Wow classic loot tables reddit. I would google for a list of those mobs.
Wow classic loot tables reddit Sort and filter by item quality, item slow, dungeon, raid, or class role! 10 votes, 39 comments. Those are the loot tables. Given that the adventure guide doesn't show loot past mythic level, I always found it annoying to guess what stats an item for a specific dungeon/m+ level would drop. Members Online P3 prequest sheets done for dungeon spammers - 388k xp for Horde and 457k xp for Alliance You make far more on private servers. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app. You cannot find at the very least a list of After reviewing an archive of the old site, we decided to go through and review loot tables for all dungeon bosses and collect information on each item so that we could combine them all into a single tool and build in some filters to add functionality. We dont have loot tables from the new raid, we dont have loot tables from the world pvp/rep grind other than that some of those will be best in slot pieces and we get a zone specific mount. There's something wrong with the way they're receiving data. Apparently paladin loot was put on the same loot-table right before TBC due to the introduction of horde paladins. I would google for a list of those mobs. The new updated loot is not bugged and wjll still drop. Members Online Wake up honey, new Cataclysm Classic loot exploit just dropped (kill heroic raid bosses multiple times in the same id due to them respawning) Stay Tuned for tomorrow's episode of Reddit Recapped, The Great Deadmines loot drama of 2023! Reply reply A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Welcome to the WoW Economy Subreddit A place to discuss the economy in World of Warcraft. But if you dont get loot, then there is no loot. As far as what an enemy drops it is not based on your level its based on theirs and their loot table will in part reflect that. Loot can be sorted by class, equipment slot, the boss it drops from, and the difficulty of the instance. 25 votes, 94 comments. I killed the harpys in Stonetalon from 24 - 29. Posted by u/Astromaster032 - No votes and 10 comments It's really easy to do. Just look at the beta gear table for a dungeon to see what ulduar gear it drops, the only thing different about gammas is that they have a flat + 70% dmg + HP modifier added and that they drop scourgestones. Members Online Wake up honey, new Cataclysm Classic loot exploit just dropped (kill heroic raid bosses multiple times in the same id due to them respawning) Non-progressive loot will pretty much ruin classic and I am 110% sure they will do it because they simply do not give a shit. I'll probably need to buy them but while saving up the ever increasing amount needed, I'll farm and hope for a drop. Welcome to /r/Electricians Reddit's International Electrical Worker Community aka The Great Reddit Council of Electricians Talk shop, show off pictures of your work, and ask code related questions. I couldn't possibly care less about getting loot in BFD, and despite having not gotten much, have still passed some stuff to my raid team because it was more impactful for them. mythicPlusSeason. I have seen screenshots of it from EMP, but there's honestly no reason to farm it on emp when it takes forever to get there and you can do 12 min runs of arena->anger->golemlord for 5 resets per hour and get people who need all kinds of other gear in the group with you. Does anyone know if there’s an addon available like that for Classic or if anyone has heard if MobInfo2 was planned to be adapted for Classic? While I understand your frustration, having amazing items in older raids is a feature of classic, not a bug. League of legends chat is probably the most toxic i've seen. Members Online HUGE infrastructure investment by the Horde to shorten travel time between Ashenvale and the Stonetalon mountains, with forecasted economic growth rates of 7% over two years in the forestry sector. I’m a little worried that adding “3 times the amount of purples” to gnomer raid is going to make the game really boring. An alternative subreddit to the largest WoW Classic community on Reddit. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. In fact, changing Spirit to be a secondary stat that replaces MP5 may just be one of the best changes introduced in Cataclysm. Members Online I leveled my druid from 80 to 85 purely by archeology trying to get the dwarf caster staff, and I still don't have the dwarf caster staff 356 votes, 218 comments. You are unlucky/lucky. I killed goretusks till I could run deadmines at around level 20. season }} of {{ journalExpansions[journalExpansions. The group that the number falls under is the loot that drops Classic WOW devs tell Dexerto they're happy with the GDKP ban and how fast players have gotten over it, STV was made to be entirely PvP focused, and the future of SoD is still up in the air but nothing is off the table. Technically, anything on that loot table can drop when you kill it (non-quest items). Such a bizarre thing to hope for, why do you want this niche interaction nerfed? it's a fun little quirk that gives warriors a reason to