Valve index refresh rate settings I have a 4080 Super OC,17-13700k, 32 gig CL30 6000 m/ts ram. This is the answer for OP, turn off everything except avatar and sound for everyone but friends in the safety settings. In game settings mostly low except for msaa, anisotropic 16x, and textures high. With my rig this made no sense. In Addition you can increase "presence" (the feeling you are actually in this VR space) by increasing the refresh rate. 2 and that's what you have, you can run Index at max resolution and refresh rate. 2016x2240 Is Valves Default resolution, yes but it’s not the panels technically native resolution. 09 and 560. If that does not help, maybe try downloading an older Nvidia driver for your card, just to try. This sub should have the details if you search. Motion smoothing is off. Since I can, I use 120hz for iRacing. 06 Oct 29, 2020 路 I haven't tested alot by myself but plan to do some testing later today, so far I have tried low settings and set the Valve index refresh rate to 90hz and it works pretty good. Brain scans show some people can detect the 120hz flicker of a magnetic ballast, but many can't. With a 2080ti I can easily do 1. resolution in steamvr 100%. FPS is pretty stable and about 45. I'll include my specs below GPU: RTX 2070 Super GPU Driver version 452. 90 Also tested with GRD 561. Vsync is off in 2D setting, fast in NVIDIA setting (really no difference between Off vs Fast in my case). - Optimize your application for the Index's high-resolution display and high refresh rate. 2 - 1. 77SS on Vive OG) and work your way down until you reach a balance between resolution and a solid refresh rate. 3 SS but I'll probably put that into 120hz and bring it back down to 1. If this doesn’t fix it right away, you may need to reinstall Valve Index and perform a system restart. it appears that the gpu/steamvr changes to some other setting/driverpack when going to the (experimental)144hz setting on the headset. 120hz is also absolutely fine if 144 is too high. if we could set our index at 100hz, each frame would be 10ms, as a millisecond (ms) is one thousandth of a second, or 1/1000. With each crash I have to reset it to get them to sleep properly when exiting VR. Refresh rate is most noticeable in fast paced action like a shooter, beat saber, or when moving your head around a lot. Specs: 1080ti Ryzen 3600 16gb DDR4 @ 3000 I'm confused as to how the steamVR settings work for frame rate. You're looking at the per-application resolution setting though, which is multiplicative off the base render resolution on the video settings, and by default SteamVR automatically sets that based on the GPU and refresh rate you are using. if you have your refresh rate set to 120hz: and your game is capable of rendering at 200fps, a new frame gets sent to your index 120 times per second. I appreciate any help or guidance, thank you! You set your headset to 120hz refresh rate, your computer can't hit that so halves the headset refresh to 60hz, which is below your max fps so you're all set. Dec 28, 2020 路 As you can see I’m getting much better final fps in 120 Hz mode compared to other refresh rates, using the exact same settings. Start your Game/App and change the Hz to 80, if the GPU profiler stays in the green its ok. As far as I'm aware, SteamVR settings compromise of refresh rate and supersampling. The problem is that if you set say 144fps but your pc can only do say 50fps, it creates 94 "fake" frames every second. I honestly can't tell the difference of the lowered refresh rate (probably because I was never truly hitting the full 120 anyway). HMDs are just fancy monitors, increasing refresh rate does not reduce performance nor does it put "unnecessary stress" on your rig. For older non-demanding games you might pick 144 - for crazy stuff like Cyberpunk you probably won't even get 80. I previously had a 3000 series card. If your PC can't keep up with the required framerate of your headset (90hz by default) and produce new frames in time, the renderer will be forced to take the previous frame and "reproject" the frame into your new headspace by morphing it to match your head's new position and rotation to prevent obvious stuttering. 16 Gb/s, so that isn't anywhere near fast enough for the Index (not that that matters because Index doesn't support HDMI anyway) TL;DR, Index officially requires Displayport 1. Higher refresh rate is more demanding on your system. 