Back isolation exercises reddit Many people just starting or just getting back into lifting will not even deal with isolation exercises until they build a solid foundation of strength with a whole body program made up of exclusively heavy compounds. 99% of people are not strong enough to get more benefit from an isolation workout than from a compound exercise that hits the same area. Do lots of different compound exercises, throw in a couple isolation exercises for each muscle group, keep your form in line, and switch it up every I have hell with glutes. Always try to put technically difficult or compound exercises in the beginning of your training session, so that you start with the hard/difficult stuff and as you fatigue, you have easier exercises that increases likelihood of you completing them. Olympic weightlifting requires strong shoulders and I very,very much recommend these two presses. It's a simple question. Standing dumbbell curls have been my only bicep isolation exercise for over five years. But I honestly don't care for huge quads, I just want strong legs. In this way, more isolation-type exercises can be used to improve form on more compound-type exercises, which can then be used to build more naturally proportionate mass. I used to do that machine where you open your legs open (like ur mum) but recently stopped. I curl perhaps once or twice a month with 35-40kg both arms combined. Hence why stronglifts, SS, madcow etc is so effective. I tried doing them today and my right elbow flared up (cable tricep pushdowns). G. And, of course, exercises for one lower back problem isn’t the same as for another problem. Do band equivalents of the side pushup (band side chest press), and/or band flies (alter motion to replicate the various progressions). I've grown muscle without isolation exercises. Compounds can be accessory exercises. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! So my leg day consists of a few heavy compound exercises followed by isolation (lunges, curls, extensions), but don't have an exercise that focuses mostly on glutes. Just a simple reverse fly on a machine and cable. But if you flare your elbows out far (like closer to straight out to the sides like a guillotine press) you should monitor your body's response. Compound exercies recruits the most amount of muscle and really activates your nervous system. Imagine doing 12 sets of overhead press, when 6 was a great number for your front delt 1. my glutes dont stay active very long and my hams and hips are tight. Remember your volume, intensity and frequency is individual to you and just used at a tool to monitor progressive overload. I thought this kind of made it obvious that I'm a guy, otherwise why would I care what people look for in a MAN. Lat pulldown - I read about going lighter on Lat pulldown from Dorian Yates. Day 1: Chest with 1-2 triceps isolation (extensions) Day 2: bicep with 1-2 back isolation (lay pull-down) Day 3: legs with shoulder isolation (raises) Day 4: triceps with chest isolation (close grip bench) Day 5: back with bicep isolation (curls) Day 6: shoulders and abs Day 7: rest or restart with day 1 It's way harder to overload isolation exercises for delts, arms and calves because those muscles are much smaller. Move RDL to the second lower day and make it the first exercise. Isolation exercises are great, but they got nothing on the big 4 in terms of muscle activation. You'd probably see more growth from better recovery if you saved a few reps in the tank. , or because I stopped doing ab isolation exercises. Powerlifters use isolation exercises to get rid of weaknesses in lifts, for instance using the leg press if your quads are lacking and holding you back in the squat. You need to have the right surface and everything too though, kind of a pain. When I do exercises suck as lat pull downs, seated rows, dumbbell rows, and other back-focused workouts, I don’t feel my back… My favourite isolation for lats is straight arm lat pushdown, stand in front of the lat pull machine and move the bar down with your arms completely straight. I'm not really sure because I don't want to end up with a high volume exercise (first day I did bench press, inclined bench press and declined bench press and I almost had to call it a day I am getting back in the gym after injury/illness and was wondering; if you had to pick one tricep isolation exercise which one would you pick and why? I used to skip isolation exercises for arms but am going to add one from now on. You could not pay me to do them! I still have pretty good arms. Do you mean isolation exercises? I like giant sets, where I'll hit the main lifts and the supporting lifts back to back to back. g. Compound chest, compound back, compound shoulder, compound back into isolation tricep, isolation bicep, isolation shoulder. It allows me to really go all out on the main work and have nothing left. , is there a functionally similar exercise