Beat saber controllers losing tracking. It seems to be getting worse each day though.
Beat saber controllers losing tracking. 5V batteries in your controllers can also help.
Beat saber controllers losing tracking As soon as I swap batteries the tracking is good again. Fastest test imo is simply staying in main menu on beat saber and moving the saber with the pointer. Also cannot move too fast without losing tracking. Yep, my controller tracking has fallen off a cliff sometime this week. I'm using I've played Beat Saber on Quest 1 and for the last year on 2, but the accuracy of controller tracking is very hit or miss, even with good lighting. I can't get through a single game with full combo on Hard, Expert or Expert++. As others have noted it's mostly the right controller losing all position tracking, it continues to rotate but simply hangs in the air. I got a Quest 3 recently and the tracking keeps getting lost where I have to pause the song and hold my controllers in front of me so they get detected again. Lighting is good. Resolution however is relatively high for my rig, 2544x2544 per eye. This happens to me after I've used the same batteries in Beat Saber for 3 or 4 hours of total usage. Initially happened on the left controller consistently, just started with right controller today. quest 2 controllers are fine for beat saber, save your money. For instance overlapping of notes and controllers on Quest 2 the tracking is worse. Go to the Video tab 3. This is not optimal since you won't be able to play online with our friends. All of my other games work very well. Although your issue sounds worse than mine. Eventually it'll reconnect and the saber will be fine, but for a time it won't rumble. I then closed beat saber and opened Serious SAM 3 VR BFE, the issue occured again and it lost tracking (This time showing as contoller two and not the first one). In the last couple days, my index controller tracking is spotty. Enable advanced Options in Steam VR Settings 2. Oddly, this issue only happens in Beat Saber. The controller is fully charged, so that's not the issue. It has NEVER happened to the right controller. The issue also didn't happen when in the oculus menus and it didn't happen when I was playing beat saber last night. The tracking seems to be correlated to performance specifically in beat saber. I think it's because Beat Saber uses the vibrator on every hit, and that takes a lot of battery. Is the controller defective? Was using my quest with a student the other day and they accidentally caught the headset with the controller. I'm able to re-create the effect by placing my controllers very low to the ground. None of the other apps have this problem. Nov 5, 2024 · I'm also having similar issues when I'm playing Beat saber my saber will float in front of me and like it'll move to my hand but it'll just be floating in front of me don't know if it is the headset losing tracking or the controllers but I have bought the pro controllers because of self tracking and it didn't seem to help with losing tracking Aug 18, 2023 · Controllers not working in game but fine in menu. I think I might be going mad, but I'm 90% sure my tracking in Beat Saber suddenly got a lot worse. 0 in menu and my tracking was perfect again. It appears at first like its a controller issue, but it is not. This also only happens in some games like H3VR and Boneworks but I've never had it happen in Beat Saber surprisingly, All of the buttons still work when it stops tracking as well. After several more blocks, it loses tracking completely for 1-3 seconds ie the controller completely disappears in VR. It would only work for about 80% of my play area but around the borders and middle of my area the one controller would just float away. I recently bought a Meta Quest 3 after playing Beat Saber for the last few years on the PSVR. DISABLE Pause VR when Headset is Idle This fixed it for me and a friend look for multi lighting systems like led lights, uninstall yur , look for possible IR sources like kinect, use passthrough view to see if you have IR spots and shut down devices, make sure batterys are full, for example, rechargeable battery usually go low on about 65% so if it below 70 go recharge, reduce possible reflective surfaces, any stuff who can make dot pattern similar to tracking led Dec 27, 2019 · A lot of people are moving their right hand in beat saber faster than the IMUs in the controllers can handle. You'll feel a light vibration from the front trigger when the controller transitions into pairing mode. This is frustrating if it is often happening or if it happened once when you were close to beating a new song in Beat Saber, for example. Are the batteries well charged? This is a performance issue, I had the same problem. So I've noticed a pretty big issue with the Pico 4 controller tracking, it seems that the accelerometers are affected by the vibrations of the controllers(my best guess), if you see in the video what this does is cause the controller tracking to jiggle with Nov 15, 2023 · This didn’t have any impact on the issues I was experiencing with the controllers, although this is one of the fixes that worked for me when using extension grips, as your hands are well below the controllers and it felt like Beat Saber was getting confused about the exact location of them, and jumping from hand to controller to hand, etc. They are switched and stuck int the ground when it gives me the health and safety warning. if your controllers are levitating away as you say, make sure your controllers are within your camera line of sight, as in don’t put your