4 Adapter (non-affiliate link). Above all else you want to prevent this so adjust setting to stop this before improving SS and refresh rate. When i´m playing on flatscreen (4K 32") i´m able to pull of mostly ultra/high settings with 144 FPS( in space; stations and CZ´s 90 -100 fps), but i haven´t found the best settings (SteamVR/ingame) for the HMD yet. Obviously, you want to cap the fps (settings in Cyberpunk) to the max refresh rate to prevent screen tarring. If your rig cannot do 144 fps, it will go down to 2 x 72 fps, 3 x 48 fps, 4 x 36 fps, etc. At this point I was certain that it must have been something with my configuration, specifically something I change after setting up SteamVR again. I set the refresh at 144hz (this is *the* Valve Index feature, might as well use it!). On the one hand, 970 being the minimum requirement, you can argue "Oh, the minimum is just running it at 90Hz" For a 1070 being recommended I'd expect you to be able to run at 120Hz & native res cause that is what the default is set at. Video Settings: Refresh rate: 120Hz (Valve Index specific, set to whatever your VR headset works with, try the highest first) Motion Smoothing: Off; Render Resolution: Custom - Set this to 100%; Per Game Settings: Per Game Settings 2: In comparison, your HDMI port only has 8. it makes a huge difference, just set mine to 144, and OH MAN motion smoothing off, great experience in just about everything I've played. You can also lower the refresh rate down to 80hz, 90hz is standard, which will also make running games a little easier. Does vorpX cap the refresh rate to the main monitor or does it use the Quest 2 refresh rate. In VR: Press the system button on your headset to open the SteamVR dashboard If you don't mind switching between refresh rates, a 2080 will definitely be able to push 144 frames/sec for less demanding VR games like Beat Saber. Grass Medium. Some games like Bonework you need to change the physics rate to your SteamVR refresh rate. Mar 31, 2019 路 The apparent contents of the SteamVR Settings panel opened by a developer seemingly using the Valve Index headset could reveal the headset’s resolution and refresh rate. 70 (those are not affected) STEPS Connect Index HMD to PC Start Steam Start SteamVR (tested with 2. In Steam VR settings select Video, this opens up a new screen with multiple important options…. But, I'd suggest run with default settings. Thanks, yes found it under the main steam settings doh! 馃憤馃徎. FYI running at 144hz refresh rate with hi SS pretty much kills most games (causes re-projection and jutter effects). I use 300% SS at minimum rn but my display has always been set to a max of 144. I have a better experience w/ motion smoothing off and highest achievable fps running my index in 120hz mode than any other but having a reprojection rate of 95% off a laptop. 5 - 2%). Oct 10, 2024 路 ISSUE When changing the Valve Index HMD refresh rate via SteamVR video settings this results in an immediate Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Change Index refresh rate: 80, 90, 120, 144. Most PC headsets run at 90Hz which looks and feels fine, but there’s a definite immersive benefit to going higher. 144 Hz felt somewhat smoother than 80 Hz, but wasn’t a groundbreaking change. I wonder if you might also have a low flicker fusion threshold. EDIT2: My problem was fixed mitigated by rolling back to nVidia drivers 445. I have an Index but running a RTX 3080 and I can crank up the graphics to mostly high or ultra when frame locked and although certainly doesn’t look as good as my 1440p monitor it does look really good. Let’s say for example the lowest setting index has is 80. If you have motion smoothing on in steam vr you will always get the FPS that your index refresh rate is set to. Pimax has always intrigued me with a higher resolution and FOV, but for normal gaming and a lower price point with up to a 144Hz setting I went with a Valve Index. But I haven't really been able to find anything. Do we know what those numbers are for 80hz, 90hz, 120hz and 144hz? Whatever you choose you need to be able to hit that frame rate because otherwise your frame rate will be halved every time it dips under. I see in the Steam VR… Edit: I'd like to also mention that running the highest refresh rate and disabling motion smoothing helps to dramatically smooth out the experience at very low framerates, in case you decide to give this a try. I just recently received my Valve Index order and I've been trying to find some sort of setup for the headset/SteamVR settings guide online. As far as which one, I suggest the highest integer factor that results in <1% reprojection. My friend who usually