that would be easier on the wrist? Jan 31, 2023 · The lower back extension is a great exercise to strengthen the lower back muscles. And idk why you think I'm a troll, I still haven't gotten a decent answer to my question. When I first started, I didn't "feel" my back when doing back exercises. There’s thing that are better ideas cause of xyz but not really a 100% wrong way to do it. They do a good job of topping the bucket off, but they don't neatly fill it up. The reason people use light weights and focus on good form during isolation exercises is because single joint lifts have the most potential to harm joints, ligaments, and tendons when pushed to extreme intensity and frequency. Assuming you use your arms in back exercises, the bicep is engaged. Other exercises in my push day: - Bench press 4x4 - OHP 3x5 - Incline DB press 3x12 - DB side raises 3x10 Bro, if you're not compound lifting you might as well throw your gym membership in the trash. If you get stuck, they might help. 49 votes, 32 comments. I hate doing isolation exercises for my lower body days. There aren't isolation exercises because 5x5 is focused on compound movements. It's okay to get traps and rhomb activated when doing back exercises just really focus on activating your lats. Workout C BB back squat - 3 x 5 CGBB bench - 3 x 5 Chin up - 3 x 5 DB curl - 3 x 12 French press - 3 x 12 I would include small isolation exercises in overall volume count. This exercise will strengthen your lower back extensor muscles as well as the erector spinae muscles. Something thats always confused me is why compound exercises are looked at much better than isolation exersises Lets forget isolation and compound for a second and look at an exercise lets say for simplicity sake single arm bicep curls lets say my 12 rep max for example was 20 pounds, if you only do 8 reps leaving 4 in reserve you wouldnt see nearly as much hypertrophic gains as doing at least 10 Generally, beginners can get away without isolation exercises as the newbie gains from compound exercises will be sufficient. but through experience I think its just more practical to do higher reps, if you go lower seems hard to get a pump. with lower back I mean the erector muscles, running down the lower part of your spine. I recently completed Jeff Nippard’s “pure bodybuilding” program and am currently doing a bit of reflection before my next move, particularly around whether to repeat it (or another similarly high-volume program) or if there is a more efficient way to Hey everyone, Been doing the program for a few weeks now and sometimes feel like I’m not getting the most out of it. I actually usually do just bodyweight pull-ups for sets of 12+ for the exact reason that it gives me a better pump than doing 5-6 reps with a 45lb plate. I’ve found shrugs with the right implement (for me a trap bar seems to work best) to be relatively straight forward and valuable after the rest of my back work. Basically you lie prone, abduct your hips (with knees bent) and lift your legs off the floor. Rear delts are pretty important for big shoulders. I have been trying to hit this area with seated cable row, but with limited success. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! That's where "isolation" exercises come in. First, are you male or female, second, how far into strong lifts/weight training in general are you? If you don't have a solid foundation of strength, isolation exercises are a complete waste of time. For T3 go for ones which treat your weaknesses and are isolation exercises. I think you're describing candle raises. So my regular back day looks like 2 lat pull downs mostly one wide and one neutral grip I want that V taper so bad :P Some sort of bent over rows I wither do dumbbell rows, one arm standing cable row, or a low lat cable row low back extensions shurgs I occasionally do face pulls & middle back cable pulls I just throw in 2 isolation exercise for my bis for good measure. Maybe he's not using enough intensity (weight, reps, time under tension). The other exercise is better for your forearms but if you do any Rock Climbing this is great for mimicking dragging a rope/rack up and being forced into a lock off and clipping. Direct work will almost always work better in terms of muscle hypertrophy. You're probably already working the chest in its stretched position, but not really in a contracted position - only isolations really work the Isolating smaller muscles like rotators will help you with potential injuries. And bicep and forearm DOMS like crazy after reintroducing bicep curls, hammer curls and introducing preacher curls and multiple back exercises for the first time (at the time I was using biceps and forearms a lot on back exercises). Never felt that it held me back. It's really pretty simple. It often feels like my form severely suffers when I try to increase the weight on many isolation excercises. However, since running is fundamentally a single-leg exercise, doing single-leg variations of these lifts can be beneficial: if one leg is stronger than the other, with the two-leg exercise the strong leg will take on more of the load. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! I train them on my back day (Currently running a Chest+Delts, Back + rear delts, rest, Legs, Arm, split) 2-3 sets, depending on back day A or B. When I think front delt isolation, I think front raises. Feb 26, 2024 · Isolation back exercises are important for anyone aiming to achieve substantial muscle gain and a shredded physique. Go see someone. Basically isolation exercises is for when you have a muscle lacking in strengh or mass (depending or your goals) so for example: if your bicep is weak/small (quite common in our bodyweight world) then you might want to mix in ring curls or something else to isolate the bicep to be able to train it once you can’t do anymore chin-ups. Currently I do a lot of bench, incline, overhead press, rows, pullups, squats, deadlifts, and romanian deadlifts. I definitely still get the pump from pull-ups with no weight attached. Pretty much every big movement works the traps in some way if performed properly through a full ROM. Which he says are the 3 core exercises for anyone to do, to strength their core/lower back. Since I do PPL twice a week I’m effectively doing 18 sets of forearm dedicated isolation work per week. IMO a better exercise is renegade push-ups which can be done with hexegon dumbbells and is more of a full body exercise (not legs, but it hits your core pretty good) "Functional" is kind of a loaded term. I’ll do all of these exercises for 3 sets of 5-7 reps, maybes a higher rep range for wrist curls since I don’t want to stress my wrists too much. On most lifts it's fine but hammer and bicep curls do hurt, especially if the load is heavier. again didnt try heavy weight on isolations I also do weighted Isolation exercises. Oh I forgot to mention all my other exercises don't cause any issues - the issues were always anything requiring a pronated grip (fixed), bicep curls (fixed) and anything triceps (not fixed). Bent over rows, etc. 1-2x per week. These allow you to do more work for smaller muscles once the bigger muscles involved in compound movements can't handle anymore. Beside that, many people underestimate the stabilizing function of smaller muscles during compound exercise. e. Isolation stuff is your accessory work and totally optional. Any exercise where balancing the weights is a factor is gonna detract from muscle gains. If you want to grow muscles optimally you should do isolation exercises. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! 39 votes, 37 comments. I do 3 sets 10 reps and slowly progress up to 5 sets 5 reps with increased weight. I also like some training cycles where I hit the assistance first and go with the main work at the end. Examples of Think of your exercise choice as a bucket you want to fill. It's not a good idea to do isolation exercises on your days off the way you've described. To preface, I am an experienced lifter and have gone through an array of both strength and hypertrophy specific programs over the years. I am relatively big and I do no isolation exercises. They would look unbalanced if the front was huge and the back was non existant. cant be certain though because "heavy" is relative here. I will say that it is fairly non-controversial option that isolation training will increase how fast the targeted muscles hypertrophy. I don't have any injury or other reason preventing me from doing explicit exercises for the biceps. My biceps never limit me on rows or other pulling exercises. 9 Thigh Isolation Exercises Thigh isolation exercises target the muscles of the thighs. The mistake that I made was doing isolation exercises on every muscle group in 1 workout every workout for a time, so don't be me and pick a few isolation exercises like a superset of biceps/triceps or lats/face pulls That's what I mean. See full list on thefitnessphantom. Bodybuilders use isolation exercises to work on asymetries and work specific muscles the way a compound exercise can't. One exercise that helps one person for their individual back may hurt someone else with the same injury that has other things wrong. This is also a natty bodybuilding reddit, where probably 99% of the reddit users here aren't deadlifting 800 pounds or even doing farmers walks or carries or anything like that. There’s really no absolute wrong way to set that up. Isolation exercises can be done in any intensity as long as you fail around 30 reps (personally, I cap out at 15 reps for my isolations). Strength is strength. I would also request the people claiming it to show some kind of study or reasoning behind it. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! All are welcome here but this sub is intended for intermediate to advanced lifters, we ask that beginners utilize the weekly and daily discussion threads for your needs. Another option is an exercise called prone half straddle planche hold. Those are not worth the time and effort in my opinion. Back squats and front squats, leg extensions, hack squats, and lunges. Incline reverse flyes, face pulls, band pull a parts, and cable upright rows for the win. In about 18 years of training, I've directly trained my obliques for a total of 4 weeks. Your results are going to be proportional to the amount of work you put in. Set it up how’d your like… movement dependent upper/lower, push/pulls, non competing exercises (Ex: 2 heavy grip reliant exercises back to back). We are a community composed of coaches and athletes in high school, college, and post-collegiate. Medium around 10-20 and Light between 20-30. I do some isolation exercises for my arms and upper back/shoulders for aesthetic reasons (I do want big juicy biceps, lol, to each their own) and for functional reasons. Chest isolation exercises on a pec deck or just with cables gives you the benefit of having an exercise that works the chest in both its stretched position as well as its fully contracted position. Though lunges seem to be just as much of a booty exercise for me as a quad exercise. I only do compound exercises (bench, pull-up, row) because I absolutely loathe doing bicep and tricep isolation exercises. For instance (all with warm ups beforehand obviously) Incline chest press Weighted pull up Shoulder press (barbell/machine/dbell) Back rowing movement Isolation - Tricep pushdown Bicep curl Side raises A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. For added burn I don't even grip the bar, just use flat hands. Nothing but consistent gains. My torso is considered really long and I've found the best workout for it is what I call Erin and Ozzy steps. I generally keep a relaxed 45 degree angle. I don't think most people need front delt isolation movements. google them to have an image. You will often hear people say that body part X grew massively after adding "isolation" exercises. Pre-fatigue, as I've been seeing, is done always on the main muscles trained in each exercise. How many isolation exercises would it take you to replicate the stimulus of JUST bent rows? It baffles the mind. I don't quite understand this backlash against curls, you can fit in a few drop sets of curls at the end of your workouts for high reps and your elbows will be healthier and you arms bigger, and it can improve your pressing stability, all at the cost of a few extra minutes at the gym, you could even do them between Ive thought about this as well, perhaps isolation or single joint movements are better performed with lower weights. What everyone else has said: Yes, it's better to do them, (unless you're totally untrained in which case it doesn't matter). Isolation exercises seem great for bringing up a lagging body part, or for bodybuilders who literally can do every isolation exercise in the book, but for general strength or a more efficient workout, probably focus on compound lifts. Actually a pretty decent rear delt/tricep exercise and a good prerequisite to dragon presses, which are pretty much the hardest floor back exercises that normal humans can do. Isolation exercises are great for putting on size in specific areas. they are doing the opposite of your abs, the abs crunch your spine forwards, the lower back muscles errect you spine. At the moment I have relatively good lat, lower back and rear delt development, but terrible mid back (lower trap and rhomboid) size. By the end of these exercises, it just feels like I’ve used all the wrong muscles to lift the weight and the target muscles are unused. Cable Chest Fly), pre-fatigue your chest, and then your chest will fail before your triceps on the Bodyweight routines will give you way better overall progress than just a bunch of isolation exercises. if you continue to do Romanian Deadlifts for your Hamstrings, your lower back should still Yes those are fairly difficult. In my PPL split, incorporate isolation exercises at the end of the workout (side raises for the delts, 21s and hammer curls for biceps) and I’ve found it very You should be doing more than 1 exercise for bid and tris But I’ll play the game For biceps I’m going for cable curls they’re my day 1 go to, makes me feel chaddy pulling heavy weight For triceps I’m going for skullovers, a hybrid of a pullover and a skullcrusher, great stretch and contraction def my fave triceps exercise rn I do one set to absolute gut busting failure, next exercise, 7-10 exercises and leave, 45-60 minute sessions max. They said that doing islation exercises on one muscle group… A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating to general fitness; with an emphasis on barbell & dumbbell lifting, as well as calisthenics (bodyweight movements). OHP: Raises, Face Pull, Shrugs. Oh hell it works. These exercises can help tone, strengthen, and shape the thighs, as well as improve stability and mobility. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! Train a good all round bicep/tricep isolation first in one or both workouts with maximum intensity Add an arm day Train the lagging muscle group in the morning of its respective day, and the maintenance muscles later in the day Train back & triceps/ chest, shoulder & biceps, rather than back & bis, chest,shoulders, tris Most important isolation exercises to add to a compound routine I'm starting to like my size and plan to add a few isolations. Interesting, in relation to your point, I’ve gotten more out of isolation work which is either hard to bollocks up or doesn’t really require precise focus for my purposes. Your call on the elbows, the only thing correct is what works for you. Here are some mobility and core exercises for the low back. Not the quickest way to grow but easily the most efficient, and low chance of injury as your joints and tendons get plenty of rest too. This gives you 3 days off per week. Reply reply 9 Thigh Isolation Exercises Thigh isolation exercises target the muscles of the thighs. This is a great exercise to help keep your back strong. After many many reps, I now do feel it working in my back. Deadlifts should not work biceps, and pullups don't work biceps much either. My gf gets on my back piggy back style and I hold her dog Ozzy while climbing the stairs in her building. . The only exercise that doesn't cause issues is close grip bench press. If you just do isolation exercises, sure it's better than nothing, so not technically a waste of time, but it's still going to be pretty much garbage. And if he's not feeling the burn, it could be the exercise is too easy. Or, add some squats, mang. He said that I should cut one of my bicep exercises since the pull up is already damaging it so in reality I’m doing 18 sets for my bis instead what I think is 12. All ppls are similar, pick one or make your own, I modified mine but keep it to 3 main lifts and 3 accessories or in that range IMO. few days old but hope i can help a little. a big treatment for me is: a simple hamstring stretch in a doorway with a I agree. Along with that lat pull downs for lat strength, low rows as a horizontal rowing accessory, and hyperextensions for back health. Pulls - snatch and clean grip, varying intensities from heavy to lighter high pulls. If you worry a bit about biceps not growing enough from rows and pullups, or triceps from bech and OHP, just do 3-5 sets of 10 (with about 1 rep left in the tank) at the end of your workout. Bilateral exercise so it is efficient on time, but each arm moves a separate weight, resistance curve aligns with the triceps and peak tension at the contracted position, resistance profile is kind to joint and tendons, full contraction of all heads to develop a balanced tricep both aesthetically and for joint and tendon health, one of the few triceps I’m training back and biceps the same day and I was told to do compound exercises only. And if you increase the weights too quickly your form will suffer and you won't feel the contraction. Staying with the lateral deltoids, a lot of guys tend to actually keep their arms slightly pulled back, what I mean is that they neglect to have their arms brought slightly forward, creating a 10-15 degree angle between your old arm position/new arm position, the lateral deltoids are not directly beside you, do not do your flys directly beside Hip thrusts, RDLs, Bulgarian split squats, HIGH box step ups with control, glute bridges, reverse lunges and other lunge variations, kickbacks, reverse hypers, 45-degree back extension with a small ROM and a rounded upper back with feet turned out about 45 degrees, frog pumps, side lying hip abductions are a good collection of flute exercises. I hope this helps. For programming the glute med exercise. Good luck! I recommend his book; Back Mechanic, which gives a procedure for healing back pain, and strengthening the back. If you want them to grow well, you do need some 'isolation', or at least targeted use. Reverse Hyperextension. Helps a lot to get yourself used to firing your lats. Squat: Leg Curl, Leg Extension, Lunges, Split Squat. I hate isolated triceps exercises and shoulder exercises, Is it ok to do only compound movements? I have been weight lifting for 6 month Is it ok to do a program like that; Leg- Lunge(or Front Squat) Shoulder - Overhead Press Chest - Bench Press Back - Rows, Lat Pulldowns(or Pullups) Biceps - Curl(only isolation exercise that I like to do) Especially beginners tend to spend so much time with isolation exercises (especially with biceps) that they neglect other parts of their body and start to develop imbalances. I found myself after a while way too focused one the weight increasing and not on the feel of the exercise. You bet. A place for for those who believe that proper diet and intense training are all you need to build an amazing physique. Doing a row hits pretty much every muscle in the back, and even hits the rear delts and biceps some. Started off as a joke to be goofy and its turned into a weekly occurrence. You don't need to row to God damn failure every single back day to see growth. Personally, I really like the standard DC split which places the most taxing exercises right at the end (which are generally compound). Deadlifts, barbell squats, weighted carries, rows, pull-ups, and the like all rely on the traps isometrically to keep the shoulder girdle intact and help keep the spine in position. 