collect gear that would be otherwise DE'd, the only places its really USEFUL is MT TPS (warrior NEEDS the fucking help in SOD,) solo farming some dungeons (warrior still the worst solo farmer in the game) and duels (1v1 balance in vanilla will always be horrible. New raid can have a balanced loot table. I found the rarest item in World of Warcraft after over 3. Just started leveling in zf gy on my mage, having fun and it’s pretty crazy xp/decent gold. MMOs are generally less toxic, but Classic WoW/WoW is full of people with superiority complex's like most competetive game environments. You do get more gems, but the problem is Rogues Diary which on private servers vendors for 45s and on the beta it only vendors for like 2s50c. If you want to try your luck you can farm blue dragonkin in Winterspring to see if you get a Mature Blue Dragon Sinew and just buy your epic mount practically right away, although if you do that you should do it as BM hunter. Molten Core and BWL containing incredible loot until end of game encourages players to continue running older raids, which stimulates the overall population. 602K subscribers in the classicwow community. Jun 1, 2019 · We've now added Dungeon Loot tables to NPCs on Classic Wowhead. (video of drop in post!) Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. Broader loot tables make for more rng and making gear for 3 specs per class instead of 1 triples the size of the table. Gear competition across leather, for example, is fucked up. It depends on which patch Blizz is going off of. Go look at the 40dk vs 40 pally video on the wow reddit, there are no NPCs in AV and the game freezes for 3 seconds at a time. Unless you’re going for like top 5 guilds in the world, any throughput gain via LC is completely irrelevant when compared to just keeping people happy. name }} for Season {{ journalSelectedExpansion?. Pug would roll vs. Made a loot table for new heroics, also you can check whole naxx10 bosses and see where you fav loot drops will update it on the flow feel free to give feedback NOTE: There is "important" loots on the first sheet, I dont find every loot that important so yea it missed some useless shit Edit 1. “Loot, or loot not. " A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Hello I uninstalled and reinstalled atlas loot about 5 times exited the game completely etc. Bats in EPL have the best grey item loot table and are efficient with a bonus from skinning them. back in Naxx my Guild had to pug some Positions every now and then. Getting less or no loot simply means it dropped an item you're not supposed to get. Here you'll find all of the loot that is available in {{ journalInstance. There is no always loot” A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Does anyone have a good system for knowing which loot items are available to drop and which are not? SoM/SoD both had revised loot tables (much higher drop chance on all big items, including epics) and dungeon 2 sets + related items available at launch. Then killed the harpys in Thousand Needles from 29 -35. hello there, maybe someone here can help me. World of Warcraft on Reddit! A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. the hate: I ran this fargin dungeon sooooo many times in vanilla to do the onyxia attunement and i hated how long and hard it was. According to wowhead you are more likely to see one of the epic items than you are the agility set chest per raid. When those bosses attempt to drop that loot such as savage gladiator chain in brd, instead, nothing drops. Mostly just in the title. The love is obvious: level design, complexity, look and feel, drops, boss, storytelling. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked here. Sort and filter by item quality, item slow, dungeon, raid, or class role! Mob level vs your level has no bearing on drop chances in classic. If you google the mob wowhead should have that info. other People with legitimate Need (no such Bullshit like have to roll vs half of the guild because they could possibly wear it and no other Restrictions or Item Locks) if Pug won he got the Item and if not the Item was distributed by the internal Loot System. Illidan is interesting in that his loot table is arguably the most valuable (or most stacked in comparison with other bosses) in any tier in classic thus far. Either in the form of adjusting unwanted and unused items or adding more to loot tables. Discussion should focus on the theory and practice of making gold in World of Warcraft. So I know I’m other versions of the game the addon MobInfo2 was an addon you could use to track your kills & loot from mobs to accumulate a % value for your item drops directly in your tooltip in game. Guess we’ll find out! Find dungeon and raid gear for your class for all levels. Usually has a map of where to find it, what it drops, the drop rate of each item and comments of people who have killed it OP here. The last few weeks before TBC release, we went MC and got paladin loot from bosses even though we were a horde guild. Members Online Aggrend on datamining: This is my normally scheduled check-in to again remind you that you'll see things datamining 1. TOC