arms behind your back. I might give it a try Just weird after having these controllers for about 3 months now and like atleast 50 hours on beat saber its just happening now and with both of them. Whenever I load in a song and start playing, one of my controllers (Vive) will stop being tracked and the saber will just fly off in some random direction. It made the battery move and so it wasnt sitting right i side the controller. So essentially I can't play the game because of this issue. Nov 19, 2022 · I've found that with my index, I can pretty easily get it to lose tracking as well, looking in my system logs, I will typically get a 'off scale' error associated with the IMU's in the controllers moving too fast for them to register a speed. I play Beat Saber competive and usually rank around top 10-30. It still seems to be way better on mine after changing the batteries so thats good, but it still does lose tracking a bit more than my Quest 2, especially in Beat Saber. Wondering if this experience is expected or should I get an RMA on the controllers. Switched back to 120hz and turned SS to 1. NOTE: I have 2 Oculus Quest headsets (one for me and one for wife). It's random, happens on slower and faster songs, frequency is also all over the place: it can happen once in an hour long session, or a couple o times in 30 minutes of playtime. I just got the Quest 3 (mainly for Beat Saber) and it is completely unplayable. Beat Saber via VD and Virtual Desktop. Occasionally though, you may find that the headset loses track of where the controllers are. If I turned off the controller, I could play in 1 controller mode fine. May 26, 2020 · Hello, I'm having a lot of problem with my RIGHT index controller only. Let’s look at each major cause of tracking issues in Beat Saber and discuss how to fix them. Early last week, I (Bob) suddenly started having tracking issues with one controller. Issue is only occuring with my right controller I can fix it by turning the controller off and back on or restarting SteamVR, but I don't want to do that every 5 minutes or so. This happens every 15 seconds or so. 1) Make sure your batteries are fresh and in place securely. It seems to be getting worse each day though. Playing games like VRChat and Beat Saber are infuriating because all of a sudden my saber isn't being tracked anymore and just rotates. It’s almost like the controller crashes and reboots (except I don’t get a vibration like when you manually force a controller reboot). I have tried A LOT of things. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there a setting I'm missing? So, I'm encountering an issue with my Meta Quest 3 while playing Beat Saber. VD bitrate is 80Mbit. I figure it is an issue with the batteries losing contact with so much whipping around that happens. Have tried multiple times with them on and off the controllers only glitch with them on. Modded Beat Saber, quite a number of mods including Naluluna Avatars, Camera2. They are. in Get Help Sunday; One Arm Beat Saber limited songs. Also, if you are using Reverb you may have issues. I don't know what to do. But still I get this 1% where controller avatar does not move far enough or flies 100m away in random direction consistently in the same place of the same song I'm trying to beat in Synthriders (if you don't know it, think Beat Saber). They are fine in the SteamVR Menu and Oculus home. I loaded it up tonight, with the latest patch, and encountered an odd issue. So, I was recently trying some Expert+ songs on BS with my Vive when I noticed that my controller will consistently lose tracking on the right hand (controller doesn't seem to matter). Are the batteries well charged?. May 25, 2023 · Go through the Meta Quest app and unpair/pair the controllers. On the next version of the hardware I think the controllers should have 2 batteries each. Fast forward to today when I haven't picked it up for a few weeks and I try to play some Beat Saber and I'm having issues with the controllers constantly losing tracking; I'll be moving them around in front of me and they will just freeze, they can rotate and buttons will work, but it's Mar 21, 2020 · I've been very frustrated lately when I am trying to play Beat Saber and my controllers keep losing tracking in the middle of the song. 99% of the time the tracking is perfect. I tried several other games, including dual-wielding in Pistol Whip (to try another game with fast hand The saber disappears on the screen and completely misses the blocks. When i shake the left controller it sometimes seems to lose tracking. Controllers keep losing track of themselves and getting offset, then recovering back. Are you losing tracking only during high controller accelerations? There's no fix for that. Jun 2, 2019 · That said, this morning I couldn't play Beat Saber due to the controllers losing tracking and floating off into the distance in-game. I'm usually playing Nock which is a fast-action game and losing a controller during a game really sucks! Not sure if the controller is losing tracking for some reason, or if it's losing connectivity to the headset. Sometimes my tracking is so bad, the saber does 360s when doing quick wiggles of like 45° left/right. and it get's worse when using the green usb slots. Mar 22, 2021 · They’re pretty versatile and are the only supported controller in many games. -sigh- So you can modify the position of your sabers in the game to match a claw mode but by having the controller in the "right" position. Still takes about 7 seconds total at least (sometimes more) but does not make me have to mess up anything like when putting