1-3x per Medium intensity hamstring exercise (3-5 sets) Straight legged calf exercise (4-8 sets) Abs (3-5 sets) Ideally, heavy exercises should be between 5-10 reps. Good luck! As mentioned, heavy compounds should be working your biceps and triceps. Compound exercises are great for overall strength development which can lead to hypertrophy. Other than finally starting to do some stretching, massaging with the rolls, etc. All the gains come from compound movements. i personally start with a weight i can handle for 20-25 reps, then add weight every session until my top set is getting to 5-8 reps or so depending on exercise. Day 1 and 4: Lower + Back/ Biceps Day 2 and 5 : Chest , shoulders, triceps. I would do a tri-set: Can I get a six-pack doing only pushups, pullups, squats, bench presses, and HIIT sprints? Or are ab-isolation exercises worth it? I'm wondering because I'm not sure if I don't have abs because I gained 10 lbs. I also use a grip trainer a few times a week whenever I’m sat at my desk at work. I’m prone to elbow and wrist injuries from hyper mobility, so having strong biceps, shoulders, and upper back muscles helps to stabilize those joints. So one workout you could do barbell squats and deadlifts (compound), and then do biceps curls/triceps kickbacks (isolation). as the title reads, i’m looking for exercises to strengthen my hip flexors, because i notice that they click when i do movements like mountain climbers, so i suspect that they may be quite weak. That said, if you stall, accessories/isolation can help you get stronger. Then again I did not have specific goals for physique. The people that do them with one arm or do floor victorians are beyond human. Deadlift: GHR, Back Extension. Best way to target them is using specific isolation exercises. 1-3x per week depending on block. I worry that through only doing… Yes, every exercise can be progressively overloaded, but isolation exercises require more twisted and elaborate progression schemes because adding the smallest possible weight increment or adding a rep at a given weight requires disproportionately higher strength increases than is the case for a compound movement. 8K votes, 175 comments. I have some wrist problems, i. going heavy might compromise the joint or the technique. going through a similar injury, hip/back problem. So, my question is what it YOUR fav glute-focused exercise or hack that requires no padding and minimal set up and is great bang for your buck! When doing back exercises visualize yourself pulling the weight from your elbow. Isolation movements are great for mitigating muscle imbalances, any asymmetry, or simply to try to add more definition to one specific, ISOLATED, body part (IE using supinated preacher curls to help peak the bicep or using overhead tricep extensions to really hammer the long head). hi guys, long time lurker but first time posting. Feb 25, 2024 · Transversospinalis: Including muscles like the semispinalis, multifidus, and rotatores, this group supports back bending and twisting. also looking for movements to strengthen my back, as i’ve noticed that it’s also pretty weak. Take the bicep curl for example, normally considered an isolation exercise, but, if you toss that dumbbell like a pizza at the top of your lift you'll get some sweet forearm and shoulder activation. ” It’s good. Arms. However, my back still got stronger when I couldn't feel it, so I don't think lack of mind muscle connection is really hurting you all that much. With a lat pulldown, and most back exercises, it's easy to slip up and start using momentum to propel the weight, when what you really want is slow and controlled reps. Bench: DB Fly/Pullover, Skullcrusher/Tricep Extension. Then sit with your back to the bench and put your legs under the barbell, roll it towards yourself until it's roughly at hip level, put your upper back on the bench, set your feet so your knees are roughly bent at 90 degrees, and thrust. Smaller muscles also need attention. Injuries are likely in this case, and it's also not optimal for strength gains due to the smaller muscles being worked rather than the larger muscle groups. In calisthenics, the main way you're going to get a sufficiently intense stimulus for the lateral delts is from the overhead position, where they become one of the primary movers for locking out overhead, especially when bringing the arms from You only need 2 exercise for chest and 2 for back per session. com Learn 10 compound and 4 isolation exercises to create a strong back. If you're serious about gaining mass, the big 4 are THE mass building exercises. New sprinters please read the Resource list and FAQ! If you enjoy running really fast, this is the place for you. , a TFCC injury, a while back. Moreover, those exercises can be done with or without equipment, such as your self weight, dumbbells, resistance bands, or machines. The correlation eventually became too significant to ignore, so I stopped trying. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! My goals are entirely performance based. "True isolation exercises for back hardly engage the biceps at all, so they won’t be tired by the time you get around to your curls". Back Isolation Exercises FAQs How often should you train back? Training your back 2-3 times per week is typically best for muscle growth and recovery. For example push day is bench, ohp, incline dB, and accessories are lateral raise, tricep pd, dips more or less. You only need one ham exercise and 2 quad exercises. If you want big arms then you gotta isolate them, I bet my ass on it that you won't find anyone who got over 17" arms without isolation exercises. Strict and push presses. Isolation exercises exist because the amount of work to stimulate a few certain muscles sufficiently would mean doing so much work that it would be unnecessary for many other muscles. Unless you want to do bodybuilding, which is another discussion altogether. His full (and weighted) ATG split squat is a great quad exercise but not really the starting point, more of a goal to work towards. If you have to do something without seeing a person, get the book “Back Mechanic. But if you do ab isolation exercises, your abs will be working, I promise 100%. Equipment Required: And isolation exercises as well for joint health and bringing up weaker body parts e. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for good exercises to hit these mid back areas? Thanks for any help. Isolation is then the gravel you can add to made the bucket completely full. After I discovered Tricep Rope Pushdowns in July, I had crazy tricep DOMS. Do what makes you happiest! If you cut out isolation and don’t like the results, you can always add My gym doesn’t have a leg extension (yes I know) best alternatives? Currently doing normal ass back squats, trying to think of 1-2 more quad exercises, preferably one single leg, I’m thinking single leg leg presses and sissy squats? I'm not looking for a list of glute exercises, just trying to keep things simple and straight forward and add 1-2 more super effective movements for hypertrophy/strength building. Yeah, that's not true. I mostly do back squats, front squats, and lunges. Hey weekend-gymnasts I (19/M) do most of my upper body training on rings with some kettlebell OHP/handstand here and there. Unlike compound movements, these exercises allow athletes and bodybuilders to specifically target individual back muscles, leading to better muscle definition and overall back strength. How many of y'all do isolation…. And google the: 'Mcgill big 3'. Obviously there are some carry over in some. exercises like deadlifts, back extensions etc train your lower back. As you progress, you may find it’s not enough however. If you don’t feel it or you feel it more in lower back it’s either hip flexor or hip adductors tightness. Then Upper Back (mid traps and rhomboids), any chest supported row will be ideal where you are focusing on retracting the scapula and your arms are making a 45 degree angle, ideally a pronated grip to bias more of the upper back over rear delts Then there is a 4th rear delt isolation but you could also do this on a shoulder session. Those I’d say are non negotiable are: Squats - front and back. the exercises everyone else has mentioned are great glute bridges mainly (i like them on an exercise ball). The big compound movements are big stones that you put in the bucket. So let me amend my answer: If you're making progress on the movements you are concerned with, then no, isolation is not necessary. Just bodyweight exercises at enough volume to make it happen - pike presses, all kinds of ring exercises, etc. Leg curl - This is an exercise that pissed me off. Examples of An often neglected function of the chest muscle is adduction, midline/isolation exercises target that movement pattern, Alternative Progressions: you can use bands alone for chest isolation work. usually 30 total reps, but as the cycle progresses i might lower depending on how fatigued i am and also so when i reset back to 20-25 reps, it's an increase in total tension going from Every time I've started training my obliques, the next week I'd end up straining something in my back/glutes on an unrelated exercise. Reverse hyperextensions (the first exercise in the video) are quite good, very recently