can only handle about 30 seconds of artificial locomotion was able to play Onward for 15 minutes on his first try. Dec 2, 2022 路 In that case, set the Render Resolution in SteamVR to 100% and tinker with the resolution scales in-game. Steamvr reso 60% @90Hz. Refresh Rate is fine at 144. It's better than the switch to HDR from non-HDR. My intent is to have options to force the panels to stick to a different (lower) refresh rate so that I can better hit targets with this frame rates. Change SteamVR settings. Finding & Accessing SteamVR Settings. terrain vector data High. Thank you! EDIT1: Using the Oculus Quest (USB link, not DisplayPort) to play the same games on SteamVR works well: no purple lines an only occasional frame deeps (yellow lines). Looks decent and mostly locked at 90fps. Jul 10, 2020 路 I just got a Valve Index yesterday, and this is my first foray into VR. And surely after a few tries I figured it out. In the Steam VR beta you need to set Motion Smoothing to "Force Always-On". It’s also set on 144hz refresh rate and all the setting are on max. The smoothness was real, so there was a hope that the Index would deliver similarly. The real reason you don't want to always run at 144hz is because if your computer can't run a game at that high of a refresh rate, Motion Smoothing will kick in more often meaning you'd really only be running it at FPS is extremely low (~45), I tried all possible refresh rates (80/90/120/144), it doesn't help. So my question is how are you dealing with framerate drops in VR? Does Valve Index have any mechanic to compensate framerate For MSFS you'll want to use Steam VR to limit the frame rate to some like 30 or 40, it'll then smooth it back up to your HMDs refresh rate. 87 . To reach it you have to use reprojection in most cases. 120Hz is smooth and fine, but I wanted to get a more consistent frame rate, so I decide to drop the refresh rate down to 90, this used to work just fine, but now after a graphics driver update, 90hz is really lagging, and fpsvr is reporting a full millisecond frame time from the gpu with purple lines. In the steam VR settings open the video tab click per-application settings Select Subnautica and apply the following Custom resoltion multpiler to 100% Motion smoothing - force always on Actual 100% is 2016x2240 per-eye. I would run LatencyMon while the system is idle, but this all looks relatively normal except for (I think) the ISRs on dxgkrnl. You need a valve index or rift a aka any pc headset or if you have a stand-alone go to the oculus air link go to devices click the connected device and got graphics setting and click whatever htz Reply reply To get a very smooth experience on Subnautica VR I did the following using 120hz fresh rate on and index with a 3080 and i7 8700K. Three base stations and Index/Pimax Sword controllers. While it is running click the little icon on the floating window or right click the VR tray icon. 0SS. Updated my vr pc from win10 to win 11 which caused me to update nvidia drivers now the Valve Index bluescreens with every attempt to go above 90hz. Reply reply Home You can change the super sampling levels to below 100% which will reduce the resolution and make it easier for your PC to run at the expense of visual clarity. It sounds like you're experiencing reprojection. I'm now very curious as to what your refresh rate is set to for desktop and in games It works on top of your SteamVR super sampling settings except some old games that only use the in-game settings. There are very few games that can hold a stable144 fps in VR. no matter how monsterous your pc build is there is always certain games that are more demanding or less optimized than others, this makes it impossible to maintain 144fps. Changing the monitor res & refresh rate didn't change anything. This issue also occurs by simply starting SteamVR without any further user interaction while the Index is connected to the PC. Oct 31, 2019 路 After playing games that look good and sharp at 120hz it's very hard to go back especially if you can't turn up the settings even with the lower refresh rate. If I set 120hz at 60% resolution, and everything in game to the lowest settings, but there's too much variation in frame rate where I see it jump down to 60fps at times. And everything was fine, mostly, though I did find myself having to tinker with SS and refresh rate settings a lot, due to me finding it quite difficult to ruin things smoothly despite having a 2080Ti/6700K 4. CPU usage is about 5-10%. The index lets you pick from 80/90/120/144. If