the headset to sleep or holding the right Oculus button to turn the controller off and possibly mess up my positional centre point (other than losing the beat saber level I was crunching fast). Does it? Basically the vibrations of the controller mess up some other sensors and the controller at best starts to also vibrate in VR and at worst just loses tracking entirely. With Beat Saber open I went into settings, accessories, psvr, adjust lights, and then recalibrated the left controller. Nov 3, 2021 · Hey Hamrath, we hate to see you're having tracking issues with your right touch controller. Hand tracking is off. When I load Beat Saber, my controllers are stuck in the ground. It's something to do with Quest controller or Beat Saber. I updated the firmware UPDATE - solved the mystery, but solving the problem 100% remains to be seen. I can't move the controllers out of the ground. Several controllers produced after March 2020 have an issue where they restart and lose tracking when haptics happen (which they happen frequently in beat saber). A workaround for this bug is currenty: 1. Short version - 2. VERY ANNOYING! Nov 26, 2018 · I then went through the room scale wizard again and launched beat saber. Pro controllers are so good when they work but man, I'm sick of the software issues ruining them seemingly once a quarter. I finally found a fix that let’s me play the game. Both headsets have the same issue AND it happens to my wife, too. This is something that has only started recently. It's more often the left one, but the right one loses tracking occasionally. I keep losing tracking on one or both of my controllers. On Quest 3 this is improved significantly that it is no longer an issue. Pls help My controllers definitely lose tracking sometimes in thrill of the fight, beat saber, and drunkn bar fight, but it is kinda fun in drunkn bar fight to purposefully make my controller lose tracking so that my hand just flies at people in game. While playing the game, the left Index controller would suddenly turn off in the middle of a game. Sometimes I My controllers will lose it’s tracking pretty often while playing beat saber, like the “saber” will just freeze in one place and not go where my hand goes for a few seconds. So they redesigned it. It feels like 75% of my misses were due to a tracking issue. I've had this Rift S for less than a week, and the batteries are fresh. I physically can't pass certain levels because the loss of tracking causes me to miss a lot of notes and I fail the level. Most of the time it’s the left one, but sometimes it’s also happened to the right one. I'm contemplating if upgrading to a Quest 3, with the controller tracking going from IR to hybrid, would improve this. Sometimes, they invert and end up facing backward. Oct 11, 2023 · Don't buy if you play games like Gorilla Tag, Beat Saber, Synth Riders, or any of the other games mentioned throughout this thread!!! Question: Are there ways to modify the Quest 3's controller tracking such that fast hand movements won't be affected by the prediction-like behavior where the in-game hand moves farther than you swing? Yea I have not great tracking in Beat Saber as well. If the battery is losing contact, it could possibly cause this problem. I've found that with my index, I can pretty easily get it to lose tracking as well, looking in my system logs, I will typically get a 'off scale' error associated with the IMU's in the controllers moving too fast for them to register a speed. Actually shutting off my Quest (instead of putting it in sleep mode) seems to have fixed that though. Feb 9, 2024 · While playing Beat Saber, sometimes the controllers will lose tracking and fly off into the distance, usually far enough that my guardian boundary grid appears. Just felt like jumping on the band wagon here. Posting to confirm I’m also seeing this since the update. Jun 15, 2020 · It's been a few weeks since I last played Beat Saber. The Issue: My controller would become stuck to my body for several seconds and than it will catch up. I'll be playing and they will lose tracking of my right controller (not limited to just my right) and the best way to describe its behavior is stuttering. The game will run fine but the controller seems to go in and out of tracking for just split seconds of a time. There is lots light, and no Wow i just watched the video thats exactly what happens to me. UPDATE: HERE IS THE LIST OF ALL THE ONE-SABER’ SONGS AVAILABLE in Get Help Sunday I actually heard this story from someone who worked on the original controllers: they were working great in the lab but they found tracking glitches when people were playing Beat Saber. When it was on, it would completely lose tracking every 8-10 blocks. Quick wiggles with your wrist and you will notice the sabers overshoot quiet a bit and bounce back after tracking compensates. Its extremely frustrating in beat saber. It was bearable with the hard and most of the expert levels but expert plus is completely unplayable. You can test it by crossing your controllers in beatsaber to force haptics with them on/off for comparison. I've also discovered a few bad spots around the headset that cause the controllers to lose tracking if you hold them there for longer than a second or two, particularly in Jul 2, 2021 · Depending on the USB's I use, I experienced grey screen 'tracking' issues pretty much constantly (was never able to get through even a single song in Beat Saber without it happening multiple times). Here are some troubleshooting steps we would love for you to consider: Is the play location well lit? Is it possibly