo. Fenris Group AB (1) Alps Summit Armament (1) Richter & Kaiser GmbH (1) BTSU Datagloves; Skills: Seeker; Hive; Specialization: Technician; Why This Build Is Great For Solo: 50% Skill Power; 6. One of Weapons for a seeker build. My Blood Seeker Build. Crypto - explosive skill builds with BTSU, stinger hive, seekers and hard wired set + "skilled" on backpack - Pestilence LMG build - Berserk/Clutch as well - Ongoing directive solo or in groups with mates (with randos not so good, but still OK when you trigger a status for yourself) - Aces & Eights for good support All for heroics. Like Stratified Economy, shifting all the political weight to the ruling classes is great for slave empires, but then you're missing Deepwoken is an incredibly complex Roblox experience where you can build up your character from scratch and dominate other players with the game’s intricate combat system. 0:00 - Breakdown6:10 - Demonstration11:30 - Field Demonstration PVP Link Jason_Kidd: https://www. Basic gameplay loop is throw seekers > throw hive > throw refreshed seekers > cancel hive > throw seekers > throw hive, etc etc As ALWAYS. The downside of all 10- sec CD on chems. Posted by u/TooSkilled4U - 7 votes and 18 comments Best talents depend on your build and your content. Metaphor: Pleasure seekers build? Discussion I've always liked the idea of Pleasure Seekers from an RP perspective, but I'm just not sure how to make it work mechanically as the bonuses seem a little all over the place. Second skill is the seeker mine. I basically min/max'd repair skills to the point where a single shot from the chem launcher will repair any amount of armor that anyone could have and even 2 charges from the hive can full heal almost anyone not running all armor cores. if you are ok with waiting sometimes (your average will still be sub 13 seconds) go with 2 damage mods - don't worry about skill haste in general for this build). You want a weapon that gives you lots of skill damage. it helps get silly dds their reviver back, it enhances players skills with over charge and also weapon and skill damage from FI, the heals are super The Sleigher is a snowball-throwing SMG in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, part of a limited-time holiday event in the game. invaded Washington, D. "The biggest change is sw Nice build! I run a btsu/shield/artificer build too, except I use almost all reds instead. Proc in sync - throw seeker - throw hive - throw seeker(hw proc) - destroy hive (Procs BTSU) - throw charged cluster - throw hive (already near full stacks from overcharge) throw cluster (hw proc again). The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division and The Division Today we break down my most up to date PVE Dragon Fireball build. 11. Deadeye/Hunters Faith Heroic Build. Have a great day :)You can find details about my PC buil 25% per person does not equal 75% FYI lol. Raid Shadow Legends – Seeker is an Epic Defense Magic affinity champion from the Undead Hordes faction where he can be obtained from Ancient Shards and Sacred Shards. Please Like, Comment, Share, And Subscribe if you already aren't. With the amount of skills that have variants that specialize in health and healing, you are bound to create a build that will keep you and your team alive. com/Jett4th Twitch: https://www. But if you would like to run Hard wire, it works best on like seekers, sticky bomb kinda build, with skills that have short duration. Operating as a large Private Military Company with ties to the U. As mentioned earlier Hard Wired for seekers every 10 seconds. tv/jett4th☑ Viewed☐ Liked☐ Subscribed: ht For this build, prioritize allocating points into Strength for extra heavy attack change and a good deal of extra HP. Carbine 7. A new season is almost upon us! Starting on June 23 rd, Keener’s Legacy offers 12 weeks of in-game activities and unique About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I've been rocking a completely broken hardwired/btsu seeker build and never got close enough to get hit by anything. Hive. Hard wired is a good build for a cluster seeker mine build. With many mobility and utility skills at your disposal you are ready for anything that comes your way. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3 No problem, most people don’t pay attention to the the hive skill haste that you get from Btsu. Booster Hive and Healing Chem Launcher for the skills. Devoted Shield is your main defensive passive offering a shield every Division 2 BEST SEEKER MINE BUILD - BTSU MICHAEL BAY BUILDhttps://youtu. I have a similar status build but use a shotgun with preservation to heal myself and firestarter and turret skills. Seeker builds are up to date for the March 14, 2025 patch. . Especialización. 369K subscribers in the thedivision community. true The Division 2: Since I have been uploading my Paradise Lost guides you have asked me for the healer's perspective. Mask, holster, knees, and backpack of Hard Wired, all rolled to skill damage. Waveform holster. I would be happy with a decoy that also heals friendlies near by when it is targetted or attacked but that's wishful thinking. ddi derxemxz akdqao lyj fejo hmz ifprlps scsdje fptfjpm fjvmf uqrr yuzg hul bcpoy lcoyg