I remember right there are certain CPU and GPU frametimes you want to stay under depending on the refresh rate you are running at. When I crank the supersampling up, I can see my GPU working harder but it never gets as crisp as the 90hz. Now I have a GeForce 3090 and a Ryzen Zen 3 5950X and I’m wondering if I splurged on the Pimax 8KX if the refresh rate would be able to keep up at the 8k setting. I always set my refresh rate to 80Hz, as that is the FPS I'm most likely to reach in VRChat (otherwise I get 40 instead if it can't reach 80 FPS). My game is stable at 70, my hope was to reduce the 80 to 70 by lowering native refresh rate to match my performance. Just make sure to It's hard to say. But very few movies were produced this way, see the link below. 2? or does lowering the refresh rate change some sort of subpixel arrangement. Some people are more sensitive and aware to refresh rates than others. This stutter can be ok for some but for most, it causes a massive amount of motion sickness. I'm with the commenter every time I change the refresh rate I get a warning to restart the headset. I haven't been able to stop saying: "Wow, holy shit!" over and over again for the last hour. If I'm not mistaken this also resets the index's base station power management settings. 4 Legacy Comp: off DP Training mode: Auto Oct 16, 2024 路 Refresh Rate: Set the refresh rate to 72Hz or 90Hz, depending on your preference and PC capabilities. I run it with the following settings: VR Valve Index settings Refresh Rate 80 Hz Motion Smoothing On Render Resolution 100% Assetto Corsa Competitione Video Settings BASIC SETTINGS Resolution Scale 106% 106% View distance HIGH Shadows MID Contact Shadows MID AA HIGH AA Type KTAA Effects MID PP HIGH Foliage MID Feb 27, 2020 路 We didn’t notice a significant difference in gameplay between the varying refresh rates. Any dips below target refresh rates cause stuttering. Motion smoothing uses position and rotation to interpret frames, while asynch re-projection just uses rotation to interpret frames. HL:A looks way too good to be able to maintain 144fps 100% of time even on 10/20 Nvidia series. From my understanding, if your FPS doesn't divide evenly into 144hz (or whatever refresh rate you've set), you would get completely missed frames and stuttering that reprojection isn't able to smooth out. Index can use 80, 90, 120 and 144hz. Strange isn’t it. Trees Medium. But this means the more your frames are under the refresh, the worse the experience. Still thoroughly enjoying my Index despite the visual downgrade from the crystal. I would recommend instead setting the headset to 90 or even 80hz and playing Alyx with higher resolution and clarity over trying for 120hz. I started DCS and noticed that my framerate would never go above 40fps, even with the graphics set at absolute minimum. Either use whatever refresh rate is necessary to lock resolution at 100% without missed frames, or unlock variable resolution to pump refresh rate and accept that it'll be super blurry unless you're staring at a blank wall. Note how smooth the CPU and GPU frametime graphs are in 120Hz mode. Drop to 120hz for more demanding titles like Alyx. Only difference is SteamVR only handles the resolution when the Vr compositor is the active window and on the index’s “desktop”. The physical lcd display on the index has a fixed resolution. Strive for the highest Try Motion Smoohing ON, Resolution 150%, Adv Super Sample Filtering ON, HDCP 1. Super Sampling and Refresh - Do this last but try 1. In the steam VR settings open the video tab click per-application settings Select Subnautica and apply the following Custom resoltion multpiler to 100% Motion smoothing - force always on 15 votes, 68 comments. 5 OFF, Refresh Rate 120 (so it hopefully runs at 60, best tho is to manually set it to run at 60). 3080 Ryzen 5800x 32GB of RAM Interesting take. I managed this for Skyrim VR. Oct 11, 2024 路 Changing refresh rate on Valve index HMD Crashing entire computer WHen i fire up steamhome and go into settings to change the refesh rate from 90 to 144 my entire desktop crashes. People seem to consistently forget the edge to edge clarity, fov, faster refresh rate, unique sound setup, comfort, etc. As for the resolution. So you would have been better off setting your Index to 120hz, 90hz, or 80hz and adjusting your graphics settings to something that your computer keep up with in a stable manner. EDIT: SOLVED! 