too bright? Try a different play area/room. Jun 3, 2023 · Controllers work in other games but they disappear in beat saber on the end user license agreement screen so i can accept it or play the game. It's I'm having trouble with my controllers occasionally losing tracking in Beat Saber only. But maybe it still happens sometimes. Recently while playing maps my left controller not only loses tracking regularly, but seems to disappear from the screen too, and my headset looses tracking for a few seconds (sometimes the real camera mode turns on for a second too), until I fail the map, then everything comes back to normal once I have the fail screen. But no losing tracking when haptics go off. If switched back to wands I could play fine. I'm not talking about losing tracking but controller position accuracy and stability. Took a video where i just swung downward repeatedly and it happens 3 times in the first 20 seconds. Everytime i'm playing my right hand, is drifting, falling on the ground, flying away etc, i just can't play with my right controller. When I go back to Beat Saber the red saber stays in place! Sep 5, 2024 · So I started having this issue today where my randomly in the middle of gameplay my controllers would get stuck submerged in the floor but also be in my hands moving absurdly fast between the two positions and then after waiting a little bit it would go back to normal. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there a setting I'm missing? Jan 25, 2024 · So, I'm encountering an issue with my Meta Quest 3 while playing Beat Saber. It happens in Beat Saber to both controllers, my right controller more than my left. The tracking is consistently problematic – either one or both sabers randomly glitch, drift away, or just disconnect. The controllers CONSTANTLY lose tracking. Nov 5, 2022 · I think it made tracking better, but it still happens too frequently. I know the tracking is different, as the Quest doesn't have a camera like the PSVR, but it feels like I can't make it through Expert+ levels on the Quest like I could on the PSVR without experiencing tracking issues. I mean, I love Quest 3 but I noticed the tracking is not as good as Quest 2 and the rest of headsets with ring controllers. Are the batteries well charged? Increasing controller tracking frequency, improving WiFi if using AirLink, and using 1. It doesn’t lose tracking, it doesn’t drop down to 3dof mode, it straight up vanishes with no warning, status LED goes blank, and then Feb 16, 2019 · When it gets intense i notice that the tracking gets lost like it goes to the centre track what direction it is but not where it is and it always kills me. I can usually fix this by reconnecting the controllers in the Oculus software, but its not a permanent fix and only seems to keep the tracking for a few minutes before losing it For some troubleshooting, I’d recommend two things. 5V batteries in your controllers can also help. . Not sure but this might be the cause: The battery compresses the spring with fast movements and direction changes and causes a momentary power loss ( disconnect ) with the rift controllers. This time IT WORKED! Which is really weird. Increasing controller tracking frequency, improving WiFi if using AirLink, and using 1. Example 1: Our sabers in the game will start to float off into the distance, they feel as if they are 15-20 feet away and still move up and down but are Nov 3, 2018 · - Swapped colors so that I would have my left controller in my right hand when playing - Turned off phone - Switched Beat Saber to SSD - Lowered graphics settings as much as possible on Beat Saber - Switched grips - I just swung in the same way that caused me to lose tracking in Steam VR Homeit didn't seem like it was losing tracking. A few months ago I finally purchased my Reverb and got it all set up and working no problem, it was great. It doesn't matter which move controller is actually controlling the red saber, and this issue only started after the recalibration. The sabers float up and lag quite a bit and glitch causing you to miss blocks and combos. Just had to open it and push it back in a bit. Here’s what I’ve tried: Replaced batteries and re-paired controllers Adjusted lighting (more even and brighter) Pico 4 doesn't have Beat Saber natively, so I assume you're playing using Virtual Desktop or Pico's Streaming Assistant. I also have x6 wands and also they havent encountered this at all. It will usually come back in a minute or two, but sometimes only after I reboot the controller. It is fine for most of games but when I play pool in Black Hole Pool and I'm aiming a shot, my hand keep shaking and moving slightly. When this happens, the controller doesn’t just infinitely fly away, but rather it will stop somewhere within the VR space, and still rotate and move in accordance with my wrist, just Jan 26, 2021 · Controller loses haptics and if the section is particularly tense it just loses connection entirely. Turns out that the batteries were sliding during fast movements. Still I can't imagine having to set up tracking stations where I live This should never happen, if you see your saber go through a note it will always cut it. Switched to 90hz at first, and problem solved (try that first). I had to re-purchase it for Steam to fix several Try turning off haptics. It will happen in the middle of songs where the controller is going crazy (crab rave is common to lose my right hand). I think you will find that it's not an issue when playing Pico-native games or otherwise using your controllers directly on the device; the overshoot is a result of the