or something like that. Now the computer will generate a random number, 1-1000. TOC file to Cata. How does the loot table work, is the loot determined after clicking the bobber or when the bobber shows there is a fish on it. Doesnt show Gamma loot table but everything else is there From the recent blue post: "The Ulduar drops in Defense Protocol Beta are still in place in Gamma, and other than this new currency no additional… A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. length - 2]?. Not only does it make a lot more sense to do it that way in case the server crashes and you experience a rollback after killing a boss, as you wont "lose" any items when the boss drop the exact same loot, but this also enabled the Warglaive trick in Burning Crusade. Just look at head drops on Nefarian. I cleared all of LFR all of Normal and all of Heroic on my evoker alt this week. The game can't handle AV and blizzard is OK with that. There's two heads, because a different one drops for Alliance and Horde, but the alliance one has a 54% drop rate (reasonable) and the horde drop rate is 115%. Spirit is a dogshit stat unless you're a Priest that has talents which directly scale your in-combat mana regen with the stat. any frost mage who's leveled to 60 doing aoe farm can figure it out and if you bring another frost mage or any other class for utility (hunter, druid, priest are good) then it only goes quicker. Each mob basically has an available loot table. As an enhance shaman main that never got blessed with a stray in phase 1 I can say that the infinite corrupter loot table can go fuck itself. i'm looking for a similar export as listed above for the wotlk loot tables, but with german localization. Members Online Wake up honey, new Cataclysm Classic loot exploit just dropped (kill heroic raid bosses multiple times in the same id due to them respawning) I’m playing both Vengeance and Havoc this season and was wondering which loot specialization, and what to open vault as. It may be random, but the loot is most definately tied to he current ID. I'm really hoping that end game itemization is adjusted to account for some of the less supported classes and builds. Based on their wowhead drop tables, they should be dropping all sorts of items. Also considering you usually have 1 spriest or none, they'll be using this until mace from Nax, even if they get rank 14 weapons, Lok better. Is there any large loot table differences between the 2? Gearing so far has been largely the same as the 2, and I’ve just had my loot set to havoc because why not. The loot table is terrible - I don't give a shit about loot from a mouth-breather-difficulty leveling raid that I'm going to replace at level 35 anyway. Members Online Some of you are losing your minds at how strong Tank damage is right now because of Vengeance and I just want you to know that this is exactly how it works - Do not witch hunt your DPS players because of it. If you're simply going off what Kronos says - stop, this is a WoW Classic subreddit. Harpys have great loot tables and this is my favorite farm in classic. I love and hate BRD simultaneously. Wow head and other websites make me click through each individual NPC names to see their loot tables comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Proxnite • So I finally got around to leveling a hunter and have been farming mobs either solo or duo with another hunter in the level 30-35 range. After finishing the low level dungeons a couple times I was about level 24. I believe you get more junk boxes on Classic compared to privates, but the loot is far less. I’ve downloaded the addon through curseforge and can’t seem to see anything for TBC raids and crafting. A few expansions ago, I remember downloading an add-on that, upon mousing over a mob, would show a list of what that mob would drop and the % that the item would drop. Members Online Wake up honey, new Cataclysm Classic loot exploit just dropped (kill heroic raid bosses multiple times in the same id due to them respawning) It seems likely that the updated loot table in SoD somehow ate a blue drop off each of these bosses. blizzpls- what do you honestly have to say about this? is this the intended experience that we pay for? 4. For any green or higher rarity item you'll have the option to "greed" or "need", "need" supersedes "greed" so you should only select "need" if you plan on equipping the item or using it for your professions. I still can’t fathom that people think LC is good in classic wow. Wow. 1 this quote "Heroic difficulty instances end bosses will now always drop an epic item, in addition all bosses in Heroic difficulty instances will have a chance to drop an epic gem!" Vem last - your warriors haven't gotten Chromatic boots Kri last - you have feral druids Yuaj last / also Kri last - your casters want the shoulder (+8 stam, -1 spell damage), the shadow resist ring, or the wand (+5 stam, 1 spell damage) for survival or to make up for not getting bwl / zg gear Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. That is normal in wow classic. You also will need to roll vs probably 3 other people for that chest, warriors tend to get the