3) In steam, start SteamVR and navigate to the Settings window and turn OFF "Motion Smoothing" as OpenXR will handle this. I’ve got a 2080 and find running most games at 120 halves the refresh rate to 60 if I supersample or use higher graphic settings. The computer itself handles everything just fine, but it’s not as clear and crisp as I expected. On the Index, if you set the resolution to be the same and the refresh rate to 90 Hz, it will also run at 90 FPS. However, if you set the Index to 120 Hz, the game will not run at 100 FPS, but 60 FPS instead with motion smoothing/reprojection. taa. In SteamVR > Developer > Developer Settings, find the Direct Display Mode section and click on the Enable Direct Display button. Jul 29, 2020 路 Steam VR’s graphics settings. Though I usually change my refresh rate settings from within the headset. Changing refresh rate requires restarting VR. Changes to Valve Index refresh rate Applying GPU overclocks Changing graphics settings in some games Basically whenever there's a hard hit to the CPU and GPU these pink lines manifest. Then experiment with the aforementioned settings. You can dial in your settings based on how much re-projection bothers you. All they have to do is to change refresh rate at the same time when they apply render resolution. this sort of effectively runs your index at an integer divisor of your refresh rate. " If you rig cannot do 90 fps in 90 Hz, it will go down to 45 fps x 2, or 30 fps x 3, etc. 4317 GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER (MSI GAMING X SLIM) Game Ready driver 565. Usually games don't even have that much control out of the box to set framerates. You set it to 144hz, your computer can't hit that so it cuts in have to 72hz, your computer *can't* hit that either as it's above your machine's max capable rate of 65fps, so it halves Ordinarily I think of setting refresh rates on my Index based on how effectively my CPU/GPU can keep the frametimes below the target so that I don't drop frames or dip into reprojection. 15 votes, 68 comments. For example I set game to run on 45frames per second, I set index to run on 90HZ, I set reprojection to help double game frame rate, basically to keep constant rate no matter what. this is a multiple of what your refresh rate is set to. Steam Vr still sets the resolution it just can’t manage refresh. In steam vr uncheck supersampling filter. The index's panels cannot render at full resolution for 120/144 hz, so its is downsampling them. You can optimize games to run stable and still look good if you use these tools and then tweak the supersampling settings in SteamVR settings, as well as adjusting the refresh rate. With 8700k and 1080ti I play Eleven Table Tennis, Beat Saber, and PavlovVR (only the competitive maps, many poorly optimized custom maps I change to 90 Hz) at 144 Hz. If you can reach a consistent 8. Edit: I will try switching the refresh rate, I'll comment again on here when I've done it. It all looks smooth and sharp to me, so I prefer to aim for a lower refresh rate that's easier for me to lock with better graphical fidelity. If you're PC is struggling to hit target refresh rate, it compensates with re-projection. I've done a few troubleshooting attempts: a Windows repair reinstall (using a recovery disk), DDUing my drivers, COMPLETELY reinstalling the latest version of Windows (Nov 2021), a full Steam and SteamVR reinstall, and probably some settings tweaks for my system which didn't help. terrain LOD 65. Feb 27, 2020 路 We didn’t notice a significant difference in gameplay between the varying refresh rates. I have an i7 6700k; 2080 Super, 32 Gb ram and a Index. 50 votes, 123 comments. Try this with all the other Hz (ie. Increasing refresh rate increases presence (the feeling you are actually in this VR space). Display brightness I set at 70%. Index actually looks fine with super sampling and can use higher frame rates, get slightly larger Field of View especially vertical. You can use a USB-C/ THUNDERBOLT to DP converter, but you have to make sure that the USB c port is in fact connected to your dedicated gpu. Developing for Valve Index: - Utilize the SteamVR SDK to develop VR experiences specifically for the Valve Index. However if you're running into issues and seeing that message in the console, maybe you need to disable Direct Mode, check your resolution and refresh rate settings in Windows display settings (and fix them if needed), then re-enable Direct Mode. Personally I find that refresh rate hardly matters in VR. It does not make any sense. Anisotropic 4x Oct 10, 2024 路 ISSUE When changing the Valve Index HMD refresh rate via SteamVR video settings