there was this thread discussing harder variations like possibly a reverse dragon flag, or putting only the chest edit: lol not the wide reverse planche, correct video on the bench for less support. Volume is the main driver of hypertrophy. I'm 19, male, 5'9, and 160 lbs. He has a bunch of exercises for the whole leg that are regressible and progressible, depending on the strength of the knee and the muscles. That is part of its function. Find out when you should perform each type of exercise in your workout. Remember the isolation exercises are NOT about weight and totally about destroying the muscle. Because they hit multiple muscles at the same time, compound moves are way more efficient. I would make it a goal to ultimately (and comfortably) build strength in the foundational movement patterns (squat, lunge, hinge, pull, press, carry). Next time you do, take off something like 20% of the weight and go slow (3 seconds up/down) and really stretch and squeeze. I use double progression, so if my program says: "hammer curl 3x15-20" I keep the same weight until I can do at least 20 reps I really doubt that compound exercises could target a specific muscle better than isolation exercises. If he's doing ab isolation, he shouldn't be using any compensation. A better option would be a 4 day split with 2 days on, one day off , 2 days on , 2 days off. The 5 main compound exercises: -squats, deadlifts, bench press, over head press, barbell row If you have the time, I would also recommend some of the common yet effective body weight exercises like pull-ups/chin ups, planks, push-ups (military/standard) and burpees. Other muscle groups are involved too. But overhead press doesn't isolate the front delts. Honestly, if they wanted to, I think most people could get to damn near their genetic potential with dumbbell curls alone - although I’m not arguing it’d necessarily be optimal or anything. There’s few exercises that are all around staples, a lot of other accessories will depend on the individual. There are numerous studies showing for example that you get more muscle activation from concentration curls and preacher curls than from pullups. For maximum back hypertrophy, all you’ll ever need is chin-ups (optimal Lat stretch and range-of-motion), pull-ups (also incredible Lat stretch and more upper back focus), and some form of horizontal rows that you can get a good muscle stretch with. Just give me one good ISOLATION exercise for the glutes, but apparently you're incapable of answering a SIMPLE question I'm still pretty new but have experimented with both ends of the spectrum: always doing the most taxing compound exercises first and working down to the least taxing isolation exercises VS the opposite. Hella pull ups. I always thought that isolation exercises are kind of useless, since in all my compound exercises they are not the limiting factor, and I have other areas wich would benefit more (like rotator cuffs, lower back) from some isolation. I know quite a few guys are looking for certain ratio of delt size to bicep and so on - that's not me. Is this enough volume for muscle growth or am I missing out by not including isolation work? It is arguably the best triceps exercise. Studies have shown that exercise can help to reduce non-specific chronic low back pain. Hold onto the bar at 90* for 15 Secs and every time you can do 3 sets without issue add 3# for your next workout. I don't go back until DOMS is completely gone, and I make progress every single session. Life is short. so if you fell your triceps is taking over on a benchpress and you want to develop your chest, you should do a set of chest 'isolate' exercise (e. I used to do a bunch but these days I just do Barbell Squats, Deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts. I just find it so boring that I can't bring myself to doing it often. true. I squat and do the 45° leg press which hits the glutes, but not isolates them. Get a bench and a barbell, load up the barbell and put a neck pad on it. Absolutely recommend SS for at least a year. Bear crawls have the right idea from a calisthenics perspective. Presses - strict and push. You can keep arm volume, but move one of the exercises for each arm part to leg day. That's not some magical property of the exercise being an "isolation News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. Compound movements build the most size and strength. Discuss NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! I was thinking of doing 1 compound exercise and 2-3 isolation exercises for chest, back, legs and shoulders and 2 isolation exercises for triceps and biceps. So if you aren't already enormous, some well chosen accessories will mean that those muscles will be bigger in a year or two than they would have been without the isolation. If you can do a back exercise without flexing the arm, that'd be impressive. rle phj xpaqa hto tcqk iqg tgxwceb nnctikm fixwun nderbhs