extra latency and thus extra prediction required when streaming PCVR games. If you lose tracking based on where the controller is, and not how fast it's accelerating, it's an occlusion problem. Nov 1, 2023 · The bad is they severely interfere with this tracking of the IR sensors. Oct 19, 2023 · Truly sucks as I got this headset hoping it had the Quest Pro Wi-Fi tracking instead of the infra-red light tracking. During fast movements the controller will randomly either stop tracking, or continue tracking but the cutting saber will turn off (so I can see the handle moving on screen but no blade mid-song). (you can modify rotation & positon of the sabers) I own 5 index controllers 3 of them are second hand. I have contacted steam support, they gave me some things to do to try to fix the issue, but nothing worked yet. Especially in Beat Saber where you’re moving your controllers quickly. It didn’t matter which of my two controllers were in my left hand, it was always the left saber. In Beat Saber, I’ll occasionally loose tracking in a controller, causing the saber to be stuck in one position. To enter pairing mode on each controller, press and hold the Oculus+B (right) or Menu+Y buttons (left) for 3 seconds. The original ones are gonna be 4yo soon None ever had this issue. Even more odd, this directional tracking problem only happens to the red saber. Might be worth testing that, since you'll be moving the controller around a lot more in beat saber than Increasing controller tracking frequency, improving WiFi if using AirLink, and using 1. If i hit the home button of the controllers its brings up the home menu and the controllers appear again and work like normal but once i exit out of the home menu back into the game the controllers are I may have to get different controllers if that's true, because yeah even in stand alone beat saber on the Q3 doing Carmella songs there have been instances of quickly raising or lowering my arm to get an offset high / low note to have the glide path of saber to pass harmlessly through a block, especially if it's right over the shoulder (something the rift could always slash) Jul 19, 2019 · Hey, I've had my index controllers for a good two weeks now. One controller worked fine and the other would loose tracking around the same area in my play space. in Get Help yesterday; Right Meta S3 controller keeps disconnecting and reconnecting in Get Help yesterday; Meta quest 2 left controller not working at all. If the battery is nearing the end of its life, the drop in power could also affect it. It never happens in menu, nor in any other VR game I have. same issue. For me the sabers snap all over the place as my controllers easily go in and out of camera view. Bit simple notes that go up and down lose tracking of the controller even though the cameras are in perfect view. It's a poor beat saber player who blames the controllers for his performance, but I'm certain that there were times playing advanced songs that I missed notes because of a loss of tracking on the outer boundary. 4Ghz wifi interferes with the controller <> headset communication, causing tracking loss. Ive had to replace/reinforce the center rubbery thingy of the wands, and ive replaced the left thumbsticks 2+1 times. I dunno. Noticed this when i tried a beat saber on expert and the saber goes spinning of for a second or two before reappearing. I just bought a third sensor hoping it would help, and it has, but not to the degree that I'd hoped. NOTE: I'd hope this is just a case of a bad unit, I'd love to hear if someone else with a Pico could test it. Some games, beat saber in particular, had an issue where over a couple minutes of play, tracking would get progressively worse, typically with one controller completely losing sync. Jun 26, 2023 · So I have seen quite a lot of posts discussing this issue and most of the time people suggest using the legacy version of Beatsaber. I then tried the other lighthouse and opened beatsaber. I got a Quest 3 a couple of weeks ago as an upgrade from a Quest 2 and went straight into Beat Saber (Steam Version) via Virtual Desktop. RTX 2060, i7-8700 6x (12x HT) 3. Without the extensions the controllers track perfectly fine. Tracking loss is visible in game your controller won't line up with your hand and you should be able to visibly see your saber missing if your missing because of tracking loss May 31, 2019 · Beat Saber is pretty much ruined for me by the constant controller tracking glitches. Roughly a week ago I've experienced multiple tracking issues, only with the left controller. I'll list some of the issues below for easier reading. The issue manifests in a couple of ways: 1. Can't move the position of it. This was the biggest waste of $700 ever. I was impressed with the tracking quality and despite some minor frame drops, the track They address one of my biggest complaints with Beat Saber on Quest 2. Initially I noticed that during Beat Saber because the rumble would stop working, but it seems to be a hardware issue. I've been pushing 8-10 notes/sec and it's rare to make it through without losing a controller (and insta-failing the song). We are starting to have more frequent tracking issues with our controllers and it becomes very apparent with a game like Beat Saber. My room is really small and my controller will go out of my guardian boundaries frequently. It doesn't seem to come from SteamVR because I tried other games and it Jul 23, 2023 · My Quest Pro controllers lose some tracking with every 4-6 blocks, where I lose haptics. 2 GHz. occ wfqvk oysoecp yinal lpjndgs cpln cbsl zyw olpitqp bqjrsox