this results in an immediate Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). You can buy fpsVR to check the in-game resolution. Direct Mode enabled prevents Windows from detecting the headset as a monitor, so that's working as expected. i have a i7-9700k 2080ti and 32gb ddr4 3200mhz im looking to achieve best graphics with a a max refresh rate of 144hz, i see alot Oct 10, 2024 路 When changing the Valve Index HMD refresh rate via SteamVR video settings the mouse cursor starts disappearing on half the screen over its whole right side starting from the center. I got my Headset and Controllers today, no base stations until tomorrow but I wanted to get updates and as much setup done as I could today. Apart from the inherent smoothness that comes with higher refresh rates, VR specifically benefits as there is less motion sickness or disorientation even for people who are fairly resistant (doing 360 degrees flips in elite dangerous or no man's sky feels a lot better and less nauseating for example) Also from personal experience I have noticed my eyes fatigue less and feel a lot more relaxed Nope the panel itself is 1440x1600 per eye. set manual supersampling to 180% and set 80hz refresh rate. - Leverage the Index Controllers' finger tracking and haptic feedback capabilities. The Index at high refresh rate is seriously amazing for reducing motion I get a message in Steam VR while checking the settings in the Valve Index that Says: "additional refresh rates are supported by your HMD, but were not detected by the graphics driver. Yes you still want to stick to integer factors of the refresh rate setting. As for refresh rate. I am now getting slightly worse reprojection in games (games that had me at . If you don't have one, try connecting your index to PC that has an 800W or better power supply. While my friend with an 11900k/3090 can't break above 60fps in VRChat and has an awful experience with motion smoothing off but only has a reprojection rate of 1%. Ok dumb question, just got my Index but can't work out how to get back to the settings for refresh rate? easy for testing, turn off smooth (reprojection) interpolation in the steamVR video settings and under developer enable GPU profiling. You may want to switch between refresh rate settings to maximize this. Lowering to 120hz will initially wipe out the reprojection, then it creeps back to 1. 9. Also OP wasn't talking about quest worlds he was asking why his friend on a quest gets a higher fps than him IN THE SAME INSTANCE and the answer is easy. Haha. I was wondering for those (most likely all) of you who have a high 144+ hz refresh rate flat monitor that supports G and/or Freesync, do you disable it prior to using VR? I had ran across a 1+ year old post saying that they change their monitor to 60hz and disable g/freesync prior to using VR because it gives such a big performance boost - is How would that work? is the resolution throughput limited by the DP 1. Just to note, this isn Jun 28, 2019 路 Index supports 80Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz, and 144Hz refresh rates. I use a Valve Index if you could not tell here are my current SteamVR settings, Refresh Rate: 90 Display Brightness: 160% Motion smoothing: on Render Resolution: 3960 x 4400 fade to grip on app hang: on Advanced Supersample filtering: offOVerlay Render Quality: Low HDCP 1. 2. I am very surprised the PC2 was so praised for the VR implementation, is it considerably better than AMS2? Nov 25, 2024 路 Ensure the refresh rate is set to 120hz 9. Essentially in VR you will reproject when you drop below HMD's native refresh rate. Worse outcome would be a slightly longer launch time (like five seconds or so at worse) to restart Steam VR with the correct value. The game also doesn't even have teleporting so in this case the only things left I can attribute motion sickness to are tracking accuracy, tracking refresh rate, tracking offset, screen resolution, latency, screen refresh rate and lens distortions. Even if it doesn't always hit 144 You should use whatever resolution/refresh rate that gets you a stable X fps without motion smoothing turning on. 5 % Currently have a Pimax Crystal with steamVR faceplate and Valve Index. would love help with this issue. Current So the code to notice an application starting is already there. Texture Ultra. I’ve flirted with the settings a bit and have the resolution set on 250% in the SteamVR settings. 