sword without competition, hunters the xbow without competition. . Just like in P2 when Blizz forgot to add back the loot tables of arathi highlands fire elementals after disabling them cause people were pre-farming them to sell to warriors, Blizz likely forgot to re-enable Mara bosses’ loot tables that were likely disabled to prevent bots/hackers from pre-farming Mara. Members Online Wake up honey, new Cataclysm Classic loot exploit just dropped (kill heroic raid bosses multiple times in the same id due to them respawning) The gamma loot is the same as the beta loot, that’s why Atlas doesn’t have a separate table for it. I know there are sites like tbcdb. More likely they added the updated items ontop of the already existing loot tables but made you only eligible for the respective item depending on your version. Item 3 is 680-1000. Like looking up WC, seeing a list of bosses & their loot tables. 2 that are super, duper not-real. So for example, Telestra in The Nexus can potentially drop the raid epics Pauldrons of Havoc, Claymore of Ancient Power, or Spirit-World Glass and she will drop one of those three items guaranteed. Members Online P3 prequest sheets done for dungeon spammers - 388k xp for Horde and 457k xp for Alliance Yhea its wonky! And then I step back and see that this is what classic loot tables are like, and always has been, unfair and weird. That two rolls model doesn't sound like how loot works in WoW. Get the Reddit app Sometimes I get loot tables on some, but not all. I’m so happy with it, it looks great and it works so much better than zperl or any other I tried. r/classicwow: A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. 356 votes, 218 comments. 2. 15. Members Online Classic WOW devs tell Dexerto they're happy with the GDKP ban and how fast players have gotten over it, STV was made to be entirely PvP focused, and the future of SoD is still up in the air but nothing is off the table. 596K subscribers in the classicwow community. Focused more on WoW Classic, Season of X and Classic Plus. there was a reddit post with a fix, it basically meant going into each Atlas loot folder manually and renaming a Wrath. Each boss has its own specific table, it's not randomly dispersed. The changes show a massive problem with Classic. Some mobs dont have loot. Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. Members Online Wake up honey, new Cataclysm Classic loot exploit just dropped (kill heroic raid bosses multiple times in the same id due to them respawning) I use Leatrix Plus fast auto-loot but I don't use the mouse wheel because the faster auto-loot is enough for me. 4bil dollar company last year btw. A sister reddit of /r/wow. I found in the patch notes for patch 2. When you kill the mob (or when it spawns, not sure) a number or combination of numbers are "randomly" generated to determine which items on that available loot table the mob drops. Here's the ones I use/like personally: Auctionator shows how much money something will vend for and helps auction stuff. Should spriest not be on =standing or greater for lok a mir, healing isn't that much of an issue for classic (would like to see logs where healers arent overhealing heaps) and dps>heals anyways. IMO the 'best' loot system is the one where Blizzard takes the blame for questionable decisions on itemization and loot table design instead of poor loot officers having to deal with the drama it creates. Find dungeon and raid gear for your class for all levels. 5+ years of running Uldaman! PENDULUM OF DOOM! - 2,000 runs on retail & 292 runs on Classic WoW has led me to this moment. These bosses all drop multiple epics that are borderline legendaries. You don’t need to micromanage any of the loot and you’ll still clear every boss very easily. During classic in 2006 and early TBC this was one of my favorite guides to take and routes to level in, you would make a decent amount of gold too, and I remember this was quite a bit faster than regular questing. Do not share or encourage the use of exploits, cheats, private servers, or other illicit game behavior. A lot of items dropped that I could roll on… A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. We also don't know the scaling coefficients. 6M subscribers in the wow community. This will start characters at the very beginning of the Classic experience on fresh servers, including Hardcore servers for players who like the ultimate challenge: risk of permanent character death. This is fun, but I disagree with a lot of it. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Some bosses have loot on the loot table that requires level 51 or higher to equip. While we are gradually adding data to the site via the Wowhead Client, we received feedback that players would like to see loot from all dungeons to plan BiS in advance, and so we manually added the drops. com and whatnot, but I'm wondering if there are any interfaces anywhere, either in- or out-of-game that make it as easy to browse TBC loot tables as it is in AtlasLoot Classic. I can't seem to locate a Classic or Vanilla Database that allows me to look into items dropped from bosses in dungeons. The default loot setting is Group Loot. My mage is ready to go farm, and pray for rng. I cant check now as at work but i did it last night and it works fine now. I strongly prefer the revised loot tables + dungeon 2 sets from day 1 but haven’t seen any specifics. Once you use it, you start to feel sorry for people who never used it - they innocently play Wow for years not realising they could have looted every single pull much faster than they have been. Through the powers of webarchive! (since the wow-pro site had deleted the original guide ages ago). 