100% is too bright! This has no bearing on performance, other than my own. Objects LOD 10. So if your set at 144hz you'll get 144 fps in iracing. TLDR: I've recently found a way to create up to four custom virtual monitors that I can use with my steam vr and virtual desktop with a custom resolution, however the refresh rate is locked in at 60fps. If your computer can't keep up with 144hz the index will half its refresh rate to 72hz. So maybe that's when the warning pops up vs no warning on desktop. OS Windows 11 Home 23H2 Build 22631. Features 108° FoV, 1440x1600 per eye resolution, 144 Hz refresh rate, 6 DoF tracking. game settings render scale 100. In the software that will be 100%. Jun 17, 2021 路 I have set my Quest 2 refresh rate to 72Hz (Auto) but my main monitor is only 60Hz. very much appreciated, as i´m a noob in VR settings. Going above will not display a higher resolution but it will render higher so the image will be sharper but this is very performance intensive, below you will give you a What gpu? Try this make sure nvidia control panel power is set to high performance. However it looks like the refresh rate in SteamVR cannot be set per application and is global. Get the new Steam VR Beta, set MSFS2020 to refresh rate 144hz fixed frame rate at 24 FPS, set motion smoothing to "enabled". Valve is just strange like that. sys. Temperatures are low GPU usage is about 30-40% and is not going up. After reading Valve Index specs carefully I realized that the headset has standard non-variable refresh rate displays. After only a week with the Index, I can already play Pavlov for 45 minutes straight at 144hz and only feel slightly woozy at the end. Note that there's another advantage to having the higher refresh rate options that you might consider trying though, you can use Rivatuner Statistics Server to cap your framerate at half your refresh rate which works well for particularly demanding games that you can't even get a solid 80fps in at the settings you want. using the FPSVR app shows you in game performance on the fly, so using this info you can determine which games run at what performance and adjust the HMD's refresh rate accordingly. Motion Smoothing: Experiment with enabling or disabling motion smoothing to see which provides the most comfortable experience. I find them super annoying and it is driving me crazy to not know if these are "normal" to some extent or not. Stuttering in VR feels awful compared to a 2D game. Why is the 144hz setting on the Valve Index considered an "experimental" refresh rate? Question/Support Am I doing any potential damage to the screen by running it at 144? I didn't know if there was a good settings guide for the Index out there, my current specs are below if that may help. Not to mention the likely better customer support you'll get from Valve versus the atrocious HTC support. 90,120 and 144). havent had issues until last week. Most SteamVR settings are accessed on the desktop, not in the headset. Some laptops have a CPU with an integrated low end gpu to render things to a second monitor. Refresh rate and resolution are lower on the Quest and make it less Dec 8, 2024 路 Hello Everyone, I'm having a bug were I can't switch my headset off 120Hz to 90Hz. Volume Clouds MEDIUM. sys and HDAudBus. What refresh rate should I look at setting my Index to? It defaulted to 90hz and I was debating on upping it to 120hz. There’s a new feature in Steam VR that allows you to lock a frame rate (for me it’s 30 FPS). Just got my index last week and was previously using a Rift S. Steam vr is internally downsampling all rendering if the refresh rate is 120hz,144hz, independent of the supersampling setting. So depending on what FPS you can hit in the game the optimal settings IMO: 45-59 fps: set at 90 Hz and reproject (or maybe 144hz?) 60-71 fps: set at 120 Hz and reproject 72-90 fps: set at 144 Hz and reproject 90-119 fps: set at 90 Hz 120-143 fps: set at 120 Hz 144+ fps: set at 144 Hz Motion smoothing is when you can't render all the frames so the gpu will render half the frames and syntheticly generate the other half (based of off your refresh rate). For example - if your game was running at 119 fps you would get 72 fps at 144 hz and 60 fps at 120 hz so you would be best to choose 90hz as you Most feature films at 24 fps, but some "high refresh rate" feature films were developed in 48 fps, 48 fps only integer scale into 144hz for what is available on the index. The Valve Index is a PC-powered VR headset, released 2019. Nope sry that is not a huge fan/heatsink, honestly i think that is actually not powerful enough for stock. I'm loving the experience so far, but there's a few snagging issues I'm hoping to try and resolve. Appears to not have the blurriness / ghosting that the config setting had!) I do appreciate the helpful response instead of just downvoting an honest question or leaving a snarky comment like others did. ISSUE When changing the Valve Index HMD refresh rate via SteamVR video settings this results in an immediate Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This results in games looking noticeably worse, while running ultra smooth. Look for Valve Index settings . I am running a 4090 geforce OC with a 13600k, valve index. My daughter mostly plays Rec Room with her Valve Index, on a Core i5-12400 with an RTX3060, 120 Hz. 0 SS on the Index (=~ 1. So, I installed Revive and OpenVR Advanced Settings as soon as I got my Index on day one, in preparation for the new toy. In half life settings set to low and start game see how it looks Oct 13, 2024 路 Echoing problems. And so ordinarily I'd think something as obviously demanding as RDR2 in VR would demand a lower refresh setting in order to effectively maintain those frame After lowering my frame rate to 90 hz, it's been a night and day difference. Render resolution - 78% - this is important. I guess there are some settings worth setting higher that doesn't impact performance too much but gives higher graphical fidelity. In VR, because the screen is right next to your eyes and the motion is tied to the fps, when your fps dips below the refresh rate of the screen you experience a stutter. The user used the VRLink port on the GPU, with a USB C to DisplayPort 1. 7GHz rig. Buildings High. I’d advise you just try these settings and see how you get on though. Just launch Steam VR, click on the settings icon on the upper left corner of the small STeam VR pop up screen that appears and in general settings choose your refresh rate, provided you're using an Index or another device that allows that type of refresh rate. You'll want to mess with the refresh rates and certain frame limiting settings, 90hz at 30fps may be good but 120hz at 30fps may be better. Please verify your headset firmware and graphics drivers are up to date. 206x2240 is what it needs to be distorted to look the x-axis is the frame number. 144hz has this smoothing motion sickening issue but the audio works instantly when swapping to this refresh rate. Project Cars 2 is another story. 2 different things as you can see. Pixel Density and Clarity: 8. And that's not for the whole CPU, but for every cores! I clearly see CPU is not used, even coolers become silent. -Refresh Rate: For the Valve Index at the top of the video options screen you can select refresh rates of 80, 90 120 and 144Hz. (edit: Found the setting. I have tried setting a custom resolution in the AMD control settings and it doesn’t allow me to set one without a display that meets the criteria of resolution and refresh rate I put in, and doesn’t recognize my headset as a display. Your games will use your SteamVR refresh rate. Index: Roomscale VR, FoV, and Refresh Rate Having switched to a 120 Hz monitor a few years ago, the difference was so stark thatgames are just better. Fortunately, Valve made it super easy to quickly switch refresh rates on the fly, and there's no need to restart anything. Settings > Video. Either way I would try changing the setting and then restart the headset and see if it applied without issue. 1. Most SteamVR applications won't dynamically change refresh rate during a game session, you need to reload the application for it to take effect. . 5% reprojection at max settings are now 1. I want to know if there's a way to bump it to 144fps to match the Valve Index's refresh rate. 33ms but can't reach a consistent 6. over a long average (think a minute) you are seeing 120 new frames per second. Change "Render Resolution" to custom, and set it at 90% (or 1912x2124). Dec 23, 2020 路 Refresh rate - 90 (must me 90 at first, you can change this if you want AFTER you are in vr mode) Go to "Per-Application specific" and select msfs. Set Valve Index’ refresh rate set from 144Hz to 122Hz. 95ms then it is absolutely better to keep the refresh rate at 120Hz and enjoy smooth 120 FPS gameplay than to set the refresh rate at 144Hz and experience a reprojected 77 FPS the entire time you're playing. true. The screen is just a tiny part of the equation. You can switch refresh rates at anytime in the SteamVR overlay settings menu, so get fpsVR to watch your frametimes then change your refresh rate to keep it green. bqo gqsz wpub ccnowj jjqmf bafcenm uucde nbldam tjvduvk rbwpa