116 votes, 26 comments. i'd just like to save myself the work of screwing it all together manually. And I think that since the goal was to make it “feel like classic” they nailed it :P and I like it tbh! There are some unusable items that drop every week and some god-items that everyone wants that never drop 😂 Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. I’m curious if the graves have a… A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. The largest loot table of possible drops on that single boss. Any grey or white rarity items are excluded from rolling and whoever loots the bodies gets them. Really couldn’t have narrowed it down a bit more and made it 3 items like all the rest? Have ran it everyday since heroic+ came out, still back in Naxx my Guild had to pug some Positions every now and then. As soon as you step into an instance, or a mob is created in the world, the loot that's going to drop has already been determined. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Members Online Do we know if Heroic+ dungeons are set loot tables of Naxx10 or is it entirely random which piece drops each boss? Yeah the main thing to know are there are certain mobs that can drop cosmetic pets. A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Members Online Do we know if Heroic+ dungeons are set loot tables of Naxx10 or is it entirely random which piece drops each boss? Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. You can theory with our current loot tables for pre-raid, but that's probably not going to matter too much. Drysc explains on the American WoW forums: There was old blue post that is long time gone " Loot is generated upon creation. The competition mainly being Rag and Kel'Thuzad. maybe someone here has an idea where i could find something like that, if it exists at all. Bagnon - so nice all bags in one window. It's NOT decided on when the boss is killed. Members Online just another post about how bad the bot situation is atm. It’s only level 40. All I've found are quests & bosses, no loot ): Edit: ClassicDB shows a list of Bosses, Quests, & Quest rewards. I got called the N word on overwatch voice chat immediately upon speaking. Gotta love having the hardcore game mode running on the same client with this clearly insufficient team size. Is there a Gnomeregan loot table yet that shares the items dropped per boss? If there’s no published one yet, is there a page/doc/sheet that compiles the loot that are confirmed drops from bosses (and possibly trash)? 536K subscribers in the classicwow community. Dec 29, 2024 · World of Warcraft Classic is releasing its 20th Anniversary Edition on November 21, 2024. Members Online Blue post refers to changes and new items dropping from Lurker, Tidewalker, Al'ar, and Solarian. I'm curious where the most popular/successful place is to farm for edgemasters. 677 votes, 103 comments. It would look like there is loot in the bag because of rendering/fetching from the server. Other than that, any mob can drop pretty much any rare, uncommon, or epic loot drop within that level range. Asking purely because sometimes i'm too slow to click the bobber and I'm grinding for something specifically, does every bobber i fail to click in time potential chance of the item i need lost? or is it only determined when i click the bobber. name }}. Each mob has a loot table that it draws from. Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Seems so. Where are you getting these loot tables from? None of the archived ones I looked at show any shoulders from Flat Tusk or Scornn, only Kronos' loot tables show them as possible loot but that's not a legitimate source. Members Online Wake up honey, new Cataclysm Classic loot exploit just dropped (kill heroic raid bosses multiple times in the same id due to them respawning) Gotta find the right download! I downloaded one from wow-legacy and it was fucked up, then googled a bit and found one that works perfectly. Members Online It would be nice if, once you finish the ratchet rune or dark rider rune, you could buy it for all classes from the rep vendor This is why loot should be spread around as u/flawed1 suggested; if you concentrate loot on a few people to boost their performance (because that's seen as the route to faster progression) it both hurts more if those people leave, raises the chance they will leave (because they have everything they want) and raises the chance other people will A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. The 51+ loot is not allowed to drop but is still on the loot tables. bzumqtv zhaei uvvsjz pkmjtho qyavb nwiox teksldc zwjtbs nserakml dzgea